Suggestion Increase Civil Protection sprint speed

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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
I'm not sure why this suggestion is causing complaints about OTA snipers when I entirely focus on Civil Protection alone.
And I'm not even asking for anything strong - if I were to do that, I'd request the cop sprint noises be removed, but I'm completely fine with having that disadvantage as long as it's balanced out with another advantage.
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Jul 12, 2016
I'm going to leave my analysis here, having taken part in fights both as Civil Protection and as a high-tier equipped rebel. I'm not going to propose any change since I have no idea how this could be balanced, although I will express whether I think @Simman102 proposal is fair or not.

Let me start by talking about my rebel experience.

When it comes to loadout:
I mainly judge based upon what @kifer and I have, which at this time I can say are 2 SKS', one AK-103, an M40 (which I carry on me at all times) and a couple of MP7s.
On my character I go for the classic MP7 + trenchcoat build, which I consider to be a standard balanced loadout. I never use anything beyond that due to the fact that on this map in particular it's almost always close-quarters combat, meaning the probability of death is high and I do not want to lose any serious weaponry. As for my M40 (sniper-rifle), it's hardly ever used. The only instances in which I use it is bridge fight, but lately bridge fighting has included OTA players too and fragging them would require me to take an headshot and I'm not exactly that good (especially with the low FPS I get around the bridge area).
My only experience against a Combine sniper on C24 has been exactly on the bridge, although I could not really do anything since they had thermals and a companion who kept spamming smokes. There was no way for me to counter it, so I gave up and went back to my MP7.

As for how I've performed with the previously mentioned build:
To my experience, every fight against Civil Protection in close-quarters has on the majority concluded with a rebel victory, mostly because we outnumber them.
The +30 armour advantage has yet to come into clutch in my case: generally if I die it's usually because I'm caught off guard at an uncovered angle and that additional bullet required to take me down has never really made the difference. I've fought with 100hp 100 armour too and when I compare it to the 100 hp 130 armour loadout it's always 4-5 bullets that take me down. This said I'm not going to reject the possibility of there ever being a situation of it turning out to be great, but I can say that has hardly ever happened (and I think I speak for every trenchcoat rebel in here).

Upon seeing my Civil Protection opponent I consider MP5k and MP7 to be on the same level IN close-quarters combat - yes MP7 does have a slightly stronger damage but the MP5k compensates for it's high rate of fire which is scary and keeps me behind cover.

Pistol cops are a joke. They're not even good at range, oddly.

I pretty much concluded that if there ever is a 5vs5 fight between Civil Protection and rebels all armed with MP7s, the winner is mostly the defending or the more coordinated team. Mass charge tactics don't really tend to work, unless you are OTA.

However I should add, there are times in which there are a few rebels ending up against large Civil Protection numbers. While they still do have a chance, that mostly concludes in a Civil Protection victory because of their grappling hooks, therefore you end up having to worry about many flank points (in the case of apartments) or a well-performed charge (in the case of sewers/bunker).

As for long-range fighting against Civil Protection, the team with the most MP7s tends to win for they are more accurate.

On the other hand, every fight against OTA in close-quarters has on the majority concluded with an OTA victory, even if we outnumber them, due to their high HP and armour.
Going up against OTA, you understand why that +30 armour is necessary. Regardless, as said above, it does not really make a big difference. OTA start from a minimum of 120hp 120armour (I could actually be wrong, correct me if so please) and their weaponry begins from MP7s and go beyond. The only case in which we have had a chance to win is if we're at a chokepoint and OTA stupidly decides to mass-charge in unorganised, but even then they have the ability to be extremely deadly since they can eat many bullets. By the time you take down one, the other one behind has immediately replaced them and WILL fucking kill you, unless you have somebody behind you providing additional cover.

As for long-range fighting against OTA, it is almost always a Combine victory. Seriously, their weapons are now comparable to ours and I ain't taking out my M40 to then be accurately killed from a lucky 100 meters spray. There have been a few occasions in which OTA lost, but that's because there are times in which you catch a few stranded soldiers away from their main team (wtf).

In summary: rebel beat CP, but rebel only beat OTA if this one mass-charges. The only way for rebel to beat OTA is to have big numbers.

