How did you get your name?

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Apr 26, 2016
1. Steam Name?

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Jun 4, 2018
think ive only told blackquill about my steam name, but i really liked how sips and sjin had really short names that you could remember easily, since this was the era of xx_Pussy-Smasher24_xx esque names, so i just kinda smashed the keyboard playing around with 3-4 letter names until something stuck and i thought "yeah sots sounds awesome"

Liu Shurens my most recent so ill just go over that, googled common chinese names and i liked the idea of having a nickname that resembles and is pretty close to your real name but distinct enough to be seperate, thus came Leo. in the beginning i used them as alternate identities, leo a gang banging new yorker and liu the chinese fish mongerer

i watched china mac interviews and basically just made china mac to begin with but eventually he became his own thing
could u explain all of our gay relationships too
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Deleted member 243

Used to minge a lot (copious amounts) during lemonpunch using the tyrone name and male_03


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Steam Name
I got steam to play Team Fortress 2 when I was like 11 and became an Engineer main, so I went by "Dell Conagher", then just "Dell", and then when Valve hyper nerfed the engineer, I wanted to change my name to something that wasn't Engineer related and the next thing I enjoyed playing was Demoknight, so I changed my name to a shortened version of the name I have on my Demoknight sword; Aetherius - becoming Aether.

The sword name, Aetherius, just came from a random name generation website for swords I think, I've no clue, I was like 12 when I named it lmao


yes I know the description is cringy, I was like 12 when I did it all and I was into RP, how'd you think I ended up in a HL2RP community

Character Names

Most of my characters have been vorts, and the names have been names that translated into what the character was typically about, but my first vort was called Dan'Dara which translated into Honour Guard, which I 100% called him because I kind of wanted to reference Halo at the time - and can you blame me? If these guys aren't the coolest looking Sangheili in the entire franchise outside of the named ones, then idk what is.

As for my Human characters;
Joseph 'Mother' Wakefield - Joseph, because he's a drag queen and I thought it'd be funny to sneak in a JoJo reference, specifically to Part 2, where he dresses up as a woman to fool Nazi's (There's another layer of irony when you realise the character is also doing it to fool the Union). 'Mother' because it's a reference to RuPaul the 'mother' of many drag queens, additionally the name can also be read as "Jo Mother" = "Your Mother". Wakefield I think I just came up with randomly, no backstory there.

Michael Burke - He's a religious character and Michael is the name of the archangel that fights satan which is ironic when you know the character's story, and the last name Burke can mean to murder carefully. The name could be interpreted as "sneakily killing with religion" or something if you wanted.

Mai Huong Nguyen - I'm not gonna lie to you chief, I straight up ripped Mrs. Nguyen from Better Call Saul and made her into a character that only wants to run a spa, do peoples hair and nails, partially because I was bored, partially because it was funny, but mostly because I saw someone talking about the lack of variety in stores and it dawned on me that literally no one had ever made a place that sold or did makeup or offered spa treatments, so it seemed perfect. The name "Mai Huong" is just the most common names in Vietnam. She might as well be called Jane Doe.

Zeke Wilson - My doppelganger character. He was literally a clone of me IRL brought into HL2RP because I thought it'd be fun to do, and it was. Originally got the idea because someone in current affairs said I'd probably support the Union IRL if HL2 was real, and so I took the idea and ran with it and made Zeke Wilson. I've actually had the name Zeke Wilson as a pseudonym for myself since I was a kid, as Zeke was a name I liked because one of my favourite TV shows was Shaman King growing up and Wilson was the last name of my best friend growing up. I think I first came up with it when I was like 9 when me and my friends basically came up with other names for ourselves.

Going back a bit now, but other human characters I used to have that some older players might remember;

Dr. Jacob Frewer - Used to be my character when I ran UM back on LP, he was literally just some rich aristocratic asshole that looked down on everyone. I've remade him a few times and I've considered bringing him back to apply to CAB with, but never have. Jacob is just a name I like, and Frewer was the name of some noble family in England iirc.

Sapphire Ellison - (@Rabid should remember this one) Another one of my best friends growing up was called Sapphire, and I wanted to make a little old lady character that had the energy of the Oracle from The Matrix, so when I needed a girls name, the name Sapphire came to mind, and as for Ellison I think I just picked it out of thin air.

