Serious Bring Back WW3RP

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Apr 27, 2016
from my POV if we bring back ww3 we remove all the old leaders bar char and roosebud and replace them With people who care more about rp then shooting

What went wrong was you lot cared more about death match then actually developing characters, patrols became more common and roleplay because less common

Honestly I wouldn't launch ww3 again, definently not with the old playerbase it had at the end
Imo it's just because WW3RP was balanced in the wrong way

When you base how a server works around S2K it just makes it incredibly toxic and competitive and people will prioritize S2K over roleplay
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Apr 26, 2016
Imo it's just because WW3RP was balanced in the wrong way

When you base how a server works around S2K it just makes it incredibly toxic and competitive and people will prioritize S2K over roleplay

but it never use to be about s2k? It changed with the playerbase and honestly it was the playerbase that ruined it
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Visual Powerhouse
Apr 26, 2016
from my POV if we bring back ww3 we remove all the old leaders bar char and roosebud and replace them With people who care more about rp then shooting

>mildly offended
>but also fair

e: I don’t think I could picture it working without either of them really.


Apr 27, 2016
but it never use to be about s2k? It changed with the playerbase and honestly it was the playerbase that ruined it
It's like an evolutionary process

The fundamentals for it turning out the way it did were there from the beginning, people just didn't do it because they preferered setting up camps/roleplaying on patrols over going on patrols with the only point being getting into a gunfight


Apr 26, 2016
It's like an evolutionary process

The fundamentals for it turning out the way it did were there from the beginning, people just didn't do it because they preferered setting up camps/roleplaying on patrols over going on patrols with the only point being getting into a gunfight

It really wasn't, I believe @Hudson was there in the really old days.

You had just as much fun, and a more active playerbase back then by just sitting in base and roleplaying, and doing maybe one patrol every few days
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Jul 30, 2017
it changed when people wanted to win over having fun

as soon as one side neglected RP to win then the other had to stoop to that level, until it snowballed out of control
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Deleted member 1158

It really wasn't, I believe @Hudson was there in the really old days.

You had just as much fun, and a more active playerbase back then by just sitting in base and roleplaying, and doing maybe one patrol every few days
The constant base rape attacks in the Alaska campaign + FAS was the nail in the coffin for the deathmatching mentality, though it was already starting to spring up before that because of competitive events and “your team sucks mine is better” arguments.


Apr 26, 2016
Some of the worst stuff I saw in this community (and LP actually) came from WW3RP and the players that tended to congregate and settle there - whether that be spite threads to get a faction lead removed for not letting them in or drama between staff blowing up on the forums. Not everyone of course but there were some pretty big offenders.

When it launched on Neb there was every intent to prioritize roleplay - and for the first few months thats what it was all about. Then the spats about the weapon base started, people openly began to prioritize people based on S2K skill and the house of cards began to crumble until the only roleplay I saw when I hopped on was either memes or POW stuff.

as soon as one side neglected RP to win then the other had to stoop to that level, until it snowballed out of control
though it was already starting to spring up before that because of competitive events and “your team sucks mine is better” arguments.
And I think this is the biggest cause of that. I most certainly remember very early on where the Globs started getting shit on because they prioritized RP over S2K skills and were losing rapidly as a result - and as per the confessions thread I'm p.sure people worked to get them out of power so S2Kers could take the reigns.
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Apr 26, 2016
Some of the worst stuff I saw in this community (and LP actually) came from WW3RP and the players that tended to congregate and settle there - whether that be spite threads to get a faction lead removed for not letting them in or drama between staff blowing up on the forums. Not everyone of course but there were some pretty big offenders.

When it launched on Neb there was every intent to prioritize roleplay - and for the first few months thats what it was all about. Then the spats about the weapon base started, people openly began to prioritize people based on S2K skill and the house of cards began to crumble until the only roleplay I saw when I hopped on was either memes or POW stuff.

And I think this is the biggest cause of that. I most certainly remember very early on where the Globs started getting shit on because they prioritized RP over S2K skills and were losing rapidly as a result - and as per the confessions thread I'm p.sure people worked to get them out of power so S2Kers could take the reigns.

