Resolved Severely Limit combine deployments in Bucharest

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Apr 30, 2023
I'm posting this on behalf of the NG Faction based on our frustrations today, We have tried to rp and get through two briefings and had the combine launch two full scale assaults within the span of an hour, Mind you they lost one of their strongholds/fobs earlier today in a defeat to rebel forces this map is supposed to be more so rebel/refugee focused, Why is it that full strength OTA Squads are able to still deploy? and why is it they're able to just roll up in the span of time less than an hour?

This needs to stop it's getting to the point where its almost as bad as it was on C24 with the constant s2k and combat this isn't fun for people who aren't in the Overwatch faction and its quite frankly very irritating, We've been trying to engage in passive and events that further the story only to get a call about OTA/CPs storming someone's house, Why are they active and pushing for hours on end after they just lost a base? why are they pushing us after being beat back twice in one day?


Limit Overwatch deployment either to events or once a week with the exception being if a combine base is hit.

Why this makes sense?

- This is a rebel city captured and re-administrated.
-Combine are guerillas yet they wear full combat gear and walk around inside the city allowed to launch large wave attacks agianst rebels / NG / refugees.
-They lost their base of operations and are in enemy territory and should be subject to attrition, 25's in regular maps were only issued Usp's and yet we have Phase two's + ordinals + Suppressors on here not to mention 75's and Rank leaders who are decked out.

(Don't get me wrong Cop players are not the problem at all this map, They're fairly fun to fight against no ooc hate for you guys)


Mar 26, 2017
rp got stifled pretty hard today had some fun at times and did cool stuff but an ic plan we wanted to put into action was stopped because the entire server staff included are in s2k so we're just sorta chillin now
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give this guy his adm*n back
Apr 26, 2016
the focus of this map was the NG vs the CTE, with combine agents working to fuel that

it's not even been a week and we've devolved back to nonstop s2k


Jan 21, 2023
The lore and setting of the map made it look as if the bulk of Combine activity would be conducted through the form of spies, like it would all be covert and whatnot, with a bigger focus on inter-rebel conflict (NG, CTE, etc.)

This has not been the case. The CTE contract on NG heads was completely washed out because the NG and rebels had to unite forces to stop three OTA deployments in one day. The trespassing laws regarding IZ have been forgotten about in face of a large Combine threat. At this point, the National Guard doesn't really feel like a National Guard, it's more like we're glorified rebels. We're just constantly fighting cops and OTA, which, granted, was one of the objectives of the NG, but not the only one. The other things that made the National Guard different from regular rebels have been drowned out in favour of constant S2K.


Mar 13, 2023
Definitely agree with this one. National Guard can't patrol or do briefs because they get OTA reported right after every previous engagement - and it's always on the roof so it's a struggle to get them down at first. As fun as the fights are, it does get boring. Especially after the sessions of endlessly waiting for one side to run out of armour/batteries.

Maybe limit OTA to a number based on how many CPs are online or citizens or whatever. Just make it so OTA guys can still get some gameplay without stifling everything else.

ICly I think it makes sense because I think there'd be more CPs around in a city like this than OTA. Sure, CPs are lesser equipped - but it'd be the cops that just ran and got away rather than OTA, who'd either stand and fight or make a formal retreat and take losses en route. Cops would probably have an easier time sneaking out anyway, since they could've just dumped their suits and ran, or would've had better street knowledge to avoid rebels.

To that end, maybe make CPs slightly better equipped than usual? They've been at work for a while I'd guess, hiding in the city, cashing in where they can, sneakily buying guns from unaware rebels. This way CPs can hit harder when they need to, without having to rely on OTA - and getting to use some cooler guns. Or at least, if we don't give them better guns off the bat - let them use the varied guns they find, that works well to give the effect of them scrounging.

Another weird idea, probably terrible. If sewers are PK risk or civilians, maybe the roofs PK risk for Combine? Though this only really makes sense if we're not changing the raid rules.
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Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017
I've had a blast so far as the National Guard. I don't mind the occassional fight with Combine because of course Remnants are still around.

