Serious Bring Back WW3RP

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Deleted member 332

The only reason I played WW3RP was the Civi whitelist. Honestly I wasn't interested in Globs/Coalies at all besides my Medic Glob- I had some fun RP with him.

By the end of it I didn't even bother making new applications for new Civi characters- I swear I was the only Civi most days, majority of the time it was dead. I really enjoyed having RP with both sides during Patrols through different characters- it opened a lot of avenues I'd never thought of before.

Honestly if WW3RP did come back that's all I'd want to do.


Jul 30, 2016
WW3RP required a lot of S2K, that was a problem. WW3RP brought in a player-base that collectively was not serious on a serious roleplaying server, therefore the actual RP involved was limited.

That being said, when we did roleplay and have events, they were generally some of the best roleplay moments most of us have probably ever had. I love HL2RP, I've had great moments on it, but I have had characters literally change the story on WW3RP and I know many others have had this same experience because you were right there with me. Why were we so special? Because the amount of players actually roleplaying were so small that staff generally concentrated on a certain group of people who cooperated and cared.

Let me describe one scene for you, this really happened:

Zorbey Solak, a former militant who was embedded into a joint-Coalition and Globalist Special Operations team to secure a CRBN device, and escaped Coalition special operator - scaled the Coalition FOB in the cover of night. A snow-storm conceals his movement as he crawls towards the headquarters building. To avoid guards, he waits, crawling less than 100 meters in almost an hour.

After he reaches the headquarters, armed with an Ak-74u, he breaches the building and quietly creeps forward while hugging the right wall. Locking the doors behind him, he discovers the Commander sleeping in her bed. The Commander was played by @charley. Turning on his flash-light and raising his weapon towards her face, she could be heard saying, "I know you'd come."

I didn't kill Charley's character, nor was I permitted. I almost ruined the scene by how I acted in it, which went to show how much of a problem my sort of attitude had on the server. But this was not the only time such an important event happened. There was an event where I was locked by the commander, same character, in a base and had to escape. Literally with the threat of being PK'd if any of the dozen of Coalies OR globs decided "Hey, shoot that guy."

I did escape.

I took out a whole enemy SF squad from the concealment of a forest who were getting armed up in an airplane. (Then banned for RDM, again, WW3 had a lot of problems, this was one of them)

And of course this is all things that happened with me personally. I know others had similar individual and small-group experiences that affected our environment. God, it was great.

Here's to WW3RP. Sorry we fucked it up.
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Deleted member 4609

Doomboy / Femguy
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 25, 2017
Can someone link me to this ‘staff confession’ thread that keeps being mentioned and referred to, can’t seem to find it anywhere


Apr 26, 2016
Can someone link me to this ‘staff confession’ thread that keeps being mentioned and referred to, can’t seem to find it anywhere
Dunno if you want to read it or just some explanation, but it was pretty much a thread where every (ex) staff could confess their wrong doings, as the thread got quickly pages it was pretty idiotic on how many people that were trusted a lot of shit (faction lead, senior administrators) did the shadiest shit. It wasn't just some shit like "i told my friend where someone was" but it got pretty much to the point where people hated each other and tried to use their admin friends to fuck them over in any possible way
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
My only real regret w/ ww3 is I wish I had done more for it tbh, I said this when Roosebud made his original thread a while back.
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Deleted member 1381

you worked your way up through the ranks.
This was, of course, unless you were a close friend of someone in a position of significant power - or someone who was simply a high rank on the other faction.

You went out on patrols around the map, every 20 minutes or half an hour, and you'd generally run into the opposing side, and get into a firefight.
Patrols would happen immediately after the majority of everyone's NLR expired, and you would usually run into the opposing side and get into a firefight through some sort of collaboration through Steam.

were never really there to do the job of their branch, majority of people who joined a branch did it either for 'more POW's', better privileges, access to more areas, or to satisfy the 'I'm better than you' mentality.

