Cyberpunk 2077


HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
wow didn't even think of that but ye, why can't you just steal yo shit back, you got the schematics...
as for the night city endings, yeah, but it's never truly happy because you end up alone - unless of course you never romanced any character in which case it makes total sense - nightcity ending is the happy ending if you're single - although if you're not it's kinda depress
All I know for sure is with the secret ending.
You end up in a good apartment, legend of night city (if you survive the attack). If you're with Panam they leave you but idk if it's cuz they are a nomad.
Either way, you end up with 6 months to live and I believe only the nomad ending really ends with you trying to find a way to survive within that limited time. (Disregarding giving yourself up to Arasaka).


she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
All I know for sure is with the secret ending.
You end up in a good apartment, legend of night city (if you survive the attack). If you're with Panam they leave you but idk if it's cuz they are a nomad.
Either way, you end up with 6 months to live and I believe only the nomad ending really ends with you trying to find a way to survive within that limited time. (Disregarding giving yourself up to Arasaka).
I think I know what you mean, it's where you go on the super insane mission and if you die you get bad ending and if you manage you get 'good ending' I believe however that the 'good version' is the exact same as the one where you go out to do a mission in space and your partner leaves you regardless, just that you get a mega mission to do before this happens

ima wait a bit and just go watch all the endings on youtube, I don't like playing for multiple endings myself as I like getting what I got dealt and be done with it, especially in an interactive 'novel' game of sorts
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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
I think I know what you mean, it's where you go on the super insane mission and if you die you get bad ending and if you manage you get 'good ending' I believe however that the 'good version' is the exact same as the one where you go out to do a mission in space and your partner leaves you regardless, just that you get a mega mission to do before this happens

ima wait a bit and just go watch all the endings on youtube, I don't like playing for multiple endings myself as I like getting what I got dealt and be done with it, especially in an interactive 'novel' game of sorts
Oh yeah it's the same ending. Thing is no one dies (since you assaulted Arasaka alone)


Jul 9, 2017
I sorta wish I had more information lore wise of the guns.

Really the only time I got much info at all is at the very beginning when you go to that gun store in your complex and the dude is like “I got your .45 V!” And during that one beat the brat mission where the guy puts his rifle in the winning pot and with like 6 technical your V can say, “A Grad? How’d you get that? That rifle was KGB issue only and only about 300 were ever made.” And I thought that was so interesting.

Had no idea the USSR was still a thing in this universe. And I don’t know why the KGB would want a fucking AM rifle unless it’s Alfa or Vympel who are KGB groups.

And how did they get to the US? Were they apart of the Corpo wars? Or doing a Cold War moment and lending arms?

What type of round do tech weapons fire? Is it like Fallout with batteries? Or caseless rounds like the G-11?

aaaa there’s so much I wanna know
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she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
Oh yeah it's the same ending. Thing is no one dies (since you assaulted Arasaka alone)
the secret ending with a good outcome seems one of those 'you have to grind this game superhard to be good enough to accomplish, goodluck loser haha ecksdee
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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
the secret ending with a good outcome seems one of those 'you have to grind this game superhard to be good enough to accomplish, goodluck loser haha ecksdee
Thing is, I wouldn't mind that the genuinely good ending (where you somehow make V live, maybe at the cost of Johnny maybe not). Is a really difficult thing to achieve. It's what Night City is supposed to be. People come for riches and glory many die in pursuit of it, Getting a good ending in night city is very fucking hard to get with how much the city wants to kill you. It is definitely not impossible however.
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she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
Thing is, I wouldn't mind that the genuinely good ending (where you somehow make V live, maybe at the cost of Johnny maybe not). Is a really difficult thing to achieve. It's what Night City is supposed to be. People come for riches and glory many die in pursuit of it, Getting a good ending in night city is very fucking hard to get with how much the city wants to kill you. It is definitely not impossible however.
Thing is, it's the same ending as if you do rogue path - only difference is rogue survives, but is that really important for it to be the gap to be 'good' or 'bad' ending? I don't think so - I suppose in reality there are two good endings, depending on what the goal is

If your goal is to become the 'night city legend' then you can do it, but you're all alone (reminds me of the conversation at the oildump with Johnny, about how in reality no one liked him and he had no friends, of course if you're in a romance that person leaves, but the goal was to be the legend, so it's not that consequential, given your priorities

If your goal is to have a family and love or whatever, then the leaving night city with Panam is the best, and if you're in the romance they come along with you to search for a way to survive

The reality about this game is that there is no perfect ending where you get the cake and eat it too.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
And during that one beat the brat mission where the guy puts his rifle in the winning pot and with like 6 technical your V can say, “A Grad? How’d you get that? That rifle was KGB issue only and only about 300 were ever made.” And I thought that was so interesting.

Had no idea the USSR was still a thing in this universe. And I don’t know why the KGB would want a fucking AM rifle unless it’s Alfa or Vympel who are KGB groups.

