Serious "are we losers?"

well, are we?

  • yes

  • no

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Apr 26, 2016
I don't really know what the point of this thread is, I guess I want to start a discussion.

I've already talked about this topic with a few people but I figured might as well hear what everyone thought.

What I wanted to discuss is, "are we losers, because we roleplay?"
I've personally always run along with the meme like "yeah bro ur such a roelplayer....." but I mean, really, what is so wrong with roleplaying in the end.
We're just a group of people who play video games together, I can't really see how that is a bad thing or a taboo in any way. We socialize we interact with other human people, both in the roleplay and oocly.
I joined LemonPunch 07/02-2013, and at first I was pretty shit at roleplaying, spent most my time just walking around as a generic male 07 or female 01 doing cringy shit, but I had tons of fun.
Some of the people in this community and or LemonPunch are people who I consider my closest friends, closer than people I know in real life.

As I mentioned, we've already talked about this on teamspeak, people like. @Dallas @York @harry @Toasty and a couple more.
I have no problem talking to these people about pretty much anything, my real life issues, my feelings, when I’m upset when I’m happy, it doesn’t really matter because we’re capable of sharing our thoughts and opinions with eachother.
That is something that is harder to do in real life.
I have no problem admitting that I am not a master of social interaction in real life, which is why having people online who I can talk to is important to me.
”Normies” tend to have that opinion that playing video games makes you anti-social and a loser. I don’t understand this. How can it be anti social if you’re constantly interacting with other human being?
I spend about 8 hours a day in school, interacting with people there, then the next 6-10 hours I’m home, interacting with people over the internet. I cannot see what the difference is between talking to someone in person and talking to them over, teamspeak, skype, discord, etc.
Anyway, getting a bit off topic, bottom lining is I love you guys.

Back on topic.
Being a person who plays a video game in which you pretend to be someone you’re not, is weird. Yeah, but I mean actors do it all the time, isn’t that weird as well then?
When I was about 12-15 I used to go to this live roleplaying out by some school where we ran around in a forest and hit eachother with plastic swords. I personally, wasn’t a big fan of the roleplaying part in it, because I thought it was a bit weird, and I was a shy boy at the time.
However, I hold massive respect for the people there, there were people who made it almost like a lifestyle, dedicating tons of money and time into this hobby of theirs.
I think that’s awesome, people doing what they enjoy doing, and I think they should be allowed to do so.

”Mannnnnnn i want to die………………… i fucking despise my life……………………………. All this time i wasted in this shithole could’ve been used on my real life………………………..” <- This is kinda what sparked the discussion the first time around.
Does any of you guys, truly, and I mean /truly/ feel as if you’ve wasted your time here?
I don’t, I feel as if the time I spent in these communties, with you people have been some of the best times of my life, I’ve had so many good times and met so many incredibly people.
I personally feel that the time I spent here was well spent, of course I could’ve spent it elsewhere, but I didn’t want to, still don’t, because I enjoy being here.
Anyway, I’ve opened up enough now, cya on the roleplay my duders.


GTA RP Playtester
Nov 21, 2016
People need to let other people do whatever the fuck they want, as long as it doesn't impede on the rights of another or cause distress or harm on a mental or physical capacity.
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Nov 11, 2016
People need to let other people do whatever the fuck they want, as long as it doesn't impede on the rights of another or cause distress or harm on a mental or physical capacity.
I get bullied for trying to study. and i am already blamed for taking attention for asking to stop where were the old teachers gone to!?


Human Resource
Apr 26, 2016
It's ironic that roleplayers are considered introverts but we are actually a ton more social than other people think.

And yes we spend our time here for enjoyment and, clearly, it's well spent because this enjoyment is non destructive.

hey, we could be shooting up heroine under the school's stairwell for enjoyment instead.

And people here obviously enjoy it or no one would be here.
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Lord of Ineptitude
Apr 26, 2016
It depends. My social anxiety is mostly dissipated in the virtual environment, because I don't have to get looked at in the eye, watch my body language or feel like I am "Performing". Whereas in real life, you'd probably have trouble keeping up a conversation with me. I shiver, don't know where to stare, what to do with my hands, legs, feel like I am performing an elaborate act in front of an audience, while it's actually just a dude I'm talking to.

Am I a loser because of this? Well, I get to do the two things I love, that is Biology and gaming. Sure I tend to aimlessly walk around when I've got nothing else to do instead of socializing, but hey. That's who I am, that's who I grew up as and will be.

I am abstinent and have been avoiding alcohol, smoking, drugs etc. like the plague, and I enjoy being healthy and sober.

I may be lonely, but I'm definitely not a loser. At least, in my eyes.
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Music Junkie
Apr 26, 2016
Hobbies are hobbies, yo.

At the end of the day here it's up to you to put a value on your own time and the bitch of life is you only have so much of it. I've been roleplaying longer then some people in this community have been alive and over the years my current wife and I have met a lot of different people from different walks of life. I like writing stories and enjoying conversation with others and seeing what they bring to the table everyone comes from their own walks of life may it be an aspiring writer looking for something to scratch an itch while they ponder their newest book or the person who enjoys the escapism roleplay provides.