John Blackwood - The leader of my first human rebel group, Sentinel. We had the Grotto for little while in late LP/early neb. He was a Male_07 called John, and Sentinel was all about blending in and reporting surface activity down to the sewer, so the group was pretty much all super generic-looking bluesuits with basic and vague descriptions, with super common names. We hardcore abused OOC server biases to blend in and it worked for quite a while, actually. I don't think any of us were actually ever caught.

Riley Riggs - My LP era refugee who almost had a crossbow until we figured out it was one of Roman's that'd bugged out after he and Harry had a late-night meme shootout and it'd bugged across the map. I wanted a character whose name was alliterative, and I liked the name Riley because of Pokemon Platinum, where you meet a character called Riley on Iron Island who gives you a Riolu egg, which when it hatched I named after the guy who gave me the egg, and Riolu/Lucario became my favourite pokemon, and so the name became commonplace for me, so when I needed a name, it appeared in my head at the time. Riggs is the last name of my favourite actor from the walking dead, Chandler Riggs. The character Riley Riggs was also pretty heavily based on Carl Grimes too, so it was fitting.

Sigurd Jorgensen - My CWU character's name, typically, if I ever have one. A Swedish fisherman who was supposed to be all viking-esque and intimidating. I just looked up swedish male names from like the 80's.

And finally, the first-ever human character I made, back in 2013; Richard ‘Rucks’ Horace. I wanted to make Rucks from Bastion, so I came up with the name Richard Horace for him, and I was just this helpful old man. It's that simple really.

I don't draw inspiration from stuff for my backstories, I typically come up with them after I've played the character for a while and then typically form the backstory around what the character is, as to retroactively explain the actions of the characters.

So in my brain, I come up with an idea for a character. I then assign it a name, I then find a reference picture online for what I imagine the character would look like, I create the character on the server, pick out the bodygroups based on the reference picture, then design a description based around the bodygroups and the reference picture and the idea for the character. Then, once I've played them for like a month or two, I write the backstory for the character to explain why they are the way they are.


Sep 12, 2018
1. Steam Name?
It's just my real name or PeaceWalking which is based on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. I never played the game, just liked the title.

2. Character names?

Random name generator or an amalgamation of names I've heard in the media i consume

3. Backstories?
Even though its cringe I just base my characters off the RefPic or a character associated with the person in the RefPic most of the time, then i sprinkle in elements from other characters I enjoy and then add my own writing style to the mix. If I don't base them off the reference picture I usually just use a generic character trope but try and stretch it out to something actually interesting. Like my last surface rebel was basically generic leftist-revolutionary babe but I tried mixing in a naively optimistic attitude that she was trying to hide in order to be taken more seriously


Apr 27, 2016
1. Steam Name? Never really had a online handle. Frosty on LP/Neb came from my steam name at the time being Frosty Jacks Cider which I needed to shorten down.
2. Character Name? Either just an in joke or making up two words.
3. Backstories? I don’t think I’ve ever made a char backstory


Premium Member
Aug 11, 2017
1. Steam Name? Really liked sovietwomble so on a darkrp server I called myself zf which then became zedf, got bullied hard by a gang there ( also called zero fucks ) so I changed it to Zenz, then got banned on league of legends so my ult became Zeenz
2. Character Name? My main character is Khrysoar from a book and inoue from uh no idea I think it was google?
3. Backstories? My favourite one is Khris back story but I need to redo it as I done most of it drunk.

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
1. Steam Name?

demon = spartan
elite = elite

big brain halo name i kno let ya boi fan himself over some super soldiers and leathery scaled aliens that go wort wort wort

pupperoni = pupper + pepperoni = dog treat


Premium Member
Aug 11, 2017
demon = spartan
elite = elite

big brain halo name i kno let ya boi fan himself over some super soldiers and leathery scaled aliens that go wort wort wort

pupperoni = pupper + pepperoni = dog treat

Man my xbox name came from a halo reach clan I joined when I was like 10?


barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
1. Steam Name?
2. Character Name?
3. Backstories?

my answers
1. i cant remember lol
2. I always always use a random name generator, unless I come up with a really funny name. For my event characters, I just use a random name.
3. i always find that once I play that my backstory is too shallow, I enjoy going in with little to no backstory and creating one as I play.
1. back on cs 1.6 or source i can't remember i had my default runescape name for my steam, random swedish guy i havent spoken to in 10 years or remember the name of suggested nexusen, which works great in swedish- but not so great in english so i shortened it to nexus after like a year or two. then a bunch of products and games came out using the nexus as another word for a centerpoint and since there's been like 100 000 people called nexus on steam but i cant give it up now.

