Serious On Communism.

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shit medic
Apr 26, 2016
this fucking idiotic thinking communism/socialism is a good thing

my family fled from those shit-holes cause there was no food, no money and nothing to survive on. they were cucked.
really? my other half of the family is still there and doing very well

theres plenty of food, theres enough money to live off easily too

your family didn't believe in the country's leaders and voided their citizenship to run to the country causing their problems in the first place

problems the us still causes them because they believe in a different way of distributing metal coins and pieces of paper
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Jul 13, 2017
really? my other half of the family is still there and doing very well

theres plenty of food, theres enough money to live off easily too

your family didn't believe in the country's leaders and voided their citizenship to run to the country causing their problems in the first place

problems the us still causes them because they believe in a different way of distributing metal coins and pieces of paper
You realize that people literally injected themselves with AIDS syringes there so they could get food in hospitals because everyone was so poor and didn't have anything, right? They still have extremely limited and filtered access to the internet due to the government attempting to control their information intake, and there are still frequent food shortages. Also, look at this shit.

Plenty of money to go around?
Stable socialist economy?
Yeah, okay bud.


Apr 26, 2016
BEFORE you read this, please know this is supposed to be serious, not another thread filled with memes and don't bring out the "this is a roleplay forum, ROLEPLAY AND YOURE BEING SERIOUS" thing again because it's total nonsense, the fact it's a roleplay forum doesn't have anything to do with content restrictions like serious threads. Let's start though.
So I've seen lots of people around these days who call communism extreme for some reason and who don't well understand the term. You're not required to understand what you're saying, but it's really weird if you're using something and don't know it's true meaning. So,


Socialism is a way of production different to the capitalist system. In socialism the state controls the means of production, while in capitalism it's directly the people of the state. Why most socialists think this isn't right is because often, people who do nothing get the most profit, which they are making from slowly, step-by-step destroying the world (I would be speaking about all those palm oils which forests are burned out for, but there's much more). Of course the world will end some day, but just think about it. If there weren't for all these palm oils added into chocolates, which is done only for the chocolate to taste like chocolate while not being as expensive as 100% cocoa chocolate, we'd still have those forests that were burned a week ago. Then you have lots of different brands of soaps, which isn't really too good either, why don't just have one brand with the same additives but with just a different smell? It is all over-complicated because of that fact, and people are only getting greedy. Know that socialism is NOT dictatorship, you have many different versions of socialism, usually named after the people that used these versions, but there's even more versions that are yet unofficial.

Communism is, simply said; a next level of socialism which doesn't seem to be possible to achieve, because it would require all the population known to us follow the ways of socialism in order to restore the world and for money to be partially, or completely removed (For example, you'd either have to pay only for things that are not essential for life, like PC games etc., or you wouldn't have to pay for anything at all).

It's really all I wanted to say, it's a pretty short summary of these two, so if you want to ask something, feel free to do so. You can also check out the page which can give you a more elaborate explanation, yet not as elaborate as the communist manifesto of Marx.

i bet youre also in antifa fighting the good fight against donald trump the 'racist sexist nazi' president

communism is garbage was always garbage will always be garbage and kids that spew 'communism just wasnt perfected yet' are people who want to be different and get attention

there is no cure to this attentionwhoring but dont worry, we all go through it and say some cringy shit, its a phase. in a year youll slap yourself over the head and think ''why did i think communism was a good ideology'' and go on with your life


community antagonizer
Jun 26, 2017
really? my other half of the family is still there and doing very well

theres plenty of food, theres enough money to live off easily too

your family didn't believe in the country's leaders and voided their citizenship to run to the country causing their problems in the first place

problems the us still causes them because they believe in a different way of distributing metal coins and pieces of paper

you're fucking dumb, and i'm sorry for flaming but there's no other way to put it.

my great grandfather was imprisoned by fidels regime for several years in only voicing his concerns, for opposing a shit socialist/communist bullshit that they established. he didn't 'run to the country causing his problems and void his citizenship', he was given a visa as a political prisoner because his own country was causing problems with the stupidest mindset that there were no faults, like you're trying to display in this thread.

my great aunt (if that's how you phrase it) lived in venezuela, in what she considered a regime - it was lawless, she said she saw people dying and getting killed on the streets like nothing. there is barely any food, we've had to send her and our families supplies just for them to get by, entrusted by other family members coming to venezuela to bring it to them.

the entire system just feeds off of corruption, it's a bit late so i probably fucked up some things in this post but i really wanna hear how your family lives in a socialist communist bullshit like cuba/venezuela and are living so adequately as you put it


Jul 13, 2017
For those of you who rated my post 'Dumb.'
Here is the GDP per capita chart for Cuba, a failed state and non functioning socialist nation. (with other nations included)

Here is Norway's GDP per capita, a functional first world state that uses the standard 'Nordic' model of a free market with socialized welfare institutions in integral economic sectors.

