the population pendulum swing


Nov 5, 2019
Now, now, that's not true.
They also get a shiny yellow name in the Discord.

But no, real talk, the event team has very few actual responsibilities on the server. And their primary responsibility - creating player engagement - can often be fulfilled with just a little creativity and some small setting-centric events here and there. People get so caught up in the drive, or perhaps excuse, of overarching storylines and running riot with ideas that are rarely communicated to the rest of the event team that they utterly neglect just ... doing the little things.

It does not take much to spice things up for a few players each day/night. It really doesn't. Often, the smaller and more intimate goings-on are the ones that can spawn the most interesting character interaction and growth. But the people that allegedly signed on to handle those little things, those small, world-focused events to bring the server's setting to life, have developed a bad habit of just not doing anything period. Let alone actually talk amongst themselves or collaborate if an idea is taking too long to come together.
Personally I think there should a sorta 'partial event person' role that someone can do now and again, such as if they don't want the commitment of doing stuff constantly / without the extra perks, and more just sorta...

Trusted so they can ask a staff member for the 'temp event-staff' role and do a small event or otherwise. Like how it used to kinda be allowed when I did CWU event shifts.
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Deleted member 906

May 25, 2016
it’s really hard to get people to help with events sometimes so you gotta make do with animated props


to not play a character at ALL is fucking stupid

Bigdaddyman14 was the expert of doing this and using rebels for events but he got banned, I don't condone how he acted though, but he was good at using people as opposed to ragdolls or props for the events


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
We have reached an age where both sides can RP without requiring the other, so long as someone is there to stick some animated props down and a few /events. The only utility either side has directly for a player-controlled enemy is for PvP, as both sides seem more than happy to go gung-ho on each other when either are encountered.

As neither side wants to lose, the only way to win is to not play with the other. That's probably why there's such a huge pendulum swing, as Civil Protection has little to gain from interacting with rebels, and the Rebels exclusively gain from killing Civil Protection through more weapons and supplies. If Civil Protection want to RP with a rebel, they have to hope and pray that the rebel doesn't gun them down, tries to run away, or is in a group when cornered under the understanding that if they don't fight back, it's an NLR, and if they're with groups then it's no longer a Lone Wolf scenario thus practically guaranteeing an NLR.
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Apr 26, 2016
We have reached an age where both sides can RP without requiring the other, so long as someone is there to stick some animated props down and a few /events. The only utility either side has directly for a player-controlled enemy is for PvP, as both sides seem more than happy to go gung-ho on each other when either are encountered.

As neither side wants to lose, the only way to win is to not play with the other. That's probably why there's such a huge pendulum swing, as Civil Protection has little to gain from interacting with rebels, and the Rebels exclusively gain from killing Civil Protection through more weapons and supplies. If Civil Protection want to RP with a rebel, they have to hope and pray that the rebel doesn't gun them down, tries to run away, or is in a group when cornered under the understanding that if they don't fight back, it's an NLR, and if they're with groups then it's no longer a Lone Wolf scenario thus practically guaranteeing an NLR.

I wouldn't say its loss or gain (win) my man
RP at the end, is a theatrical play. Even though its a video game, RP is a theatrical play
and to have a fun theaterical play, all actors commune with one another in some way, and they MUST bend their act, to benefit the other party at times, so THEY can enjoy further a nicer experience.

When u compliment someone irl for something you find lovely, you dont gain anything for that
but it makes you feel good(automatic action), and further promotes further activities of this thing, from the one who you mentioned you liked this action.

gain and loss is the most subjective thing in the world
and has 2 states in it

its just how we see it
whether if its a Play for you,
or simply a game where you choose physical focus instead of theater (whatever your goal may be)
but physical goal, whether pvp, or hoarding infinite items
u get bored in a game that is theater, acting, cuz ur items are in the end just worthless. the pvp too.

(which IS also fun, u CANT have theater WITHOUT physical objectives. but you know its TOO MUCH PHYSICAL intention
and TOO LITTLE theatric intentions...
when Gain and Loss start being something one fears of
no theater without gameplay, indeed, but if gameplay is forgetting the principle of the fact that this is pure theateric play, then ungucci)

there must be still a gameplay balance, like adding fun survival mechanics that PROMOTE THEATERICAL PLAY
(LIKE BOOSTING THE GOD DAMN HUNGER RATE, 4 irl days to even reach starvation??? food ingame is worthless, so THEATRICAL POTENTIAL OF FOOD NEED, is obsolete. no demand no supply)

but in the end, it's a theatrical play. and its all for the purpose of the enhancement of theatrical acts
I don't text rp if im not here to play a part in a play.

