Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Back when HL2RP was really taking off, initially things were always S2M (with bullet spread abysmally high depending on your weapons skill) which sucked major donkey balls (imo).

S2K at least is more enjoyable for me. S2RP is fun when it's within a calculated event with all parties knowing what they're doing (no clutter)
I will say at least S2K feels like a firefight between two sides trying to kill each other

S2M and S2RP have their merits but (in my opinion) it's so awkward and jarring seeing everyone standing around and it can shatter your suspension of disbelief/immersion

It's why I made fun of that turn based combat shit another community did because it's like is this a firefight or pokemon, yk?
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spooky skellys
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
I will say at least S2K feels like a firefight between two sides trying to kill each other

S2M and S2RP have their merits but (in my opinion) it's so awkward and jarring seeing everyone standing around and it can shatter your suspension of disbelief/immersion

It's why I made fun of that turn based combat shit another community did because it's like is this a firefight or pokemon, yk?
Initially I also completely dumpstered it, my first impressions of it were that it was very boring and unintuitive and I held that belief for many years. But as of late I've been thinking what we could have accomplished with a system like that.

Don't get me wrong, turn-based combat (as a replacement for S2K) is not my idea of fun but a mixture of the two I think could be really rewarding.

Edit: Like if for example for certain combat scenarios, all players agree to use its system as a more organized S2M/S2RP.
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Edit: Like if for example for certain combat scenarios, all players agree to use its system as a more organized S2M/S2RP.
It has worked on neb, a lot of event runners used diff systems in their events

But the big glaring differences are:

1) It was (typically) player vs event maker, which is vastly different to player vs player. An event maker typically doesn't go into a combat scenario trying to win, they want to give a good experience.

2) The events were closed with handpicked participants who could be trusted to play along with whatever system they decided to use. Deploying those kind of systems for everyone is way harder than it sounds
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barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
s2k /me's were always a bit silly
you could paste but not bind
so you could have a keyboard bind to open chat and paste but not a garrys mod bind to paste
guess it was a way of saying "this is still a roleplay server" but does it really matter how do u react to getting shot
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Jul 2, 2022
and then i applied for cop when they switched to i17 and got declared rogue and pked for running into the boulevard area while chasing a guy alone (literally my first 20 minutes as a civil protection officer)
can be worse. i remember getting accepted into cop for the first time. chased this guy down during low pop hours right up until the grotto. got declared autonomous
@Blackquill runs out on his OTA, shoots me dead, PK's me and then tells me what i did was wrong and i should make a new character



Jul 2, 2022
oh also anyone remember the character 'Bronn'

i remember playing a knight character that would only use a sword and all he did was protect bluesuits and other refugees from zombies and headcrabs. detailed swordrp for all to see

also anyone remember the premium refugee whitelist? lmfao
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spooky skellys
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
It has worked on neb, a lot of event runners used diff systems in their events

But the big glaring differences are:

1) It was (typically) player vs event maker, which is vastly different to player vs player. An event maker typically doesn't go into a combat scenario trying to win, they want to give a good experience.

2) The events were closed with handpicked participants who could be trusted to play along with whatever system they decided to use. Deploying those kind of systems for everyone is way harder than it sounds
I agree it's very difficult. I think with a gameplay sytem in place it would have made things easier. Organizing things as an event planner is sometimes painstakingly difficult, but yet so satisfying when you pull it off succesfully. I'll admit that, working in a team is so much easier and probably the go-to for most in-depth events.


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I agree it's very difficult. I think with a gameplay sytem in place it would have made things easier. Organizing things as an event planner is sometimes painstakingly difficult, but yet so satisfying when you pull it off succesfully. I'll admit that, working in a team is so much easier and probably the go-to for most in-depth events.

i'm a DM of 10 years and amateur TTRPG designer, i could work out a system if you like

if Gary can code /roll to do more than a flat 0-100 or 0-x then we could get something good
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spooky skellys
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
i'm a DM of 10 years and amateur TTRPG designer, i could work out a system if you like

if Gary can code /roll to do more than a flat 0-100 or 0-x then we could get something good
I don't doubt Gary's coding capabilities but depending on the depth of the system it could be a lot of work for a single developer with limited time. What exactly did you have in mind?
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I don't doubt Gary's coding capabilities but depending on the depth of the system it could be a lot of work for a single developer with limited time. What exactly did you have in mind?

