Serious unofficial HL2RP² launch feedback thread

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Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017
I'm in complete agreeance with @Keller . Literally everything he said is literal gospel. The most fun I had on this server was Azov, not a single doubt in my mind.

S2K can be fun, but I personally find the passive side of the server infinitely more interesting. Interacting with the prisoners at Azov was such a great time and even the trader was fun just hanging around Insurgents.

The events are top-notch. Very fun, big props to @Toriwarior30055 and @TommyGman for the more recent ones but the periods between them are usually quite dull. Ironically I just spent the last 30 minutes having the most character development ever in my life.

As Keller said, I'm hoping that in future maps the tensions between the two factions die down a little to allow for some more roleplay to occur. The trader was a great example but that unfortunately didn't last long. Admittedly I haven't played a Rebel yet because I don't really find that side of the coin super fun in comparison to CP.

My personal/IC take on working with Insurgents goes as far as "I don't mind it as long as they don't kill us on sight." Collaborating with refugees and other random people is something I wish to do SO MUCH MORE but with the way the server works it's simply not really possible.

If it was up to me, a trade of a heap of possibly very useful information in return for a basket ball would be accepted almost immediately. Unfortunately it didn't go this way and it was essentially like going cave-diving, finding a bunch of treasure and then crawling away from it. It was stupid.

I think it would definitely benefit both sides if it calmed down and we are able to talk to each other, even if it's on an irregular basis. Both sides are just so used to shooting each other on site it's slowly taking away any RP potential.

As Keller said. No amount of map changes will change the fact that all of the S2K will eventually grow stale if it already hasn't for some.
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Jan 21, 2023
I'm in complete agreeance with @Keller . Literally everything he said is literal gospel. The most fun I had on this server was Azov, not a single doubt in my mind.

S2K can be fun, but I personally find the passive side of the server infinitely more interesting. Interacting with the prisoners at Azov was such a great time and even the trader was fun just hanging around Insurgents.

The events are top-notch. Very fun, big props to @Toriwarior30055 and @TommyGman for the more recent ones but the periods between them are usually quite dull. Ironically I just spent the last 30 minutes having the most character development ever in my life.

As Keller said, I'm hoping that in future maps the tensions between the two factions die down a little to allow for some more roleplay to occur. The trader was a great example but that unfortunately didn't last long. Admittedly I haven't played a Rebel yet because I don't really find that side of the coin super fun in comparison to CP.

My personal/IC take on working with Insurgents goes as far as "I don't mind it as long as they don't kill us on sight." Collaborating with refugees and other random people is something I wish to do SO MUCH MORE but with the way the server works it's simply not really possible.

If it was up to me, a trade of a heap of possibly very useful information in return for a basket ball would be accepted almost immediately. Unfortunately it didn't go this way and it was essentially like going cave-diving, finding a bunch of treasure and then crawling away from it. It was stupid.

I think it would definitely benefit both sides if it calmed down and both sides were able to talk to each other, even if it's on an irregular basis. Both sides are just so used to shooting each other on site it's slowly taking away any RP potential.

As Keller said. No amount of map changes will change the fact that all of the S2K will eventually grow stale if it already hasn't for some.
J-2... I remember you.... we shall meet one day.... in the place where there is no darkness.....


Sep 2, 2019
Some good feedback, but I want to give some context for this, because you're making it seem like we shoot every bluesuit we come across.

You were both playing basketball directly under a spot where we have occasionally sniped people for the last 2 weeks (primarily armed resistance and vortigaunts, but also careless bluesuits). The city is not supposed to be a safe area to walk around, and sniping (or scaring with the laser) at least a few people is part of emphasising that danger. It's an environmental obstacle that isn't there 24/7, but when it is, it forces you to rethink your route through the city.

When I first spotted the two of you, I had some model issues to fix, so I left you both there for some time while I disconnected and reconnected. When I came back, you were both still there, so I decided to get you to move somewhere else, as it felt like you were overstaying in an area that is supposed to have some danger to it. Keep in mind that only a day prior had "rebels" dropped a gas bomb in an area just 30 seconds away from you, plus I had also spotted armed rebels at the hospital behind you before reconnecting.

I dropped a grenade nearby and pointed my sniper's laser at you to scare you away, but I held my shot. Of course, I then proceed to get shot at by an armed rebel (with what sounded like an AK) at the hospital. I couldn't spot that rebel after, so I changed position to an angle where I could potentially see him. Last I saw, you were both running away.

