Serious On Communism.

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Edgelord Freeman

Apr 27, 2016
because your country got dragged up by subsidies from the european union, and even with all those you're nowhere near the same level as the western countries who thrived without communism?

i honestly don't understand how you can support communism after what it has done to your country
I live in my country, so I know what it's problems are. Also, again, you all think about the past and what communism has done, while I think what it can do. It is the fact that if you don't put effort into learning something that others know, you won't understand what they do. You all just believe what you are being told, that Stalin killed 12 millions etc., we don't even have real proof of how much it was because today's world is all lie.
Flagellate all the Reds until they're covered in that sweet sweet Ruskie jam.
we don't do jam, we do LEKVAR
no wonder slovakia is in the shitter lmao
I don't get your point
people that support communism haven't lived in a piece of shit country like ukraine, belarus, romania, bulgaria, serbia, latvia, estonia, lithuania ofc there are some that do better nowadays like hungary, maybe poland, i guess, but still.
well according to pretty much everyone here, Slovakia is a piece of shit place and here I am
you sure about that one mait =))??
So what would we lack that is actually useful?
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i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
So your argument is that we should revert to a system in which we simply wait for innovation to be absolutely necessary? This is called adaptation, and while innovative it isn't exactly preferable. Also, like I said, innovation isn't always about 'need.'

We wouldn't be reverting as this is currently how innovations are done.

For example, the internet. It was brought about because there was a need for better communication and exchange of data between devices. It wasn't entirely down to profits.

Of course some innovations are done for a profit motive, but seeing as the risk of losing money on a failed project outweighs the reward of a product going viral. It's much more profitable to make a small change to an old product/innovation.

You just don't have that risk under an economic system that doesn't measure value from stock markets and, well money in general. Rather, it'd be valued by its resources and manpower required to make it.

Tldr: lol fuck money xd


Apr 26, 2016
I don't get your point
You see, I've created a joke whose point stands in the fact that I have now no doubts as to why the nation you live in is at a worse state than others, due to the fact that people with mindsets like you live in said nation. Understand now?
I live in my country, so I know what it's problems are. Also, again, you all think about the past and what communism has done, while I think what it can do. It is the fact that if you don't put effort into learning something that others know, you won't understand what they do. You all just believe what you are being told, that Stalin killed 12 millions etc., we don't even have real proof of how much it was because today's world is all lie.

  • The fact you live in a country does not mean that you know all about its problematics.
  • So you're essentially saying that our points are invalid because we make our decisions based off what has actually fucking happened in real life while under a guise of communism, while your point is valid because you think about what communism can POSSIBLY do? History repeats itself, as it's shown many times in the past.
  • The last few pages have shown one thing; repeating the same phrase over and over again - "u-uh you're uninformed s-so s-shut up! y-y-you don't know how i think!" This opinion is flat out wrong, sorry to say. I agree that bandwagoning should not be a thing and that yes, people do follow others like sheep, however, many opinions on this thread clearly steem from logical, rational thinking, common sense and knowledge on the topic. When you try to dismiss others' opinions because you mark them as UNINFORMED, KIDDO, you're shooting yourself in the foot.
  • This has got to be the most ignorant statement I've seen in a long while. You are lowkey denying the fact that Stalin killed people? Seriously? There are records about gulags, censorships, murders, assassinations, political imprisonments, regular imprisonments, entire families taken away, starvation and you just decide to say that it didn't happen because these sources can't be trusted? I don't mean to sound pretentious, but take your head out of the asshole, bud. You're being a flat-earther at this point.
Anyway, I'm done bullying people for saying opinions that are in my eyes simply wrong. Have fun, guys.


Apr 27, 2016
You all just believe what you are being told, that Stalin killed 12 millions etc., we don't even have real proof

ok so most commie apologists claim that because the literacy rates in russia were so low post-october (about 70% of russians were still peasants) there would be no way to know for sure what actually happened to ppl in the years following but this TOTALLY disregards accounts made by:

the cossacks
the officer corps; some pinkos say a lot of these accounts were white propaganda but there were plenty of officers who were forced to throw their lot in with the soviets, brusilov for example
the cheka and any SP groups thereafter

nice try trying to alter history to your liking though
Jun 3, 2017
It's the same reason high schools and colleges have debate clubs, man.
I feel like everyone should visit a debate club once or indefinitely. Apart from teaching how to logically deduct pros and cons of an idea, it removes the nonstructural sewage people splur when attacking a persons belief without countering their arguments or filling pages with ad hominems and memes(ITT...) (Ps, debate clubs have lit memes)
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Apr 27, 2016
I feel like everyone should visit a debate club once or indefinitely. Apart from teaching how to logically deduct pros and cons of an idea, it removes the nonstructural sewage people splur when attacking a persons belief without countering their arguments or filling pages with ad hominems and memes(ITT...) (Ps, debate clubs have lit memes)

i mean you could just respond to me instead of indirectly talking shit
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May 15, 2016
Man just reading first page makes me die inside
Communism kills people, leads to dictatorships and genocide
Capitalism also kills people, is unfair and easily leads to corruption, but at least it preserves democracy and freedom

I'd take democracy over dictatorships anyday.
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May 15, 2016
What did he mean by this?
Oh yes because one corrupt government official immedeatly means the loss of freedom and democracy lol

Unfairness is just how capitalism is, no point in denying that. Doesn't mean that it ruins personal freedom and democracy.

And with killing people, look at the US and their proxy wars.


i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
Oh yes because one corrupt government official immedeatly means the loss of freedom and democracy lol

It leads to it, and has historically came to this result. For example, in the Weimar Republic Hindenburg and Papen were corrupt and wanted to place a puppet in the position of Chancellor. This man was Adolf Hitler.

Unfairness is just how capitalism is, no point in denying that. Doesn't mean that it ruins personal freedom and democracy.

It will so long as it is profitable. Of course, if you're wealthy/powerful enough to bypass corporations demands or demands from the government, this isn't an issue.

And with killing people, look at the US and their proxy wars.

Could it not be argued that this does ruin personal freedom and democracy by installing military juntas and killing people?
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May 15, 2016
It leads to it, and has historically came to this result. For example, in the Weimar Republic Hindenburg and Papen were corrupt and wanted to place a puppet in the position of Chancellor. This man was Adolf Hitler.
Man stop living in the extreme times lol
There's been multiple corruption scandals here in Sweden recently
Have we turned into a dictatorship? Nah, quite the opposite.

It will so long as it is profitable. Of course, if you're wealthy/powerful enough to bypass corporations demands or demands from the government, this isn't an issue.
Ye ye so what you're trying to say is that someone not being able to get as good of an education as someone else and not being paid as well as someone else = dictatorship and removal of personal freedoms

Could it not be argued that this does ruin personal freedom and democracy by installing military juntas and killing people?
I don't argue against that. The US was a bad example for my point since they actively install dictatorships in other countries.
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