Resolved Re-add the previous iteration‘s archive 2

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
Can't trust what? I'm so confused

You are a decent guy and you still can't help but bring up stuff from the past like that

I don't have to imagine what others can do with access to old iterations considering I've already experienced and seen it (and had to deal with it partly)

Regardless I don't think the archives will be unlocked, at least not fully. If what rusty presents was possible it'd be ideal as people could recover their own created content, but I'm pretty sure it's not possible at least automatically
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
I want it back, I want to see the nice archive

I have made some horrid, shit posts in my time. Bring them back, I don't care how cringe or bad they are

No point hiding the past like that, over a few cringe takes and opinions
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
You are a decent guy and you still can't help but bring up stuff from the past like that

I don't have to imagine what others can do with access to old iterations considering I've already experienced and seen it (and had to deal with it partly)

Regardless I don't think the archives will be unlocked, at least not fully. If what rusty presents was possible it'd be ideal as people could recover their own created content, but I'm pretty sure it's not possible at least automatically
What's bad about bringing up stuff from the past bro you did something and I bought it up I didn't call you a bad person or anything it was just something relevant because I believed you were overblowing the potential 'risks' of opening the archive.

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
What's bad about bringing up stuff from the past bro you did something and I bought it up I didn't call you a bad person or anything it was just something relevant because I believed you were overblowing the potential 'risks' of opening the archive.

A remote possibility of someone from Wonkies going nuts and doing such a thing (it's not that remote but I won't get into that, I understand there's not enough context) is not comparable to the whole shit-digging deal which we have widely experienced in the past and has been a pretty big issue within the community for a long time.

Still, I can't open it, but I'm not eager to do it either, and I do want to see old posts and stuff but it's not that big of a benefit for me to be fair compared to how negative it may be for a big chunk of the community.

I want it back, I want to see the nice archive

I have made some horrid, shit posts in my time. Bring them back, I don't care how cringe or bad they are

No point hiding the past like that, over a few cringe takes and opinions

It's not about caring about what you did and such, its about other bad people using it against the people who did it, like it happened in the past.

Again, Current Affairs is a super good example of how shit you said 10 years ago can be used by people to throw you under the bus.


GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
It's not about caring about what you did and such, its about other bad people using it against the people who did it, like it happened in the past.

Again, Current Affairs is a super good example of how shit you said 10 years ago can be used by people to throw you under the bus.
I don't understand what posting an old thread someone made is going to do just say you've changed and that's that
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Mar 26, 2017
You keep doing it though, so how can we trust you'll stop when you are asked to? I personally can't so I can vouch for others not doing it too. I'm sorry, it's not a crime, but that doesn't mean dropping unfunny offensive comments and ridiculing others is any more tolerable.

Good for you

It's not slight and you know it well. You guys like to make issues disappear when it's convenient for you as if the community wasn't infested in the past with circlejerks and toxic people taking advantage of all the available stuff there was to bully, laugh and chastise others, and not just in the forums - but ingame, taking personal grudges into the roleplay even, or isolating people, and more.

It's not "a bit silly" just because you think it is so, this hyperfocus on the archive opening will serve for like 5 people to have a nostalgia trip and many others to get shit on people they don't like or similar stuff as it has happened in the past for years.

A "slight risk" doesn't even come near it.
The 'community' you speak of has largely moved on - we can sit here all day and act like the playerbase is the exact same as it were six years ago, but for each person back then that STILL plays, there's upwards of 4-6 that moved on - either from gaming outright (it's been long enough for them to grow into adults, don't forget) or to brighter pastures+different servers+different games. I mean, how many people dump hundreds of thousands of hours into Arma 3 instead, after having moved from RP here to there? Lots, and there's always lots of games to do stuff in.

Another thing I'd like to touch on is why you are the one to be here talking about why we shouldn't have it - yes, you were around all those years ago, much like us - but you simply don't even engage with the community as much anymore apart from threads like this on the forums. I can't recall seeing you whatsoever this iteration apart from maybe C24? Linntrix's iteration the same, and I don't really know if you're playing GTARP or not.

The defense of it being 'well, people are going to put time into unveiling cringy stuff' is just tiresome. I invite people to spend hours upon hours of their rapidly-minimizing free time to dig around for ridiculous stuff I did back then, because I don't care. I'm willing to bet vast portions of the community do - to deny them that right because a select few don't want their things exposed, I can understand and empathize with, but it's also still hundreds of hours of work put into logos, setpieces, events, writing, applications etc. that people want to see. They WANT to see the past, they want to gleam new ideas from old, they want to realize how much they've grown, changed, how they've improved - and most importantly, how they can still improve. I would love to go back and see if I still make common mistakes I made back then that have fallen to the wayside so I can set down on unlearning them before I continue my writing journeys.

Letting the work of the past fall because of the worrisome nature that a bit of bad might come from it is just throwing away so much for so little.


Secret dingus man
Sep 12, 2016
Never mind that a lot of people were were much younger (perhaps literal children) and that innocence and naivete might be mocked.
This, I am absolutely petrified of this, anytime I could view my oldstuff in previous archive it'd just be "nobodyseethisnobodyseethisnobodyseethisnobodyseethis"


ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
It's not slight and you know it well. You guys like to make issues disappear when it's convenient for you as if the community wasn't infested in the past with circlejerks and toxic people taking advantage of all the available stuff there was to bully, laugh and chastise others, and not just in the forums - but ingame, taking personal grudges into the roleplay even, or isolating people, and more.

