Serious Bring Back WW3RP

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Deleted member 93

GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
@Blackquill says it all.
Hard to take this thread seriously @Jello when you're a culprit of WW3RP's downfall.
Reminds me of another thread during WW3 RP time where somebody was trying to outline the problems of WW3 RP, but OP is a culprit of exactly what he brought up on the thread.
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Oh, got the impression that a group does not want the server theme to exist overall.
Well speaking from a headstaff perspective

We didn't want to just repeat LP, in the sense that we wanted to perhaps pursue something original or new - we had various diff ideas on hand at the time - Star wars RP, Fallout RP etc but a large portion of the community wanted us to do WW3RP and in the end we decided to.

It's not that we didn't /want/ it - I was personally satisfied with it as a concept since it made people happy even if I had thought smth original might've been cool
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Aug 31, 2016
Well speaking from a headstaff perspective

We didn't want to just repeat LP, in the sense that we wanted to perhaps pursue something original or new - we had various diff ideas on hand at the time - Star wars RP, Fallout RP etc but a large portion of the community wanted us to do WW3RP and in the end we decided to.

It's not that we didn't /want/ it - I was personally satisfied with it as a concept since it made people happy even if I had thought smth original might've been cool
I did say that we should have taken a few pages out of HL2RP's book with getting competant staff members, grab what was all ready there at the start (LP and that 2011 community) with some little enhancements here and there. But I do see and understand where you are coming from.

Deleted member 93

GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
One of the problems with WW3RP was the roleplay. Ironic. But the thing is, you've got to understand, that for a normal GMOD player, who has been playing DarkRP, BHOP, Prop hunt and Murder. When they see WW3, they instantly thing tanks, guns, missiles, and they don't really pay attention to the RP. Obviously there had to be action within the gamemode, and I think a lot of people didn't really get that. Yes, there needed to be a balance with roleplay and action, but people were complaining about patrols going out every 30 minutes, but you need to try and keep the playerbase entertained, so they keep coming back. Roleplay was also mainly restricted to Military Police, special forces, and high ranking officers, which I think was very unfair to the lower ranked, new player.

When new players join the server, they become recruits, and have very limited means to take part in the schema.
It's pretty false to say that new players don't come into the server, and pay attention to the RP, considering the server is called WW3 RP.
It's the faction leader's job to construct a faction consisting of ranks that give time to roleplay, which is then delivered onto the general playerbase of the server. Recruits come into the server, only to fixate onto the S2K aspect because there isn't any interested/existing roleplay.
Also, here's a key statement that people need to understand.
People love roleplay
The are more interested in a roleplay focused faction, than S2K.
Hence why the ratio is generally favored to the Globalists.
The best example is at the beginning of Nebulous' reboot of WW3 RP, and the majority of the server played on the Globalist side, despite not sending frequent patrols out, due to Coalition being an absolute mess, with zero faction structure.

Speaking strictly about Nebulous, around late 2017, early 2018, it got really sloppy. There was a lack of S2K events, lack of RP events, lack of mini-events. Staff weren't as helpful as they were before, half of the staff didn't even come on. But in general the numbers for the server was good, there didn't seem to be a dying playerbase.

Fairs, I wouldn't say the numbers were good.
Stable, but definitely not a representation of what WW3 RP should be racking in.

I think it went wrong with the new lore. I think the change from Coalition to Soviet, and Glob to NATO was pointless. At the end of the day we were there to roleplay as soldiers, not to roleplay with politics and foreign policies. Many people argue "But uh, I didn't understand the coalition lore, and I still don't to this day". The solution is to either read it, or get it re-written. But for the most part I never saw the point.

But Lore doesn't destroy a server.
You can change the lore, but you're still maintaining the same functions of WW3 RP, faction vs faction.
Lore has been changed so many times, and has shown that it is not the problem of WW3 RP failing.

I think with a dedicated backing, restructure staff, and a little bit of time, WW3 could become a thing again.