Were completely divided, it was black or white - you were either edgy, useless, or on rare occasions - decent. Very few officers throughout the entire server were actually decent, and the majority of the officers were just there because they could meme without being reprimanded, and order things totally absurd that wouldn't get anyone punished because they were 'following orders'.

Again, most either had no fear, were sex slaves, or for some unknown reason wanted to remain captured for their own benefit which makes rarely any sense IC. The amount of cases of prisoners getting their fanny pounded by MP's or officers is up there with the 'xyz kills and counting' on the title screen. Another good proportion had zero fear, overexaggerating their status as a POW and even bribing their captors with things like 'if you do that it'll be a warcrime' 'you'll get executed if you get caught again' - in real life I highly doubt that even a captured Lieutenant in a third world war would be noticed should he/she be executed - yet even privates/junior soldiers played their captors like a fiddle thanks to the war crime card. This isn't WW2, and it might be edgy to try and simulate it in WW3 should it return - but look at how the Russians, Japanese, Germans and even Americans treated their POW's - literally nobody cared about 'war crimes' since a good amount of the soldiers either thought that a) they'd never get caught and presented with feasible evidence or b) they would win the war and as a result not be punished. POW roleplay was something that was constantly demanded by both MP branches but despite all attempts always condescended into either statutory rape or table turning.

. And other handy systems such as radio, compass

I don't actually think the radios and compasses were that bad, the only bad thing about them is the ctrl + v:
"shut up"
"shut up"
"shut up"
"shut up"
"shut up"
"shut up"

One of the problems with WW3RP was the roleplay. Ironic. But the thing is, you've got to understand, that for a normal GMOD player, who has been playing DarkRP, BHOP, Prop hunt and Murder. When they see WW3, they instantly thing tanks, guns, missiles, and they don't really pay attention to the RP.

That, and the fact that roleplay was(again, despite all attempts) never ever promoted; apart from some lower-ranks that never got noticed regardless. Put it this way - if you sit and try and create/indulge in some decent roleplay whilst everyone else(everyone) is ignoring you, and actually slandering you for roleplaying, dubbing you a tryhard mong for roleplaying alone, you're not going to do it again. Instances like this crept their way through both factions, to the point where nobody was roleplaying except for the essential /me picks up and medical RP.

Roleplay was never directly promoted, either. Faction leaders always aimed to have people promoted based on their roleplay skill/commitment, but subordinates/officers/people able to promote always completely acted against that. I remember sat in TS and @char explicitly said that he doesn't want anymore people promoted because of S2K - but it kept on happening. Eventually it's going to debilitate both faction leaders to the point where they feel demoting people would cause an omnishambles of shit, and so they have to let it slide.

but people were complaining about patrols going out every 30 minutes
the only people complaining about 15-minutely patrols were in very small numbers, no more than five. Everyone always had the lust to capture a high-ranking enemy(to trial for 'war crimes' in an unprofessional manner), or to put their characters' lives on the line by loopholing the rules in an attempt to obtain a medal

Roleplay was also mainly restricted to Military Police, special forces, and high ranking officers, which I think was very unfair to the lower ranked, new player.

Nobody wanted to pay any interest other than to anyone who could reward them with either a medal or promotion - promotions more than medals. Roleplay was restricted to MP's, SF and high ranks because that's the only RP that existed; because it had to. There's inevitably going to be POW's - therefore MP's get RP. SF are going to do operations, therefore they need to RP. Officers are going to need to occasionally roleplay drinking out of their golden goblet and smoking out of their £500 bong, they need to RP.

Speaking strictly about Nebulous, around late 2017, early 2018, it got really sloppy.


There was a lack of S2K events

Firefights on a whole satisfied the need for S2K events, although there were still a few complaints. 90% of events were S2K events regardless.

lack of RP events

Many RP events were admittedly lackluster, and I feel pretty bad saying this because some of the staff tried really hard. Events towards the final months of WW3 started to feel like a competition on who can make better scenery. None of the RP events were actually coordinated between the entire staff team(at least from what I know), and none were centred on lore - or had an effect on the lore that gave people the incentive to participate in them and put in good effort. I was talking to @Mendel earlier this month/late April and he showed me a flow chart that he'd planned out, but never proposed it because of the lack of staff coordination.

