Serious The Downfall of WW3RP: From the perspective of one of the common folk


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
I would say at that point one ought've taken it further, made it public, went to more reasonable admins (like me, hehe. im epic) about it, brought evidence forward and gathered support from the playerbase. Be the change you want to see.
I did
"It would've been cooler if NCO's made proper plans and used real tactics, instead of rushing out into the field."
Half the people thinking this WERE ncos! What was stopping them? You don't need to be a Lieutenant or a faction lead to start using your brain. You can make there be a purpose to a patrol, you can divide your fireteams, teach people to use tactics, it's all quite literally in your job description from the lowliest Corporal to the highest Officer. I did this plenty of times, and people seemed to really enjoy it, and if you get people complaining that they just wanna go on the field? Well congrats, you outed a retard. Report them if they're an NCO, shun them if they're an enlisted.

"There was no RP/nothing to do on base."
Is that a failure on the behalf of staff/faction leadership? Yeah. Probably. Does that mean you just go kick rocks and do nothing about it? Ought not to be. Again, nothing stopping anyone from cracking open a cold one and bringing some idea to the table, and a lot of people did. Good on 'em. You can't just sit around and wait for shit to fall on your lap. You have to give to get in RP, a lot of people struggle to understand this.

every time a server ends, and a few months or a year later ppl are reminiscing about it, there's all this "Someone should've done something about that." but nobody had these bright ideas when the server was up, apparently.
The server concept was goofy. Aside from PT, fucking some chick that gets passed around on base, random cooking rp or pissing off NCOs or command staff there really wasn't much on offer to do

In the case of NATO, issues were brought directly to the head of the faction. However angel is such a sour, salty cuny it was always refuted in an argument instead of simply taking the criticism and moving on

By the time the server died, anyone that had any genuine bone in their body had already left and it was entirely compromised of twenty different metagaming idiots that would pump out one /me a week, and command staff that would only login to protect said idiots. There was CONSTANT feedback provided to the factions, but how much of it was actually considered lead to the server turning out the way it did


Apr 26, 2016
There was CONSTANT feedback provided to the factions, but how much of it was actually considered lead to the server turning out the way it did
Like we had a thread that was pages upon pages of feedback and criticism and ways to improve the server, and it kept being locked because server leadership couldn't take it

The playerbase was QUITE involved in trying to improve things, it's just that it's hard to push them through when there was 0 willingness from the very top to do anything.


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
Like we had a thread that was pages upon pages of feedback and criticism and ways to improve the server, and it kept being locked because server leadership couldn't take it

The playerbase was QUITE involved in trying to improve things, it's just that it's hard to push them through when there was 0 willingness from the very top to do anything.
The NATO ccc thread being locked was the epitome of how the server was ran
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Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
The server concept was goofy. Aside from PT, fucking some chick that gets passed around on base, random cooking rp or pissing off NCOs or command staff there really wasn't much on offer to do

sounds like the server just was irredeemably bad and you shouldn't have played it then lol

idk what you can possibly expect going "the literal concept of the server is fucking stupid and sucked and there was NO fun to be had whatseover. but also it should be good"


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
sounds like the server just was irredeemably bad and you shouldn't have played it then lol

idk what you can possibly expect going "the literal concept of the server is fucking stupid and sucked and there was NO fun to be had whatseover. but also it should be good"
A better server run by upstanding people


Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
>be ww3rp staff
>put heaps of time and effort into making sure there is cool roleplay to be had at base, making sure ur subfaction is managed cool and great
>make field events for both factions, ppl say they really enjoy them
>make sure there is ambience and interesting things for ppl to make their own rp about
>eventually have to quit for irl health reasons + cant really put the time required into the server it needs anymore
>"lol, all ww3rp staff were fucking retards, there was no rp, the server was so shitty, i hated it. there was literally nothing redeemable about it. everything was horrible"
>"btw someone should make a GOOD server"