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Jun 26, 2017
blah blah fascism blah blah better dead than red blah blah
i bet youre also in antifa fighting the good fight against donald trump the 'racist sexist nazi' president

communism is garbage was always garbage will always be garbage and kids that spew 'communism just wasnt perfected yet' are people who want to be different and get attention

there is no cure to this attentionwhoring but dont worry, we all go through it and say some cringy shit, its a phase. in a year youll slap yourself over the head and think ''why did i think communism was a good ideology'' and go on with your life

I wish I could give all my nebulous to you
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shit medic
Apr 26, 2016
You realize that people literally injected themselves with AIDS syringes there so they could get food in hospitals because everyone was so poor and didn't have anything, right? They still have extremely limited and filtered access to the internet due to the government attempting to control their information intake, and there are still frequent food shortages. Also, look at this shit.

Plenty of money to go around?
Stable socialist economy?
Yeah, okay bud.

citation needed

the internet problems are due to lack of cabling mostly which they've made steps towards remedying recently with the aid of fibre optic from venezuela it works perfectly because my sister could facetime, facebook etc me from cuba - not to mention satellite works - there just isnt the cabling for normal internet use around the country, remember they have to make do with 1980s tech at the best thanks to the blockade and soviet collapse

Again they are doing the best they can in regards to this but they have America blocking them from trading freely and actually being able to buy pesticides etc so they have to farm naturally, and this comes with its problems, namely reliability. This has nothing to do with communism/socialism because they physically cannot buy the stuff needed, a recurring theme, thanks to the US

theres two currencies in cuba 'bud'

20 CUC is the equivalent of 500 cuban pesos the main point being they are paid in CUP not CUC, the goods and services purchasable in cuba are bought with CUP largely which includes food and drink etc for low amounts - regardless of that cubans earn on average 687 CUP so they have easily enough to get through a month

CUC is used for people who look like tourists, for example at a theme park I went to rhere was a tourist and local price being the equivalent of about 20p for a local to get in and a tourist would be charged around £12

CUC is also used for luxury tourist shops where you can get rare goods like nescafe coffee for 5 last I was there or wifi for an hour for about the same

Televisions, headphones and other technology can be bought with CUC too although it's a lot more expensive because playstations etc have to be smuggled in. small flatscreen TVs can legitimately be bought for about 2000 CUC

lastly it's not an unstable economy, its fairly stable, the CUC has been kept alongside the dollar without crashing and the CUP is still strong in the country.

Please, do your own research and stop taking info straight from the surface. Dig a little deeper.
For those of you who rated my post 'Dumb.'
Here is the GDP per capita chart for Cuba, a failed state and non functioning socialist nation. (with other nations included)

Here is Norway's GDP per capita, a functional first world state that uses the standard 'Nordic' model of a free market with socialized welfare institutions in integral economic sectors.

ah yes lets compare a tiny island being blocked for trade of all but food and medical supplies to a massive country with as much trade as it desires


shit medic
Apr 26, 2016
you're fucking dumb, and i'm sorry for flaming but there's no other way to put it.

my great grandfather was imprisoned by fidels regime for several years in only voicing his concerns, for opposing a shit socialist/communist bullshit that they established. he didn't 'run to the country causing his problems and void his citizenship', he was given a visa as a political prisoner because his own country was causing problems with the stupidest mindset that there were no faults, like you're trying to display in this thread.

my great aunt (if that's how you phrase it) lived in venezuela, in what she considered a regime - it was lawless, she said she saw people dying and getting killed on the streets like nothing. there is barely any food, we've had to send her and our families supplies just for them to get by, entrusted by other family members coming to venezuela to bring it to them.

the entire system just feeds off of corruption, it's a bit late so i probably fucked up some things in this post but i really wanna hear how your family lives in a socialist communist bullshit like cuba/venezuela and are living so adequately as you put it
without any reference material on your great grandfathers case I can't comment on whether it was right or wrong but regardless my family lives in cuba adequately in a 'socialist communist bullshit' and that's the way it's gonna stay, irrespective of whether you or I like it, until the people actually living there dislike it. Now the mafia is gone, Batista was removed and the means of production were seized and Cuba has gained lots of allies they wouldn't have got otherwise.