And how did they get to the US? Were they apart of the Corpo wars? Or doing a Cold War moment and lending arms?
you can find most of this shit out in the 2020 suppository books

the USSR ended up getting balkanized like it did here, and the KGB mounted a coup (like they did here), except it failed due to the intervention of a certain state oil company and as a result the state butchered the entire department and shoved their own people in to strip it bare

except (just like they did here), they survived the deliberate bureaucratic dismantling of their organization, either kept their heads down or went underground with the more radical hardliners, and amassed support and power behind the scenes while waiting for their chance to claw themselves back to true pseudo-statehood.

you know, just like they did here.
man, the books predicted a lot of shit.
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she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
I also think it would've been cool to have an ending (especially for those that chose Corpo and street kid) and either continue being an actual evil corpo or sell out and become an evil corpo, where in essence you take over NC, not as a legend, but as the new head of Arasaka or start your own thing.
In essence you stop trying to 'fight' nightcity, but instead of running away (Panam ending), you decide to let it just take you and make you one of it - in one of the credits there's some lines about Judy that you either live long enough in NC to become an asshole or get shot by one, would be cool to actually have the chance to play that out

That would've been amazing.
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barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016

So, I got the ending where you ride out into the desert with your new family, while romancing Judy (meaning she came along)
I suppose this is the happier ending?
Kept Takemura alive and pretty sure in the end credits he tell you to seppuku lmao

Also checked out the suicide ending, the acting in the credits for that one (especially Judy) is really good, even made me proper sad to see.

I suppose though this isn't the 'true' ending, V doesn't fulfil her dream, a recurring theme in talks with Jackie Wells/Johnny about who she wanted to become, I guess being the Legend of NC just wasn't in the cards if you wanted to have the 'truly happy' ending.

I wish there was a way to stay in NC with your love interest and be big boss of the afterlife, but I guess that would mean the MC never truly freed themselves so it wouldn't make sense

Honestly amazing game and the story made me forgive the bugs, what end did you get gamers?
I really don't think the Night City legend endings are the 'true endings', they're moreso about giving in to a self-destructive obsession before you kick it, realising what's most important to you along the way after having lost Jackie matters so much more imo. Panam ending is the true ending in my book because it means his/her story comes full circle and you've come a long way since you started instead of being bogged down in the same line of thinking you were a few months prior.

also bonus thunk, methinks the secret ending is the best of the other endings that aren't panam ending because you dont endanger anyone but yourself, its all you - wish you had a choice to still go with the nomads during the secret ending and it would've been the perfect one.
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Jul 9, 2017
When you get your first legendary it’s like you’re 12 again on Christmas morning

After a while it’s like you remember you’re almost 30 and are in crippling debt with chronic alcoholism


Thanks, I hate it
Apr 26, 2016
My thoughts on the endings, complete spoilers for all endings obviously.
The only ending that really stuck with me was V giving their body to Johnny. While the others were good, I didn't really feel the same emotional impact. Most of my friends and myself went with the nomad ending initially which does seem like the 'good' ending.

However V giving up or accepting death was to me the heaviest and most impactful. Johnny reaction to wearing them, how he puts their memory to rest and turns a new chapter. It felt wrong, sad, disturbing and strangely hopeful as Johnny takes the bus off to a new journey.

I felt a little cheated that no matter what you chose, you're going to die - even if is an open ending.

Nomad ending felt weird as female V, since you end up sitting there with Panam as if they were a couple, while your romance option will be a disembodied voice in the back. Corpo ending was horrible, frankly blowing your brains out is the better option of the two.

If I were to put another 70 hours into the game, I'd do the "Don't fear the reaper" Ending.
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Thanks, I hate it
Apr 26, 2016
I can't say I'm not disappointed in the ending. I really don't like saying it, but I am.

I personally got the ending where Johnny's sent off into cyberspace and V gets her body back, but the fact that Alt immediately just rocks up at the last minute like "Yeah sorry can't actually save you" was like a massive smack in the face to me. It was built up like Alt could truly save V and that all would go well; I expected that maybe Johnny would have to sacrifice himself in order to save V and whatnot, but that wasn't the case.

So, V wakes up with Judy, goes off to the afterlife, talks about a job, goes on the job (which was left extremely open-ended) and that's the end. It's implied that V is going to die irregardless.

I then took to google and checked if that's the case with all endings; it is. Regardless of what you choose, no matter what ending you get, it's implied that V will eventually die no matter what. I don't like that, in fact I hate it.

When you build V up, it's very much you writing the story through your own choices; the character becomes connected to you, and that should mean you have the ability to at least sway their fate in the direction you want - but, instead, while you can get from point A to point B however you like, point B amounts to the same thing - V dying.

I was hoping that V would live in the end and you'd just be able to continue playing the game like normal; completing gigs, sidequests so on, maybe even manage a 100% run; but, apparently that's impossible unless you just hold off on the ending entirely.

I'm disappointed, I am. Don't get me wrong; it hasn't dissuaded me from playing the game again, as there's a lot of other questlines I'm very intrigued to get into and I'm also intrigued to see the other endings, but it'll be done with far less excitement knowing that - whatever I do - V will eventually die.

My theory here is that maybe CD will eventually release a free DLC - sort of Fo3 styled - where you take up the story after your respective ending and you're given the ability to save V. Why would they do this? Maybe they couldn't finish the story in time for release, or maybe they just wanted to leave people on a cliffhanger so they'd explore the stretches of the game before continuing on - I don't know. If that's the case then I'd be satisfied, but I'd still be disappointed because there's so much better ways to do it.

I don't know. I'll still keep playing the game, but that was a massive smack in the face; the game, no matter what, rips your character away from you - a character that YOU built, that YOU curated through choices and paths - and there's nothing you can do about it.

That's okay in the case of something like RDR2, where you're simply playing out the story of a set in stone character, but when you're responsible for the character and what they do, who they are and what path they take, for the ending to be so railroaded honestly isn't nice.

It's implied they have six months, but are still looking for a solution. The job you do for Mr. blue eyes in space is supposedly done in order for them to survive. Paraphrasing Mr. Blue eyes 'for slightest chance of surviving'. With the nomads you're going to hit up contacts, though I wouldn't get my hopes up. Then again they did get into Arasaka tower so... Who knows.
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