Serious Bring Back WW3RP

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community antagonizer
Jun 26, 2017
Making the Military a single faction rather than two opposing ones, placing further emphasis on the in-faction branches without splitting players on both sides. The gameplay would revolve around interacting with the world around them and a more branched out local government and civilian population. The Army wouldn't necessarily be a open-to-all faction either, instead focusing on the civilian population during a conflict with a limited amount of military personnel available.

this war of mine rp

that's all i got hung up on and i like the idea.
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Deleted member 1381

peer pressure
I think that's the single biggest issue with WW3

From around September 2017 to WW3's closure I gave myself a kick up the arse and and started taking the server - and factions - more seriously. From an internal standpoint I had the ability to do some stuff, but when I saw pissing about, memeing, generally shit and unrealistic RP, plus stuff that should result in a punishment, I didn't act on it, even though I wanted to convert the faction into something more serious and appealing. I didn't want to be seen as 'that guy' who nobody would be friends with because I won't allow any fun, although admittedly I did limit myself on what I'd be pressured into.

I made a significant attempt in very late 2017/early 2018 to start cracking down on people who were generally turning the faction into a bit of a shitfest. It didn't work and eventually I gave up as I felt like complaining would just make me a nuisance

Unless you're a faction leader, you can't stop any unseriousness or general nuisances. Faction leaders have the power to do what they want, if they want to demote someone five ranks for something they can - and people will take them very, very seriously. If, say, a Lieutenant tries to crack down on the same sort of stuff what'll happen? They'll get swept under the rug, they'll be laughed at, and they'll become the single most unpopular person on the server. It's sad, because faction managers really shouldn't have to micromanage everything because their faction doesn't take anyone below SCO seriously; or if they do they're close friends and won't receive any punishment.

I'm not a saint myself, I was a massive twat from early-mid 2017
I get that I sound like I'm trying to be a faction leader in this post but I'm not, when converted to text it sounds like something that you'd do if you were trying really hard for that sort of position, but I wasn't - I just didn't like what was going on and wanted to change it


Jul 30, 2017
Essentially what is happening to the frundtech revival with a certain group of players that were banned on nebulous, it once again comes down to enforcing harsh measures and being rid of them, even if that means suffering a lower playercount and being faced with 'haha ww3rp is already dead where the players at' memes. Most staff faced with such individuals were hesitant to take action for a variety of reasons, not all bad ones.
not advertising but to add to this past perma-banned players who had there mates appeal a ban saying "they've changed" and that they "won't do it again" litterally did it all over again to shit on another group
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i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
Honestly, I think if the server was brought back with factions focusing on realism when it comes to organisation of patrols, the command structure, ideology and attitude on the war, then there's potential for a good gamemode there. But in order to do that, you have to set the grounds for the playerbase to interact with the server, setting, other players and lore in a non-memey way, which has been engraved into the game mode after what seems like years of pissing about.

More events would be a good way of keeping the server fresh, and less S2K events based around capturing territory at that. More events involving the horrors of war, such as civilians getting caught in crossfire, the use of prohibited weapons, stalemates and insurgency would be a good way of promoting RP on the field at least.

In the FOB however, NCOs, especially JNCOs, need to be taken more seriously, and accordingly, need to act more seriously. There's been more than one occasion where I've found JNCOs acting like glorified minges at that, and there's been many an occasion where I've seen SNCOs join in. Though the consequences for demoting or ICly punishing such acts usually just end up with people's friends jumping down your throat, and as a consequence the memes continue. Regular enlisted need to be given a way to roleplay and develop their characters outside of /me bang bang kill enemy. Sadly, I don't think I can recall many times that they've been given such a chance, at most I've seen people doing training courses for a physical exercise or weapon stripping. Though some of the best memories I have on the server are when detachments offered training sessions for equipment, for example when I was in the Coalition Medical Detachment, I remember holding many first aid sessions with @KillerKat and @Pict and that provided a good way for enlisted to interact and develop, whilst also learning something useful.
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Apr 27, 2016
i think much of the joy of that merge of the arcadey still shooters with the ridiculously op weapons and incredibly memey firefights with the fun, light hearted rp that could be serious but never serious enough it became a drag disintegrated as people moaned about it not being perfect to this military fantasy they have or how everything had to be perfectly balanced or else they entire player base would fall apart

