Hunt Down Freeman


Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
Hunt down the PK auths
Hunt down the MingeRunner
Hunt down the ScriptHunter
Hunt down the Shotcopper
Hunt down the Chancellor (sorry)
Hunt down the ERP logs
Hunt down the dropped gun scripts
Hunt down the rest of the Hunt down memes.
Reactions: List


Mr. Weedmans
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 27, 2016
reddit repost
You thought vorts were bad with their double anus?


combine invaders got 2 dicks for eyes

would u rather 2 dicks or 2 anuses my friends?
Reactions: List


Apr 26, 2016
Quoting from a Facepunch post
I have a bit of information from friends, acquaintances, and other sources (including a recent series of posts from the Source Modding Community Discord) that I've picked up that may be interesting to read. Some of this is probably known already, but hey, now it's all together!

I won't name names, but here's some of the things I've heard:
• Frank really doesn't know the amount of content in the game. A lot of the content made for it isn't even active in the game (particle effects and more).

• Most of the devs did work for free or little pay up front with the promise of payment after release.

• The game was delayed again today due to Frank apparently having a mental breakdown and delayed it without notifying the rest of the devs. The devs are (needless to say) not happy, as that means they don't get paid for even longer, and are threatening to take their assets out of the "game".

• Despite some devs not being paid their promised earnings up front, others were paid immediately. I know someone who was paid regularly for his work he did on the "game". Payment was also his sole reason for working on it as he recognized it for the monstrosity it is.

• HDTF has to sell at least somewhere around 3k copies before it can start earning money to pay off the devs. Steam takes a 30% cut of sales, Valve takes a 10% cut for the Source Engine, and presumably another $10 for the HL IP. The first thing to be paid off is the engine license ($100) and the physics engine license ($25k). Then you have licenses for Bink video and other software being used, and after that, Frank says he has to pay off "investors" (his dad) before these poor saps who were suckered into working on this project get to see a dime.

"It was planned to be released on windows, mac, linux, xbox, ps4... and sold in stores across america". As far as I can tell, Frank made proclamations of what he wanted, but without knowledge of what it takes to achieve such a feat. The Source engine at this time doesn't support PS4 or Xbone, so there would be even further developmental costs to do that. And that's disregarding Max and Linux support for the game and its assets, and the fact he wanted it in stores which would be a further nightmare.

• Frank also wanted 4k textures for everything. Level textures, character models, weapons, decals, particle effects, you name it, he wanted a 4k res. texture for it. However, "he's stupid enough not to know how to check the size of textures", so some artists just did whatever res. they wanted, and he had no way of checking.

• No one on the dev team really knows what state the game is in. All development was done through discord, the assets being sent directly to Frank via messaging, with no real planner as far as I’m aware for the overall development log. No check-list, no trello, nothing. At least early on, there were not even NDAs, just Frank asking people “don’t talk about this.” because he knew people wouldn’t be suckered into buying or working on something this bad if they knew any of the ideas he put into it.

• Furthering this last point, only around 3 people have access to the game's source files and a copy of the game on Steam. None of the other devs have access, so no one else knows the extent of what is in the game, how it plays, how things work, or if it’s even a game or just a hap-hazard heap of hamper junk.
In essence, HDTF is a fan-fiction written by a boy with access daddy's money to influence developers into making assets that contribute to what is probably THE worst developed "game" in history. I almost worked on this game myself, having been approached by Frank, but I jumped ship as soon as I saw the development "process" that had been laid out and the kind of story the game had.

I want to say don't buy it, but at the same time, saying that makes me feel sad for the developers who actually put their hours into this who will, in all eventuality, never earn what they are meant to.