News Three years already? What's next?

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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016

Hello everyone, so!

Today is the 26th of April. It marks the 3rd year of nebulous' existance.

Three whole years since the LP fiasco and the decision to start our own community. For the 2nd year, I ended up creating a video showcasing the two years in summary - so for the 3rd year we're going to do something a little different.

Let me be the first to say, It has been quite the journey from point A to point B. The highs we've achieved and the various obstacles we've had to overcome during the tenure won't be forgotten. I'd also like to say, whether you actively play our servers or simply lurk on the forums these days- I'm very glad to see the majority of people who were with us at the start still around today. Despite how heated and volatile situations can get sometimes, I'm overall glad to still be here and I hope you are too.

Speaking personally - I've met some great people during my tenure doing this. People who I consider to be great friends. That, to me is what communities like neb have always been about, bringing people together and the fun times along the way.

Community Update:
Anyway enough fluff time for what you really wanna see: As I'm sure you've all guessed, the thread wouldn't come without some announcements - headstaff, @Zak and general hl2rp staff have been working on a bunch of things, some of which we'd like to share some information on:
  • First of all, something that @Zak has shown off: The next 110 slot event for hl2rp. More information about that can be found here: with more news on the way
  • @alex and @`impulse are working on an upgrade to the forums, it's coming along quite well and everyone will be notified when the upgrade will be put into effect.
  • On top of that - we're going to be looking at avenues for other projects in nebulous, while many people are waiting with anticipation for more news about the possiblity of another server; I'll say we will be getting more news out in the future as we continue to look at options and work however we're working on other things.
  • HL2RP will also undergo some reforms and changes in the close future, as SD I'll be working closely with my staff team and the threads in the bugs/suggestions board to hopefully deliver some satisfying changes
  • We have some other unannounced things that will be revealed in due time. We're trying to keep some things a surprise
  • The Blackquill A.I has been reworked with a new patch
So that's your lot! Thank you for your continued support in the community, whether you're just an ordinary player/forum goer - a premium member, developer/media developer, staff member or moderator.

To repeat something that was used for a thread title around the beginning of nebulous: On behalf of nebulous, thank you!



Apr 26, 2016
If this doesn't beat the Nebs my thread got then shame on you all.

Also, for all I may not play much now I still appreciate you all and all the good times I've had so far.


Dec 30, 2016
much love to all nebuloids congratulations


Sep 2, 2016
  • On top of that - we're going to be looking at avenues for other projects in nebulous, while many people are waiting with anticipation for more news about the possiblity of another server; I'll say we will be getting more news out in the future as we continue to look at options and work however we're working on other things.
we (the people) demand frundtech roleplay Simon Blackquill


Apr 26, 2016
Unironically would've loved to do a GTA RP/City RP server at some point but it just wasn't really feasible.

you could always try it in gta 5 itself

its was pretty popular but the big servers destroyed themselves
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Deleted member 2925

pilotbland's best friend
HL2 RP Server Director
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 16, 2017
What a journey.

Now, I’ve not been in this community nearly as long as the majority, nor am as notable as some of the long time members which stuck around back from LP- I only joined during 2017, yet I feel like I’ve known you guys forever.

I’ve had many high and low moments in the community, I have people who hate me and love me yet I still don’t understand as to why I keep coming back. This community is honestly the only one I’ve invested so much time into because of how active and how big the player base is, which in all honesty, if it wasn’t for a school friend (@Rockky) for showing me my first HL2RP community, I’d of never made it to this amazing one.

I’d like to share a story that only some may already know, and some that share.

The first day I join, I had no idea that I’d even manage to get into the position I have now- that being the lead of my favorite faction, and my staff position. I thank you @Blackquill for even considering me. I know I can be an annoying cunt 90% of the time according to you, but I cherish the moments we laugh together. Back to the story; the day I joined Nebulous was only a day or two before my forum sign-up- with minge-like intentions me and my pal Rockkie ventured out into what at the time we though was the average hl2rp experience. Oh boy, was I wrong. Him and I started out with the easiest gambling scam we could think of: get someone to hold all the money and stand guard outside the door while people inside do /roll on some dice. If my friend lost, he’d icly clap really loud saying “darn it.” And that was my run button. Little did I know we fucked with someone who had a gun, that being @blackopy at the time, an old time friend from another server.

To skip all the boring other details, I’ll just say this. Me and rockkie managed to get SPAS-12’s and blacksuits within the first week of us playing. I won’t say if it was legit or not.... But we did it without even knowing the price of our weapons. Rockky short after quit the server, and I was stuck with a little over 15k worth of gear which then turned into my favorite character Owl. @price’s right hand for a bit on his character Recon.

It’s been three years, ones filled with stress for some and massive amounts of fun for others., the players, the staff, and the cool fags who’ve moved on, thanks for making my adventure even more of a story to tell.

Let’s set aside our differences and useless barking at each others neck for the sake of more memories.

Happy three years, Nebulous.


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
you could always try it in gta 5 itself

its was pretty popular but the big servers destroyed themselves
That's what I was referring to with GTA RP.


Apr 26, 2016
  • On top of that - we're going to be looking at avenues for other projects in nebulous, while many people are waiting with anticipation for more news about the possiblity of another server; I'll say we will be getting more news out in the future as we continue to look at options and work however we're working on other things.
  • HL2RP will also undergo some reforms and changes in the close future, as SD I'll be working closely with my staff team and the threads in the bugs/suggestions board to hopefully deliver some satisfying changes
  • We have some other unannounced things that will be revealed in due time. We're trying to keep some things a surprise

Announcement of an announcement™
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Apr 26, 2016
That's what I was referring to with GTA RP.

Oh i thought you meant on gmod

i reckon you could make it work considering you have the resources and manpower
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