Rate This Scene (Rogue One Spoilers)

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jesus christ denton
Apr 26, 2016
it would've been a lot cooler if the scene just consisted of him igniting his lightsaber, omitting all the gay slicing and dicing shit that commenced near the end. it would've been way more ominous and also would've further solidified vader as a scary and formidable character.


Aug 1, 2017
Daisy Ridley is one of the worst actresses I've seen in awhile.

Just wide eyed acting

LOL are you telling me you like some wide-eyed bitch they've wrote in for one emotion because she's a shit actress and is driving the franchise into a hole.

Did I say she was good? No, hell no that's always gonna be a matter of opinion.

What I'm trying to say is that at least for Rey, she conveyed emotion with her character, she had more of a cloned backstory compared to the other cloned backstory of Jyn Erso on top of that, thus driving up more on how we would feel about those characters.

Now, let me make it clear...It does not make you GREAT in the movie if you ham-act and foam in your lines, also not saying she did, I'm not getting into her performance acting overall, but I am stating that she put in emotion to at least most of her lines compared to Jyn.

Let me give you an example of what I mean...With the Prequels.

Not a single line spoken in this scene, its driven in emotion to which it worked out pretty well...Given by the same person that killled Romance for me.

Emotion, does not make you a good actor, its what it is, emotion.
end it with the death of jyn and cassian

LOL are you telling me you like some wide-eyed bitch they've wrote in for one emotion because she's a shit actress
and is driving the franchise into a hole.

PS: Frankly, I think it's Luke milking some monster like creature, porgs, political commentary, porgs, and golden dice living past ethereal death that's driving the trilogy to a hole.