

she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
Your metabolism is kinda hard to change, I mean I literally can't gain weight and don't say 'Oh you haven't tried' I've spent days over filling myself because of an insecurity that people are slowly raising out of me, it's literally hell on Earth for me to gain weight; I just can't.
Gaining weight isn't just eating, like I said.


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
But IT IS possible, if your psych is in the correct place.
Did I say it was impossible? Wasn't my intent.

What I meant, was that you can't expect everyone to be able to overcome something such as limb loss easily, unlike Mr pirate who thinks that someones mental health and circumstances will improve the second they realize they have a problem
I dont think he should just accept it.
He should do something about it.
Ironic coming from you honestly.

You complain about sweden, the world etc and what do you do? You sit there and accept it.
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Apr 27, 2016
i have dyspraxia, i've almost completely overcome it aside from hand writing issues
i dont usually have to reason to tell people about my disabilities or use them as an excuse since i find it to be a way to attention seek and garner sympathy
for the people who do know me with it, no-ones ever mocked me for it
i guess im lucky
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Apr 26, 2016
I meant the whole glasses thing as a way to say about how if you have something different to you, your instantly not popular, I know popula--Wait shit, my school is full of assholes. Most of my friends wear glasses and such and I'm in the uh...Degrading area of the school.

Your metabolism is kinda hard to change, I mean I literally can't gain weight and don't say 'Oh you haven't tried' I've spent days over filling myself because of an insecurity that people are slowly raising out of me, it's literally hell on Earth for me to gain weight; I just can't.

And the only nice people in my school, are my friends; All the other kids just disrupt lessons, insult people, piss people off, and annoy people who didn't do shit. There's this one kid in Y8 With Disabilities and this fucking prick in Y9 who I've been in fights with when he was only 4 weeks new to the school exploits the fact that the Y8 Doesn't understand certain things to do all these bullshity things for him.

You may just live in a good area but where I live; Anywhere I go is just hell for me.
mate its just the teenage years where everyone everywhere is teased for everything (i guess that people that passed school can vouch me), im a type of guy irl who takes some shit way too personal but i learned to deal with it without making drama by just telling "fuck off" or backfiring the shots, 'cause karma


Resident xenophile
Apr 26, 2016
honestly though a huge part of it is how you carry yourself

i'm the same pale, glasses-wearing, skinny loser i was five years ago, but between then and now i learned that how you treat yourself in public has a huge bearing on how you act

i used to just kinda shy away from abuse, nod and smile and take it and then go home and cry

but then hey surprise surprise, as soon as i met it head-on with more of a cheeky smile and acting as though it didn't faze me at all, suddenly that was a huge confidence boost

it's a positive feedback loop and crying "poor me" won't help it at all

let's take a look at a primo example -
  • i'm extremely pale
  • i have vitamin deficiencies because my diet is shit
  • i'm 6'1 and only 125lbs (very underweight)
  • i have really thick glasses
  • i have frequent voice cracks because i don't drink enough
  • i frequently fall asleep at really bad times, including during meetings at work
  • i'm self-admittedly cringy as fuck

because i act like i have none of the aforementioned issues, because i carry myself with confidence, not only is it better for my mental state but others are less likely to do some bullshit

i was bullied to fuck all the way up to high school, then i grew the fuck up

tl;dr act confident and carry yourself with some pride without overdoing it, you might be surprised at the results


May 2, 2016
yeah well you know me, I eat a ten pound omelet with iron nails and muscle milk for breakfast lunch and dinner, pure straight jeans, could probably benchpress your girlfriend's pussy right infront of you in gamestop and you wouldn't even try to stop me, not self conscious at all because of my super big peenor so like man FUCK YOU KEVIN FROM SCHOOL I'M NOT A NERD I'M COOL MY MOM SAID SO


May 11, 2016
Don't want to turn this into 'My life sucks more than yours' but I've literally gone through fucking hell to get here, like literally Y9 And I've already 'Seen some shit' I mean, I've experienced all the things you usually do, but ten times worse I mean a relative died when I was about Y5 going into 6, and one thing that I remember so clearly is how my best friends that I went through school with, played the memorial music constantly in our music room (Which was also our tutor) They literally played, music. Singing and humming and looking at me. Laughing, that thing haunts me of how my best friends could literally do that to me.

I've had fights of best friends, and just insults after insults after insults, after actual physical harm due to me being myself just because I'm different.

You say 'Yes, not everyone has the mental fortitude to keep moving on like this guy, that is true.
But IT IS possible, if your psych is in the correct place.' But some people literally can't motivate themselves, because all of their motivation has been literally sucked out of them, it's almost mentally impossible for them.

I mean I know it's not all about eating but like what else am I meant to do?