When I opened my Freestaurant
The purpose of that place, was to give me rp, and benefit me with joy of whatever rp there was there
Despite the fact that not 1 item of mine, was sold, and all was given away, gifted, mission rewards i invented, and shit like that,
every gun, every armored suit, every high tier rare item, every fish I physically ooc sat and waited to be spawned, thus wasnt the finest investment of my irl time.

all was free and lavish,
but to me, it wasnt loss or (win)gain, its just RP, its just a theatrical play

I didnt lose nothing at it, because I just didnt see it as loss

How can anyone lose something, that is of a Theatrical play, that benefits all the actors in the Play? We are all merely actors.

If I seek something not a theaterical play, I'll go play dayz, and honestly the loot there is quite satisfying.
PVP too, incredibisimo.
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Apr 26, 2016
so if CP and rebels interact in a different manner,

they dont really lose or gain anything

its just the current lore, and ooc rules that kinda make it difficult for the man that plays the CP
and the Rebel
the theater rules for both sides kinda just make it UNINVITING for it to happen

u cant be horny to commune with CPs when the only thing on the plate is aggression rp
and close mind-ness


Premium Member
Mar 7, 2019
We're all saying the same things. We've diagnosed the problem. Its the two sides having no logical reason to and are disencouraged to try and do anything BUT PVP with eachother because of the formula of the server. Maybe we should move on to solutions and so far the only one I've heard is to introduce a common enemy.

Any ideas people?


Jan 21, 2023
i alrdy had something to try out before this issue was diagnosed. but im not gonna try it out in the near future, it may be da "solution" doe
Test it on a smaller scale and see if it's viable to be used on a large scale. Gradually


event guy
Apr 26, 2016
if i was looking to mix things up i would have the cmb win on one of the maps and turn it into an occupied township, like an open air prison, everyone is disarmed and must now co-ordinate to overthrow the provisional military authority - the arc lasts several weeks and ends either with an escalation of reprisals and a tactical cmb withdrawal to a better fortified area or a general uprising that kills the majority of union characters in an extremely violent wave of retribution
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
the arc lasts several weeks and ends either with an escalation of reprisals and a tactical cmb withdrawal to a better fortified area or a general uprising that kills the majority of union characters in an extremely violent wave of retribution
we already had exactly this with the depot though

also, disarmament right now would probably result in a faster population drain than east germany without the berlin wall
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event guy
Apr 26, 2016
we already had exactly this with the depot though

also, disarmament right now would probably result in a faster population drain than east germany without the berlin wall
flip it round, have the rebels own the town, reverse occupation would be very interesting
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
flip it round, have the rebels own the town, reverse occupation would be very interesting
I'd be in favor of it, if only the diehard CPOG people wouldn't whinge about needing to amputate other cops because "you took off your uniform and mask to stay alive!!! you must die for treason!!!" as if we aren't far away from the days of witness sterilization and rule-by-CPOG mentalities

reverse occupation is genuinely a neat idea, with the cops cut off and (temporarily) blending in to survive for once

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
lambda deradicalisation program (do not research)
cops without uniforms plotting to perform several terrorist attacks to regain their command links with overwatch

rebels stuck trying to pacify towns, unable to determine who's a refugee, who's a nutcase and who's a union sympathizer
many from both sides die in the chaos

all hail the new era
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Nov 5, 2019
cops without uniforms plotting to perform several terrorist attacks to regain their command links with overwatch

rebels stuck trying to pacify towns, unable to determine who's a refugee, who's a nutcase and who's a union sympathizer
many from both sides die in the chaos

all hail the new era
think i suggested it before butttt:

rebel prison, with small towns nearby.
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Apr 4, 2017
I'd be in favor of it, if only the diehard CPOG people wouldn't whinge about needing to amputate other cops because "you took off your uniform and mask to stay alive!!! you must die for treason!!!" as if we aren't far away from the days of witness sterilization and rule-by-CPOG mentalities

reverse occupation is genuinely a neat idea, with the cops cut off and (temporarily) blending in to survive for once
fr fr fr
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