The Current State of Civil Protection: A Critique

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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
it's absolutely telling that the worst elements of civpro have been playing for so long they still argue the same bizarre grimdark elements that everyone grew the hell up out of after 2016.

no, forcing citizen players to pretend all their food is garbage and that the citizenry should be 100% soulless and constantly beaten to death on the pavement 24/7 doesn't help the server, it makes people leave.

no, tortureRP on randoms & mandatory executions over minor infractions is daft and you should be ashamed for thinking characters need to die because they pressed their shift key for three seconds or picked up an empty box.

no, just because half life alyx had a water flavored food bar prop & a club sandwich joke doesn't mean all your stupid thoughts on forced witness sterilization are lore accurate.

im still heavily against the grandfathering that many civil protection players benefit from solely because they bring near-decade old outdated ideas and mindsets with them

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
im still heavily against the grandfathering that many civil protection players benefit from solely because they bring near-decade old outdated ideas and mindsets with them
the CPOG and it's zealots can frankly fuck off

join a real police force and beat up the homeless if you want to spout codebook phrases and spite people all day, the server's for character development, not bragging that you emptied six rockets on a dozen randos in the tundra and put a kill montage up on your private leadership discord channel.
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May 18, 2016
also yea rebels are also toxic sometimes, but i think thats mostly just a side effect of cultivating like half a decade of cop vs rebel mutual resentment. some cop mains have literally being playing for that entire time. when u still have ppl posting clips of haha'ing on dead refugees (zethes guys have probably created more rp than anyone in that pt) or massacring people who are passive rping idk whats to be expected

the Haha voiceline and its consequences have been a disaster for Civil Protection

i genuinely want it removed purely because it's taken no time at all for it to be used unseriously
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Mar 13, 2023
it's absolutely telling that the worst elements of civpro have been playing for so long they still argue the same bizarre grimdark elements that everyone grew the hell up out of after 2016.

no, forcing citizen players to pretend all their food is garbage and that the citizenry should be 100% soulless and constantly beaten to death on the pavement 24/7 doesn't help the server, it makes people leave.

no, tortureRP on randoms & mandatory executions over minor infractions is daft and you should be ashamed for thinking characters need to die because they pressed their shift key for three seconds or picked up an empty box.

no, just because half life alyx had a water flavored food bar prop & a club sandwich joke doesn't mean all your stupid thoughts on forced witness sterilization are lore accurate.
tbf it didn't even make sense back then about the cops being that overly aggressive.


Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017
I loved the moments when we were able to actually RP with CPs, but sadly most engagements now are KOS and "Haha" or "Get owned!". I wanna talk, boys. :)
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fresh prince of baghdad
Apr 16, 2017
idk I feel like this issue is a product of the environment. people will roleplay when they are incentivized to, which at the moment they really aren't. S2K is the main draw right now and really the only reason people play. people need to be incentivized to stay on the server for things other than S2K, and the solution should not have to rely on admins constantly running events 24/7


Apr 26, 2016
I gotta be honest though; I think downplaying how absolutely vicious some rebels can be even now is only solving half the issue when it comes to attitudes.

Yes, some cops are dogshit in their need to constantly win. But we're sitting here discussing it. People agree its bad, the faction agrees its bad, people at least try to step in and solve it. That's been true since 2016 tbh.

Rebels as a collective, however, routinely get away with it to the extent some people don't believe it happens at all. Its normalized - there's a very intense double standards around attitudes depending on the faction you play, intentional or not. If cops had acted (for the sake of argument) like rebels did in the last two events of 1.0 there would have been such a stranglehold on the faction that you'd never get a whiff of it again. People would have rightly demanded heads roll.

We should want to stamp out both sides while its the focus. RL's who want to play-to-win to the extent they do, and rebels who'll antagonize behind closed doors bc le cop maine.
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fresh prince of baghdad
Apr 16, 2017
I gotta be honest though; I think downplaying how absolutely vicious some rebels can be even now is only solving half the issue when it comes to attitudes.

Yes, some cops are dogshit in their need to constantly win. But we're sitting here discussing it. People agree its bad, the faction agrees its bad, people at least try to step in and solve it. That's been true since 2016 tbh.

Rebels as a collective, however, routinely get away with it to the extent some people don't believe it happens at all. Its normalized - there's a very intense double standards around attitudes depending on the faction you play, intentional or not. If cops had acted (for the sake of argument) like rebels did in the last two events of 1.0 there would have been such a stranglehold on the faction that you'd never get a whiff of it again. People would have demanded heads roll.