Staff weren't as helpful as they were before

75% of the staff team weren't. They either 'quit' WW3 and didn't have the guts to resign, or were completely disinterested with staff duties once it called for anything more than log searching for ERP and whether or not they hit a shot during a firefight. Help requests had a minimum waiting time of around five minutes, provided that you pestered - which also made the playerbase feel like shit; since they kept having to constantly pester for a response and as a result felt annoying themselves.

Of us who have played, I think we can all look back on good times, from POWRP, fun s2k events, funny occurrences, interesting militia events. It was pretty much the full package. Also, if some of this stuff sounds familiar, it's because it's from Jas' suggestion.

The fun times were a result of memeing and S2K, like you pretty much said. Hardly any fun was derived from the actual WW3 gamemode because the server had too many issues for the gamemode to be enjoyed as it should be.

I think it went wrong with the new lore. I think the change from Coalition to Soviet, and Glob to NATO was pointless.

Personal opinion but I enjoyed the 1990 lore. It was cohesive and organised - albeit maybe not so much towards the end. The Coalition v Globalist lore made absolutely zero sense. I've been playing WW3 since 2016 and I still don't have a fucking clue what the Coalition stood for, all I know is Globalists are Americans because they're blue. It's bad because I'm not even making it up. Had the Coalition v Globalist lore kept going WW3 would of had the same issues - the only reason people propose the Coal v Globs lore as a fix is because back when it was around there weren't as many issues spawning then; purely by chance - but people use it as a scapegoat to push for the lore to be reverted.

"But uh, I didn't understand the coalition lore, and I still don't to this day"

I hadn't even read this part of your post until after I wrote ^^^ so you hit the nail on the head.

The solution is to either read it, or get it re-written

People aren't going to read the Coal v Globs lore, even if they have no clue what it's about. If it gets re-written I guarantee complaints would go flooding in about how neb 'ruined the coal v globs lore' and how 'WW3 isn't the same'.

Some of you may criticize me for creating this post, saying I wasn't there for the roleplay. To be honest, I was there for fun, I enjoyed interacting with the people and making friends.

That's the general mindset of most WW3 players. People should stop using the phrase 'I was here to have fun' to mask the fact that they were just there for promotions and S2K. I don't see why people are hesitant to admit it when it's obvious. People also joined for the TS banter more than to indulge in the gamemode itself.

I think with a dedicated backing, restructure staff, and a little bit of time, WW3 could become a thing again.

Yeah, it could, and I think it probably will. Threads exactly like this one needed to go up when WW3 was in dire need of a fix, not after when it's dead and buried. In fact, threads like this did go up when WW3 needed it - but nobody posted on them, and if they did none of these issues came up. Head Staff can't fix anything if they don't get any feedback - which is what this thread's given them, leading me to believe WW3 will likely return in the future.

note that I'm not indirectly referring to anyone in this post, so if you see what i've written and think "faggot is talking shit about me" then sTOP


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
yeah which is unfortunate, but if you ask me people will cherish it more once they know that it's capable of dying and has done once already
Will they though?

A lot of people who witnessed the death of LP and came to neb don't seem to cherish it that much, in fact - a decent number of people who were either influencial, or were well known are gone + banned now for their actions and behavior.

I think the nostalgia and cherish factor only gets you so far.


Apr 26, 2016
Also, with the obvious things that were faulty about ww3rp, could anyone tell me the final event that made it close, because I do remember that even before roosebud's resign the player count wasn't that bad. (unless im wrong on this)


Aug 2, 2016
Also, with the obvious things that were faulty about ww3rp, could anyone tell me the final event that made it close, because I do remember that even before roosebud's resign the player count wasn't that bad. (unless im wrong on this)
The playerbase was low, but it was a stable one.
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May 6, 2016
I hadn't the chance to play WW3RP, but I didn't notice that it was a thing until later on when it was already gone. I'd really think that I would enjoy a game mode like this and would like for it to come back.

