Serious Discussion: WW3RP 'back to basics'... sortof


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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
ace combat roleplay, but you're stuck on the ground
stinger missiles replace starting weapons

they do little good because the war's already gone thermonuclear and B-2 lancers are coming to vaporize everyone


Jul 30, 2017
Honestly I’d prefer sci fi/hyper future myself. Something that isn’t just a rehash of what we did before; and is instead a completely new route for WW3RP.

Outer colonies banding together against the inner systems’, only for both sides to have their ideologies corrupted; with the outer colonies desire for independence tainted by criminals looking to get away with their crimes and the inner systems wanting to keep the peace across the galaxy but constantly being forced to act violently by prominent corporations with deep pockets. Two morally gray factions where both sides mean you aren’t restricted by what ethnicity you have to play as.

I just feel as if the 90’s has ran it’s inevitable course is all; I want to see Nebulous running a server that is completely new & untouched ground.
dusters versus Lockheed-Boeing

rebelling martian colonists with sstrp tier gear versus earth mega corp with imc titanfall esque kit
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Bio Junior

Apr 26, 2016
Don’t get me wrong, I loved the modern lore myself; but in my opinion I would absolutely prefer having the world completely reformed to represent something akin to Ace Combat’s fictional earth as opposed to earth but with incredibly weird alliances.

I’d 100% be down for a 2050 / 2142-esque combat environment where bullets and tanks are still used but where the potential for things like augmentations & fancy new vehicles can completely change up the pace of combat.
Imho, if I had to pick between 90's and the futuristic stuff with augmentations, I'd go for 90's. I think the augmentation stuff would just bring problems and edgy people like "I GOT ROBO-COCK AUGMENTED" yk? If we have to further in the future do something like in LP, Globs and Coals was a nice pace, other than that I think NATO vs Sovs works too.


Needs to blow his nose
Apr 26, 2016
dusters versus Lockheed-Boeing

rebelling martian colonists with sstrp tier gear versus earth mega corp with imc titanfall esque kit
An inner-colonies mega corp watching a handful of 70 year old veterans & space sicarios wipe out a squad of augmented super soldiers to fucking punji traps.
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Jul 30, 2017
An inner-colonies mega corp watching a handful of 70 year old veterans & space sicarios wipe out a squad of augmented super soldiers to fucking punji traps.
one faction has normal military ranks the other has a corporate structure

why yes i am the CEO of the Wagner Detachment on mars
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Who ?
Jun 10, 2016
ok thanks willard head of staff for sharing your views on the matter

can we move on now because no one wants to listen to this shit for hours
Just defending myself. I'm not here to stir up drama and Willard has nothing to do with it. The lot started attacking me so yeeaaah.
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Apr 27, 2016
Honestly I’d prefer sci fi/hyper future myself. Something that isn’t just a rehash of what we did before; and is instead a completely new route for WW3RP.

Back in 2012 there was a community running a HL2RP server, and they started up something like a WW3RP server set 300 years in the future, calling it Intergalactic Warfare Roleplay.

TRUCKER said of IWRP: "We used to play a lot of WW3RP until we thought maybe we can do a better job and wanted to come up with something similar - just a different setting with more of what we wanted to see. I don't think we were really going for a lore connection between WW3RP and IWRP, we just wanted to tell a Sci-Fi story, but have the same type of militaristic roleplay that WW3RP offered."

The IWRP gamemode saw the Globalist faction as an empire with advanced technology, such as having a spaceship to roleplay in which hovered over the ground and could send small ships to the surface. They'd clash with rebels (called the Forlorn Republic that had their own base on the planet surface) and despite lacking in technology would still attempt to fend off the Globalists. A practical challenge was apparently getting the Globalist players down to the surface without them being killed by the awkward physics as the ships moved. A lot of the content was recycled from other Sci-Fi content packs.

It certainly sounded interesting. TRUCKER said this screenshot was probably from IWRP:
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Apr 27, 2016
Just defending myself. I'm not here to stir up drama and Willard has nothing to do with it. The lot started attacking me so yeeaaah.
Is it, or is it not, abuse to use a tool you only can get by becoming staff to get an advantage

answer the question Hiros


Who ?
Jun 10, 2016
The air attachment might have been a weird mix of "real"/event characters (I blame @TinPan for dying so early and whoever played Leon Wirt for blowing up the airbase) but regardless you still needed actual authorization to take vehicles out, same as literally any other SAF vehicle. You needed this from char, generic or roose, not John Sergeant or some stasi goon, as even the SA's needed the faction leads or roose to affirm it.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure I asked RB but yeah keep attacking me.

Did you club yourself in the head and forget that the server had barely any SA's by that time, and that char himself (the SAF lead who you seem to be having trouble remembering about) was one of those few?

If you can't bother recalling anything correctly and want to spew garbage just close yourself out of the forums. You weren't testing aircraft, you weren't flying for NATO, you were fucking around with a Hip on a SAF-affiliated pilot, without proper authorization.

It wasn't a response to afric's escape because you were flying before it happened.
It wasn't a response to insurgent activity because there was none that day beyond @Numbers killing most of them in the mineshaft.
It wasn't a response to NATO incursion because the faction literally wasn't on the main server beyond three people by then.
It wasn't a response to @GenericPlayer's crippled status because he'd already been flown out by that point.

You had little reason to be flying around, and yet you were.