2. ford was because @bubblegum told me i needed a nickname in the sewers to conceal my identity, then they assigned me ford. his default name james anderson was because i thought james was a cool name even though its a default white man name, it also made no sense since he was like russian or something idk i just wanted language flags.

takeshi is a long and convuluted story about him choosing a name for himself after getting one assigned to him, since shawn seon was an identity, it was his reclamation of freedom, bit like Joe from blade runner 2049 (ryan gosling). shawn seon was just because shawn was a more unique spin on sean which to me sounds irish, seon is just like one of the most common korean names.

the nickname Verne was Verne because he was called Robert Verne and he didn't have time or care for any messing about since he was a misscount anyway (hard mode roleplay misscount from day 1), and since people either called him Verne or some spin on him being American, that was that. Verne was called Verne because of the writer Jules Verne, back when @afric and the lot called themselves after writers and great generals, i was inspired.
[doublepost=1619646467][/doublepost]my favorite story is probably harrier flent and winkle relish though, complete bogus names made up as detective personas during an amazing @dee pixel where i played with @cns - he/him/his and we both cried

3. same as my events, I just listen to a good song and it twists and warps in my head to form a story based on the mood of the song and its general contents. its easy when I make bios because my first determined "theme" for the character is gonna be what I based the character on.
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cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
1. back on cs 1.6 or source i can't remember i had my default runescape name for my steam, random swedish guy i havent spoken to in 10 years or remember the name of suggested nexusen, which works great in swedish- but not so great in english so i shortened it to nexus after like a year or two. then a bunch of products and games came out using the nexus as another word for a centerpoint and since there's been like 100 000 people called nexus on steam but i cant give it up now.

2. ford was because @bubblegum told me i needed a nickname in the sewers to conceal my identity, then they assigned me ford. his default name james anderson was because i thought james was a cool name even though its a default white man name, it also made no sense since he was like russian or something idk i just wanted language flags.

takeshi is a long and convuluted story about him choosing a name for himself after getting one assigned to him, since shawn seon was an identity, it was his reclamation of freedom, bit like Joe from blade runner 2049 (ryan gosling). shawn seon was just because shawn was a more unique spin on sean which to me sounds irish, seon is just like one of the most common korean names.

the nickname Verne was Verne because he was called Robert Verne and he didn't have time or care for any messing about since he was a misscount anyway (hard mode roleplay misscount from day 1), and since people either called him Verne or some spin on him being American, that was that. Verne was called Verne because of the writer Jules Verne, back when @afric and the lot called themselves after writers and great generals, i was inspired.
[doublepost=1619646467][/doublepost]my favorite story is probably harrier flent and winkle relish though, complete bogus names made up as detective personas during an amazing @dee pixel where i played with @cns - he/him/his and we both cried

3. same as my events, I just listen to a good song and it twists and warps in my head to form a story based on the mood of the song and its general contents. its easy when I make bios because my first determined "theme" for the character is gonna be what I based the character on.
I thought up harrier cause of disco elysium
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Apr 26, 2016
i stole it from game of thrones

alongside most names i had for my characters, they were either from games, movies or a combination using different characters names and surnames
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you should see me in a crown
Jun 21, 2016
ford was because @bubblegum told me i needed a nickname in the sewers to conceal my identity, then they assigned me ford.

I forget why lol. wasnt your char from detroit or something? it had to do with the company im sure.
[doublepost=1619740685][/doublepost]1) bubblegum was just some random name that i thought sounded cute.