yea nah not goin thru all that again
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Apr 26, 2016
>be ww3rp staff
>put heaps of time and effort into making sure there is cool roleplay to be had at base, making sure ur subfaction is managed cool and great
>make field events for both factions, ppl say they really enjoy them
>make sure there is ambience and interesting things for ppl to make their own rp about
>eventually have to quit for irl health reasons + cant really put the time required into the server it needs anymore
>"lol, all ww3rp staff were fucking retards, there was no rp, the server was so shitty, i hated it. there was literally nothing redeemable about it. everything was horrible"
>"btw someone should make a GOOD server"

yea nah not goin thru all that again
i mean me and @avralwobniar were literally staff ourselves and put in tons of time and effort into trying to better the server
but we're obviously not talking about you or any else of the staff before us that did their best to keep it going

it was just overwhelmingly more bad staff than good staff, doesn't mean good staff didn't exist though
this was never about criticizing you specifically, you were never mentioned as a bad influence, you did tons of good

what im trying to say is, don't take the criticism personally
other than the off-roster corporal the original nato leads authed me for balance at the start of the server, only for it to be taken away by a succeeding lead who immediately assumed i had abused myself that character without even asking why i had it first! still mad! ragh!)
also this thing was because, there were tons of prospect NATO enlisted that were dying to get a chance to become an NCO and try their hand at it, so it sucked the life out of a lot of them when they saw coalition mains hop over on alt characters and immediately get NCO


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
>be ww3rp staff
>put heaps of time and effort into making sure there is cool roleplay to be had at base, making sure ur subfaction is managed cool and great
>make field events for both factions, ppl say they really enjoy them
>make sure there is ambience and interesting things for ppl to make their own rp about
>eventually have to quit for irl health reasons + cant really put the time required into the server it needs anymore
>"lol, all ww3rp staff were fucking retards, there was no rp, the server was so shitty, i hated it. there was literally nothing redeemable about it. everything was horrible"
>"btw someone should make a GOOD server"

yea nah not goin thru all that again
I didn't say all the staff were bad. I said there was rampant abuse of power while pointing out specific staff members and that the server leadership was bad. I said all of this while the server was still up and running many times. If it offends you then you might be closer to the side of the problem than you expected to be

Caln down and stop inserting words into peoples mouths pal


Jun 1, 2017
ok i stand corrected! Abuse did happen and I was none the wiser. Sad! Sadder still that it was reported and nothing was done about it, although I would say at that point one ought've taken it further, made it public, went to more reasonable admins (like me, hehe. im epic) about it, brought evidence forward and gathered support from the playerbase. Be the change you want to see.

It leads me into another point I want to bring up.

It's not just the responsbility of the staff or the server director to make a server good, sure, it's our job, but we're a community, and it ought to be a community effort.

It's all well good to sit back now and say "X didn't happen, Y wasn't done." but frankly a lot of people making these complaints had the capacity to do something about it if they had really wanted too.

"It would've been cooler if NCO's made proper plans and used real tactics, instead of rushing out into the field."
Half the people thinking this WERE ncos! What was stopping them? You don't need to be a Lieutenant or a faction lead to start using your brain. You can make there be a purpose to a patrol, you can divide your fireteams, teach people to use tactics, it's all quite literally in your job description from the lowliest Corporal to the highest Officer. I did this plenty of times, and people seemed to really enjoy it, and if you get people complaining that they just wanna go on the field? Well congrats, you outed a retard. Report them if they're an NCO, shun them if they're an enlisted.

"There was no RP/nothing to do on base."
every time a server ends, and a few months or a year later ppl are reminiscing about it, there's all this "Someone should've done something about that." but nobody had these bright ideas when the server was up, apparently.

Is that a failure on the behalf of staff/faction leadership? Yeah. Probably. Does that mean you just go kick rocks and do nothing about it? Ought not to be. Again, nothing stopping anyone from cracking open a cold one and bringing some idea to the table, and a lot of people did. Good on 'em. You can't just sit around and wait for shit to fall on your lap. You have to give to get in RP, a lot of people struggle to understand this.

every time a server ends, and a few months or a year later ppl are reminiscing about it, there's all this "Someone should've done something about that." but nobody had these bright ideas when the server was up, apparently.
bro im really sorry but a lot of the things you said here is one of the few rare instances where the 'you didn't play enough' excuse is valid, you didn't even know rampant abuse was around until I assume someone showed some shit to you

let us go through the points you've made

"It would've been cooler if NCO's made proper plans and used real tactics, instead of rushing out into the field."

