headcanon thread - share ur headcanon


Apr 26, 2016
I'd imagine Breen would say something along these lines when questioned about where he relieves himself in the Citadel:

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Apr 26, 2016
There's some minor-ish non-Combine transhumanization that's already been going around, but I like to think there's more going on.

Some people are in possession of Combine soldiers in stasis mode and trying to mentally condition said transhumans to serve their own interests through jury-rigged MMR machinery - to varying levels of success. Similarly, I think people would try to the same with any Synths they find, or better yet, they use the technology left by Combine to manufacture more synths.

I just like the idea that humans would try to use things like Overwatch soldiers and Synths to their own advantage. Who knows, maybe some vorts with little conscience may try their own rituals. I blame EZ1's vortipossessed Hunter for spurring me with these sorta ideas.


barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
the citadels are alive
the core is their beating heart

i dont think its a coincidence they look remarkably similar to the monoliths from space odyssey and have cables that look like veins
and monoliths build around space odyssey tend to be psionic in some way, which the slugs all are
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Secret dingus man
Sep 12, 2016
the citadels are alive
the core is their beating heart

i dont think its a coincidence they look remarkably similar to the monoliths from space odyssey and have cables that look like veins
and monoliths build around space odyssey tend to be psionic in some way, which the slugs all are
Cables with veins is the thing that sells me on this.


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
Mega-CP is/was real, and there was an officer who was the Mega-CP, but they're presented as both a superhero like Superman and one of those humble 'good example of (occupation)' like postman pat or fireman sam. Mega-CP was used as a propaganda tool (directed at both the citizens and fellow Civil Protection) by the UU in order to act as the posterchild for Civil Protection, portraying them as a role model for Civil Protection who helps out the community and enforces the 'good' of the UU. For public events and speeches, Mega-CP would often attend in the same way Ronald McDonald does, wherein there are many different actors (all officers) who play the role of Mega-CP but that anonymity makes it incredibly easy to just give an officer a badge or sash and have them play that role without scrutiny.

Mega-CP had action figures (both of Mega-CP and the 'villains', including enemies of Breen like Dr. Kleiner and Eli Vance who in the series were portrayed as evil mad scientists) a few comic book lines for the Loyalist cities and the private distribution network for Civil Protection, and was used for a lot of branding on anything Civil Protection related, similar to how Uncle Sam is for the US.

In the post-occupation era, Mega-CP went out of production and the majority of products either with Mega-CP branding or Mega-CP affiliation/propaganda became collectors items both amongst Civil Protection and Rebels alike, one side coveting them as their 'Freeman' and the other finding it funny to mock.
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Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
One thing I'm curious is about is what caused Black Mesa Staff, especially those running teleportation experiments, to go from America's most wanted fugitives, to resistance leaders over the course of 20 years.

After the black mesa incident, were there scientists that made it out, only to be hunted down and killed by random survivors wanting to take revenge for the world getting wrecked by aliens. While Eli is not an official leader for Lambda, I'm surprised they let him get remotely close to being a decision maker for the movement, alongside several other black mesa aligned individuals or members.

Tbh I'm even amazed that Breen was allowed to negotiate the surrender, figured he'd have been too busy rotting in a jail cell for letting things go so badly.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
One thing I'm curious is about is what caused Black Mesa Staff, especially those running teleportation experiments, to go from America's most wanted fugitives, to resistance leaders over the course of 20 years.
Death/absorption of the military that was pursuing them into the transhuman arm & the whole "the government is kidnapping / turning our loved ones into horrific abominations, denying us rights and removing our humanity slowly" triumphing over a past fuck up.

I'm sure some were killed by others though, there's reasons we haven't seen Rosenberg or others show up.
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Apr 30, 2016
One thing I'm curious is about is what caused Black Mesa Staff, especially those running teleportation experiments, to go from America's most wanted fugitives, to resistance leaders over the course of 20 years.

After the black mesa incident, were there scientists that made it out, only to be hunted down and killed by random survivors wanting to take revenge for the world getting wrecked by aliens. While Eli is not an official leader for Lambda, I'm surprised they let him get remotely close to being a decision maker for the movement, alongside several other black mesa aligned individuals or members.

Tbh I'm even amazed that Breen was allowed to negotiate the surrender, figured he'd have been too busy rotting in a jail cell for letting things go so badly.
First thing to note, I don't think it's public knowledge that black mesa caused the combine situation. Before the occupation, Black Mesa was a pretty large household name for America as a Contractor for R&D (Same with Aperture Science) in a similar vain that Raytheon or Lockheed Martin are to us in real life. Some bright people may connect the dots, but to the millions who weren't directly involved with either the Coverup or the escape are probably having bigger issues to deal with than to care what happened to a few thousand scientists.

And in those 20 Years, resentment to the Combine Regime overshadows the criminal status of most of these scientists. And people turn to them, since they seem to be the only group who's actually able to come up with plans and ideas to resist the combine.
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Still a sleep deprived gay, just older
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
The child labour camps differ from age.

During the start of the occupation of the Union and you were under the age of 10, you would be sent to a type of boarding school that specialised in brainwashing the future generations that the CMD and Unionisation of the Earth is a good thing. Producing the generation to become the future of the Union, Civil Protection- The Board etc.

But if you were slightly older and less likely to break to the methods of the school system, you were simply worked till your near death or forced into minor memory replacements to twist your views- showing how the Union is helping us as a species grow.
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Secret dingus man
Sep 12, 2016
The child labour camps differ from age.

During the start of the occupation of the Union and you were under the age of 10, you would be sent to a type of boarding school that specialised in brainwashing the future generations that the CMD and Unionisation of the Earth is a good thing. Producing the generation to become the future of the Union, Civil Protection- The Board etc.

But if you were slightly older and less likely to break to the methods of the school system, you were simply worked till your near death or forced into minor memory replacements to twist your views- showing how the Union is helping us as a species grow.
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Sep 30, 2017
60 years into the future my grandson (now 16) inherits my Garrymod roleplay account. a total of 109,000 hours spanning three generations. he Joins half life two roleplay.

in the evening he approaches me in my rocking chair, in which i am smoking a tobacco pipe. he asks me what is "the union"

its too late. halflife lore deathsquads have been dispatched to
My home. They bust down my door and shoot my two dogs and take my grandson away from me. my son is charged by Child Protective Services and he and his wife lose custody over the kid.

i get a letter in the mail with no address and open it


That evening i turn on my gas oven and stick my head inside it