Apr 26, 2016
honestly though a huge part of it is how you carry yourself

i'm the same pale, glasses-wearing, skinny loser i was five years ago, but between then and now i learned that how you treat yourself in public has a huge bearing on how you act

i used to just kinda shy away from abuse, nod and smile and take it and then go home and cry

but then hey surprise surprise, as soon as i met it head-on with more of a cheeky smile and acting as though it didn't faze me at all, suddenly that was a huge confidence boost

it's a positive feedback loop and crying "poor me" won't help it at all

let's take a look at a primo example -
  • i'm extremely pale
  • i have vitamin deficiencies because my diet is shit
  • i'm 6'1 and only 125lbs (very underweight)
  • i have really thick glasses
  • i have frequent voice cracks because i don't drink enough
  • i frequently fall asleep at really bad times, including during meetings at work
  • i'm self-admittedly cringy as fuck

because i act like i have none of the aforementioned issues, because i carry myself with confidence, not only is it better for my mental state but others are less likely to do some bullshit

i was bullied to fuck all the way up to high school, then i grew the fuck up

tl;dr act confident and carry yourself with some pride without overdoing it, you might be surprised at the results
if i ever leave this forum ill remember to frame this post in my room
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May 11, 2016
i have dyspraxia, i've almost completely overcome it aside from hand writing issues
i dont usually have to reason to tell people about my disabilities or use them as an excuse since i find it to be a way to attention seek and garner sympathy
for the people who do know me with it, no-ones ever mocked me for it
i guess im lucky

Dyspraxia? is that similar to Dyslexia? I had a friend like it with the same issues--Oh wait nope he's not a friend now. And trust me for never getting shit on you, you are lucky. Really Lucky.
honestly though a huge part of it is how you carry yourself

i'm the same pale, glasses-wearing, skinny loser i was five years ago, but between then and now i learned that how you treat yourself in public has a huge bearing on how you act

i used to just kinda shy away from abuse, nod and smile and take it and then go home and cry

but then hey surprise surprise, as soon as i met it head-on with more of a cheeky smile and acting as though it didn't faze me at all, suddenly that was a huge confidence boost

it's a positive feedback loop and crying "poor me" won't help it at all

let's take a look at a primo example -
  • i'm extremely pale
  • i have vitamin deficiencies because my diet is shit
  • i'm 6'1 and only 125lbs (very underweight)
  • i have really thick glasses
  • i have frequent voice cracks because i don't drink enough
  • i frequently fall asleep at really bad times, including during meetings at work
  • i'm self-admittedly cringy as fuck

because i act like i have none of the aforementioned issues, because i carry myself with confidence, not only is it better for my mental state but others are less likely to do some bullshit

i was bullied to fuck all the way up to high school, then i grew the fuck up

tl;dr act confident and carry yourself with some pride without overdoing it, you might be surprised at the results

Best admin ever. I'll hang it from my walls xD


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Don't want to turn this into 'My life sucks more than yours'
I've experienced all the things you usually do, but ten times worse

Yeah, you've turned this into a "My life sucks more than yours" thread when you say something like that.

It's literally sympathy-mongering.

This thread is for what makes you different, not who has the saddest life.
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Apr 27, 2016
Dyspraxia? is that similar to Dyslexia? I had a friend like it with the same issues--Oh wait nope he's not a friend now. And trust me for never getting shit on you, you are lucky. Really Lucky.
dyspraxia is having issues with coordination but theres also another strain that can affect how you have relations ships, not entirely sure on it though
i dont consider myself lucky though, i just dont present myself as an easily target by wearing my heart and issues on my sleeve for people to mock me
i almost always banter w/ the lads in my area over anything and regularly fling insults at each other for the laughs
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May 11, 2016
I was just saying because someone kept trying to say that anyone can just do what the guy in the video does, just giving an example of someone with a shit life, Tbh I'm sick of Sympathy now, I had these teachers at the boarding school like "It's okay, we all know your feeling and how you feel" Fuck no bitch, the only people who know how I feel right now are on this forum, and don't give me that shit of "Oh your work looks really good" I've literally only drawn a fuckin' straight line.


Apr 27, 2016
I was just saying because someone kept trying to say that anyone can just do what the guy in the video does, just giving an example of someone with a shit life, Tbh I'm sick of Sympathy now, I had these teachers at the boarding school like "It's okay, we all know your feeling and how you feel" Fuck no bitch, the only people who know how I feel right now are on this forum, and don't give me that shit of "Oh your work looks really good" I've literally only drawn a fuckin' straight line.
you sound like youre writting the journal you'll live for after the school shooting at this point


May 11, 2016
dyspraxia is having issues with coordination but theres also another strain that can affect how you have relations ships, not entirely sure on it though
i dont consider myself lucky though, i just dont present myself as an easily target by wearing my heart and issues on my sleeve for people to mock me
i almost always banter w/ the lads in my area over anything and regularly fling insults at each other for the laughs

Sounds like a bitch sometimes glad you actually have supportive friends instead of the people in my school motherfucking asshole cunts at my school fucking bitchy ass limp dick pricks.
Apr 26, 2016
I was just saying because someone kept trying to say that anyone can just do what the guy in the video does, just giving an example of someone with a shit life, Tbh I'm sick of Sympathy now, I had these teachers at the boarding school like "It's okay, we all know your feeling and how you feel" Fuck no bitch, the only people who know how I feel right now are on this forum, and don't give me that shit of "Oh your work looks really good" I've literally only drawn a fuckin' straight line.
Dude atleast they're trying to be nice...
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