Hopefully all the issues could get resolved beforehand.


May 15, 2016
I remember playing WW3RP once and getting promoted 3 ranks from JSdr to MSdr because I rambo'd the NATO FOB as a Soviet and threw 7 mortar flares in it..

Yeah, it's kinda dumb I was promoted instantly for that..


Aug 2, 2016
I remember playing WW3RP once and getting promoted 3 ranks from JSdr to MSdr because I rambo'd the NATO FOB as a Soviet and threw 7 mortar flares in it..

Yeah, it's kinda dumb I was promoted instantly for that..
At the time I would've been laughing my ass off at that and hyping up your promotion.
But now that I look back, this is the kind of stuff that turned WW3RP sour and I find it kinda shameful for myself to have to admit I had some kind of effect in the propagation of the mentality that ruined WW3RP.

For me, now, when I take myself back, what marked the downfall was when enlisted ranks stopped being important. They started being used as memes to distinguish people who fucked around in S2K.
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Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
Bringing it back would be a mistake as nebulous can never bring back what was good about the original

it never did, only a cheap imitation

let it stay dead


May 15, 2016
At the time I would've been laughing my ass off at that and hyping up your promotion.
But now that I look back, this is the kind of stuff that turned WW3RP sour and I find it kinda shameful for myself to have to admit I had some kind of effect in the propagation of the mentality that ruined WW3RP.
Yeah, from my memory there were atleast seven NCOs telling me to do it at the time, and we even went in a chopper once with some SF guys just so I could constantly restock on mortar flares and throw them in and after it was over I'm fairly sure atleast 3 of them, including an SNCO were trying to push for me to be promoted to Cpl instantly for it so.. Yeah.

If it does come back focus on a mix of RP and combat ability for promotions, and not just solely S2K and memes.


Apr 26, 2016
i find it funny that the main problem - the playerbase - is being talked about only now that it's actually dead. the community of ww3rp towards its end was one of the most toxic cesspits i've ever had the displeasure of seeing. i'd said it several times that the gamemode was shit because the people were shit - and joining staff only reassured me in that belief. i admit, i'm a weak cunt so after a single week of seeing the tiniest sliver of all the shady bullshit that happened in the staff team, it genuinely disgusted me and made me quit.

that, plus the fact that there was a pretty well-defined circlejerk of people (imo more on the soviet side, but nato saw its fair share as well) that shat on everything other people that actually wanted to roleplay did. there were people shunned, provoked, almost bullied at some points and the staff didn't do anything about it, because the circlejerk was in the majority of the playerbase and had the most liked people in it, so if you wanted to call them out, it was akin to social suicide.

everything else was p. much summed up in this thread; you would've had to go full nazi-freaking-germany on the abusers to try and save the gamemode, and it could've killed the server. if the server gets brought back, i say give the rights to promote people to the top-brass SNCO's and CO's, which would be picked by the faction leads themselves.

sidenote: i don't mean to attack anyone with this, especially not the staff members that didn't add to the corruption, there were good ones and there were bad ones. unfortunately the bad ones were a vast majority.


Apr 26, 2016
Honestly I wouldn't launch ww3 again, definently not with the old playerbase it had at the end

Which is why I brought up the condition of permabanning an entire list worth of people I've had serious issues with throughout my tenure at WW3RP, further enhanced with the now-infamous confessions thread. Sure, people will complain that we literally eradicate 50-75% of our playerbase but it'd be a necessary evil and might attract people otherwise shunned by the terrible reputation that the server had.

