Serious Discussion: WW3RP 'back to basics'... sortof


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HL2 RP Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 25, 2018
I think we mainly have to keep in mind that it's supposed to be a soft return to the old WW3RP with a couple of new elements. I don't think the civilian aspect should be too big or have too much consequences etc. Back on old WW3RP the civilians were just a small premium benefit without much rules, the main focus should 100% be on both factions and the war they fight.

Of course, Civies will be a pure side-gig for those interested in some passive or what not. Gotta keep that in mind sometimes, so apologies if I talk about this more often.

There should be some protection to them though, to prevent them becoming supply / money pigs for either faction, encouraging people to actually roleplay with them.


Apr 26, 2016
Not saying they'll be a premium benefit if this goes through, just stating that they won't play a very important role and don't have any focus. They'd just be there to provide an alternative playstyle for those that feel like it
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017
Not saying they'll be a premium benefit if this goes through, just stating that they won't play a very important role and don't have any focus. They'd just be there to provide an alternative playstyle for those that feel like it

Yea, I figured ^^ Don't worry.

I feel like that Civilian and the State should be the third pillar of the WW3: Stasiland. What Stasiland needed from the launch to survive.
And I think that a faction in the middle like the State would be the perfect way to create RP and be that pillar for not only RP for the Civilians, but for the NATO Resistance & The Soviets.

And while of course The NATO Resistance vs Warsaw is going to be the two big roles. I think the State should be the third pillar. Not an active part in all the fighting and the **WW3** just the middle option.

Me along people like @Northgate and @Mesa along with other Civilian people players were working with Roosebud before the shutdown of Stasiland or the.. death of Stasiland last year on a State like Government.
And I think it'll be a great RP and atmosphere for all sides and create a lot of RP opportunities, but not only that, but drive and be a stage for a lot of stories and RP for everybody involved.
For the Civilians, who are going to play part in their share of the State or just Civilians of the ever-crumbling GDR, NATO Resistance, and the Warsaw.
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Apr 26, 2016
If there's no room for the "roleplayers" to have any actual impact on the map changes or lore (as in, its all directed by who wins in the field again) they're quickly going to be pushed out in favour of the S2K guys who do dictate everything.

Why would I care about who RP's best if they're shit at S2K and we can't win in what matters for our faction?

That's the biggest concern I think everyone has with this. The worst offenders may not play right now but you bet your ass they'd flock back if they realised "their" server was coming back again.
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cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
the server was at its best when it was just s2k and fucking around in voice with the lads, the rp was never fun and i only ever joined to play with my friends and shoot things. the nlr timer and stuff that forced people to rp was just ways to make people afk


HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017
If there's no room for the "roleplayers" to have any actual impact on the map changes or lore (as in, its all directed by who wins in the field again) they're quickly going to be pushed out in favour of the S2K guys who do dictate everything, as you won't win without them - and everyone will want their faction to win.

I mean, A thought that I just came up with regarding this is well, The State. You can't strong hand S2K to win the State. Both sides would actively need to RP to either bring Stability to the Established Regional State or try and bring it down. Or subvert it from the inside. Win it over, Ensure loyalty. Blablabla. Whatever.
But you can't S2K the State and expect the Civilian Side stay the same, The ones that keep the gears turning and roads cleared.

Already I can think of a situation or an RP event, A week long
The NVA & Soviets have retaken Frankfurt, and the hastily appointed Mayor or whatever has to rebuild all while fixing the Political structure and the cabinet of Direktors for the different fields in a week until Military puts it fully under martial-law.

Basically, Ultimatum.
Fix it, or we'll come and cease power.

The treaded line between staying loyal to the State you're supposed to be part of, But also not actively being the Hardline State loving Mayor and Council that'll get targeted by the NATO Resistance and their allied German Resistance groups.


Apr 26, 2016
If there's no room for the "roleplayers" to have any actual impact on the map changes or lore (as in, its all directed by who wins in the field again) they're quickly going to be pushed out in favour of the S2K guys who do dictate everything.

Why would I care about who RP's best if they're shit at S2K and we can't win in what matters for our faction?

That's the biggest concern I think everyone has with this. The worst offenders may not play right now but you bet your ass they'd flock back if they realised "their" server was coming back again.

I don't think anyone said they'd have no impact honestly, I think the fear of anything related to more S2K will mean instant death for the server might be a bit exaggerated personally. We were able to deal with it with our new approach in Stasiland, sure it'll be less managable if guns and stuff are more accessible but we've grown over the years. Lets not forget that it should be fine if the main attraction for a lot of people is the s2k, as long as the room for RP is present.
i dont like s2k and i dont like any server that forces players to be against one another, its not roleplay

the server was at its best when it was just s2k and fucking around in voice with the lads, the rp was never fun and i only ever joined to play with my friends and shoot things. the nlr timer and stuff that forced people to rp was just ways to make people afk

This is why I'm always confused in regards to what people want


HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017

I mean, A thought that I just came up with regarding this is well, The State. You can't strong hand S2K to win the State. Both sides would actively need to RP to either bring Stability to the Established Regional State or try and bring it down. Or subvert it from the inside. Win it over, Ensure loyalty. Blablabla. Whatever.
But you can't S2K the State and expect the Civilian Side stay the same, The ones that keep the gears turning and roads cleared.

