Pretend to yourself and others you don't have problems, and that you're confident as can be. Eventually, this becomes real confidence, and that's all you'll ever need.What the title says, it follows me where ever I go, I just want to run away from every piece of trouble. Depression fucks you up someone help.
don't think that's how it worksPretend to yourself and others you don't have problems, and that you're confident as can be. Eventually, this becomes real confidence, and that's all you'll ever need.
my dad has cancer and it's in the late stages, he might die any moment now and i refuse to talk to him and i am conscious of this. Just feel like jumping off a bridgeHonestly, most depression cases I have seen are those who do not see value in life itself.
One of the ways to counteract this is to have a hobby in life, a goal to strive for, something to pursue.
For those who lost a loved one / saw shit in a battefield, this might not be the best method to solve your problems. But losing your passion in life and getting depressed, getting kicked out of a good program that you thought would be your dream and getting depressed, or just reading and seeing the bad things in live leading to depression...
Well, the above is a good solution for those types of depression. But if you are depressed due to SERIOUS THINGS, like your parents DIED, then you need to see a professional, not post on a roleplay forum where no one really gives a shit at the end of the day.
ABSOLUTELY DO NOTmy dad has cancer and it's in the late stages, he might die any moment now and i refuse to talk to him and i am conscious of this. Just feel like jumping off a bridge
what worked for me and is recommended by quite a few actors, might not work for himdon't think that's how it works
i thought you were being ironic therewhat worked for me and is recommended by quite a few actors, might not work for him
worth a try though