News Preview/Discussion - WW3RP: STASILAND

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Apr 26, 2016

While being an announcement of sorts, this is primarily a presentation / pitch of a concept we've been working on. Due to it being developed in relative secrecy, we've been unable to properly get outsider feedback on it save for a few key individuals. This is by no means final and will likely be adjusted / changed based on the discussion I hope will start here. I'd like to gather feedback and answer questions the best I can so we can create something 'new' and exciting together. More and specific information will, of course, be posted in due time.

"Lenin Lived, Lenin Lives, Lenin Will Live Forever."


A @Roosebud and @char production


The vast Soviet Empire stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific, hundreds of millions under the yoke of Communism. Stretched thin by a monumental conflict, the superpower now faces its greatest threat, not from without - but from within.



The year is 1992,
World War III enters its second year.

Europe has fallen.

The remnants of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation have been swept from the continent by the intense Soviet onslaught. Soviet puppet regimes have been established in Europe's former democracies, and have been tasked with bringing the newly integrated nations firmly under the control of their masters in Moscow.

After years of conflict, stretched across the globe - the Soviet regime has grown weaker, its possessions in Europe growing restless following repression and poverty in the wake of the second major conflict on the continent in less than ten years. This civil unrest no doubt stoked by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Although engaged in open conflict with the Soviets across other fronts, NATO in Europe has been reserved to the role of espionage - operating predominantly out of the United Kingdom, preparing for the liberation of Europe while letting local unrest lay the foundation.

Following urban unrest and open revolt across Germany, the rule of law has been negated - Soviet authority is now enforced predominantly by the apparatus of oppression, its police, its military and its intelligence services.

The badlands where this lawlessness is strife has been colloquially dubbed:


You find yourself trapped between the Soviets, desperate to restore order in the face of succession - and those who wish to subvert that order; Rebels, NATO Agents, saboteurs and bandits. Men and women fighting to shape Europe in their own image.

The choice is yours, stand with the old regime, fight to forge one anew or simply attempt to survive amongst a world consumed by war.

Lore & Concept: @char & @Roosebud
Development: @Roosebud
Media Development: @Danny

Lore is cool and all, but what about the actual server?

would be a direct continuation of the 1983/1990 lore, set in Soviet Occupied Europe, with the lore being technically the only intact feature being carried over from the 'old WW3RP'.
We've always tinkered with the idea first mentioned during the closing of WW3RP, namely being a shifted focus towards civilians inside a warzone, as well as a gameplay dynamic that would resemble assymetrical warfare instead of the 'traditional' system of patrol-based combat with little to no risk or consequence.

What does this mean? It means that the entire dynamic, faction balance and gameplay aspects will change. The primary group of players will consist of individuals caught in the crossfire of a society falling apart, with a Soviet fighting force and its branches trying to regain and maintain control amidst the chaos.
Due to the setting, players are expected to go down a number of paths, be that a volunteer fighting for the regime, an insurgent seizing his chance to conquer the country under an independent flag, a crime syndicate expanding their operations in a state of lawlessness, a NATO remnant trying to survive a manhunt for stragglers.

In essence, we intend to maintain the 'traditional' style of WW3RP, being more oriented towards intense periods of fast-paced action. However, we felt like the way it was done before hindered the aspects that added depth to the experience. By making the factions assymetrical in structure, making weapons relatively common yet still a valuable commodity, as well as a variety of other "new" gameplay elements, we intend to make combat more subject to a risk vs reward-type consideration. Systems such as crafting, unconventional warfare, insurgencies, criminal aspects and corruption play a considerably heavier role this time around as a means of offering new gameplay aspects beyond just shooting at eachother.

To this extent, we've re-done the schema entirely, added new systems, a new weaponbase, a larger selection of items, a revamped crafting system as well as some new features we've explored in the past but never really got integrated properly.

In moving away from the 'no-consequences' patrol-based s2k meta, people can expect to put more effort in if they wish to actively engage in combat on a regular basis. People will have to carefully maintain their stocks, be on the lookout for opportunities, plan ahead and strategize their approach as PKs will be more prevalent this time around as well. The emphasis will be on the asymetrical aspect of carrying out raids and fast hits, rather than prolonged open firefights against a superior force. Eventually server progression might allow more open and bigger conflict between the sides as groups grow stronger, but not initially.

You are still in a warzone, with factions (some public, some whitelisted, some secret) being in a perpetual state of conflict, be it open combat, espionage, infiltration, sabotage, the likes. As a civilian, either alone or in groups of your own choosing / allegiance, you will find yourself in the middle of all this. Either participating as combatant, informant, agent, figurehead or simply trying to survive and fend for yourself. In the end, you're all stuck in a collapsed country with the world up in flames around it.

The main military roleplay, for those that simply enjoy that side of the conflict, there'll be a fully-fledged armed force in the form of the Soviet Union. The remains of a large scale army group sent to maintain order in mid-war Europe, they'll offer the traditional ranking structure and equipment, albeit more limited than before.
They'll be at the forefront of their campaign to re-establish the German unified state, while WW3 rages on in the background. Branches will be tasked with carrying out routine patrols, establish checkpoints, conduct searches, guard a variety of installations, stockpiles and armories, as well as engage in larger scale operations against NATO forces, be it disorganized remnant groups or secretive forces operating behind enemy lines. All this coordinated with their allies in the factions of State Security and groups aligning themselves with aiding the regime.

What characters are we playing? in time an in depth country list of characters you are freely allowed to make, and those restricted for whatever reason, will be produced. You will, however, be able to play your old characters from WW3RP 1983/1990rp with appropriate authorisation. Be they returning as a NATO left-behind, a Soviet Soldier, a civilian or perhaps one of the more secretive factions. Character authorisations is something we want to be liberal with, in the sense that we want to see player creativity unhindered, but still realistic to the setting which we have produced. The way we're envisioning things now, we'll be able to grant specific authorisations to starting groups to better allow their backstory and function to have an impact on the server.

A concept pitch, but also a work-in-progress.

As some might recall, I floated a lot of similar ideas during the final days of WW3RP when asked as to how I would like to see a WW3-themed RP server play out. We've been steadily working away on this concept and have changed it a number different times over the course of a couple months. By pitching this to you, the public, we hope to get a better grip on what the playerbase would like to see, and what we might need to adjust / flesh out for it to be fitting and enjoyable. Nothing's set in stone at this moment.

Basically AMA


Apr 26, 2016
Due to the setting, players are expected to go down a number of paths, be that a volunteer fighting for the regime, an insurgent seizing his chance to conquer the country under an independent flag, a crime syndicate expanding their operations in a state of lawlessness, a NATO remnant trying to survive a manhunt for stragglers.
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Visual Powerhouse
Apr 26, 2016
I'm quite chuffed with how that logo came out tbh

probs my best bit of logo work right there
woo, lad

didn't even really retire from media dev, just decided I wanted to play on one team
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