Mid-way through moving to a new spot—not even 30 seconds later—you were already back to playing basketball. I shot at you both for being incredibly careless of your surroundings, where one died, and the other was heavily injured. For all I know, you could have also been an informant for them, so no chances were taken. In reality, of course, you just wanted to play basketball.

As for the sniper that destroyed the basketball, that was somebody else who is a little more evil.

However, I will say that it is unfortunate that the CPs did not want to collaborate with you, as they have with others in the past. Minor relationships like that can be a win-win for both sides, especially in this case. You give the current public resistance frequency (something that is definitely valued – assuming they don't already know it) and additional information in exchange for simply being able to play basketball? Seems a bit petty to reject such a deal.
100% we figured you must've thought we had something to do with the rebels who shot at you, and I wasn't overly upset about it, more of a minor inconvenience than anything. My overall point about that part was more so that it makes the server seem stale when it feels like you're forced into one side. The only valuable roleplay/ activity as a civ that isn't like "my name is xyz, and i'm REAL lambda! Here's a gun random dude I just met! F the combine!" Has been literally spending ALL day on the server playing basketball. I think if you're able to check its prob 5-6 hours today we just shot hoops. I love the server and community but it's incredibly repetitive without a neutral party. If there was somewhere neutral where we could see more interaction with both sides it'd make things so much more interesting imo.

Also I think the RL who spoke to us was @Simman102 which explains us getting kicked out over such an incredibly good deal lmao.
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Sep 2, 2019
I'm in complete agreeance with @Keller . Literally everything he said is literal gospel. The most fun I had on this server was Azov, not a single doubt in my mind.

S2K can be fun, but I personally find the passive side of the server infinitely more interesting. Interacting with the prisoners at Azov was such a great time and even the trader was fun just hanging around Insurgents.

The events are top-notch. Very fun, big props to @Toriwarior30055 and @TommyGman for the more recent ones but the periods between them are usually quite dull. Ironically I just spent the last 30 minutes having the most character development ever in my life.

As Keller said, I'm hoping that in future maps the tensions between the two factions die down a little to allow for some more roleplay to occur. The trader was a great example but that unfortunately didn't last long. Admittedly I haven't played a Rebel yet because I don't really find that side of the coin super fun in comparison to CP.

My personal/IC take on working with Insurgents goes as far as "I don't mind it as long as they don't kill us on sight." Collaborating with refugees and other random people is something I wish to do SO MUCH MORE but with the way the server works it's simply not really possible.

If it was up to me, a trade of a heap of possibly very useful information in return for a basket ball would be accepted almost immediately. Unfortunately it didn't go this way and it was essentially like going cave-diving, finding a bunch of treasure and then crawling away from it. It was stupid.

I think it would definitely benefit both sides if it calmed down and both sides were able to talk to each other, even if it's on an irregular basis. Both sides are just so used to shooting each other on site it's slowly taking away any RP potential.

As Keller said. No amount of map changes will change the fact that all of the S2K will eventually grow stale if it already hasn't for some.
JURY boyz for life!
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Sep 2, 2019
I don't mean to flame the rebels btw, it prob came off like that. Yal lare cool and chill, It's just both sides are forced into an awkward position, where combine are all "hate me hate me hate me" and rebels have to be all "love me love me love me".
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I don't mean to flame the rebels btw, it prob came off like that. Yal lare cool and chill, It's just both sides are forced into an awkward position, where combine are all "hate me hate me hate me" and rebels have to be all "love me love me love me".

no keep flaming the rebels the dumb cunts deserve it lmao


Sep 9, 2022
I cannot apport much else to what the recent feedback has already said.
However, something I am extremely interested in is in some S2RP event between factions, I felt the S2K was too fast paced for me in my cop char to use voice lines and give proper ambience.", which when I could get the time to do it, it felt scenic despite the second after seeing a flatline.

I remember the ending of the last map, which implied like some interesting things (Which I forgot most of it since I never logged anything of the convos until recently), to which I got a bit excited about seeing the plot advance, make my moves more meaningful and...

Well, I may be missing out on mini events, but to my perspective so far I see not much of a grander scale objective other than kill rebels, or at least not yet. Maybe if there was something about claiming the city by itself as an objective, it would be something to have planned on but I will not develop on it since we are already in another situation, but to me, I can see the smaller things being too self contained, or maybe I am just wrong and I am blind as hell.

Anyway, I will add more onto what I think when I clear my thoughts a bit.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
there is no "rebel groups fighting each other for power". It's just all faction warfare.
You're two iterations late for that.