People were promoted on S2K abilities at the end, it was ridiculous
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Apr 26, 2016
People were promoted on S2K abilities at the end, it was ridiculous
The point where roster posts and stuff started becoming "yeah I promoted him because he can lead a patrol to S2K people" without any attempt to hide it is the point I stopped getting on WW3 altogether.

And it sucks because it looked terrible on the people who were actually trying to change it (ie] Roose). But you can't exactly do much when almost your entire staff team admits to abusing your trust to further that S2K agenda lmao
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Apr 26, 2016
The point where roster posts and stuff started becoming "yeah I promoted him because he can lead a patrol to S2K people" without any attempt to hide it is the point I stopped getting on WW3 altogether.

And it sucks because it looked terrible on the people who were actually trying to change it (ie] Roose). But you can't exactly do much when almost your entire staff team admits to abusing your trust to further that S2K agenda lmao

I still laugh at the time the society's had a hard fought victory at the airfield only for a NATO admin to /event NATO jets fly over the airfield, NATO victory
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Apr 26, 2016
I still laugh at the time the society's had a hard fought victory at the airfield only for a NATO admin to /event NATO jets fly over the airfield, NATO victory
Was the Society that group on Ineu that ended up fucking murdering all those patrols lmao


Apr 26, 2016
Was the Society that group on Ineu that ended up fucking murdering all those patrols lmao

Ngl I had some good times, like sneaking into the NATO base and RKO'ing three Military police before escaping

Problem was the playerbase and I am adamant about that
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cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
s2k was a solid way to have a short bit of fun but the shit I remember the most for being fun was military police rp doing cool shit with that
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Deleted member 1158

And I think this is the biggest cause of that. I most certainly remember very early on where the Globs started getting shit on because they prioritized RP over S2K skills and were losing rapidly as a result - and as per the confessions thread I'm p.sure people worked to get them out of power so S2Kers could take the reigns.
Pretty much what happened to me back in LP when I got evicted from glob lead, I was promoting too much RP and not enough competitiveness (S2K) because of things like keeping patrols in to prevent wholesale slaughters. Therefore someone with more of that ‘competitive’ mindset would go to take over whilst I was ousted from everything I had pretty much set up for some fool with no common sense to take over. It ended up badly for the faction with it slowly dying over time. Karma is a fickle thing.

Not saying in my younger times that I was a great leader, I did and said retarded shit as well and got memed for it pretty badly, but no one and especially not me should have to experience being removed in such a manner where a closed door esque TS channel tribunal is established where select few server staff were gathered and people pretended like nothing was wrong when I joined the channel until the ultimatum to oust me came without any sort of proper deliberation based on loose shit because honestly the person just wanted me gone, they weren’t even trying to hide it. I honestly wish I recorded it.
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Resident Furfag
Apr 26, 2016

I'd first off just like to say, that this is a serious suggestion, and I really don't want this to turn into shitposting, and stupid memes and stuff like that. I'd just like to keep it civilized and normal

First of all, I know most of you here are 'roleplay veterans'. But some people here have never played WW3RP, so I'm going to basically sum it up.

In WW3 [world war three], you basically roleplayed as a soldier, on the front line. You started as a low ranked, normal soldier, and you worked your way up through the ranks. You went out on patrols around the map, every 20 minutes or half an hour, and you'd generally run into the opposing side, and get into a firefight. It's very hard to sum up a complex gamemode in such few words, I haven't even talked about branches, officers, POW's. And other handy systems such as radio, compass, but you get the gist. World War Three was extremely fun, and it was my first introduction to roleplay. I played it here, and on LimeKick.

WW3 was such a great gamemode, it was so amazing, great people, great mechanics, a dedicated playerbase. It was well developed.

