Serious LGBT Thread


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
martial arts is how an individual can make of it. it's not like a game of pokemon where, "oh bug type is weaker than beetle type" or some dumb shit. if you know how to use it and arent a 900 year old chinese nationalist who's just pretending to be le kung fu warrior because youre being payed to. anyone can 'know' karate just how anyone can know how to say random words in japanese, but until you start learning how to use them to fight and defend yourself, that's when you know karate just how you know how to speak japanese when you can form cohesive sentences with the words. the same's for wing chun or any other martial art for that matter, you can know how to do the cool spinny punch or some of the trapping techniques but none of it matters until YOU know how to defend yourself with it.

mma trumps all martial arts
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Deleted member 7099

mma trumps all martial arts
again, it's what the individual makes of it, knowing mma isnt a trump card to end all other fighting styles. pitting all your red beans onto the plate of rice that is mma is just sortof bland. every individual in this word shines at their passion when they put their might into it, and martial arts is a passion that people put a whole lot of might into.
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Karl-Police Approved
Sep 4, 2016
mma trumps all martial arts
I don't know what to say to this because it quite literally says nothing.
MMA is martial arts, by saying MMA is better than all martial arts you're saying it's better than what it is and that makes no sense to me.
What the fuck do you mean?


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I don't know what to say to this because it quite literally says nothing.
MMA is martial arts, by saying MMA is better than all martial arts you're saying it's better than what it is and that makes no sense to me.
What the fuck do you mean?

mma beats most dedicated martial arts like kung fu, judo, and aikido

mostly because mma revolves around just taking the best parts of every martial art like boxing, wrestling and judo and combines it into one

you only have to watch videos of mma fighters going against traditional martial arts masters to see that in action


Apr 26, 2016
I don't know what to say to this because it quite literally says nothing.
MMA is martial arts, by saying MMA is better than all martial arts you're saying it's better than what it is and that makes no sense to me.
What the fuck do you mean?
i think he means going to a gym and training mma where they do a bit of everything, instead of going to a gym that focuses on one thing eg bjj

jimbo 2

Dec 29, 2020
martial arts is how an individual can make of it. it's not like a game of pokemon where, "oh bug type is weaker than beetle type" or some dumb shit. if you know how to use it and arent a 900 year old chinese nationalist who's just pretending to be le kung fu warrior because youre being payed to. anyone can 'know' karate just how anyone can know how to say random words in japanese, but until you start learning how to use them to fight and defend yourself, that's when you know karate just how you know how to speak japanese when you can form cohesive sentences with the words. the same's for wing chun or any other martial art for that matter, you can know how to do the cool spinny punch or some of the trapping techniques but none of it matters until YOU know how to defend yourself with it.
Yeah but I mean the specific techniques taught in wing chun for example the weird flurry punch shit is literally useless and just looks cool

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
saying the word faggot in a joke.

idk bout you but i'm usually not cool with (usually) straight people throwing around faggot as a slur even as a "joke". maybe we've had different exposure to that word, but that's not a word i'm comfortable with being thrown around by the same demographic that has historically sought to deprive said "faggots" of their civil liberties.

imo the liberal use of that word just shifts the overton window toward more anti-gay attitudes, i don't think it could even be reclaimed like we've been doing with the word queer, it's just an awful word with awful connotations.


Apr 26, 2016
idk bout you but i'm usually not cool with (usually) straight people throwing around faggot as a slur even as a "joke". maybe we've had different exposure to that word, but that's not a word i'm comfortable with being thrown around by the same demographic that has historically sought to deprive said "faggots" of their civil liberties.

imo the liberal use of that word just shifts the overton window toward more anti-gay attitudes, i don't think it could even be reclaimed like we've been doing with the word queer, it's just an awful word with awful connotations.
I think part of that is simply a cultural thing honestly. Especially in the rougher areas here in the UK you grow up around shit that would probably be found really offensive in the US, but its sort of just tacked on as 'emphasis' here.
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Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
I think part of that is simply a cultural thing honestly. Especially in the rougher areas here in the UK you grow up around shit that would probably be found really offensive in the US, but its sort of just tacked on as 'emphasis' and what have you.