Speaking as someone who was there, do you really want factionism when the cops are a unified and deadly force?

CP: "Your deal is improbable"

Me: "What about it is improbable? We just want our basketball back"

CP: "we'll spare your life and thats all we dont care about actionable intelligence, and thanks for the guns."
That cop deserves to become a trash can for his intelligence, truly.

Also I think the RL who spoke to us was @Simman102 which explains us getting kicked out over such an incredibly good deal lmao.
I re-state my opinion above. Way to go.


The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
You're two iterations late for that.

Speaking as someone who was there, do you really want factionism when the cops are a unified and deadly force?
Yes, actually, I want infighting. I want rebels to kill each other like the savages they have proven to be. And then be at peace until the next warlord comes in or law is established.


no but seriously, in-fighting both rebel and combine side would be nice, ideally a resource to fight over that only some groups could claim might allow that but it’s tricky to plan so I’d have to brainstorm an idea


Sep 2, 2019
You're two iterations late for that.

Speaking as someone who was there, do you really want factionism when the cops are a unified and deadly force?

That cop deserves to become a trash can for his intelligence, truly.

I re-state my opinion above. Way to go.
To your first thing. I hear you, it was just that this iteration was also hyped up in a way that made it sound like and I think was also stated that “a bunch of rebel groups with varying ideas and all wanting to be ‘lambda’ in some way sprang up” so it seemed that players would get more depth within the rebels which IRL is a very common theme, you always see multiple groups pop up vying for their slice of the pie when a state/government collapse. But it never came to fruition here. Can’t say I blame the rebels as there is no IC reason to do so given how the server is structured and what’s at play at the moment.


spooky skellys
HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
For me the most fun map was Apoc because I could constantly build events in places that nobody used or people weren't around. There were shacks that nobody used which I could decor up to fit whatever narrative I wanted for those that stumbled upon it and build an interesting plot-line separate from the events of the server (side quests).

If I had to rate the maps so far, it would go:
Prison Escape Depot > Apoc > Asheville > S2K Depot

The prison escape was the most fun because people were constantly escaping and building little groups and a lot of things going on at once and you could interact with whatever you liked. Apoc was fun for the same reason. Asheville I feel like everybody is sticking together and both factions have an equal amount of ground on the map but it leaves very little for 'contested zone' and places to do side quests. S2K depot (after the 3 days prison escape) was my least favourite because the map gave me such bad performance, plus it was hard to build or interact with most stuff with it being so open.


The Motha' Fuckin' Newports.
Apr 4, 2018
For me the most fun map was Apoc because I could constantly build events in places that nobody used or people weren't around. There were shacks that nobody used which I could decor up to fit whatever narrative I wanted for those that stumbled upon it and build an interesting plot-line separate from the events of the server (side quests).

If I had to rate the maps so far, it would go:
Prison Escape Depot > Apoc > Asheville > S2K Depot

The prison escape was the most fun because people were constantly escaping and building little groups and a lot of things going on at once and you could interact with whatever you liked. Apoc was fun for the same reason. Asheville I feel like everybody is sticking together and both factions have an equal amount of ground on the map but it leaves very little for 'contested zone' and places to do side quests. S2K depot (after the 3 days prison escape) was my least favourite because the map gave me such bad performance, plus it was hard to build or interact with most stuff with it being so open.
Honestly. Bridge warfare has been my favorite part of this map. Having an actual no mans land to go to was fun and led to some nice engagements with snipers for both sides. (I play both reb and cop). However, I must say. In terms of cinimatics, the recent SPIRE firefights have been fun as hell. And I am truly glad I didn't die during the fighting to make it NLR as it has led to some IC hatred of a group that isn't 'muh Union'


HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
ngl idk why the combine isn't allowing negotiation with sympathisers etc, considering the city (was) apparently filled to the brim with people.

Odessa wasn't an Urban Center. Was used for other purposes or had refugees passing through alongside the growing Xenian threat.

That being said there are good points being made and things worth being looked into. What that would result in is hard to say but having some degree of collaboration again is something that would be fun.
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barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
Yes, actually, I want infighting. I want rebels to kill each other like the savages they have proven to be. And then be at peace until the next warlord comes in or law is established.


no but seriously, in-fighting both rebel and combine side would be nice, ideally a resource to fight over that only some groups could claim might allow that but it’s tricky to plan so I’d have to brainstorm an idea
i will murder indiscriminately and make your dreams come true
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