I did forget about char because he did little to nothing for SAF in my eyes, I didn't interact with him that much as with Generic or RB. But it is funny how people bring this up 8 MONTHS after the server got closed and there was no ABUSE REPORT against me ever done.

And which mythical "90% of staff" were using mortars in the first place? I don't recall anyone frequently using artillery beyond you.
I meant in general, even HL2RP can be involved in this. But sure.

I don't exactly harbor fond memories of the guy but it's quite obvious that Rondal isn't going to go on record saying shit like that unless it exists, and I'd know, because I watched you do it before.

Get a fucking grip.
Did you watch me say it? If so I would like to see any proof of that because I don't recall saying that to him and IF I did I must've apologized to him but that's not what people talk about, they only take negative shit and throw it on people.

People who show up to cause problems and then blame everyone else for their own failings on other servers genuinely should be kicked off this forum, we already have one date rapist and one genocidal headcop, we don't need more hanger-ons moaning about how they were made victims of [insert server minority].

I didn't blame anyone here, Just wanted to put my thought on WW3RP yet you lot and your amazing "friends" attack me, for now, reason lol. If I was such a big failure why I got accepted and kept my position till the end of WW3RP? But I love how people think that I'm here to stir up drama because of another community.

Anyway I will stop responding to these sort of accusations just so RB can get the answer to his question
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Apr 26, 2016
yo can we stop about that abuse/not abuse stuff, lest we devolve into ironically turning a ww3rp discussion page into a war.

On the topic of futuristic/other settings, different lores etc, I'll just briefly say this:

There's a couple points that made me mainly consider continuing the "90s"(we're already halfway through in the lore) setting as being the only route for this concept.

A) I'd rather continue a story that has been shaped and co-created by tons of players over time, where almost every event in the lore can be traced back to nostalgic characters and events that people actually participated in on-server.

B) We're already taking a lot of freedoms lore-wise, as well as progressing into the 21st century pretty quickly. We already introduced stuff like early drones, experimental weapons etc and even toyed with the idea of having the Coalition be formed somewhere down the line. It wouldn't mean we'd be 'stuck' in the 90s, same as we weren't stuck in the 80s.

C) Probably the most important one in regards to server management; everything is already coded, polished and ready. I don't personally have much motivation to re-do all of it if it doesn't contribute all that much. I believe the same arguments for/against a lot of things can be applied to just about every setting.

Naturally I can discuss the topics of lore for ages and we can cover various topics/arguments, but the above is probably a good tl;dr


Who ?
Jun 10, 2016
B) We're already taking a lot of freedoms lore-wise, as well as progressing into the 21st century pretty quickly. We already introduced stuff like early drones, experimental weapons etc and even toyed with the idea of having the Coalition be formed somewhere down the line. It wouldn't mean we'd be 'stuck' in the 90s, same as we weren't stuck in the 80s.
Perhaps if you have Engineer corps they could be given tasks to develop a new weapon/vehicle and that's how it would be or could be added to the content. Just a small RP stuff i guess
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Apr 26, 2016
yo can we stop about that abuse/not abuse stuff, lest we devolve into ironically turning a ww3rp discussion page into a war.

On the topic of futuristic/other settings, different lores etc, I'll just briefly say this:

There's a couple points that made me mainly consider continuing the "90s"(we're already halfway through in the lore) setting as being the only route for this concept.

A) I'd rather continue a story that has been shaped and co-created by tons of players over time, where almost every event in the lore can be traced back to nostalgic characters and events that people actually participated in on-server.

B) We're already taking a lot of freedoms lore-wise, as well as progressing into the 21st century pretty quickly. We already introduced stuff like early drones, experimental weapons etc and even toyed with the idea of having the Coalition be formed somewhere down the line. It wouldn't mean we'd be 'stuck' in the 90s, same as we weren't stuck in the 80s.

C) Probably the most important one in regards to server management; everything is already coded, polished and ready. I don't personally have much motivation to re-do all of it if it doesn't contribute all that much. I believe the same arguments for/against a lot of things can be applied to just about every setting.

Naturally I can discuss the topics of lore for ages and we can cover various topics/arguments, but the above is probably a good tl;dr

Also, to add. I still love developing/doing those small generations event thingies every now and again, but not necessarily as a main server concept
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
Also, to add. I still love developing/doing those small generations event thingies every now and again, but not necessarily as a main server concept
Generations: Korea?

We have a bunch of world-war two weapons, tanks and content, plus unlike vietnam people won't meme it to death.
Perhaps if you have Engineer corps they could be given tasks to develop a new weapon/vehicle and that's how it would be or could be added to the content. Just a small RP stuff i guess
Engineers are supposed to keep infrastructure working and soldiers safe, not act as multinational R&D companies.
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Bio Junior

Apr 26, 2016
B) We're already taking a lot of freedoms lore-wise, as well as progressing into the 21st century pretty quickly. We already introduced stuff like early drones, experimental weapons etc and even toyed with the idea of having the Coalition be formed somewhere down the line. It wouldn't mean we'd be 'stuck' in the 90s, same as we weren't stuck in the 80s.
This is really good, not being stuck on the constant of having the same 2 factions. I remember events we had where we had temp "peace treaty" in another map and we had some people working to sabotage/prevent sabotaging in that same event, which IC consequences. One of those events could lead to the formation of other factions etc etc (And no, I don't mean mutinies and hostile take over of a faction from the inside)