2) helen van rensburg was from south africa before it was cool to do south african characters. my character asked @Rabid to give her a nickname and his character said "pidge" from beauty and the tramp lol.

marlene berkowitz. marlene is just a cool name, based off of the jackie brown character melanie. berkowitz from the serial killer son of sam, david berkowitz. her nickname is mags because my pillow guy or w/e his ooc name was gave her that nickname ic. i dunno why.

3) ye i think of something basic but i dont go into too much detail beyond basic personality points that my character can expand from. ye ye.

Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
1) Poopship McGee is a username I've had since I was 10-11. Not sure how I got it at this point, more than a decade later.

2) Charlotte was the name of my high school 'hoe'. Feuerstein is Firestone is Hebrew. Fiery personality. Partially influenced by the poverty portrayed in a series based in Weimar Germany.

Bibi van der Westhuizen, Bibi, taken from Netanyahu's nickname after I realized its also a real first name, van der Westhuizen was a common name among the first Dutch inhabitants of Cape Town. Credit to RJ and the Rhodesian/SA influence on WW3RP.

Archer, taken from the TV series Archer as a name that is a noun and is a really shitty first name. Orlando, taken from Family Guy sketch. Made the character with two names he doesn't necessarily like to be called. Basically took the name of a bowman and the name of a state to make a shit name the character didn't want to be called. And then became Archie, or Archbishop.

I typically start with a strong backstory and add to it through interactions and epiphanies where I write up additional documents to compliment.

Charlotte had a horribly abusive life, lived in poverty and suffered with drug/alcohol addiction and a depressing personal life. The Union by all means improved her life from what was a horror story. Her life was a time bomb, until they met a shrink who saved them from self-destruction. Now, I've lost motivation to keep writing their story.

Bibi van der Westhuizen was an heiress to a diamond company, very wealthy, and was wise to render to the new Caesar. They are extremely pragmatic, straight down to business. Their family was historically racist, but she's dropped the racial discrimination and treats all races equally poorly. Nepotistic, and willing to corrupt the Union if it serves her interest and gains her power. A prime example was the betrayal of the Blue faction for Red faction in order to become the Minister of Justice.

Archie was once a rich New York bachelor, a new hedge fund manager for JP Morgan. Lost everything and resented the Union for it. Ended up working his way back up to his riches in the new rebel economy, selling slick designer suits and well-oiled killing machines. His loved once died in a 3am unprovoked sweep and then they found God against and prayed while struggling with the drink.


Apr 26, 2016
1. Steam Name?
wanted to make a statement about people always contradicting themselves in my name, plus oxymoron is my favorite word

2. Character Name?
plus Google searches, plus names in media I like, plus games that generate names for NPCs usually have good ones

shorter names with less syllables are usually better for me

3. Backstories?
it depends, if I’m making one with no real inspiration and I’m doing it for a faction, I’ll usually go into it blind and wing it with only anecdotes to pass by basic questioning and build off it based on how much I’m enjoying myself. my inspiration then comes from there

but usually I just wait for inspiration to come up with what I want out of a character. the theme or message I’m trying to explore or portray, mostly as a challenge to myself as a writer with story telling. such as generational sin being passed down from father to son. the rest comes from there, the cause and effect, their worldview, etc.
I used to get anxious about character death but now I often find myself content with it, and many times hoping for it - to cut my story short just for the tragedy it’d be telling as an effect of it and to the other characters ive touched.
instead of constantly loathing the concept of a character death I tend to look to it as another tool to story telling now, and many times i foreseeably include it and prepare for it
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Time to dance
Apr 26, 2016
i only have one of the names and its my last name


Apr 27, 2016
Steam Name:
I wanted a new name and to distance myself from my failed attempt at German when I was 14. I started getting interested in Finland 1-2 years back and liked the idea of a unisex Finnish name, no matter how commonly/uncommonly it's been used.

Character Name:
I've only been back here for a few days and only have two characters as of now. Both of them are Asian and from differing countries within eastern Asia. My irl Chinese-American friend helped me with research for my Chinese character, Mei Zhao, while I'm trying to do research on my own for my new Japanese character, Shizuka Aoki. Admittedly I also look up names to make sure they're written correctly

I do something similar to OP. If I feel creative enough, I'll write a backstory or a part of it. If I can't think of anything, I'll take my character in-game and develop them as I go.
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