used to do that, as a matter of fact my I'm quite sure field report folder was the most lively one assuming the archives still exist and didn't get deleted (because i lived through most of my patrols and didn't die. Wow!)

ended up getting investigated for decadence for whatever reason, combine this with the fact that at least 50% of nato's ncos had defection/rogue/whateveryouwannacallit authorizations to constantly disturb nato stuff because of how much shit they were being given from nato facleads on a ooc and ic level, a faction like this is near impossible to use proper '''''''tactics''''''' with brother

If you were in the boots of a NATO NCO, would you find yourself encouraged to use tactics at all in an environment like this? Would you even find yourself willing to play the faction in the first place?

everyone saw first hand the amount of natomains who defected because of the bumfuck policies we had

"There was no RP/nothing to do on base."

used to do that too. me and aeromantis used to host sessions (i myself made a wrestling ring and had ppl do shit when they weren't s2king) and i got bashed for it heavily on the nato ccc thread in the initial start of the server, what made this x10 worse was the fact that john america iii would rush at the nearest nato patrol with a musket and bombs for no reason whatsoever and disturb whatever they do

Aren't you aware that NATO was getting firebombed/suicide bombed on the daily while they were roleplaying with citizens at the front gates?

every time a server ends, and a few months or a year later ppl are reminiscing about it, there's all this "Someone should've done something about that." but nobody had these bright ideas when the server was up, apparently.

most regular players don't really have the power to change their leads
most regular players don't have the power to deal with staff abuse
most regular players cannot edit server rules to achieve proper balance

many ideas were there, just none of the people in charge could be bothered to implement them and you know it

c'mon, man.
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Jun 1, 2017
bro im really sorry but a lot of the things you said here is one of the few rare instances where the 'you didn't play enough' excuse is valid, you didn't even know rampant abuse was around until I assume someone showed some shit to you

let us go through the points you've made

used to do that, as a matter of fact my I'm quite sure field report folder was the most lively one assuming the archives still exist and didn't get deleted (because i lived through most of my patrols and didn't die. Wow!)

ended up getting investigated for decadence for whatever reason, combine this with the fact that at least 50% of nato's ncos had defection/rogue/whateveryouwannacallit authorizations to constantly disturb nato stuff because of how much shit they were being given from nato facleads on a ooc and ic level, a faction like this is near impossible to use proper '''''''tactics''''''' with brother

If you were in the boots of a NATO NCO, would you find yourself encouraged to use tactics at all in an environment like this? Would you even find yourself willing to play the faction in the first place?

everyone saw first hand the amount of natomains who defected because of the bumfuck policies we had

used to do that too. me and aeromantis used to host sessions (i myself made a wrestling ring and had ppl do shit when they weren't s2king) and i got bashed for it heavily on the nato ccc thread in the initial start of the server, what made this x10 worse was the fact that john america iii would rush at the nearest nato patrol with a musket and bombs for no reason whatsoever and disturb whatever they do

Aren't you aware that NATO was getting firebombed/suicide bombed on the daily while they were roleplaying with citizens at the front gates?

most regular players don't really have the power to change their leads
most regular players don't have the power to deal with staff abuse
most regular players cannot edit server rules to achieve proper balance

many ideas were there, just none of the people in charge could be bothered to implement them and you know it

c'mon, man.
forgot to add something

the total centralization of nato's leadership made it near impossible for one to think for themselves and do shit on their own

I tried promoting someone from PVT to PFC once (my character was SFC at the time of this), got yelled at by samurai because I wasn't supposed to do that despite the nco permissions thread saying otherwise

I'm really sorry for saying this but it seems that a lot of people truly have no clue how bad things really were, and that the problems were mostly connected to the people* running the gamemode and not the gamemode itself
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
I did funnies IED's but generally didn't play a character after a while just did events for people till I got bored and left
It was when you were noclipping outside of the map to scare patrols with a sniper rifle and got told off for it some days later. I found it funny when I saw it


