Howdy Fellas :P


Dec 7, 2016
Hello everyone !

So let's start of for first. My in real name is Dominic, male and I am 15 years old (plz don't blame cuz of age). So I joined the Nebulous server about 4-3 days ago and I came to like this server so far and I am hoping to stay in here and get good amounts of RP. My past experience in the HL2RP universe to say the least experienced, I mostly played as a Combine unit as I love military likeish RP and NOT because of Grab pistol shoot people or Robocoping all around the city. My personality I would say that I am mostly calm, I don't like getting myself into any sorts of drama (tho if I am dragged into it then I can't promise you that I will stay as calm as possible) and I don't like Liars in my life tho I don't care if it is a small meaningless lie.

I don't know what to write so I think I will just end it here but I hope yall will get along and that I will stick around this server for a long time :P

Oh also I was born in Lithuania and I don't want to hear anyone say "Oh you mean/Is it a province of {Insert country name here}. if you don't know where it is just google it and learn Europe's map.

(This introduction was bad.. and I know it.. welp here goes nothing xP)
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