- Joined
- Apr 26, 2016
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Upon joining the game I am introduced with many errors in my console and a few noticeable texture issues in-game. Can someone help?
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "svl_explosion"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "blood_impact_blue_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tfa_muzzle_rifle"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tfa_muzzle_sniper"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tfa_muzzle_m82"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tfa_muzzle_energy"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tfa_muzzle_gauss"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "smoke_trail_tfa"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "smoke_trail_wild"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "smoke_trail_controlled"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "weapon_combine_ion_cannon_explosion"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "weapon_combine_ion_cannon"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "generic_smoke"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "tv_break"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "weapon_hgun_muzzleflash_3rd"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "weapon_muzzle_flash_assaultrifle"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "weapon_muzzle_smoke_long"!
Requesting 4 lua files from the server
ConVarRef sv_tfa_damage_mult_max doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef sv_tfa_damage_mult_min doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef sv_tfa_range_modifier doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef atmos_snowenabled doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef atmos_weather_delay doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef atmos_weather_length doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef atmos_weather_chance doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef atmos_weather doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef atmos_dnc_length doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Oops! Addon (282243311) failed to download because of (0)!
Map file wasn't found, copying it from addon..
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: stone/stonefloor006a
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: maps/rp_lp_industrial17_v1a/concrete/blendconcreterock001a_wvt_patch
material models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/glassesside_walter has a normal map and an envmapmask. Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask.
material models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/glassesfront_walter has a normal map and an envmapmask. Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask.
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_b"!
Error! Flag "$nocull" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_b"!
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_b"!
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_b_glove"!
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_w"!
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_w_glove"!
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_h"!
Error! Flag "$nocull" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_h"!
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_h"!
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/hands_h_glove"!
*** Tried to load a non-VTF file as a VTF file!
Error reading texture header "materials/models/props_c17/door01a_powerlock.vtf"
Error: Material "materials/particle/smoke_black_smokestack000_rendermode_0" uses unknown shader "Subrect"
MDLCache: DeadBodies\Dead_Male_Civilian_radio.mdl needs to be recompiled
MDLCache: Dorado/Tarjeta2.mdl needs to be recompiled
MDLCache: Dorado/Tarjeta3.mdl needs to be recompiled
material models/drtowers/bmscientistcits/glassesside_walter has a normal map and an envmapmask. Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask.
material models/drtowers/bmscientistcits/glassesfront_walter has a normal map and an envmapmask. Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask.
MDLCache: Dorado/TarjetaZero.mdl needs to be recompiled
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/drtowers/bmscientistcits/hands_w"!
Error: Material "materials/particle/smoke_black_smokestack000_rendermode_1" uses unknown shader "Subrect"
Error: Material "materials/particle/smoke_black_smokestack000_rendermode_2" uses unknown shader "Subrect"
Error: Material "materials/particle/smoke_black_smokestack000_rendermode_3" uses unknown shader "Subrect"
Error: Material "materials/particle/smoke_black_smokestack000_rendermode_4" uses unknown shader "Subrect"
Error: Material "materials/particle/smoke_black_smokestack000_rendermode_5" uses unknown shader "Subrect"
Error: Material "materials/particle/smoke_black_smokestack000_rendermode_7" uses unknown shader "Subrect"
Error: Material "materials/particle/smoke_black_smokestack000_rendermode_8" uses unknown shader "Subrect"
Error: Material "materials/particle/smoke_black_smokestack000_rendermode_9" uses unknown shader "Subrect"
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props/industrial17/dispensory.mdl)
clientside lua startup!
No custom nodegraph found!
Particles: Missing 'particles/centaur_spit.pcf'
Particles: Missing 'particles/slv_explosion.pcf'
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "svl_explosion"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "svl_explosion"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "blood_impact_blue_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "blood_impact_blue_01"!
Adding derived addon Half[-]Life Beta
ServerGuard (CLIENT) Loaded.
Requesting texture value from var "$dummyvar" which is not a texture value (material: NULL material)
Reloaded Control: VoiceNotify