One of the problems with WW3RP was the roleplay. Ironic. But the thing is, you've got to understand, that for a normal GMOD player, who has been playing DarkRP, BHOP, Prop hunt and Murder. When they see WW3, they instantly thing tanks, guns, missiles, and they don't really pay attention to the RP. Obviously there had to be action within the gamemode, and I think a lot of people didn't really get that. Yes, there needed to be a balance with roleplay and action, but people were complaining about patrols going out every 30 minutes, but you need to try and keep the playerbase entertained, so they keep coming back. Roleplay was also mainly restricted to Military Police, special forces, and high ranking officers, which I think was very unfair to the lower ranked, new player.

Speaking strictly about Nebulous, around late 2017, early 2018, it got really sloppy. There was a lack of S2K events, lack of RP events, lack of mini-events. Staff weren't as helpful as they were before, half of the staff didn't even come on. But in general the numbers for the server was good, there didn't seem to be a dying playerbase.

Of us who have played, I think we can all look back on good times, from POWRP, fun s2k events, funny occurrences, interesting militia events. It was pretty much the full package. Also, if some of this stuff sounds familiar, it's because it's from Jas' suggestion.

I think it went wrong with the new lore. I think the change from Coalition to Soviet, and Glob to NATO was pointless. At the end of the day we were there to roleplay as soldiers, not to roleplay with politics and foreign policies. Many people argue "But uh, I didn't understand the coalition lore, and I still don't to this day". The solution is to either read it, or get it re-written. But for the most part I never saw the point.

The gamemode was great, I've made so many great friends, I've had so many great memories, over-powered guns, long-ranged battles, firefights in motel, are my personal best. Some of you may criticize me for creating this post, saying I wasn't there for the roleplay. To be honest, I was there for fun, I enjoyed interacting with the people and making friends. The S2K and such, was a great bonus.

Obviously, I'd love to see WW3 come back. And I think deep down many would, but internal issues such as head staff, and lore, and all that shit is preventing it. Some people are saying ''uh not this community'', but the reality is that half of the people here, came because of WW3, I presume the config for the server is still there, and Head Staff have the resources to re-boot the server.
I think with a dedicated backing, restructure staff, and a little bit of time, WW3 could become a thing again.

Please, do not lock this like you did with the last one, this isn't a meme, and is a serious suggestion, and I'd like if you kept it open for people to post their opinions on the topic, thank you.
I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

WW3RP was the server I mainly stayed on all the time, I loved it, and I made amazing friends IC and IRL through the roleplay, both during the Glob/Coal era and the 1883/1990 era.

Which is why, as a veteran WW3RP player (I think I can call myself that) I don't see it coming back, and even if it did, it would be vastly different from the WW3RP we knew. Perhaps discussions relating to reviving WW3RP could come back someday, but I think for now we should focus on other ventures as a community.

I loved WW3RP, but if it's revived and follows the same path is has over the last two/three era's, it will simply crash and burn harder and faster than before.
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
As much as I enjoyed WW3RP a few times, as well as a few of their staff... I can't say I'm happy with 75% of what used to be their management team or even players. Some have come to HL2RP after and I'll tell you things that did happen:

- Some of them began working on a literal ERP squad, which hey, I'll tell you, it's actually the thing that has bothered me the least, considering their attitude as well.

- Some others decided it was too boring to roleplay, so getting guns early through questionable means and shotcopping or even killing other rebels for jackshit reason was their action of choice.

- Some are actually good RPers and I'm glad for it, quite a small number though, but it's enough all things considered.

- A previous Senior Administrator from that server literally acted arrogant and like a dick towards me, forgetting any respect and even insulting me once, after I warned them for something I can't even remember but that I could've kicked them from the server. I thought they'd know better, but apparently that's not the case? Don't ask for names though, I won't give it away.

- I've seen previous staff aside from this remarkable case above doing things I've had to warn them for, or literally some others I've had to kick them for. As for players, I've already banned a few.

This said, I feel horribly bad for Roosebud for having to cope with all the shit he kept up with, I have nothing but respect for him. Someone who has been playing in the HL2RP and has given us already fun situations and great passive. Now, if you really think a server can be built up and will work with this kind of attitude and playerbase, you are a big dreamer.
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