My issue is that they're deploying so much into RP-Centric areas (like the city) where we can't even get through a debriefing without something interrupting it, today it's been constant OTA raids.


Sep 25, 2021
@bilack tried to hold two speeches today, both were unfortunately interrupted by combat :(

don't get me wrong, I like combat, but in small doses, not as much as seen today


Now in a relationship with Sectus
May 14, 2016
The issue today stems from the result of the NG and rebels throwing all caution to the wind to the point the guardsmen voided their Shoot on sight rule for anybody in the QZ to team up and attack the safe house that kept the combine contained in the QZ, it was a bit frustrating to witness that and the subsequent destruction which resulted in two hit and run attacks as revenge.

I don't know everybody is running into the QZ when it's meant to be a zone for only desperate scavages or why the guardsmen who are meant to be this third wheel faction that's a detriment to both sides with tanks is suddenly waving one of their set in concrete rules to shoot funny blue people who are doing their own thing.

It's like we're meant to be this undercover, down on our luck side so we pop up in a zone that's utter shit to be in, filled with xen and all it takes is JACK BOOT IN BAD ZONE and the entire server descends and kicks us out so we pop back up into the main city??
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Mar 26, 2017
The issue today stems from the result of the NG and rebels throwing all caution to the wind to the point the guardsmen voided their Shoot on sight rule for anybody in the QZ to team up and attack the safe house that kept the combine contained in the QZ, it was a bit frustrating to witness that and the subsequent destruction which resulted in two hit and run attacks as revenge.
Bigger threat, people get together
I don't like it either, I suggested they shoot battlefield looters (of which there were many)

This problem stems from a few things, of which there can be a few possible solutions

-limit how much ammo you're allowed to hold on your character (for either just one side, or all sides)
-limit the amount of restorative medical items you can carry (without a cert)
-give the higher-ranking ng grapplekits (stifles the rooftop strats)
-disable third-person again

if you play around enough with limiting items you hold the third-person would be fine
vice-versa as well
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Mar 13, 2023
The issue today stems from the result of the NG and rebels throwing all caution to the wind to the point the guardsmen voided their Shoot on sight rule for anybody in the QZ to team up and attack the safe house that kept the combine contained in the QZ, it was a bit frustrating to witness that and the subsequent destruction which resulted in two hit and run attacks as revenge.

I don't know everybody is running into the QZ when it's meant to be a zone for only desperate scavages or why the guardsmen who are meant to be this third wheel faction that's a detriment to both sides with tanks is suddenly waving one of their set in concrete rules to shoot funny blue people who are doing their own thing
National Guard isn't meant to fight everyone, it's meant to fight Clanul. If rebels are helping us, they help us. We shoot lone civilians in the IZ, occasionally drag 'em out if they're within yelling range. NG isn't meant to be CPs, they're flexible - so people can decide for themselves is if they like the NG or Clanul.

Definitely let 'em get away with looting and stuff a bit too often tho.

@bilack tried to hold two speeches today, both were unfortunately interrupted by combat :(

don't get me wrong, I like combat, but in small doses, not as much as seen today
Agree 100%, I don't mind a few short fights - or even one long one like with the house today - but it does get a bit tedious after a while, especially when the fights are all in the same few areas. That being said, OTA have done an alright job of spreading out their area.
Apr 30, 2023
The issue today stems from the result of the NG and rebels throwing all caution to the wind to the point the guardsmen voided their Shoot on sight rule for anybody in the QZ to team up and attack the safe house that kept the combine contained in the QZ, it was a bit frustrating to witness that and the subsequent destruction which resulted in two hit and run attacks as revenge.
Combine attacked us we showed up in response and beat them back, they decided to retreat to their base which we followed them back to alongside the rebels and sieged them for an hour while they camped in the staircase and used mines repatively. Until we managed to punch through via a few suicide rushes. Wiping them out.