i grew the opinion that around the time FAS was implemented in LP was when WW3RP became falling down a hole itd never recover from and i still stand by it today (and although i cant quite remember i believe a few others do too but dont quote me), that was the point everything became far too realistic in my eyes
people either completely ignored the rp and just went out to S2K as everything became so tight knit those outside of those tight knit groups would just stand around for hours waiting for a fireteam as there was nothing to do or create and stay within these tiny exclusive de-facto factions rping and s2king with the same 10 people who were staff or nco+ every day for months (of which i am at least somewhat guilty of when i joined Coalition Special Forces and just memed like a retard for a month)

reviving it would be useless as the server itself never grew these problems, the playerbase just shifted at a time and for a reason i still cant exactly pin point to this day and killed the server because of this and trying to change the playerbases opinion has no plausible comparison i can think of due to it being simply impossible

maybe im just seeing things through rose tinted glasses and being an fag for the glory days but its the only thing i can seriously think of regarding WW3 and its downfall anymore
o7 roested, sl8 and gsoc
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Apr 26, 2016
people either completely ignored the rp and just went out to S2K as everything became so tight knit those outside of those tight knit groups would just stand around for hours waiting for a fireteam as there was nothing to do or create and stay within these tiny exclusive de-facto factions rping and s2king with the same 10 people who were staff or nco+ every day for months (of which i am at least somewhat guilty of when i joined Coalition Special Forces and just memed like a retard for a month)
I think you touched on something here.

The problem really wasn't the realism or the setting so much as... well, what do you do in war? You go out and fight. That was the point - but the more people started taking that as the focus the more the people genuinely interested in RP began to get forced out by people who wanted to do nothing more than S2K (I still remember that thread in late 2016 of a certain group demanding a special forces lead be ousted for not accepting them due to them being known for poor RP - and for all it was denied it didn't go over well).

The other big thing for me was that, as was touched upon, any interesting RP was shut down because "warcrime" or 'x' reason. The only groups that for the longest time got to do stuff were the special forces and the confessions thread highlighted exactly why. This was assuming of course people even bothered RPing and weren't laughed at in TS for tryharding because they bothered to RP at all.

Roosebud put his all into it and started to change it but the players just... didn't want it back.


Apr 26, 2016
Also yeah a big, big fucking problem in this community is social suicide - doesn't matter the gamemode.

You speak out about someone/ban someone who is well respected or liked, even if they're known for their memes and shit attitude? Be prepared to get your fucking jugular ripped out over any little thing people can try and get you on - whether it be abuse reports, verbal abuse or social shunning. This is more true for the staff team than anything because its them against the playerbase.

It is one of my most hated things about this place and while it may not happen as much on HL2 as it does on WW3 it absolutely continues to exist and its fucking disgusting. I hate it. What's worse are the people who are aware of this fact and shield themselves behind it because they know their friends will jump in to tickle their nutsack.

It's usually the biggest thing that people have brought up to me in the past about WW3.

I won't name names but there was a certain big player on WW3 who would do this to weasel his way out of any and all punishment because nobody dared touch him for fear of being belittled, outcast or shown up in the appeal.

Deleted member 1381

Also yeah a big, big fucking problem in this community is social suicide - doesn't matter the gamemode.

You speak out about someone/ban someone who is well respected or liked, even if they're known for their memes and shit attitude? Be prepared to get your fucking jugular ripped out over any little thing people can try and get you on - whether it be abuse reports, verbal abuse or social shunning. This is more true for the staff team than anything because its them against the playerbase.

It is one of my most hated things about this place and while it may not happen as much on HL2 as it does on WW3 it absolutely continues to exist and its fucking disgusting. I hate it. What's worse are the people who are aware of this fact and shield themselves behind it because they know their friends will jump in to tickle their nutsack.

It's usually the biggest thing that people have brought up to me in the past about WW3.

