Serious What's your worst acts in this community.


May 16, 2016
expressing my distaste with the british and radical liberals


Sep 28, 2016
This is a thread where group of strangers discuss their own actions, that they consider to be the worst.

Like for an example.
Getting triggered over @Hoovie the Apansenok's statement about conscripts, and raping the thread to death with drama.
Well, I got told to give neb to all of @Cookiro 's medical reports to get him to 500 neb and then I get banned along with @
slimaaconroy who gave cookiro 200 neb.
Reactions: List
Apr 26, 2016
one time i made a member get on cam and show me his tits so i would craft them a suit, and also another time an admin told me to stop moving and I ignored him and kept running with another man's ration, another time when it was quiet on the server and there was only 1/2 cps on i waited near the nexus and snuck in when they left it to patrol, ran around looking for willard in the administration area (i was roleplaying as a big fan of his at that time, i think), another time when the outlands server was brought up with that bunker map and was very popular, AND when zak added all those OP breakdown recipes, i ordered like 100 bottles of beer, 100 supplements, 100 request devices from civvies (they were sold at 5 tokens each at the plaza at the time), and like 200 backpacks/bags to break down the stuff needed for suits. i then got lots of filters and started giving them out to complete noobs to see what would happen, as well as ferrying for free. i was counting and was up to about 60 people brought over, before i went afk and rules were put in place to stop bringing bluesuits over. when i was an admin i constantly looked for new players in the i17 slums to drop props on from above, or when it was very late, JUST when they press the ration button, to see if they would race back on time, whenever possible back in the old outlands when cars were spawned lots, i ran people and antlion players over (i think they were in at that time), i ERP'd to get a guy's ration, he ended up dropping an empty ration so i got him PK'd, all of my character's names were anagrams of racial/ethnic slurs or african dictator/warlords, it never came up much but across all my characters i would harbour a strong dislike for jewish people, and once paid someone 100 tokens to beat one to death. another time a woman was roleplaying as a mother caring for a 1 year old with that baby prop thing, and when she dropped it to unlock her front door, i grabbed it and threw it into the sewers, then she ran in screaming and i @'d to get her PK'd. when i was waiting for bmd's in the basement, i used to send noobs down into the sewers a lot, and my rule was, if they had the frohman model or the black model i would @ it. using ? to make up what other people said around cps, ie. ?George Foremen says "COMBINE SUCK" and they'd get beat. making up thise entire list, getting into a prolonged mingepunching fight with someone, deleting the character then recreating it to regen my health quickly, making a character reserved for engaging men in ERP and then getting limpdick when it was about to happen, break down and cry, blame him and try to hang myself with the laces of my shoes, in front of him if possible, playing large 4v4 admin gunfights for "testing of weaponry" when there were loads of people needing help in !help, coralling up large amounts of bluesuit noobs and teaching them how to use R to fight people, hurt CPs etc. then begin a mass charge on the plaza/nexus, but hide out at the last moment. Or if there were any hints of contraband or dumb enough people, i would tell them to wait in an apartment and call the CPs on the large gathering, saying they were planning a riot, telling a guy that those free token coins only worked for loyalists and he should give it to me, selling someone a bottle of bleach for a bat (told them you could make a filter with charcoal + bleach iirc), using my vortigaunt to see how much shekels i could rack up in a week, caused numerous sweeps along the way and got quite a few people killed, before when there was only the i17 sewers hideout


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
My worst was probably on the Turkish coup thread.

Someone put a video of the aftermath of a fight, loads of dismembered corpses and people that were crushed with tanks, etc.

And I replied saying "adding this to the wank bank"

I requested to be banned afterwards.