When you base how a server works around S2K it just makes it incredibly toxic and competitive and people will prioritize S2K over roleplay

Which is why I started a concept way back when we were talking about the development of Helix, intending to rewrite and re-do certain key elements of the gamemode. It was nowhere near anything concrete, but we explored themes such as;
  • Making the Military a single faction rather than two opposing ones, placing further emphasis on the in-faction branches without splitting players on both sides. The gameplay would revolve around interacting with the world around them and a more branched out local government and civilian population. The Army wouldn't necessarily be a open-to-all faction either, instead focusing on the civilian population during a conflict with a limited amount of military personnel available.
  • Reconfiguring the way weapons and supplies are distributed and deaths are treated. Possibly even handing out a basic kit and having replacements be managed by an actual armory with consequences for weapon loss. I've always been a proponent of exploring the 'death=pk' concept but the entire way of doing patrols would have to be restructured for that to work
  • Further stuff was listed down in one of the archived threads but never really got beyond the brainstorming phase, none of this was final though.
it changed when people wanted to win over having fun

as soon as one side neglected RP to win then the other had to stoop to that level, until it snowballed out of control

Sortof, yeah. What bothered me most was that people were either pressured or bullied into going along with the 'fight-to-win' mentality. I recall joining a patrol every now and then and being the only one to just fire in the general direction of the enemy to simulate a firefight, whereas others would only fire off carefully aimed shots to kill the enemy with one hit, thus ending the fight in about 5 minutes.

I still laugh at the time the society's had a hard fought victory at the airfield only for a NATO admin to /event NATO jets fly over the airfield, NATO victory

This was quite possibly one of the worst cases of a misunderstanding and everyone piling on a staffmember without knowing all the details. Rondal got a boatload of shit and abuse from players because of that, while all he did was an event about NATO jets approaching to stop the soviets from advancing into the NATO base and spawnraping everyone there after having captured an event zone close to their base.

Which brings me to the 'we need to ruin the fun of the enemy at all costs' mentality. In almost every event and regular patrol, one side would ensure they do all they can to ruin the opposing players' fun, whether it's rushing into the enemy spawn during an event, camping their only way out or generally trying to find loopholes to get people PK'd for absolutely no reason.

Which is why, as a veteran WW3RP player (I think I can call myself that) I don't see it coming back, and even if it did, it would be vastly different from the WW3RP we knew.

Yeah, because if I have it my way we'd likely have a small 20-25 player server due to the amount of purging and restrictions imposed on memes. (Said restrictions were the plan for the 1990 reboot but failed to materialize because the staff couldn't be bothered to enforce them, partly due to pressure from their friends and the playerbase as a whole.)

Some others decided it was too boring to roleplay, so getting guns early through questionable means and shotcopping or even killing other rebels for jackshit reason was their action of choice.

Essentially what is happening to the frundtech revival with a certain group of players that were banned on nebulous, it once again comes down to enforcing harsh measures and being rid of them, even if that means suffering a lower playercount and being faced with 'haha ww3rp is already dead where the players at' memes. Most staff faced with such individuals were hesitant to take action for a variety of reasons, not all bad ones.

all of the things that were 'wrong' with ww3rp could be fixed

This is true for quite literally anything, it's just that plans do not always equal the reality of things.

The only reason I played WW3RP was the Civi whitelist. Honestly I wasn't interested in Globs/Coalies at all besides my Medic Glob- I had some fun RP with him.

By the end of it I didn't even bother making new applications for new Civi characters- I swear I was the only Civi most days, majority of the time it was dead. I really enjoyed having RP with both sides during Patrols through different characters- it opened a lot of avenues I'd never thought of before.

Honestly if WW3RP did come back that's all I'd want to do.

Yeah, I put a lot of effort into further branching out and adding stuff for civilians towards the end. Regretfully most people treated the Militia as throwaway characters to bait the factions or do stupid shit without risk to their rank or scripts.

A fantastic example was the formation of the U.N. Faction and their proposed interaction with factions and civilians. A fair number of people greatly enjoyed the more passive and neutral style of play, unfortunately we had people sitting in teamspeak on day 1 of implementation talking about how they were gonna 'warcrime every UN trooper they saw' because they felt like it would hinder their ability to murder civilians without penalty.
That eventually resulted in a group of soviet players standing outside the UN compound, taunting them for no reason other than trying to bait them into a firefight. When the UN didn't respond in a hostile way one of said players flagged up on a civilian character and started throwing grenades into the compound, once again for no reason.