I won't name names but there was a certain big player on WW3 who would do this to weasel his way out of any and all punishment because nobody dared touch him for fear of being belittled, outcast or shown up in the appeal.
got it bang on
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Apr 27, 2016
The problem really wasn't the realism or the setting so much as... well, what do you do in war? You go out and fight. That was the point - but the more people started taking that as the focus the more the people genuinely interested in RP began to get forced out by people who wanted to do nothing more than S2K (I still remember that thread in late 2016 of a certain group demanding a special forces lead be ousted for not accepting them due to them being known for poor RP - and for all it was denied it didn't go over well).
issue was that as people still held that somewhat serious but slightly meme mentality as that realism was being demanded more and more of them they either just rejected it completely and decided theyd just piss about for the rest of days s2king and posting game tracker scores on the meme thread, and as certain peoples reputations made them borderline untouchable no-one wanted to be seen as the one to ban the meme lords and caused riot against your name, whilst on the other end of the spectrum they isolated themselves with a few well known others in these small, self segregated groups where they had these ridiculous ic situations and occurrences that were utterly absurd, especially in this military environment they practically sought to be the pinnacle of realism

i think that original balance of the somewhat serious, light hearted rp that only required a sense of fun and an ability to rp decently combined with the s2k thats arcadey feel made it an absolute riot allowed for an unbeatable balance in the system that meant people were always wanting to come back to have fun and rp well

case i always remember was me and @Cramdam going out with a fireteam of 4+4 to make a technical platoon in belarus where he was just rocking an M4A1 and a Beretta M9 because he had a dead shot whilst i had an M249, a Beretta M3, an FN-FAL, an M4A1, and half a dozen other weapons for spamming like a twat as i have shit accuracy with a combined ammo pool of several thousand+ rounds not counting the rest of the team and the entire firefight was complete anarchy that ended up with at least 10-15 people on each side bum rushing with even @Wulfeh himself coming to save our arses, most of it i remember laughing over ts with a few others, with me spending another 30 minutes - 1 hour having some fun little ic in a medical scenario with a doctor after i came back from it somewhat damaged before i logged off
Also yeah a big, big fucking problem in this community is social suicide - doesn't matter the gamemode.

You speak out about someone/ban someone who is well respected or liked, even if they're known for their memes and shit attitude? Be prepared to get your fucking jugular ripped out over any little thing people can try and get you on - whether it be abuse reports, verbal abuse or social shunning. This is more true for the staff team than anything because its them against the playerbase.

It is one of my most hated things about this place and while it may not happen as much on HL2 as it does on WW3 it absolutely continues to exist and its fucking disgusting. I hate it. What's worse are the people who are aware of this fact and shield themselves behind it because they know their friends will jump in to tickle their nutsack.

It's usually the biggest thing that people have brought up to me in the past about WW3.

I won't name names but there was a certain big player on WW3 who would do this to weasel his way out of any and all punishment because nobody dared touch him for fear of being belittled, outcast or shown up in the appeal.
i do have to agree with you there completely, i myself was friends with a lot of "meme lords" you could call them during its tenure who i quickly grew to dislike after i withdrew a lot from the community as they did little more than piss about and hold no sense of seriousness to the game mode but because they held quite high positions in the social structure of WW3RP, the staff and/or the faction they basically became the pillars of the community no matter how big of part they held in the servers overall issues and to call them out was to basically end any sense of being within the community regardless of current standing
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May 8, 2016
The four biggest flaws I noticed on the WW3RP server was that:
  • SCOs and COs passed down most base duties to SNCOs. (During a WW2-event I was in practice acting as the AXIS faction lead for a couple of days as a Sergeant, mainly due to inactivity or higher ranked only wanting to focus on S2K.) So if we relaunched it, I'd like to see SCOs and COs that focuses on the internal structure of the factions, rather than being higher ranked S2K focused players. (The forum section was also pretty dusty from the lack of use of the Command Center.)
  • We need to figure out how to handle graveyard hours, when the server is so highly focused on S2K. People tended to disconnect when things got boring in game. I feel like it lacks a PVE element and I think if we could some how turn WW3RP into a hybrid of S2K and PVE it would be easier to keep players on to develope their characters. (I'm thinking along the lines of having the scavenging aspect of Frundtech RP and the freedom of character development, just with the playerbase being faction members.)
  • Recruits being poorly trained and introduced to the game, since SCOs and COs pass down the duty to soldiers in exchange for promotions or approval. (I don't know if this can be avoided, but this goes back to my first point of SCOs and COs passing down responsibility in order for themselves to focus on S2K.)
  • Base laws tended to be ignored and the discipline was pretty much non-existent due to SCOs and COs being bad examples. The military police was more or less only acting on serious situations and that lead to a lot of meme culture to appear.

