Completed [Competition] Art of The Week

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Make no mistake, this is a one-way trip.
Apr 26, 2016
i'm not the one going >implying on a roleplay forum so obviously it's not "my" cancer filled house
im not the one who goes around on the forums then goes into this thread and proceeds to do a reply on a satire post about winning just to fill the void in life

ruben slikk

life aint shut but a fat vagin
Apr 26, 2016
it seems you're blind???
what? good job editing your post in a quote just to prove a point



Sells cheap beer
Apr 26, 2016

@Redhunter, nice to see another Skyrim pose. However, it's mostly just a standard, emotionless, pose without any real pose in it. Another thing is that the bard himself is a bit too far to the edge of screen, you should move him a bit to the right, as well as zoom in some. I'd also add more people in the background, the bar seems a bit too empty. I'd also add some emotion to the bard's face, and maybe something that could tell a tale, but other than that, it's pretty good.

@RetroPirate1, you're making me jealous fam

@Anleas, @SkinVest, going to give you a break for this round, since you were in the Hall previous week, but both of these are easily wallpaper worthy

@4lpha, now, the big one. So, the rebel at the beginning seems to be in a wrong place, it'd be far better if he'd be in the apartament itself. Speaking of him, it's actually clever that you did put him there, the whole loop of karma suggestion, and etc, I like it. Next up we have the scene where one cop goes into that said apartament. What's bugging me here though, is that smoke of the gun was kinda unneeded, it seemed as if it wouldn't follow the gun itself (which it did, but it was really hard to notice). What also threw me off a bit, was the Ave Maria, which is so overused, so often heard in those smaller movies, that it just ruins the scene completly for me. Last scene is actually well made, but there could be so much added. First off, the immediate cut of Ave Maria into JW sounds is highly anti-immerssive, I'd really keep that song playing pretty much till the end. Second thing is the fact, that there is noone around there, except for the killer, dead cop and a scanner. Really, slums being completly empty, and no cops rushing in to get the guy? What also should be there, is a good epilogue that'd just combine first scene, with the last, to actually make that karma loop look properly, so pretty much just shot killer of that cop being at gunpoint, and end it there.
Another thing worthy pointing out, is that you used pretty much only sequences from HL2 to animate, which is really easy and doesn't add anything new to the table. You should work on editing those sequences, so they look as if they'd be completly new animations.
On the good side however, it's actually refreshind to see someone here submitting a short animation. What is also good, is the fact that the concept itself is decent, and it can be worked with, plus it's good to watch.
So yeah fam, keep on doing what you do, I want to see more of your aniamtions,


must agree tho

@MutumbaZomba, I see the concept, though it's just badly framed honestly. It should be zoomed it way more, and the camera should be looking from about half a meter from head of the alive guy, while being rotated at the dead guy, for it to look bit more interesting. Next thing is how high the guys elbow is, I mean, just try to act as if you'd be fixing your tie, and you'll see what I mean. Last thing would be how badly posed the dead male is, with his right leg being turned around. It's meh, but it has an atmosphere, which some of event the best poses lack. Good job on that mang

nice thumbnail for your model transfer

Two big wins


and @spectry


now go to sleep
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