Can someone link me to this ‘staff confession’ thread that keeps being mentioned and referred to, can’t seem to find it anywhere

Dunno if you want to read it or just some explanation, but it was pretty much a thread where every (ex) staff could confess their wrong doings, as the thread got quickly pages it was pretty idiotic on how many people that were trusted a lot of shit (faction lead, senior administrators) did the shadiest shit. It wasn't just some shit like "i told my friend where someone was" but it got pretty much to the point where people hated each other and tried to use their admin friends to fuck them over in any possible way

It started off as a harmless thread like the one on LP where people (not just staff) confessed to their naughty deeds. It ended up with a fair number of staff admitting to blatant abuse, metagame, favoritism, griefing the server intentionally. As well as a large amount of players admitting they baited staff on purpose, broke rules on purpose, metagamed on purpose and generally didn't do anything besides ruining other people's fun for a quick laugh.

bribing their captors with things like 'if you do that it'll be a warcrime' 'you'll get executed if you get caught again' - in real life I highly doubt that even a captured Lieutenant in a third world war would be noticed should he/she be executed - yet even privates/junior soldiers played their captors like a fiddle thanks to the war crime card.

This bothered me, we rewrote the basic features of the geneva convention to make it clear that not every single little thing was a 'warcrime'. Unfortunately we had stubborn people nitpicking every single article just to point out why they should be able to PK someone over being handled a little harshly for being a bratty POW.

None of the RP events were actually coordinated between the entire staff team(at least from what I know), and none were centred on lore - or had an effect on the lore that gave people the incentive to participate in them and put in good effort.

This isn't true, however. It was just that only a number of staff actually bothered helping out with events and the rest either didn't respond or claimed that they weren't good with that sorta stuff. The events we did almost always did have an outcome on the lore, as I'd always write up 2-3 outcomes in the form of RP documents, which unfortunately nobody really read or cared about. People jumped to conclusions and stuck by them despite being told otherwise.
In most cases, some loudmouth on TS screamed something and everyone else took it as the truth despite the actual documents posted by staff saying otherwise.

but people use it as a scapegoat to push for the lore to be reverted.

Bitching about the lore as the cause of x is beyond absurd, the entire argument about lore changes was a waste of time and effort. The people that suggested going back to Coal vs Glob either had a bad case of nostalgia or had some ulterior motive related to needing to have a character in a modern day and age for something to work.

People aren't going to read the Coal v Globs lore, even if they have no clue what it's about. If it gets re-written I guarantee complaints would go flooding in about how neb 'ruined the coal v globs lore' and how 'WW3 isn't the same'.

People aren't going to read any lore, period. Hence why we tried to keep it as close to reality as possible with two recognizable factions such as the Soviet Union and NATO, at least then people would have a basic understanding of what sort of character to play. Rather than having "John Johnson" being a russian soldier.

People also joined for the TS banter more than to indulge in the gamemode itself.

A very, very large amount of issues were caused by teamspeak and other VOIP programs. People can't immerse themselves if the entire squadron is on a voice channel shouting at eachother and sharing memes. It made the entire radio and speech system redudant as everyone treated TS/Discord as IC communications, something which was impossible to monitor.
Seriousness within the base was quickly ruined by people talking over teamspeak and either being afk or freerunning/climbing around the base in the meantime.

In fact, threads like this did go up when WW3 needed it - but nobody posted on them, and if they did none of these issues came up.

Yeah, they did, it was a commonly known fact that the playerbase was rotten. However, on the other side we had the ex-ww3rp players, ww3rp-critics and people that seemingly had a grudge against ww3rp constantly memeing about how bad everything was and that we had no players, contributing to the staff reluctance to have a spring cleaning and fuel the 'fuck the staff' and 'where are the players' mentality.