Whats funny is how a bunch of exiles trained and backed by cia and usaf and navy tried to pull a fidel on fidel and got their asses handed to them by the local militia before the cuban military mopped up.


Jul 13, 2017
citation needed

the internet problems are due to lack of cabling mostly which they've made steps towards remedying recently with the aid of fibre optic from venezuela it works perfectly because my sister could facetime, facebook etc me from cuba - not to mention satellite works - there just isnt the cabling for normal internet use around the country, remember they have to make do with 1980s tech at the best thanks to the blockade and soviet collapse

Again they are doing the best they can in regards to this but they have America blocking them from trading freely and actually being able to buy pesticides etc so they have to farm naturally, and this comes with its problems, namely reliability. This has nothing to do with communism/socialism because they physically cannot buy the stuff needed, a recurring theme, thanks to the US

theres two currencies in cuba 'bud'

20 CUC is the equivalent of 500 cuban pesos the main point being they are paid in CUP not CUC, the goods and services purchasable in cuba are bought with CUP largely which includes food and drink etc for low amounts - regardless of that cubans earn on average 687 CUP so they have easily enough to get through a month

CUC is used for people who look like tourists, for example at a theme park I went to rhere was a tourist and local price being the equivalent of about 20p for a local to get in and a tourist would be charged around £12

CUC is also used for luxury tourist shops where you can get rare goods like nescafe coffee for 5 last I was there or wifi for an hour for about the same

Televisions, headphones and other technology can be bought with CUC too although it's a lot more expensive because playstations etc have to be smuggled in. small flatscreen TVs can legitimately be bought for about 2000 CUC

lastly it's not an unstable economy, its fairly stable, the CUC has been kept alongside the dollar without crashing and the CUP is still strong in the country.

Please, do your own research and stop taking info straight from the surface. Dig a little deeper.
ah yes lets compare a tiny island being blocked for trade of all but food and medical supplies to a massive country with as much trade as it desires
First, the citations pop up throughout the video if you want to go look for yourself.
Second, addressing the 'oooh poor small Cuba.'


(to put this in perspective, that's about the population of Norway and Denmark combined)
The United States is the only nation with an embargo on Cuba, they can and do bring in most of their imports and export most of their goods to South America instead. Their government is misallocating funds generated from these exchanges, however.

Now to Cuban internet access. Monitored internet access is available in 35 web-cafes around the nation at a fee of about $2 per hour, which, as detailed by the previous video, is about a day's worth of income not accounting for illegal exchanges. Google offered to construct full fibre cable to wire almost the entire nation to full access internet, but they declined.
I recommend you read this informative article on that front:

Also; if you want sympathy and economic fortune from a nation, DON'T HARBOR NUKES FOR THEIR ENEMIES.


May 15, 2016
Socialism can and does work when put into work properly
People who sit and say that this statement is false are literally denying straight up facts lol
The scandinavian countries are all built on Socialism, are any of them dictatorships?
Are they shitholes like Cuba, China and etc?
Nah, for from it.
Are the people wealthy?
Hell yeah they are.
Are the people happy?
Yes, Denmark is the happiest country in the world, and that is thanks to the socialist welfare policies and etc.

Do they still have problems, that have nothing to do with socialism and more with international politics.
Yes, yes they do. Especially Sweden, but this is not a thread about that.

Communism = Does not work
Socialism = Works, if put in place the right way, as Scandinavia shows.


Jul 13, 2017
People who sit and say that this statement is false are literally denying straight up facts lol
The scandinavian countries are all built on Socialism, are any of them dictatorships?
Are they shitholes like Cuba, China and etc?
Nah, for from it.
Are the people wealthy?
Hell yeah they are.
Are the people happy?
Yes, Denmark is the happiest country in the world, and that is thanks to the socialist welfare policies and etc.

