shitpost thread - fuck blackquill

cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
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Apr 26, 2016
Thank god that someone finally posted this scene to youtube and gave it the attention that it deserves! So many people forget about this scene, and I can see why, there are so many truly insane and thought provoking moments in this movie, such as when Thanos harnessed the power of all 5 infinity stones and called Black Panther the n-word, or when he used the time stone to freeze the movie, looked straight at the camera and asked all female viewers to leave the theater and go back to the kitchen. Although there are so many other interesting scenes, such as the ones I just mentioned, I feel like this scene is criminally glossed over, the horror that you see on Peter's face when he realizes that Thanos forgot to say no homo looks truly genuine. On top of Chris Pratt's incredible acting in this scene, Thanos returning to clarify that he isn't gay implies that he might think that there's something wrong with being gay, which foreshadows the scene where he attempts to bargain for the time stone by telling Strange that if he gives him the time stone willingly, he will only kill gay people. Overall, this is a truly incredible scene that deserves far more recognition that it gets, thank you for helping this scene get the respect it deserves.
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Apr 26, 2016
Thank god that someone finally posted this scene to youtube and gave it the attention that it deserves! So many people forget about this scene, and I can see why, there are so many truly insane and thought provoking moments in this movie, such as when Thanos harnessed the power of all 5 infinity stones and called Black Panther the n-word, or when he used the time stone to freeze the movie, looked straight at the camera and asked all female viewers to leave the theater and go back to the kitchen. Although there are so many other interesting scenes, such as the ones I just mentioned, I feel like this scene is criminally glossed over, the horror that you see on Peter's face when he realizes that Thanos forgot to say no homo looks truly genuine. On top of Chris Pratt's incredible acting in this scene, Thanos returning to clarify that he isn't gay implies that he might think that there's something wrong with being gay, which foreshadows the scene where he attempts to bargain for the time stone by telling Strange that if he gives him the time stone willingly, he will only kill gay people. Overall, this is a truly incredible scene that deserves far more recognition that it gets, thank you for helping this scene get the respect it deserves.
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Dec 30, 2016
Thank god that someone finally posted this scene to youtube and gave it the attention that it deserves! So many people forget about this scene, and I can see why, there are so many truly insane and thought provoking moments in this movie, such as when Thanos harnessed the power of all 5 infinity stones and called Black Panther the n-word, or when he used the time stone to freeze the movie, looked straight at the camera and asked all female viewers to leave the theater and go back to the kitchen. Although there are so many other interesting scenes, such as the ones I just mentioned, I feel like this scene is criminally glossed over, the horror that you see on Peter's face when he realizes that Thanos forgot to say no homo looks truly genuine. On top of Chris Pratt's incredible acting in this scene, Thanos returning to clarify that he isn't gay implies that he might think that there's something wrong with being gay, which foreshadows the scene where he attempts to bargain for the time stone by telling Strange that if he gives him the time stone willingly, he will only kill gay people. Overall, this is a truly incredible scene that deserves far more recognition that it gets, thank you for helping this scene get the respect it deserves.
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cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
Thank god that someone finally posted this scene to youtube and gave it the attention that it deserves! So many people forget about this scene, and I can see why, there are so many truly insane and thought provoking moments in this movie, such as when Thanos harnessed the power of all 5 infinity stones and called Black Panther the n-word, or when he used the time stone to freeze the movie, looked straight at the camera and asked all female viewers to leave the theater and go back to the kitchen. Although there are so many other interesting scenes, such as the ones I just mentioned, I feel like this scene is criminally glossed over, the horror that you see on Peter's face when he realizes that Thanos forgot to say no homo looks truly genuine. On top of Chris Pratt's incredible acting in this scene, Thanos returning to clarify that he isn't gay implies that he might think that there's something wrong with being gay, which foreshadows the scene where he attempts to bargain for the time stone by telling Strange that if he gives him the time stone willingly, he will only kill gay people. Overall, this is a truly incredible scene that deserves far more recognition that it gets, thank you for helping this scene get the respect it deserves.
