History Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1381
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event guy
Apr 26, 2016
It's not meant to be as in depth as a book but if you don't have the time to read an entire book, it's just a 20 minute video talking about some of the stuff Uday has done. Maybe you can try watching it instead of just dismissing me with 'go read a book'?
I don't waste my time supporting an internet edgelord convicted of hate speech lmao

Imagine learning anything from a failed """political thinker"""" who associates with sargon "3 votes" Benjamin



Jul 9, 2016
I don't waste my time supporting an internet edgelord convicted of hate speech lmao

Imagine learning anything from a failed """political thinker"""" who associates with sargon "3 votes" Benjamin


Well that's your decision, you don't need to start calling me trash or dismissing things just because I suggest something you don't agree with. I just put it out there because I found the video good, so I don't see why you need to get so aggressive?


event guy
Apr 26, 2016
Well that's your decision, you don't need to start calling me trash or dismissing things just because I suggest something you don't agree with.
I did not call you trash

The source you cite is trash and this thread doesn't need the cringe of count dankula

Deleted member 3713

My dick way too small to have y’all on it.
Jun 23, 2017
I did not call you trash

The source you cite is trash and this thread doesn't need the cringe of count dankula
Sure he’s a shitposter but he does tell the uday story really well, even talking about his body double Latin yahia
isn't that the guy who taught his pug to do the nazi salute lmao

a book sounds better
I mean it was for a joke, really shouldn’t have gotten convicted


Don't Shoot I'm Too Short
Apr 26, 2016

My mother outlived the GDR by three days. I believe it was a good thing she never learned the truth. She died happy. She wanted us to scatter her ashes to the winds. That's prohibited in Germany, both East and West. But we didn't care. She's up there somewhere now. Maybe looking down at us. Maybe she sees us as tiny specks on the Earth's surface, just like Sigmund Jähn did back then. The country my mother left behind was a country she believed in; a country we kept alive till her last breath; a country that never existed in that form; a country that, in my memory, I will always associate with my mother.




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Don't Shoot I'm Too Short
Apr 26, 2016
was a pretty comfy movie, even for a kraut film
my old german teacher used to show us films at the end of each term, and this was one of them.

definitely my favourite one he showed us, in comparison to "fack ju goethe" and "die welle"

the whole story was very comfy and the ending was definitely bittersweet, it's probably one of the films that inspired me to actually learn german in the first place.
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Apr 27, 2016

>Luther: You think men like Leo X ever think what it’s like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don’t. They think that we’ll just sit down and take it like good little boys! That we wont werewolf and go wild!

>Charles V: You finished? I mean, there’s so much self-pity, Martin, you sound like you’re making excuses for breaking out from church. I’m telling ya, not everyone is awful.

>Luther: You’re awful Charles.

>Charles V: I’m awful? Oh yeah how am I awful?

>Luther: Declaring me heretic, inviting me to Imperial diet, you’re just like the rest of them.

>Charles V: You don’t know the first thing about me pal. There is revolt out there because of what you did, peasants are killing nobles, you’re laughing, you’re laughing.

>Luther: I know... I know. How about another joke Charles?

>Charles V: I think we’ve heard enough of your jokes.

>Luther: What do you get when you cross a mentally ill friar, with a church that excommunicates him and treats him like trash?

>Charles V: I think we're done here now, thank you. Call the guards.

>Luther: I’ll tell you what you get. YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!

>Nails 95 theses directly into emperor's skull
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Apr 26, 2016

>Luther: You think men like Leo X ever think what it’s like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don’t. They think that we’ll just sit down and take it like good little boys! That we wont werewolf and go wild!

>Charles V: You finished? I mean, there’s so much self-pity, Martin, you sound like you’re making excuses for breaking out from church. I’m telling ya, not everyone is awful.

>Luther: You’re awful Charles.

>Charles V: I’m awful? Oh yeah how am I awful?

>Luther: Declaring me heretic, inviting me to Imperial diet, you’re just like the rest of them.

>Charles V: You don’t know the first thing about me pal. There is revolt out there because of what you did, peasants are killing nobles, you’re laughing, you’re laughing.

>Luther: I know... I know. How about another joke Charles?

>Charles V: I think we’ve heard enough of your jokes.

>Luther: What do you get when you cross a mentally ill friar, with a church that excommunicates him and treats him like trash?

>Charles V: I think we're done here now, thank you. Call the guards.

>Luther: I’ll tell you what you get. YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!