Do they still have problems, that have nothing to do with socialism and more with international politics.
Yes, yes they do. Especially Sweden, but this is not a thread about that.

Communism = Does not work
Socialism = Works, if put in place the right way, as Scandinavia shows.
That's because Scandinavia isn't actually socialism.
It's free market capitalism with socialized welfare programs, I said this before.
Here, look. Paper.pdf

Edgelord Freeman

Apr 27, 2016
I love how I am supposed to answer everything and when I do and its my turn to ask a question, I dont get no reply. Nice. Also, no, fuck Antifa but Trump is an asshole.
People who sit and say that this statement is false are literally denying straight up facts lol
The scandinavian countries are all built on Socialism, are any of them dictatorships?
Are they shitholes like Cuba, China and etc?
Nah, for from it.
Are the people wealthy?
Hell yeah they are.
Are the people happy?
Yes, Denmark is the happiest country in the world, and that is thanks to the socialist welfare policies and etc.

Do they still have problems, that have nothing to do with socialism and more with international politics.
Yes, yes they do. Especially Sweden, but this is not a thread about that.

Communism = Does not work
Socialism = Works, if put in place the right way, as Scandinavia shows.
Of course communism wouldnt work, thats because it requires all the people of the world to cooperate.
That's because Scandinavia isn't actually socialism.
It's free market capitalism with socialized welfare programs, I said this before.
Here, look. Paper.pdf
Werent nordic countries under communist control before, just like Slovakia?
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May 15, 2016
free market

loooooool dude this is just proof that you have legit no idea what you are talking about
No, they're not free market, at least not Sweden.
It's known as mixed economy, something very typical for Social Democracies :scream:
It is when the economy is both built up of governmental industries, or industries that recieve large governmental and, and some sectors of the economy are completely government controlled (example: alcohol). The rest is built up by privately owned companies. A mixed economy.
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Jul 13, 2017

loooooool dude this is just proof that you have legit no idea what you are talking about
No, they're not free market, at least not Sweden.
It's known as mixed economy, something very typical for Social Democracies :scream:
It is when the economy is both built up of governmental industries, or industries that recieve large governmental and, and some sectors of the economy are completely government controlled (example: alcohol). The rest is built up by privately owned companies. A mixed economy.

Did you even read my post? The one in response to yours and the ones that are pertinent from before?


May 15, 2016
Did you even read my post? The one in response to yours and the ones that are pertinent from before?
I did not read the ones before, because after reading just one I realized you have no idea what you are talking about since you are not from here and no matter how much research you do, you won't ever be as well educated in our economy and politics as we who studied our economy and politics actively in school, are.

I was just replying to everyone rating Evil dumb, because they're the dumb ones to deny what is fact lol


Jul 13, 2017
I did not read the ones before, because after reading just one I realized you have no idea what you are talking about since you are not from here and no matter how much research you do, you won't ever be as well educated in our economy and politics as we who studied our economy and politics actively in school, are.

I was just replying to everyone rating Evil dumb, because they're the dumb ones to deny what is fact lol
Well yeah, but I mean the statement itself is dumb. Literally anything works when 'put to work right.' It has no argumentative value or weight, it is a dumb statement.

Edgelord Freeman

Apr 27, 2016
To be honest, socialism would work, but even if so, there are people who dont understand what it is yet they hate on the system only because theyre used to do so from their american propagandists
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May 15, 2016
Well yeah, but I mean the statement itself is dumb. Literally anything works when 'put to work right.' It has no argumentative value or weight, it is a dumb statement.
No, there' many things that simply cannot be put in right because they don't work, example = Communism, as it requires everyone to cooperate, which won't happen because humans are greedy by nature.


Jul 13, 2017
No, there' many things that simply cannot be put in right because they don't work, example = Communism, as it requires everyone to cooperate, which won't happen because humans are greedy by nature.
But if it were to work 'right' as stated by the aforementioned poster, then all humans would be cooperating, because it would be working 'right.' You see what I'm saying? The statement doesn't mean anything.

Edgelord Freeman

Apr 27, 2016
But if it were to work 'right' as stated by the aforementioned poster, then all humans would be cooperating, because it would be working 'right.' You see what I'm saying? The statement doesn't mean anything.
But it wouldnt be working right because most people wouldnt voluntarily agree with communism
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