Serious okay professional psychologists i need help


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
forewarning: take that Serious tag seriously.

ok so for some reason i do things that would normally make me feel happy, but instead of being happy im either completely neutral and devoid of emotion or im sad about me being the problem etc. etc.
i don't get it, tbh. i don't understand why, despite me thinking back that it was a good thing and i am happy that it happened, i don't actually feel happy. like, the sensation of joy just doesn't appear.
it's concerning, ngl. i want to feel happy, genuinely, but for some reason i just can't.

i know i've asked something like this before in General, but it felt easier making a new thread rather than necroing an old one.

any suggestions on how to be happy without drugs or any memey shit?
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Apr 26, 2016
my advice would be to describe your problems to an actual professional psychologist cause it sounds like ya got some bad shit going on with ya head

like we can give you all the life guru advice we have but if it's something biological going on with your brain or something deeply psychological the local roleplayers ten step program to happiness ain't gonna do much ya feel me


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
my advice would be to describe your problems to an actual professional psychologist cause it sounds like ya got some bad shit going on with ya head

like we can give you all the life guru advice we have but if it's something biological going on with your brain or something deeply psychological the local roleplayers ten step program to happiness ain't gonna do much ya feel me


i would go to a psychologist, but my lethargy and paranoia explode on me and tell me that it'd be a waste of time, or that i'd get a social impact in school for, and i quote my mind, 'being that mentally fucked up that you'd need a psychologist'.

i wish it'd like, go away. it's deteriorated at my personality.
i mean if you look back about.... 10 months at my posts you can see a genuine attempt at grammar and punctuation but now i mean look.

lack of capitals, and a scarcity of punctuation.

i wish i could actually be happy instead of having to constantly put on a mask to appease everyone, and i know i cant please everyone but if i stop then i will lose all chances of having friends. like ebenezer scrooge almost. except for some reason i can't find my happy ending.
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Apr 26, 2016
something that helped me through a lot of my shit was I kept telling myself “it won’t matter in two years” since two years out of my entire life ain’t shit and I knew it to be true
frankly everyone goes through some sort of phase and everyone gets out of it eventually, and when you get out of it you’ll realize just how in control of your own situation you actually were

whatever’s happening to you you’ll come out a much better person, I can tell you that


Apr 26, 2016

i would go to a psychologist, but my lethargy and paranoia explode on me and tell me that it'd be a waste of time, or that i'd get a social impact in school for, and i quote my mind, 'being that mentally fucked up that you'd need a psychologist'.

i wish it'd like, go away. it's deteriorated at my personality.
i mean if you look back about.... 10 months at my posts you can see a genuine attempt at grammar and punctuation but now i mean look.

lack of capitals, and a scarcity of punctuation.

i wish i could actually be happy instead of having to constantly put on a mask to appease everyone, and i know i cant please everyone but if i stop then i will lose all chances of having friends. like ebenezer scrooge almost. except for some reason i can't find my happy ending.

man if people feel the need to belittle you for going to sort out your problems at a psychologist fuck 'em, they don't deserve to be your friend in the first place

i know it's hard to do it, but try and open up to some people about it. if people know about it you won't feel as anxious about it and you have some people who can help you out and push you to do better and go to a psychologist


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
man if people feel the need to belittle you for going to sort out your problems at a psychologist fuck 'em, they don't deserve to be your friend in the first place

i know it's hard to do it, but try and open up to some people about it. if people know about it you won't feel as anxious about it and you have some people who can help you out and push you to do better and go to a psychologist

the odd thing is, i don't even think that the people around me would take the piss out of me.
but despite the logical thought, my mind overrules it and projects it at dire truth.

i've always had issues opening up to those close to me, so i prefer to open up to strangers because my paranoia thinks that it's safer.
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Apr 27, 2016
i think i've already said this in a previous thread you posted about something similar but here it is:

nobody here can give the help you may or may not need, posting about it here will do next to nothing when it comes to actually figuring out what the problem behind your issue is, nor will it help fixing it. It is best that you genuinely get professional help
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
i think i've already said this in a previous thread you posted about something similar but here it is:

nobody here can give the help you may or may not need, posting about it here will do next to nothing when it comes to actually figuring out what the problem behind your issue is, nor will it help fixing it. It is best that you genuinely get professional help

i think the main thing is the feeling of worthlessness or feeling meaningless is what gets me.
i remember that when i was the RTL for the CWU i genuinely managed to talk myself out of it, and i felt happy for a day. like, proper happiness.
then i got demoted and 'blacklisted' by slim and that made me sink right back in.

not saying slim gave me depression but being removed from that position really kinda broke me for a bit.


Apr 27, 2016
i think the main thing is the feeling of worthlessness or feeling meaningless is what gets me.
i remember that when i was the RTL for the CWU i genuinely managed to talk myself out of it, and i felt happy for a day. like, proper happiness.
then i got demoted and 'blacklisted' by slim and that made me sink right back in.

not saying slim gave me depression but being removed from that position really kinda broke me for a bit.
get a job or get a hobby that gives you meaning

roleplay really shouldn't be the reason you get up in the morning


Apr 26, 2016
Imo it would be better to be "that kid" in school that torture yourself for possibly years to come


Apr 26, 2016
Also it might not be your case I was in the same situation as you before and I was so actually ADDICTED to HL2RP that it was the only thing I did in the day. Literally the only times I went outside was because of school. Any extra activity was just eating and going to the bathroom. The RP was the only thing I thought about in the day.