As for my CP experience (I'll keep it short since this is too long already + most has already been covered above):

There have been very few occasions in which I survived a fight. I'm just a 50, therefore I can only really be a menace in close-quarters combat. Going up against rebels is almost always a lost fight and it does feel kind of fucking heavy at times.

But at the same time, if I was buffed (in this case, as you suggested, faster running) I feel like it could be really overkill along with OTA support. Then at that moment you'd start to see loads of rebels complaining.

In summary: I hardly ever beat rebel.

To conclude the entire analysis:
CPs sure do lose a lot to rebels, but maybe it's meant to be that way.
Employing extremely smart tactics against rebels has always been efficient and maybe that is where your reward should come from. A mere cop should not expect victory against an armed insurgent, because when the artillery comes the armed insurgent really has nowhere left to go. And that's when they start to panic.

Simply put and without any dumbass metaphors, as a rebel I am not afraid of going against Civil Protection, but when OTA shows up I start shitting myself. And if I had to pair it up with fast-moving CPs, then I might aswell just lock myself in my closet and cry.

EDIT: OTA start from 120/120, not 125/125. Thanks @Pyromaniac
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Premium Member
Mar 7, 2019
Pistol cops are a joke. They're not even good at range, oddly.
I killed a blacksuit with an MP7 at long range with just the USP Match I've had since the start of this shitshow, fuck off and can an RL promote me for gods sake

that aside, giving us cops a speed buff that we can already obtain over time with grinding feels inoffensive and I can promise rebs probably won't notice it when they're busy shooting us with overwhelming firepower and numbers

this isn't asking for much


Jul 12, 2016
I killed a blacksuit with an MP7 at long range with just the USP Match
good job

that aside, giving us cops a speed buff that we can already obtain over time with grinding feels inoffensive and I can promise rebs probably won't notice it when they're busy shooting us with overwhelming firepower and numbers

this isn't asking for much
in a way i can agree with you regarding the attribute boost, although i was mostly trying to put an end to the argument over CP and Rebel fights being unbalanced

they are not balanced and from what i stated judging from my analysis perhaps they are not meant to be

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
better fix is giving the Combine tools and utility that allow them to better deal with these problems in different ways, like buffs to movement speed, as in this suggestion. The two sides are supposed to be asymmetric.
The fact that seized weaponry (an actual advantage) exists but isn't used is a bit of a joke though.

Locking it all in an RL-only vendor with no (known) auth process for them means they just rot, barely anyone's going to get permission to take any out, those with stuff either took it privately in the past or just didn't turn in weapons post-raid. Ammunition is common enough that it isn't a problem.
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Apr 26, 2016
The fact that seized weaponry (an actual advantage) exists but isn't used is a bit of a joke though.
I'm not going to say that people would blow up over it for definate but there's a long precedent of both rebels having a very bad reaction to cops using their own weapons against them and cops losing these weapons in absolutely stupid ways K4E style when they'd be far more useful in select circumstances.


john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
I'm not going to say that people would blow up over it for definate but there's a long precedent of both rebels having a very bad reaction to cops using their own weapons against them and cops losing these weapons in absolutely stupid ways K4E style when they'd be far more useful in select circumstances.
i can tell you every single rebel right now would actually welcome cops using the guns theyve taken from us

the second rebels learned cops had like 20 aks in storage back in asheville we were one of the loudest crowds calling for them to be given rifle rounds so they could use them lol
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I'm not going to say that people would blow up over it for definate but there's a long precedent of both rebels having a very bad reaction to cops using their own weapons against them and cops losing these weapons in absolutely stupid ways K4E style when they'd be far more useful in select circumstances.

different scenario now

if cops get to use the guns stolen from rebels, those guns are still actively in the server, and rebels can reclaim them

if anything its worse that cops don't use them, that's actively draining the economy and forcing stimulus checks from staff through Lambda in order to make sure the rebels maintain supplies


HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Aug 23, 2018
Or I hear a "we're running out of guns!", followed by us recovering 7 AKs two days later.
Simman you do know not every group is gonna use their Ace of Spades in every fight due to ammunition limitations or risk of loss? Every group atleast hordes +3 Special weaponry for certain occasions
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Deleted member 906

May 25, 2016

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