>Nails 95 theses directly into emperor's skull

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event guy
Apr 26, 2016
dallas goes to pyramiden, an abandoned soviet mining town



okay so basically im arctic monkey

in 2017 i saw a youtube video, the one above, and i was very inspired
i wanted to make a play out of this concept; a soviet ghost town in the arctic - but i had no time, no way to start it, no real story and no research

when i finished my degree i was offered a master's and now im doing a project rooted in playwriting/script development

i went on a trip up here, to the far far north, all the way up past the arctic circle, to see this place for myself - and to find if there was a story to be told

this is some of what i saw



pyramiden is owned by Trust Artikogul (Arctic Coal Trust), a russian state company that has owned pyramiden since it was established by the swedish in the 1910s

under the svalbard treaty of 1920, the land is norwegian and the settlement is operated by a russian company


a rifle must be worn at all times, by law, outside any settlement (there are two settlements large enough for this status on svalbard)
in pyramiden, our guide protected me and a few others with the rifle, in case of polar bear attack - which did not happen


this settlement was abandoned in 1998 due to a series of costly tragedies (a plane crash in 1996 and a large mine explosion in 1997)
it was re-opened to limited public access in 2007 and has since operated as a destination for soviet weebs like myself


pyramiden was an experimental cashless society, while also being a mining town. everything revolved around the mine and your job in the structure of the mine. food and housing was free, and depended on your job

this mural is in the canteen/social house of the settlement



in the months of darkness (november - february) there is a constant polar night and Billesfjorden freezes solid, cutting off pyramiden for months

in this time, the settlement would rely on overland shipments via snowmobile or helicopters
to deal with this, pyramiden established a successful collective farm and was extremely ecological, recycling everything, maintaining their appliances well past their expiry

these were the most practical of a practical people, svalbard and its conditions demands a level of toughness from those who choose to live there

it must be mentioned that not a single russian mine on svalbard has ever turned a profit - it is an entirely geopolitical exercise, which makes it even more interesting


the kgb headquarters in Barentsburg (the second largest settlement on Svalbard and still operating today) ordered that cultural exchanges, sports events/facilities and even a cinema be built in order to occupy the residents during downtime

a fear was that during the long months of winter darkness, and the close proximity of norwegian Longyearbyen, that a steep difference in living standards would put the status of the settlement at risk

for this reason, the russians in barentsburg/pyramiden lived very well during the cold war; they had higher wages than the ussr, a close community and lived through the allocated housing/food of the company, allowing them to send a lot of money back home


most of the miners here were a mix of russians from the western regions (Tula) and ukranians (donbass)
most contracts were one or two years, with options to extend if they wished - and many did


the buildings had many names, official designations were forgotten over time and nicknames now survive
the block for single men was London, the block for single women was Paris, the entrance to the mine was Mexico (because of the extreme heat) and the house for families (the one pictured on the right) was simply called 'crazy house'

these buildings are technically classed as skyscrapers and are unique in the arctic due to the high winds - their corners have been rounded to allow the high winds to curve around them


the main street of pyramiden is officially called "The Street Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Great October"
it was called the "champs elysees" by the locals, after the famous french landmark


pyramiden is also home to the northern most statue of vladimir lenin, here he is

im very tired and can talk about this anytime, if you ever wanna know more hit me up
thanks for reading, i highly recommend visiting!
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Apr 26, 2016

It is a complicated issue that involved things like Religion (Vatican), Colonial State Support (Portugal/SA/Rhodesia), mantaining control over an area that was allied with the other african nations, Cold War and selling weapons (Israel).

Israel was always in most wars supplying guns to both sides, hell even during the Falklands they supplied the Argies.

Deleted member 4425

dallas goes to pyramiden, an abandoned soviet mining town



okay so basically im arctic monkey

in 2017 i saw a youtube video, the one above, and i was very inspired
i wanted to make a play out of this concept; a soviet ghost town in the arctic - but i had no time, no way to start it, no real story and no research

when i finished my degree i was offered a master's and now im doing a project rooted in playwriting/script development

i went on a trip up here, to the far far north, all the way up past the arctic circle, to see this place for myself - and to find if there was a story to be told

this is some of what i saw



pyramiden is owned by Trust Artikogul (Arctic Coal Trust), a russian state company that has owned pyramiden since it was established by the swedish in the 1910s

under the svalbard treaty of 1920, the land is norwegian and the settlement is operated by a russian company


a rifle must be worn at all times, by law, outside any settlement (there are two settlements large enough for this status on svalbard)
in pyramiden, our guide protected me and a few others with the rifle, in case of polar bear attack - which did not happen


this settlement was abandoned in 1998 due to a series of costly tragedies (a plane crash in 1996 and a large mine explosion in 1997)
it was re-opened to limited public access in 2007 and has since operated as a destination for soviet weebs like myself


pyramiden was an experimental cashless society, while also being a mining town. everything revolved around the mine and your job in the structure of the mine. food and housing was free, and depended on your job

this mural is in the canteen/social house of the settlement



in the months of darkness (november - february) there is a constant polar night and Billesfjorden freezes solid, cutting off pyramiden for months

in this time, the settlement would rely on overland shipments via snowmobile or helicopters
to deal with this, pyramiden established a successful collective farm and was extremely ecological, recycling everything, maintaining their appliances well past their expiry

these were the most practical of a practical people, svalbard and its conditions demands a level of toughness from those who choose to live there


the kgb headquarters in Barentsburg (the second largest settlement on Svalbard and still operating today) ordered that cultural exchanges, sports events/facilities and even a cinema be built in order to occupy the residents during downtime

a fear was that during the long months of winter darkness, and the close proximity of norwegian Longyearbyen, that a steep difference in living standards would put the status of the settlement at risk