Maybe, IDK. Over here that word is associated with violence. Either from the cops or from your average violent shitbag. Not to mention the rashes of homophobia fueled suicides. It's just an awful dehumanizing word that needs to go the way of the n-word and disappear from our collective vocabulary.
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
I think part of that is simply a cultural thing honestly. Especially in the rougher areas here in the UK you grow up around shit that would probably be found really offensive in the US, but its sort of just tacked on as 'emphasis' and what have you.
idk about that, yeah bri'ish people throw offensive shit around like nothing and *especially* in hs boys used to say tr*nny/f*ggot constantly - but i still hate it - even if im mostly used to hearing those slurs. heteros shouldnt be making f*ggot jokes in 2021 and if they're only stopping because theres a gay person in their presence thats even worse
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Deleted member 7099

Yeah but I mean the specific techniques taught in wing chun for example the weird flurry punch shit is literally useless and just looks cool
look at taekwondo, it's genuinely considered a pretty effective martial art despite having so many useless techniques. nobody needs to know how to do a full on verticle kick that, if anything just puts you at a disadvantage
youre forgetting martial arts is more than for self defense, it's also great for exercise. sure, you'll never use the flurry punch, but it's good for exercising and practicing fast strikes, and so is the completely useless verticle kick in taekwondo, you'll never use it in a fight but it's good for stretching and exercise. most martial art teachers'll teach you how to do stretches and other exercises you'll never really use in a fight, it's no different
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i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
i'm saying like no one feels any bit of self consciousness when it comes to dressing in leather dog BDSM gear and being walked around a supermarket
to be fair this isn't really just a gay thing, there's plenty of straight folk who do this kinda stuff too

and every single time, it's cringey at best and public exposure at worst
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
How come certain people only accept LGTB folk when they're quiet and hide their sexuality

Like I get to see provocative scenes with heterosexual couples all day long on TV, heterosexual couples are never ashamed of showing any affection in public, and the whole sex topic is around every damn fucking corner, but the moment there's a single event with 20 LGTB people wearing funny dresses in a planet with 7 billion humans in it, suddenly it's an insanely shameful and disgraceful display and is the biggest issue the LGTB people have

That, and their unwillingness to discuss their rights as human beings with bigots

You don't like LGTB people well fat fucking chance they're as normal as any other person and they'll be as open about their sexuality as anyone else has when you go around and talk with your mates about how insanely fat is Katy Perry's ass, get over yourself
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
If you want me to be brutally honest their open sexuality makes me miserable I'm not comfortable with myself at all and feel alienated by the world and it's easy for me to just point and laugh at the silly people doing things I think are silly

The issue is most of the people who are truly open about their sexuality are not LGBT and you can see their displays literally everywhere, even outside of commercials or specifically themed events. In fact, I defend that pride should be a time of fight and revindication, not "partying", but even so I've rarely seen anything as "outrageous" as some say they see apparently frequently enough to make a big fuss about it - In fact, I have seen very few cases of paraphilia displays in public, but guess what, most of them were performed by heterosexual couples (mind you, I was unaware of their sexuality, but the pairing itself was hetero).

Pride is a time for some others to party- And that has dragged companies into trying to get a share of the benefits commercializing pride may bring, which is something I see a real issue with, as I believe pride is a time to fight for more, better terms for LGBT people. But a single parade a year where some boomers get scared because some LGBT people are wearing funny outfits? That's what bothers people? Then holy shit they're ones to talk about "growing a thicker skin".

Like man, you guys really make it sound as if there are LGBT people outside wearing samba regalia every time you turn around the corner when that is not even close to a fact, in fact, it's so rare it's nearly fiction because most LGBT people are TERRIFIED of coming out because even their closest family members who are supposed to support them will probably reject them. There's no such issue as "alienation by le funny dressing degenerates", stop making up fake issues to undermine your local nice dude trying to flirt with a dude they found good-looking, just like any hetero person would, because there's no such thing as "lobotomites walking around in BDSM outfits", or at least, there are not enough to consider it an issue, let alone something that should cause anything but a "lol that's weird" from you.

TL;DR: If it's so easy for you to point and laugh at someone doing silly stuff, then don't apply that stigma to LGBT people, especially when the majority of those doing said openly sexual displays are, most of the time, heterosexual people who don't have to fear for their lives even if they live in "le big progressive first world country".
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