I didn't feel happy at all, just neutral. My face was lacking of an expression, too.

Now it might not seem your situation but it's what happened to me for almost a good year (literally the reason I stopped was because I left the staff) and I also felt broken whenever something bad happened to me on the server (such as leaving the staff, getting deranked from CP, getting a character of mine PK'd).

Thanks to leaving the staff and HL2RP altogether I slowly realized in a few months time that it probably wasn't a good lifestyle at all. I'm lucky I was only 12 and 13 years old (2014-2015) so I could have enough time to "fix" myself without thinking about having a job, rent and so on.

What then happened was simple: I started playing other games, watched movies, TV series and YouTube videos, listening to music and getting my life back on track. I also read stuff about self-improvement and started getting into new hobbies. Now I can actually feel happy and I'm not as neutral as you said as I was.

For the third time, this might not be the case for you but it's my experience and I am 100% confident that some people reading this post are having a situation similar to mine.
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
Also it might not be your case I was in the same situation as you before and I was so actually ADDICTED to HL2RP that it was the only thing I did in the day. Literally the only times I went outside was because of school. Any extra activity was just eating and going to the bathroom. The RP was the only thing I thought about in the day.

I didn't feel happy at all, just neutral. My face was lacking of an expression, too.

Now it might not seem your situation but it's what happened to me for almost a good year (literally the reason I stopped was because I left the staff) and I also felt broken whenever something bad happened to me on the server (such as leaving the staff, getting deranked from CP, getting a character of mine PK'd).

Thanks to leaving the staff and HL2RP altogether I slowly realized in a few months time that it probably wasn't a good lifestyle at all. I'm lucky I was only 12 and 13 years old (2014-2015) so I could have enough time to "fix" myself without thinking about having a job, rent and so on.

What then happened was simple: I started playing other games, watched movies, TV series and YouTube videos, listening to music and getting my life back on track. I also read stuff about self-improvement and started getting into new hobbies. Now I can actually feel happy and I'm not as neutral as you said as I was.

For the third time, this might not be the case for you but it's my experience and I am 100% confident that some people reading this post are having a situation similar to mine.

the odd thing is that i kinda want that feeling of leadership.
i've been in the community for almost 2 years, and i want to help players new and old with their problems.
i want to make kick-ass events so players of all factions can feel involved in their RP.

but i realise that with my current, irremovable reputation, i can't really achieve either of those positions.
feelsbadman ;-;


Mar 26, 2017
internet won't help you one bit

you can't be lazy when it comes to personal health at any level, a quick 10min thread isn't going to fix the next 80 years of your life
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
internet won't help you one bit

you can't be lazy when it comes to personal health at any level, a quick 10min thread isn't going to fix the next 80 years of your life

it isn't laziness.

it's lethargy, paranoia and procrastination.


Mar 26, 2017
give one a call then

or, better yet, since anonymity helps people break the mold, refer yourself to an anonymous chatroom or 4chinny, maybe any variants

anonymity is an insane help for talking out your problems with a faceless entity on the internet instead of using a name

either way nothing will change without you putting the effort in

Black Rain (1989)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Chardust
Apr 26, 2016
First step is don't seek help on an internet roleplay forum. Not trying to be smart but you won't get legit help here.

Second would be to seek a professional shrink, they can sort you out better than anyone here.

Thirdly, I suggest just getting up and going out into the world - if you spend too much time cooped up you can begin to think the whole world is just the four walls of your room and your computer. You can overthink things and that leads to anxiety and all that shit. Just get out, see the world, meet people. If you go to school / uni / work, rock that shit and use it as a platform to explore other avenues.

good luck


Apr 26, 2016
the odd thing is that i kinda want that feeling of leadership.
i've been in the community for almost 2 years, and i want to help players new and old with their problems.
i want to make kick-ass events so players of all factions can feel involved in their RP.

but i realise that with my current, irremovable reputation, i can't really achieve either of those positions.
feelsbadman ;-;
also if you really want to get this huge achievement in your life you might aswell stop trying to be clingy on the forums and try to somehow change your reputation because people pity you and your situation


Apr 26, 2016
First step is don't seek help on an internet roleplay forum. Not trying to be smart but you won't get legit help here.
people say this but it’s complete bullshit
sure you won’t get professional help but going to your peers (even if that peer group is a fucking roleplay community) and telling them about your issue and asking for help is never a bad idea

tbh if you think you need professional help then get it. talk to your parents if you need to and ask them for help in seeking it if you don’t know where to start since they’re family and care about you
I’ve already said my piece on it, but in all seriousness you’ll come out of it eventually one way or the other. knowing yourself and seeking self improvement is a big step
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