Already I can think of a situation or an RP event, A week long
The NVA & Soviets have retaken Frankfurt, and the hastily appointed Mayor or whatever has to rebuild all while fixing the Political structure and the cabinet of Direktors for the different fields in a week until Military puts it fully under martial-law.

Basically, Ultimatum.
Fix it, or we'll come and cease power.

The treaded line between staying loyal to the State you're supposed to be part of, But also not actively being the Hardline State loving Mayor and Council that'll get targeted by the NATO Resistance and their allied German Resistance groups.


And whole beasts of nations desire power
Apr 26, 2016
Naturally, and it's hard to say how the playerbase/community will be seeing as how we all changed a lot and some people have left.

I reckon we'd have to remove the focus on promotions as well, as they should be functions instead of rewards. Probably have the main reward item be either requistion/supplies, medals etc and have promotions be application-based.
I personally disagree with promotions being application-based, or at least all promotions. Perhaps having a ruleset of OF ranks which are universal to both sides, where the rules can be used to dictate what ranks can be applied for, and which are subject to a field promotion.

Promotions, when used healthily, provide a reason for players to feel invested - it's a discrete way in which pacing is introduced, if it's done too fast or slow, the player will lose interest. Having a hybrid of application/field promotions is the best way to ensure pacing is healthy and gives more responsibility to ranks as a whole. Ranks are tools, I completely agree with that, they're as good as the people with them.

I'm fully in support of bringing the game-mode back, and will support any efforts to do so.

cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
I don't think anyone said they'd have no impact honestly, I think the fear of anything related to more S2K will mean instant death for the server might be a bit exaggerated personally. We were able to deal with it with our new approach in Stasiland, sure it'll be less managable if guns and stuff are more accessible but we've grown over the years. Lets not forget that it should be fine if the main attraction for a lot of people is the s2k, as long as the room for RP is present.

This is why I'm always confused in regards to what people want
ye i change back in like 2016 thats only reason i played


Apr 26, 2016
I think the fear of anything related to more S2K will mean instant death for the server might be a bit exaggerated personally.
I don't think it'd kill the server by any means, far from it. I honestly just don't want to see WW3 drowned in the same problems again - for you guys if for no other reason.

Like shit, even in the confessions thread nobody had a clue 90% of this was happening and most of our returning WW3 players make the underhanded shit people pull on HL2RP look like childsplay in comparison.

And hell you're a better man than I if you can consider this at all given what you've been through with WW3 and Stasiland alike, honestly. If I was forced to either considering catering to the people who helped ruin my year-long passion project and abused the fuck out of my trust before that or try something else with the assets, you bet your ass I'd go with the latter lmao. I wouldn't even think twice about that.
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Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
I think if we have the right people in leadership positions, we won't have to worry about them promoting people for the wrong reasons.

Promotions and demotions are sort of important if you find a senior NCO is inactive or negligent in your duties, but you still need a SNCO to oversee and manage the other NCOs. I missed seeing demotions for incompetence and that's why I was happy to bring them back.

I'm not going to lie, WW3RP was one of the biggest communities when people didn't think too much about S2K and the philosophy behind it. There are plenty of other WW3/military RP servers out there that are all action, and there is nothing that is action plus serious roleplay, in my books. This is where we had the majority of our demographic. It just seemed as if the 'roleplay elitists' were primarily in the SNCO/CO ranks and were more or less out of touch with the reality that you need a bunch of privates and 'cannon fodder' regardless within a combat RP scenario. These privates and 'cannon fodder' would eventually learn the ropes and roleplay more. Many, while not perfect, some not even primary English-speakers, would end up doing a lot of personal building in their English and roleplay skills to become decent NCOs, etc.

The concerns over S2K are warranted, but all violence is contextual I suppose. If people just want to patrol often into town, that's fine. If people are going to go right into the belly of the beast and bait people out, that's where it starts to become an issue. There's nothing wrong with S2K. The problem is when people get on TS3 and stop communicating in-game and stop roleplaying.
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Apr 26, 2016
I don't think it'd kill the server by any means, far from it. I honestly just don't want to see WW3 drowned in the same problems again - for you guys if for no other reason.

Like shit, even in the confessions thread nobody had a clue 90% of this was happening and most of our returning WW3 players make the underhanded shit people pull on HL2RP look like childsplay in comparison.

And hell you're a better man than I if you can consider this at all given what you've been through with WW3 and Stasiland alike, honestly. If I was forced to either considering catering to the people who helped ruin my year-long passion project and abused the fuck out of my trust before that or try something else with the assets, you bet your ass I'd go with the latter lmao. I wouldn't even think twice about that.

Knowing the bad times I completely understand & agree. However continuing to tinker with all this and coming up with this concept stems mostly from focusing on the good times. I always enjoyed 'old' WW3RP, obviously having issues with some aspects of it. It's relatively easy to manage gameplay & progression wise, it's fun to write lore for and it caters to different groups of players in a more casual way than most servers.

Aside from me wanting to use the script and assets that are now just sitting idle on my computer collecting dust, I feel like the concept would be diverse enough to freshen up the old gameplay and essentially have everything in place to get going without much hassle. It should be treated as a more casual variant of SeriousRP, definitely.

And after all the drama and shit that followed the closing of old WW3RP, I'm sure we're dealing with enough tools, general consensus amongst players and staff to handle it from the start. And if not, people'll just risk it closing again.