The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
It was when you were noclipping outside of the map to scare patrols with a sniper rifle and got told off for it some days later. I found it funny when I saw it
Ye that was fun too, I used to do things like that all the time, so soldiers didn't rush s2k full sprint without thinking (don't think ever killed anyone with it do, I did with IED's)
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i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
I will say though, apologies to the squads who ran over the IEDs/VBIED's I scattered around the map. The idea was for people to notice it and do Hurt Locker roleplay but 9 times out of 10 it just ended up with a squad wipe instead

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Apr 26, 2016
I will say though, apologies to the squads who ran over the IEDs/VBIED's I scattered around the map. The idea was for people to notice it and do Hurt Locker roleplay but 9 times out of 10 it just ended up with a squad wipe instead

it added some spice when the server was getting stale tbh i didnt mind it too much lol


Sep 13, 2016
"It would've been cooler if NCO's made proper plans and used real tactics, instead of rushing out into the field."
Half the people thinking this WERE ncos! What was stopping them? You don't need to be a Lieutenant or a faction lead to start using your brain. You can make there be a purpose to a patrol, you can divide your fireteams, teach people to use tactics, it's all quite literally in your job description from the lowliest Corporal to the highest Officer. I did this plenty of times, and people seemed to really enjoy it, and if you get people complaining that they just wanna go on the field? Well congrats, you outed a retard. Report them if they're an NCO, shun them if they're an enlisted.
This is usually a good thing I tried doing but there are certain cases where one can only be so obnoxious, people start to get disinterested. Same way there's only a limited amount of things one can do, for example, union city was quite unidimensional and there weren't going to be any major discoveries to what you knew... and it also got real messy trying to keep it cohesive. People lose focus or whatnot. But that's part of the charm. It can also be discouraging to have superiors who obviously do not really do anything tell you how to do your job.

In my eyes coalition didn't have this much of an issue, since it was well complemented... optimistically speaking, although I'm not sure about NATO. Judging from what they're saying 💀
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Jul 9, 2017
Never thought I'd be back but hey cool new thing relating to ww3rp epic

I don't wanna get too into the arguments here but I thought this was kinda cool to think about so I thought maybe give a bit of insight but not like acknowledge a lot and just say what's on my mind personally.

Seeing I've now been promoted irl to rank of First Sergeant within my company and all the shit I've been forced to read all that is the thing that's mainly repeated over and over again.

Do you deserve your rank? Do you actually do something to try and make a difference or do you actually do something with your stripes? Most NCOs in NATO at least, besides only a handful (which I'm not gonna name) could actually fit that description.

Only a handful could actually show up and tell me or anyone else IC and OOC every single thing about every single person within the Battalion. Their physical, mental, spiritual, and militarily well being. I know I could go to them to find out more if need be.

The rest to me were all s2k fiends. Focused on one thing where the history of the faction has always been on RP rather then pure s2k.

The thing of being a good NCO regardless if it's LARP or real life is that you're flexible, you can do this and that and no matter the situation you can adapt to it to work for the best possible outcome for your troop and company.


Apr 27, 2016
Never thought I'd be back but hey cool new thing relating to ww3rp epic

I don't wanna get too into the arguments here but I thought this was kinda cool to think about so I thought maybe give a bit of insight but not like acknowledge a lot and just say what's on my mind personally.

Seeing I've now been promoted irl to rank of First Sergeant within my company and all the shit I've been forced to read all that is the thing that's mainly repeated over and over again.

Do you deserve your rank? Do you actually do something to try and make a difference or do you actually do something with your stripes? Most NCOs in NATO at least, besides only a handful (which I'm not gonna name) could actually fit that description.

Only a handful could actually show up and tell me or anyone else IC and OOC every single thing about every single person within the Battalion. Their physical, mental, spiritual, and militarily well being. I know I could go to them to find out more if need be.

The rest to me were all s2k fiends. Focused on one thing where the history of the faction has always been on RP rather then pure s2k.

The thing of being a good NCO regardless if it's LARP or real life is that you're flexible, you can do this and that and no matter the situation you can adapt to it to work for the best possible outcome for your troop and company.
thanks for ur cervix
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