Deleted member 1381

Ironically was when a lot of rp actually happened iirc

it was, the worst part about it was the fact that it showed rp was actually possible to a great extent on the server, but never when there was a high population


Apr 27, 2016
Kinda makes it the more satisfying to tell them to fuck off when they think they own the place.
issue is, from what i saw at least, that little changed after having staff roles and sometimes faction roles revoked as they either still held that unmovable social role with usually their faction placement being kept or were replaced by a close friend that they may as well of hand picked to replace them or took their friends as they left killing the servers population even more
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May 8, 2016
I just got an idea... I remember that the Soviet faction had a KGB section on the forum where you could report stuff, what if allowed staff members to all have event characters that acts as a military command staff review council They would be able to IC hop on at any time and inspect their factions, having the ability to recommend people for promotions, demote, hand out awards and order arrests and oversee various activities. Like having staff actually being present IC, enforcing discipline and helping overall faction management.


Aug 2, 2016
I just got an idea... I remember that the Soviet faction had a KGB section on the forum where you could report stuff, what if allowed staff members to all have event characters that acts as a military command staff review council They would be able to IC hop on at any time and inspect their factions, having the ability to recommend people for promotions, demote, hand out awards and order arrests? Like having staff actually being present IC, enforcing discipline and helping overall faction management.
That's something that can simply be done OOCly. There's no reason to take OOC unseriousness into an IC scenario when high staff can simply remove them.


May 8, 2016
That's something that can simply be done OOCly. There's no reason to take OOC unseriousness into an IC scenario when high staff can simply remove them.
Well in my opinion, I think it would encourage serious behavior on the server since staff would literally be able to breath down everyones neck and let it be known that they expect a certain conduct in an IC context. It's a totally diffierent thing to be PM'ed from staff while they are in observer mode than seeing them actually walk around watching everything you are doing.
[doublepost=1527969540][/doublepost]Plus it will also positively effect the command structure, since event characters are able to outrank everyone and basically check your "homework" no matter who you are and which rank you're holding, essentially removing circlejerk protection.
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Sep 2, 2016
Which is why I brought up the condition of permabanning an entire list worth of people I've had serious issues with throughout my tenure at WW3RP, further enhanced with the now-infamous confessions thread. Sure, people will complain that we literally eradicate 50-75% of our playerbase but it'd be a necessary evil and might attract people otherwise shunned by the terrible reputation that the server had.
ngl i always wanted to get into ww3 but whenever i connected i'd always get shunned from engaging in any of the fun shit cause i wasnt in any of the circlejerks at the time so i never played it

that and the server generally having no RP in it

also asking for ages on applications for branches, i found that super fuckin weird so i never applied for shit lmao
Ironically was when a lot of rp actually happened iirc
i still fucking remember that one time i connected and @Roosebud gave me a tank and i ramped it off shit, then we glacked zombies with a .50 cal

fuckin loved that, thanks @Roosebud
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Deleted member 1381

when RP actually happened to an extent where everyone was involved and the roleplay actually ended with an event that had some significance it was great and encouraged people to do it more, e.g:


the roleplay going on during that trial was great, the rp going on after it was great and people walked out of it feeling pretty hyped up for more mini-events like that(mini events basically referring to just big organised rp sessions)


Aug 6, 2017
when RP actually happened to an extent where everyone was involved and the roleplay actually ended with an event that had some significance it was great and encouraged people to do it more, e.g:


the roleplay going on during that trial was great, the rp going on after it was great and people walked out of it feeling pretty hyped up for more mini-events like that(mini events basically referring to just big organised rp sessions)

I enjoyed the events set up where you signed up, like for the players in the Russian Embassy, That event had a lot of RP involved for such a small amount of players, it truly showed the extent that some of the staff would go to just for a certain amount of players to have fun
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