But to what I put in earlier. It's up to you how to value your time if you enjoy it as a hobby the answer is you shouldn't feel like you waste your life in it. You only get some much time to do shit on this earth and if it's something you enjoy well that's why we have hobbies. It may not be the most conventional but I have a neighbor now who builds bird houses for fun so I am sure there are stranger ones out there.

There could be a good argument to have for people who use roleplay as a heavy form of escape for their real lives as the lines can blur on a person to person basis on how bad it's effecting their real lives but to the same vein I already got a kid and a new one of her way later this year so it's not my job to be peoples E-dad. Ultimately, those kinds of people either grow up, get help, or something bad happens you hope for the first two but it's ultimately up to them and the circumstances behind their own lives that play out in this secondary reason.

In the end. Hobbies are hobbies, yo. At least you're not building birdhouses.


she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
Well, I think it is important to notice that there is a big difference between interacting with someone online or in person.
There are many more social aspects to a relation then just speaking - the visual capability, touch, etc

Being present with a person is vastly different then talking to them online, I probably talk to a bunch of people online MORE then some of those in my inner circle of friends, but that's also because I don't really have to talk to certain people to know things.

There is also the fact that by spending all your time playing computer games with your online friends, you're missing out on a lot of experiences in life, other things that are important for you to experience and do to become a fully functioning social Human being. Humans are social creatures, and the existence of communities like this are very important for certain things. @key (sorry to call you out pal) is someone that springs to mind, when he first said he was home schooled or whatever it was long ass time ago, he was able to create a much bigger social interaction web because of video games and the ability to connect to anyone from his house, however once more, that doesn't remove the need for in person interaction.

I think it's important to make a big distinction here, because I believe when people say "loser" they mean it as a boring, nerdy life, not as you will never do nothing with your life except become a hobo eat pizza and play video game loser.

Yeah, a bunch of people in this community are "losers" in the same sense that guy that doesn't go out for drinks and instead stays in his house studying is a "loser".
Since that definition of "loser" is pretty loose, you can say that everyone who roleplays is a loser, the same way you can say everyone that plays pokemongo is a loser or everyone that plays digimon after 12 is a loser.

Do I think people who roleplay are losers personally? Not really.
Do I think a bunch of people in this community are losers? Yeah.
But that's because I imagine what it would be like to interact with these people in real life, and I don't imagine a lot of them (especially because so many are kids) would be into the same things that I am, or would want to discuss the same topics etc

Plus there's also the added fact that a lot of people are way more edgy on the internet, this is most common place in the political threads we see within the forums, with people saying they actually racist and ludicrous stuff that they wouldn't actually dare peep about in real life, probably because A they don't actually believe in it and just want to be funny le trolls or B because they are losers.

I kinda pity the people I've seen posting in this thread and how they have social issues and whatever the hell, but I guess (without trying to be mean) they are "losers" (in the traditional use of it by kids and young adults), not because they roleplay, but because of those issues.
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Apr 26, 2016
depends on the person i guess
unless you start spending more time with your rp character than doing anything else i guess its okay
like for me its not a big difference to play ww3rp or csgo
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Sep 19, 2016
I mean, I got hooked on roleplaying at a very young age and I have quite alot of free time on my hands, don't know how to spend it all so I just do what i love doing, roleplaying. Honestly, I don't give a single shait about someone thinking that I'm a total loser 'cause I rp, gawd.


Needs to blow his nose
Apr 26, 2016
As far as I'm aware, it's moreso that RP perceived as something that is strange to outsiders as opposed to something that makes us legitimate degenerates.

I mean, regardlesd of whatever it is you do within RP, it doesn't affect or change anything in real life whatsoever. That's what Roleplay has always been about really; to do things you normally cannot do and/or to be someone who isn't yourself.

Similar to how @scrubmcnoob said, it's not like we are taking Heroin, commiting murders or yelling about lynching blacks in public. We're all just normal people who enjoy being involved in scenarios that are typically regarded as being impossible to happen/do in real life or being people that do not exist/have no chance of existing within the real world.

It's only once you begin to distort the lines and start mixing up stuff that happens in Roleplay with the real world as well as dedicating more of your time to Roleplay than the important aspects of your real life that marks you as somewhat of a degenerate. Mind you, if it ain't illegal; then there's nothing to complain about in my eyes.
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she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
btw, I feel like the people who voted 'yes' meant they're losers and not 'we're all losers'


Apr 26, 2016
I wouldn't say this has been a waste of my time, no. I've had a blast with lots of people both here and back in LP, not to mention any other RP communities. Hell, I did HabboRP (none of the wrong kind, I assure you) when I was a kid, I'd say RP has been p normal in my eyes for most of my life.
But hey, it's fun to joke about it, not questioning that.
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roleplayers paradise
Jul 23, 2016
Yes and no

I mean sure, at least personally it's a bit depressing to see I've played a game for 2000 hours, but again, if you've enjoyed it and had fun with friends while doing so, what's it really matter?


Manager of Fist Industries
Apr 26, 2016
You'll find that those who enjoy playing video games in their spare time as much as people do here have more than a few similarities when it comes to their social behaviour and mindsets.

All I can say is cherish the free time you have to play games, when you become an adult with a full time job and step off into your career it is a massive difficulty finding the balance between work, life away from the computer and life on the computer.

The idea of if this is a waste of time depends on where you are in life imo. I'm sure in 20 years and see I've spent half a year on one game I might regret it. But that's not the point, the point is the there and now.