It's not "a bit silly" just because you think it is so, this hyperfocus on the archive opening will serve for like 5 people to have a nostalgia trip and many others to get shit on people they don't like or similar stuff as it has happened in the past for years.

A "slight risk" doesn't even come near it.
the old stuff was visible for ages anyway and i never saw people getting ripped to shit over it, or at least not as much as you make it out to be

it’s really not that deep but whatever man im not gonna argue about it
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
The 'community' you speak of has largely moved on - we can sit here all day and act like the playerbase is the exact same as it were six years ago, but for each person back then that STILL plays, there's upwards of 4-6 that moved on - either from gaming outright (it's been long enough for them to grow into adults, don't forget) or to brighter pastures+different servers+different games. I mean, how many people dump hundreds of thousands of hours into Arma 3 instead, after having moved from RP here to there? Lots, and there's always lots of games to do stuff in.

Another thing I'd like to touch on is why you are the one to be here talking about why we shouldn't have it - yes, you were around all those years ago, much like us - but you simply don't even engage with the community as much anymore apart from threads like this on the forums. I can't recall seeing you whatsoever this iteration apart from maybe C24? Linntrix's iteration the same, and I don't really know if you're playing GTARP or not.

The defense of it being 'well, people are going to put time into unveiling cringy stuff' is just tiresome. I invite people to spend hours upon hours of their rapidly-minimizing free time to dig around for ridiculous stuff I did back then, because I don't care. I'm willing to bet vast portions of the community do - to deny them that right because a select few don't want their things exposed, I can understand and empathize with, but it's also still hundreds of hours of work put into logos, setpieces, events, writing, applications etc. that people want to see. They WANT to see the past, they want to gleam new ideas from old, they want to realize how much they've grown, changed, how they've improved - and most importantly, how they can still improve. I would love to go back and see if I still make common mistakes I made back then that have fallen to the wayside so I can set down on unlearning them before I continue my writing journeys.

Letting the work of the past fall because of the worrisome nature that a bit of bad might come from it is just throwing away so much for so little.

I never made it about myself Andrew, I don't care if people have access to all that stuff lol

But yeah you guys are super optimistic about how petty people can be - Still lots of text while I can't really do anything


Mar 26, 2017
the archive was open for a day years ago and nothing bad came from it
to assume the worst is to receive the worst


Apr 26, 2016
We can postulate all we want but I think its clear that Alex has no interest in opening the archives again yet and hasn't the many (many) times people have asked for it since 2018.

Also tbh most of the people who likely would use them to dig up bullshit on others where all members of the community who liked the community back when the archives were last opened. They're not anymore. Its something to keep in mind.
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Sep 12, 2018
Yeah, I don't want the old iteration open. Sure it be nice to read some of the good shit but I also don't want mine or others embarrassing pubescent content on display.

If it's any consolidation whenever I've asked @Blackquill has been happy to give me access to the old content I needed.
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
If it's any consolidation whenever I've asked @Blackquill has been happy to give me access to the old content I needed.
Yeah I don't think I've ever once not given someone their stuff when asked

I don't mind giving people their work
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
current affairs has all the worse shit from all those years and its still up and intact, but the archives arent? i dont really get the mindset here. if some posts are really hanging over your conscience that bad just ask them to be removed. locking away like half a decade of posts because of rly vague shit like "but i was cringe" - especially when most of the posts are just mundane - is dumb. if anyone actually goes to the extra effort of digging around the archives if theyre opened for stuff to make fun of people for, they are an unserious loser because basically everyone who has or still does post on here has said some stupid embarassing shit at some point
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Premium Member
Mar 7, 2019
the archive has so much quality shit we're willing to forgo on the chance some people may be harassed for things they posted in their past when its clear most people have become more mature since all that time ago and we can simply ban any dickhead who tries to bring someones past posts up rudely, I doubt there'll ever be a targetted harrassment campaign for anything people said years ago since we aren't twitter

just bring it back.
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Apr 27, 2016
Yeah it'd be cool if people could not be assholes too but look deathwolf you and I both know there's a lot of people in the world and most of all there's a lot of not nice people who like to dig up past stuff and laugh at people for it.
Who would that be? The Forums are practically dead lol

Just ban people if they do it? I don’t understand why meatriding the decision to gatekeep people’s creative writing behind a moderator tag is so prevalent still to this day

Whats the WORST that can happen by doing it? Someone has a laugh at the cost of someone else and is banned for it, Thats it
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Apr 27, 2016
People can go back and snip their threads if they don’t want them on display, whats the big deal?
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Risen From Ruins
Aug 13, 2017
I don't understand what the issue is. It's such a big cope that "oh no!! people will get bullied for it!" Bro. No one cares!!

Also the part about "I can just dig up old threads if you ask" is a big cope too. I asked BQ to pull a thread. He did it but it took like a week. There's an insane amount of shit that I want to go through, dozens of threads and hundreds of posts. You think you can just pull all of them?

Just open it. Why do we die on such fucking random hills so often?
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