We need all of that, but with actual strictness.
We were so close to perfecting WW3 RP in the reboot, Globalists had everything covered, but Coalition is treated like nothing but dog shit. Nobody wants to play a badly managed faction, so the majority transfer to the Globalists.
Ratios are then biased, and then without optimal amount of S2K, and a barren Coalition faction, people started to quit.
We cannot treat the factions like dirt, especially the /main/ factions.
If they are not run properly, then you will have serious problems.
Even minor factions i.e. UM in HL2 RP are run better than the factions in WW3 RP.


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
whats sad is that theoretically it can work

the new ftrp server that was made recently seems to be going pretty well and most people on nebulous thought ftrp was a concept that'd never work

ww3rp is a concept that has been shown to work (see: lemonpunch) yet its a lot harder to manage than hl2rp because of the whole opposing faction thing

like we could have another ww3rp server but most of the key figures turned out to be corrupt so it would be almost entirely different
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Sep 17, 2016
imma be real with you chief

there are dozens of better universes with more world building opportunity that are much better for an RP environment


Apr 26, 2016
I would only ever consider personally running it again if;

A) I can guarantee I can free up the time to be active with it, or have a staff team I could trust blindly (no offense to the good guys, but most deep shit happened in my absence)

B) I get a free pass to permaban everyone I've noted down as being a serious problem, including the non-stop memers, toxic people, peer-pressure manipulators, internet gangsters and general knobheads that ruined it for everyone else

C) We can guarantee that it doesn't turn into a week of great fun before the first 'bring back x, the problem with y, close down z' threads pop up. We established that the playerbase changed its mind about literally anything every other week for next to no reason, only to complain again the moment its changed

D) No more excessive whining about lore. No one lore was more serious than others as thats up to the players, but the constant complaining about lore switches without any proper reasoning to back it up got tiring. In the end it became apparant that some people were rooting for another modern lore for no other reason than to have knowledge about memes, songs, facebook etc despite claiming it'd be more immersive

E) I can undertake action against unserious staff members and players without entire groups piling on and crucifying me without even remotely being involved. It was always 'staff is corrupt riot now boycott this shit!!' the moment the staff did ANYTHING that was completely justified, more often than not driven by a few toxic players and a handful of impressionable kids that thought they'd become friends with said player.

And yes the server and all the content is still around

Deleted member 22

Every server besides hl2 on this community has tanked so why not just accept that hl2 is our specialty and strong suit instead of trying to divide up the playerbase and complicate the headstaffs lives with making more needless servers that will inevitably last a month or two?
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Aug 6, 2017
Honestly I would be fine if Nebulous made a new type of server simply revolving around a certain time period instead of a war.


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
B) I get a free pass to permaban everyone I've noted down as being a serious problem, including the non-stop memers, toxic people, peer-pressure manipulators, internet gangsters and general knobheads that ruined it for everyone else

Just gonna say that if WW3 RP ever happens again you're free to permaban anyone who confessed in the confession thread.


she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
E) I can undertake action against unserious staff members and players without entire groups piling on and crucifying me without even remotely being involved. It was always 'staff is corrupt riot now boycott this shit!!' the moment the staff did ANYTHING that was completely justified, more often than not driven by a few toxic players and a handful of impressionable kids that thought they'd become friends with said player.
sad that most of these incidents then got admitted to in the confession thread
still nazi staff, worse than hitler btw

Bio Junior

Apr 26, 2016
A) I can guarantee I can free up the time to be active with it, or have a staff team I could trust blindly (no offense to the good guys, but most deep shit happened in my absence)
As much as I'd like to have the mod back, if you can't have time for it don't try and make it, like I'm not saying it's not worth it, I'm saying that your own life is way more important than this game. As for the staff problems and the players you consider that destroyed the server, I never really got to understand most of the shit that happened but if you do end up trying to bring the server back all I can say is that those people who fucked up for everyone else don't have the right to enjoy it again, so give 'em hell if you do bring it back.

EDIT: I'm saying this from a regular and ordinary player's POV
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Apr 26, 2016
from my POV if we bring back ww3 we remove all the old leaders bar char and roosebud and replace them With people who care more about rp then shooting

What went wrong was you lot cared more about death match then actually developing characters, patrols became more common and roleplay because less common

Honestly I wouldn't launch ww3 again, definently not with the old playerbase it had at the end
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