bare minimum for a system with any kind of granularity would be:

the ability to roll multiple dice with notation

so 4d6 rolling 4 separate rolls between 1 and 6
1d20 rolling between 1 and 20
2d10 rolling 2 separate rolls between 1 and 10
preferably showing both the individual numbers and the total when added together

and then modifiers

so "/roll 1d20+6" would roll between 1 and 20 and then add 6. it would show the natural roll (17 for example) and then the modified roll (23)

multiple notations and modifiers basically allows you to do anything you'd ever want with dice
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spooky skellys
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
bare minimum for a system with any kind of granularity would be:

the ability to roll multiple dice with notation

so 4d6 rolling 4 separate rolls between 1 and 6
1d20 rolling between 1 and 20
2d10 rolling 2 separate rolls between 1 and 10
preferably showing both the individual numbers and the total when added together

and then modifiers

so "/roll 1d20+6" would roll between 1 and 20 and then add 6. it would show the natural roll (17 for example) and then the modified roll (23)

multiple notations and modifiers basically allows you to do anything you'd ever want with dice
As interesting as that might be, I feel like most people probably have no idea how these types of dice work or how to use them effectively (or maybe it's just me). There's a reason why tabletop games use them and while I would like an environment to use them, I don't think it would be appropiate without teaching people a whole new thing that might not even catch on.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
As interesting as that might be, I feel like most people probably have no idea how these types of dice work or how to use them effectively (or maybe it's just me). There's a reason why tabletop games use them and while I would like an environment to use them, I don't think it would be appropiate without teaching people a whole new thing that might not even catch on.

if i was running an event i would force it to catch on :)

also it'd make it so we can have cool RP stats that are backed up with a system instead of "yeah my character is slightly fed so I'm stronger than you now"
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spooky skellys
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
if i was running an event i would force it to catch on :)

also it'd make it so we can have cool RP stats that are backed up with a system instead of "yeah my character is slightly fed so I'm stronger than you now"
yeah but then you have to explain it every time you do an event for people that didn't catch on the first time or weren't there, and it gets old fast
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Mar 3, 2018
In other news, hero baits strider into swamp then hides and cover himself in the mud.




was genuinely afraid
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GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
i still vividly recall my first time ever touching the outlands in lemonpunch

had my first ever char, valentino castell, i dont really remember what map we were on but i have a feeling it was some version of r17 or something to that degree but i could be wrong

went down into this half-sewer-half-canal looking thing with mud floors, found a greensuit standing at a generic construction Q menu table and without any other kind of dialog, he just immediately asked me if i wanted to go to the outlands

of course i did

he told me to come back with like 200 tokens so i ration farmed my way there, came back, gave him the tokens and we were off. i distinctly remember having a small panic over whether or not i was using the gas suit correctly because he told me i'd die if it wasn't on right. i remember being incredibly confused when we went through the portal between servers, because i had no idea it was separated like that and i think i actually thought i'd just crashed until i reconnected and saw i was on outlands

i gave him the gas suit, he pointed me in a direction and left. so i started walking.

only headed in the direction of the bunker because i saw a guy in a blacksuit with a spas running that way. went in, heaps of people around, 95% of people ignored me except this one woman who got me (i think?) an mp40 or something along those lines and a resistance suit

hung around there and then decided to go adventuring. i found the tapestry eventually, spoke to a few people there, witnessed @Aether hunting down a pair of hunters and then dragging the corpses back so he could mount them on pikes

fast forward a few days and a like 10-man ota squad bumrushed the tapestry, i hid in the back of the little bar/kitchen with my mp40 and im pretty sure i didnt even get a shot off, i just got minced by an elite

and then, while i waited at spawn, i took my very first screenshot


eventually my char got shot in the ass by simeon by accident when he was trying to shoot a scanner in the bunker, i went to do medrp and while i was sitting in the medbay recovering, medley's rebel randomly came to pour medigel down my character's throat and pked me

bare in mind i was 14-15 at this point and valen was my first char, so i unironically got teary as fuck over it and had no idea that pk appeals existed at the time so i never got the character back. i wouldve, too, because i later found out (i mean like 1-2 years later, too, iirc) that i died because i accepted a hug from medley's ic girlfriend.
Dan'Dara and The Tapestry are waiting patiently for the return of Ineu Valley, don't you worry. My biggest hope with this iteration is the fact I can go back there and finish what I started all those years ago and finally get closure. Remake Valen and join me.


Also, an artists recreation of the battle you referred to, where we'd ambushed some OTA shooting at the town and as we murdered them got counter-ambushed by a hunter which we then killed and dragged them back to the Tapestry along with the helmets of the OTA:
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Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
eventually my char got shot in the ass by simeon by accident when he was trying to shoot a scanner in the bunker, i went to do medrp and while i was sitting in the medbay recovering, medley's rebel randomly came to pour medigel down my character's throat and pked me

bare in mind i was 14-15 at this point and valen was my first char, so i unironically got teary as fuck over it and had no idea that pk appeals existed at the time so i never got the character back. i wouldve, too, because i later found out (i mean like 1-2 years later, too, iirc) that i died because i accepted a hug from medley's ic girlfriend.
funniest part of this is that while you were executed, my character witnessed their body being dragged off and disposed of and that stupidfuckingcuntbitchretardidiot astro literally witness sterilized his fellow rebel, me, with a crossbow, to make sure there was no witnesses.

biggest bruh moment
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
funniest part of this is that while you were executed, my character witnessed their body being dragged off and disposed of and that stupidfuckingcuntbitchretardidiot astro literally witness sterilized his fellow rebel, me, with a crossbow, to make sure there was no witnesses.

biggest bruh moment
@"john" you got the gif of astro going into noclip to dink you with a spas-12?