We should want to stamp out both sides while its the focus. RL's who want to play-to-win to the extent they do, and rebels who'll antagonize behind closed doors bc le cop maine.
the issue with comparing rebel attitudes and cop attitudes is that, while bad you cannot blame rebels as a collective because in reality they are not a collective. cops on the other hand are meant to be a vetted group of people that have higher standards due to the barrier of entry.
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May 18, 2016
idk I feel like this issue is a product of the environment. people will roleplay when they are incentivized to, which at the moment they really aren't. S2K is the main draw right now and really the only reason people play. people need to be incentivized to stay on the server for things other than S2K, and the solution should not have to rely on admins constantly running events 24/7

real question - what's your most basic suggestion for this?

atm we struggle to give incentives for anything other than s2k related objectives, and as you said, admin events are taxing to run


Apr 26, 2016
the issue with comparing rebel attitudes and cop attitudes is that, while bad you cannot blame rebels as a collective because on reality they are not a collective. cops on the other hand are meant to be a vetted group of people that have higher standards due to the barrier of entry.

You're absolutely right, my point was more that rebels get lost entirely in the discussion most of the time - it literally never comes up that some rebels have absolutely abysmal attitudes and do the types of things that would probably get your average cop player splashed on the screenshot thread with people demanding their removal.

Cops should absolutely be held to a standard but there's not much point if after we whip cops into shape they're still dealing with certain rebel players doing shitty things that make them not wanna bother reciprocating, y'know?

Setting all the examples in the world doesn't matter if one group (I don't mean ALL rebels there ofc) is left to wallow in the mud with the hopes they'll bother to climb out as well.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
idk I feel like this issue is a product of the environment. people will roleplay when they are incentivized to, which at the moment they really aren't.
reggie did you read the thread title

I'm going to be real, this problem has plagued the server since the first week, and it's only gotten worse

S2K is the main draw right now and really the only reason people play. people need to be incentivized to stay on the server for things other than S2K, and the solution should not have to rely on admins constantly running events 24/7
whether or not that is a viable solution for the insurgency is irrelevant, a key part of why civpro is so fucked is the leadership failures that have been exhibited time and time again and remain unfixed

pressing on with "just change the map / stop making events we need things that cater to other stuff" doesn't help; we have a bunch of people dragging a whole faction down and ignoring it just emboldens them.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
Yes, some cops are dogshit in their need to constantly win. But we're sitting here discussing it. People agree its bad, the faction agrees its bad, people at least try to step in and solve it.
Yes, people do agree it's bad.

Yet I haven't seen any of the aforementioned show their faces here yet. They lurk, they probably chat shit in their private channel and think they can wait things out before they go back towards badmouthing regular players behind closed doors & chatting about their latest merked citizen that they emptied three rockets into because he wandered sixty meters near the FOB gate, unarmed.

Something needs to be done.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
reggie did you read the thread title

I'm going to be real, this problem has plagued the server since the first week, and it's only gotten worse

whether or not that is a viable solution for the insurgency is irrelevant, a key part of why civpro is so fucked is the leadership failures that have been exhibited time and time again and remain unfixed

pressing on with "just change the map / stop making events we need things that cater to other stuff" doesn't help; we have a bunch of people dragging a whole faction down and ignoring it just emboldens them.

i still cant believe @Simman102 is still a RL after openly declaring that every CP that isn't a RL is a retard that he wouldn't trust without constant supervision
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fresh prince of baghdad
Apr 16, 2017
real question - what's your most basic suggestion for this?

atm we struggle to give incentives for anything other than s2k related objectives, and as you said, admin events are taxing to run
my suggestion is this, and I have seen this work on many roleplay servers in the past.
more RPG elements and gameifying the server, the most common thing I've seen on other servers are scavenging systems that incentives players to scour the map for resources. for this to effect both sides, cops and rebels alike should have to rely on this theoretical system and events for resources. want a gun? go find one or earn one in an event.

reggie did you read the thread title

I'm going to be real, this problem has plagued the server since the first week, and it's only gotten worse

whether or not that is a viable solution for the insurgency is irrelevant, a key part of why civpro is so fucked is the leadership failures that have been exhibited time and time again and remain unfixed

pressing on with "just change the map / stop making events we need things that cater to other stuff" doesn't help; we have a bunch of people dragging a whole faction down and ignoring it just emboldens them.
I agree that civipro needs reform, but you can treat the disease and the symptoms at the same time.