for this reason, the russians in barentsburg/pyramiden lived very well during the cold war; they had higher wages than the ussr, a close community and lived through the allocated housing/food of the company, allowing them to send a lot of money back home


most of the miners here were a mix of russians from the western regions (Tula) and ukranians (donbass)
most contracts were one or two years, with options to extend if they wished - and many did


the buildings had many names, official designations were forgotten over time and nicknames now survive
the block for single men was London, the block for single women was Paris, the entrance to the mine was Mexico (because of the extreme heat) and the house for families (the one pictured on the right) was simply called 'crazy house'

these buildings are technically classed as skyscrapers and are unique in the arctic due to the high winds - their corners have been rounded to allow the high winds to curve around them


the main street of pyramiden is officially called "The Street Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Great October"
it was called the "champs elysees" by the locals, after the famous french landmark


pyramiden is also home to the northern most statue of vladimir lenin, here he is

im very tired and can talk about this anytime, if you ever wanna know more hit me up
thanks for reading, i highly recommend visiting!

Absolutely fantastic and very interesting. Looks like a beautiful place, I’m sure you enjoyed yourself. Thanks for sharing!
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Apr 26, 2016

"We arrived in Berlin at 4:30 a.m., five hours longer than usual. We drove first to Brandenburgerplatz, where the statute of Winged Victory stands atop a 50 meter column. Cars were abandoned everywhere, wherever there was space. We left the car and began to walk through a village of television trucks, giant satellite dishes, emergency generators, and coils of cables, and tents. Cameramen slept under satellite dishes.

We pushed through the crowd. From the East German side we could hear the sound of heavy machines. With a giant drill, they were punching holes in the wall. Every time a drill poked through, everyone cheered. The banks of klieg lights would come on. People shot off fireworks and emergency flares and rescue rockets. Many were using hammers to chip away at the wall. There were countless holes. At one place, a crowd of East German soldiers looked through a narrow hole. We reached through and shook hands.

Everything was open: restaurants, bars, discos, everything. Yesterday over two million East Germans had entered Berlin. The radio reported that over 100,000 were entering every hour. Everything was out of control. Police on horses watched. There was nothing they could do. The crowd had swollen. There were fireworks, kites, flags and flags and flags, dogs, children. The wall was finally breaking. The cranes lifted slabs aside. East and West German police had traded caps.

Near me, a knot of people cheered as the mayors of East Berlin and West Berlin met and shook hands. I stood with several East German guards, their rifles slung over their shoulders. I asked them if they had bullets in those things. They grinned and said no. From some houses, someone had set up loudspeakers and played Beethoven's ninth symphony: Alle Menschen werden Bruder. All people become brothers. On top of every building were thousands of people. Berlin was out of control.

There was no more government, neither in East nor in West. The police and the army were helpless. The soldiers themselves were overwhelmed by the event. They were part of the crowd. Their uniforms meant nothing.
The Wall was down.

A newspaper wrote banner headlines: Germany is reunited in the streets!"
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event guy
Apr 26, 2016

dallas goes to barentsburg, russian federation town


the sister settlement of pyramiden, with much the same history - only barentsburg survived the 1990s and continues to operate today
500 people live here today, mostly russians and ukros


it is settled on the side of the 'green fjord', called as such because of the light vegetation that grows on the hill


barentsburg is located at the southern end of the inlet all major settlements are located in
it remains open and free of ice most years


barentsburg is located at the top of 300 stairs...
to get to the town, you need to climb the stairs
svalbard makes no sense


many of these houses are from the 1930s-40s and can no longer be demolished because the svalbard treaty outlines that buildings built before the 1960s are protected heritage


the old canteen and social house used in the stalinist to brezhnev era



the 'town centre' of barentsburg


the kgb headquarters - now turned into seasonal housing for summer workers


the refurbished hq for artitkogul trust, it also serves as the way into the mine via the elevator located inside


2nd most northerly statue of lenin


"our goal - communism!"
this sign was put up in the 1970s and clearly still stands today
the houses are old blocs from the 1970s, in the 2000s they put bright panels over the concrete to make it look newer.


there are two bars and one brewery in barentsburg
this one is called 'Red Bear'

i paid less money for a coke here than i did in a pub in edinburgh.
this place needs everything brought in to survive...


the blue building on the right is the old stalinist consulate for the soviets
the one on the left is the new russian federation consulate


the guide said that we shouldnt go near it, or take photos too close to it




the chapel here is called the "Chapel of the Holy Image of Edessa"
it is built to honour the victims of the 1996 svalbard plane crash which killed many workers from pyramiden and barentsburg







it was very interesting to come here
the difference between pyramiden and barentsburg is night and day - there is so much juxtaposition and the signs of a shock introduction of capitalist free markets runs up against the grain of soviet styles

the 21st century makeover the town has recieved is also very interesting; a new fenced off fortress consulate, a brewery open for tourists, a souvenir shop, the lack of subsidized food and housing all paints a very different picture

not to mention the place of religion - at the heart of the settlement, treated with great respect, as opposed to the entirely secular pyramiden​