Apr 27, 2016
to be fair, every time we go out, we always find someone spotting us and calling in reinforcements, which leads to a shootout

with a map this gigantic you could, in theory, just not respond, if you weren't national guard

national guard was designed to be kept on its toes by the transhuman arm, and im just adhering to that, since I've sent out several deployments today while they had high numbers online

yesterday, I sent a recon team out only to get spotted by a GTA car and have it devolve into a firefight


Jan 21, 2023
It's like we're meant to be this undercover, down on our luck side so we pop up in a zone that's utter shit to be in, filled with xen and all it takes is JACK BOOT IN BAD ZONE and the entire server descends and kicks us out so we pop back up into the main city??
The engagement started when I saw three OTA soldiers on a rooftop with their guns pointed right at me. I was outside the IZ on the main street in front of the Diner. That's not just one jackboot in a bad zone.

And I believe someone else also uploaded a clip of OTA walking on the street in front of the Diner, outside of the IZ, engaging a civilian in a car. Not very undercover if you ask me.


Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017
The issue today stems from the result of the NG and rebels throwing all caution to the wind to the point the guardsmen voided their Shoot on sight rule for anybody in the QZ to team up and attack the safe house that kept the combine contained in the QZ, it was a bit frustrating to witness that and the subsequent destruction which resulted in two hit and run attacks as revenge.

I don't know everybody is running into the QZ when it's meant to be a zone for only desperate scavages or why the guardsmen who are meant to be this third wheel faction that's a detriment to both sides with tanks is suddenly waving one of their set in concrete rules to shoot funny blue people who are doing their own thing.

It's like we're meant to be this undercover, down on our luck side so we pop up in a zone that's utter shit to be in, filled with xen and all it takes is JACK BOOT IN BAD ZONE and the entire server descends and kicks us out so we pop back up into the main city??
As much as we'd love to enforce the rule, it would be absolute WAR and a massive mess if we started shooting all the rebels that were present. I'm just a grunt for the National Guard so of course I can't order anything like that.

We managed to oust the Combine and the Loyalists during Bloody Week. I'm sure Bucharestian Troops would rather ensure the Combine don't get any foothold than shoot a horde of rebels that are also helping them get rid of the Combine.

Don't get me wrong, if I was ordered to shoot those rebels, I would in a heartbeat.


Now in a relationship with Sectus
May 14, 2016
The QZ needs to be updated to be more concrete and more punishing if you actively seek out to start fights, with the maliceful forces who are usually found to be in there, this includes actually enforcing the KOS rule to be unavailable for the guardsmen to prevent these gimmick team-ups
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Apr 26, 2016
Ngl I don't blame OTA for wanting to poke out and try and do things on the sly in the QZ, and I also (mostly) don't blame people for teaming up if they hear transhumans are out and about. That is absolutely a choice that can be made.

But I think its fair to say there's also a history of both sides pushing their luck, and in this case I legitimately don't really think it was the OTA's fault.

If you chase the Combine back to their base and seige them for an entire hour what do you expect them to do?
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Mar 26, 2017
NG just need to be more aggressive
haven't been happy with how few rebels they've shot so far to be honest
rebels should also be shooting them for the money

and undercover cops should be used for scouting
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Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017
Ngl I don't blame OTA for wanting to poke out and try and do things on the sly, and I also (mostly) don't blame people for teaming up if they hear transhumans are out and about. That is absolutely a choice that can be made.

But I think its fair to say there's also a history of both sides pushing their luck, and in this case I legitimately don't really think it was the OTA's fault.

If you chase the Combine back to their base and seige them for an entire hour what do you expect them to do?
When I saw 15+ rebels with NG troops sprinkled in outside of that house I just rolled my eyes and stood next to a squad car that was parked up a street. There was no need for that many people. If I had a grenade I probably would've thrown it at a group.
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