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
openly declaring that every CP that isn't a RL is a retard that he wouldn't trust without constant supervision
I can't blame him for it when half the faction would shoot specific RL's dead out on patrols if there were genuine consequences for it and most of us, even staff members, think he's a dinosaur when it comes to civpro policy.

It's an open secret and if some mod thinks me voicing this is 'an affront' or something, touch cement.
Not saying anything he doesn't already know.
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Apr 26, 2016
Yes, people do agree it's bad.

Yet I haven't seen any of the aforementioned show their faces here yet. They lurk, they probably chat shit in their private channel and think they can wait things out before they go back towards badmouthing regular players behind closed doors & chatting about their latest merked citizen that they emptied three rockets into because he wandered sixty meters near the FOB gate, unarmed.

Something needs to be done.

Again, I don't disagree at all - something does need to be done.

But while we're here we may as well solve both sides of the coin. I know cops make for the easier target because they're a faction but, as I've said, its not like there aren't rebel players who love the chance to roll in the mud, throw jabs and piss off cop players because they know it's never going to get much attention and it'll just be downplayed even if it does.

Remember when WW3 relaunched and people got shamed for pointing out problem people wanted certain positions again because "its been five years, they've changed, it'll be fine" only for it to turn out they did the exact same shit again? RebelRP has the same cycle and it is literally never touched on.

It shouldn't be "The most heavily vetted and PK hungry cop players" against "The poor innocent rebels who do no wrong" - it should be "The cunts on both sides who do shit that they KNOW is poor play."
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
Remember when WW3 relaunched and people got shamed for pointing out problem people wanted certain positions again because "its been five years, they've changed, it'll be fine" only for it to turn out they did the exact same shit again? RebelRP has the same cycle and it is literally never touched on.

The problem people should be exposed, they should be shunned, they should be exclaimed for the problems they cause.
You say this and I haven't forgotten the mass outcry at K4e or Jello that lasted most of their stay here, didn't matter if they were playing random norweigan shooters or loyalist ration farmers, people knew what they were doing.

If the community is hypocritical enough to do that, and then balk at the idea of placing problems out in the open (instead of bullshit about keeping drama down or "you're inciting harassment!!!" ) where they can be solved, what's the bloody point? If Joe Nebulae is out fucking over people for his circlejerk then he shouldn't be able to hide behind some fucking shield of authority.

Why have these threads if we're going to pretend there's nothing that can be done about failures involving SPECIFIC people?

The weight shouldn't be entirely on the cop faction when it comes to fixing the issue as a whole.
Look, I can agree, but going "both sides" on this thread is a bad idea.
It just clogs shit up and means nothing gets down, all this effort gets pissed down the drain and the perpetrators go on.

You want to make a thread about insurgencyRP failures?
Sure, go ahead, then we can all yell at other people about their faults over there.
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Apr 26, 2016
idk I feel like this issue is a product of the environment. people will roleplay when they are incentivized to, which at the moment they really aren't. S2K is the main draw right now and really the only reason people play. people need to be incentivized to stay on the server for things other than S2K, and the solution should not have to rely on admins constantly running events 24/7

I recall on day 1 of this new map, reading that this time it is focusing more on Passive RP and less on S2K.
turned out the opposite.
not to taunt it or something.
but I believe it is for the best that it happened to be like that. Since now we have this thread happening, showing that S2K emphasis in a HL2RP text sandbox game with infinite sandboxtools, is infact not its strongest feature, if the reason for HL2RP at all.
Awareness that passiverp is the gem of this game. to change the term's meaning in the word passiverp its not meant masturbating around the campfire in +sit2 position, forcing conversations when no human can keep on making up nonesense to discuss all the time.
but rather passiverp means text based rp adventures, with ingame gameplay coming out of it that ISNT about executing characters back to the respawn point.

Focus of forced hostilities & PVP between factions = splitting the playerbase to half alas, thinking on how to outsmart and murder each other.

got me infact to appreciate how in the first hl2rp iterations back at 2012 or 13, pvp was entirely /me and text based in close quarter situations of city rebel/cmb aggressions that came from IC reasons mostly. After years of thinking it was weird as a kid, I see now why it was kinda cool.
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