Seems to me people only seem to care about it because it's gone

Definitely a case of rose-colored glasses. We've always had people saying 'it will never be as good as <insert year>' despite WW3RP having different (or the same) issues way back when as well. I can guarantee the same people will continue to do so if it were to return.

yeah which is unfortunate, but if you ask me people will cherish it more once they know that it's capable of dying and has done once already

Highly doubt it, people couldn't be arsed to dedicate themselves for some final events or the closure of their character and server, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Also, with the obvious things that were faulty about ww3rp, could anyone tell me the final event that made it close, because I do remember that even before roosebud's resign the player count wasn't that bad. (unless im wrong on this)

The playerbase was low, but it was a stable one.

The playerbase during the 2017-2018 period was around 40 people on average with peaks to 60 and full server during major events, holidays or when groups of friends played together. It wasn't bad and it certainly wasn't the reason for shutting down. If we were to wait for people to quit or issue mass bans we would've gone down as the server that bled out rather than the one we decided to finish.

At the time I would've been laughing my ass off at that and hyping up your promotion.

This is true for a lot of things, another issue with teamspeak was the constant pressure from others to do stupid shit. People (especially the younger ones) were constantly trying to impress others by being the most memey, edgy or otherwise unconventional person in the channel/squad. A lot of shit was done 'for the meme', 'the nebs' or the attention of certain members.

Bringing it back would be a mistake as nebulous can never bring back what was good about the original

it never did, only a cheap imitation

let it stay dead

I'm guessing this is why you fucked around on the nebulous version that much. Was it really though? The only 'fantastic memories' that are often shared are memes and self-glorifying of actions done by the poster themselves.

Yeah, from my memory there were atleast seven NCOs telling me to do it at the time, and we even went in a chopper once with some SF guys just so I could constantly restock on mortar flares and throw them in and after it was over I'm fairly sure atleast 3 of them, including an SNCO were trying to push for me to be promoted to Cpl instantly for it so.. Yeah.

Sad part is that in the end faction leaders started caving to this sort of thing because it'd make them popular with certain crowds, or they'd get egged on if they didn't. Funnily enough most of the people participating in said peer pressure and stupid shit are the ones later preaching about how everyone fucked ww3rp up and how it could've been better.

I hope if it does come back something will have drastically changed


i find it funny that the main problem - the playerbase - is being talked about only now that it's actually dead.

No, the issue of the players is a well known feat, just that it wasn't acted upon in the way that it should've been before it was too late. The advantage now is that we know who they are and are in a position to issue purges before anything goes live.

the community of ww3rp towards its end was one of the most toxic cesspits i've ever had the displeasure of seeing. i'd said it several times that the gamemode was shit because the people were shit - and joining staff only reassured me in that belief. i admit, i'm a weak cunt so after a single week of seeing the tiniest sliver of all the shady bullshit that happened in the staff team, it genuinely disgusted me and made me quit.

While I'd normally chastise you for crapping on the staff and server after only having played a short period of time, you're pretty right with this point. Shit was toxic and would stay toxic had we continued.

there were people shunned, provoked, almost bullied at some points and the staff didn't do anything about it, because the circlejerk was in the majority of the playerbase and had the most liked people in it, so if you wanted to call them out, it was akin to social suicide.

Definitely one of the main reasons the 'enforce more harsh rules' never materialized and (mostly the junior staff) felt powerless to act. I myself issued most of the more serious bans because staff would usually let the decision fall on me to avoid being blamed for said ban, which in turn meant I had to fight more than half the playerbase defending their friends in appeals.

Edit: On the topic of the final events, I had written up a complete set of lore and planned out dates to host them, starting with the submarine event. However, following the 'closing' announcement more than half of the staff disappeared and abandoned the server in favour of other things, which left us with a handful of disoriented but motivated staff with very little clue on what to do whilst I myself barely had time to do things.

Adding to that, the fact that the server went from 45 to 10 average players overnight and people (including the OP and some contributing members of this thread) went full-on S2K and did stuff such as '/me shoots the admins' during the introduction end event, we felt that it wasn't worth raising our blood pressure to go ahead with something that was supposed to be a memorable end for us all. A majority of people (not everyone, which I felt sad about) seemingly didn't give two shits about the closure, instead blaming me or Alex for 'killing their fun for no reason', once again falling back in a boycott mentality up until the final end.
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