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the freakster
Feb 3, 2017
Thank god that someone finally posted this scene to youtube and gave it the attention that it deserves! So many people forget about this scene, and I can see why, there are so many truly insane and thought provoking moments in this movie, such as when Thanos harnessed the power of all 5 infinity stones and called Black Panther the n-word, or when he used the time stone to freeze the movie, looked straight at the camera and asked all female viewers to leave the theater and go back to the kitchen. Although there are so many other interesting scenes, such as the ones I just mentioned, I feel like this scene is criminally glossed over, the horror that you see on Peter's face when he realizes that Thanos forgot to say no homo looks truly genuine. On top of Chris Pratt's incredible acting in this scene, Thanos returning to clarify that he isn't gay implies that he might think that there's something wrong with being gay, which foreshadows the scene where he attempts to bargain for the time stone by telling Strange that if he gives him the time stone willingly, he will only kill gay people. Overall, this is a truly incredible scene that deserves far more recognition that it gets, thank you for helping this scene get the respect it deserves
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Funny SCP Lady
Oct 2, 2016
Back when Army of Two first came out, me and my college roommates, suitemates, were all way too into Halo 3 to really care. I didn't even think Army of Two was on my radar in 2008. My college suitemates would sneak into my room while I wasn't there and play Halo 3 without my permission, on my Xbox, but more importantly, they would look at my DVD collection. I had like 215 DVDs in alphabetical order and they would play a cruel joke where they would move two random titles in different places and see how long it would take me to notice. Yeah, I know that says a lot more about me then it does about them, but I could tell every time that was the joke. I would just scan briefly over my DVDs everyday and see if they had taken one was usually the issue wasn't-I wasn't checking to see if they put them out of order, I was checking because they would turn up MISSING. And then I would track them down and find someone across the hallway who borrowed one without asking and what do you know! The DVD is missing from inside of its jewel case! Where did it go? No one knows. Oh I found it, it's in two pieces now. No, I'm not still angry about that.
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cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
Holy fuck that was hilarious! I cannot stop laughing! Take my upvote! Take another from my second account! Hell, take a silver, why not? Scratch that, a gold! Scratch that, a platinum even! God, just come to my house and plunge your 2-incher into my gaping asshole already! You can have my wallet afterwards too! Take the credit cards too, I’ll even give you the PIN numbers! Hell, you can take the whole damn house while you’re at it! You can even have my wife and kids if you want! I’m willing to go into poverty just because your post on was that funny!
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the freakster
Feb 3, 2017
I ran into an old friend from high school this summer. When i found out he is a pilot, i locked my arm in his and said "your my new best friend!" Then I said,"here's why. Im a flat earther. Is the Earth flat or is it a ball?" He said, "well it looks flat-ish." I said, "ok. Well there is a lot of arguing and debating. Sphere believers always ask why more pilots dont say earth is flat." He pulled me aside and whispered, "we took an oath and if we break it we lose our pilots license." I whispered back, "thank you." Out of respect i will never say his name. You can believe me or call me a liar. It makes zero difference to me. Some things are true if you believe it or not. .
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the freakster
Feb 3, 2017
If Bigfoot took there front door of and beat them round the head with it they still wouldn't believe,brainwashed by the state,they believe all they were taught in school and unless there wonderful president like Bush ha ha tells them its true then they won't believe ,hey it's on the internet so it must be rubbish,leave them to there2.4 kids wife and a mortgage for life that spend so much time working to pay that they don't get any enjoyment from what they're buying brainwashed by the powers that be a slave for life ,try thinking outside the box for once in your life.
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Apr 26, 2016
4 kids wife and a mortgage for life that spend so much time working to pay that they don't get any enjoyment from what they're buying brainwashed by the powers that be a slave for life ,try thinking outside the box for once in your life.
HOLY SHIT THAT hit hard dude... (sorry caps)
Nov 29, 2016
Ubisoft steamworks always bye bye, go on DRM
Ubisoft oes Stlways on D on DRM.Ubisoft go StUbisoft oes Stlways on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, alwaRM.UbisUbisoft oes Stlways on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft go Steaays onDRMoft goes Steamworks bye bye, alwaysys on DRM.Ubisoft go Steaays onDRMeaays onDRM