Serious LGBT Thread


you should see me in a crown
Jun 21, 2016
”keeping it alive” would be posting something that provokes a good-hearted discussion
not imagedumping which i have no doubt majority of people find annoying
so im kindly asking you to dump images somewhere else

ok im sorry for upsetting you goatson

does anyone have any holiday plans?

im going to my parents place for like 4 days. kinda nervous lol.
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May 15, 2016
does anyone have any holiday plans?
spending it with my fam and part of my extended family
i celebrate both hanukkah and christmas since family is sorta half’n’half but christmas takes priority
feelskindabad cuz grandma is very blind and keeps going on about wanting great grandkids every year not realizing im the homoman
i dont mind too much though is winter holidays, my fav time of year

happy hanukkah by the way yall, it starts today :D
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you should see me in a crown
Jun 21, 2016
spending it with my fam and part of my extended family
i celebrate both hanukkah and christmas since family is sorta half’n’half but christmas takes priority
feelskindabad cuz grandma is very blind and keeps going on about wanting great grandkids every year not realizing im the homoman
i dont mind too much though is winter holidays, my fav time of year

Wow, that's so cool. I don't know anything about Hanukkah. So you have like Jewish and Christian family? Sorry to hear about your grandma, that's super annoying. My my extended family is pretty lgbt-phobic sadly.

Does it snow a lot where you live this time around? At my folks place, they'll have snow. :sob:

happy hanukkah by the way yall, it starts today :smiley:

Thanks :D


Apr 26, 2016
the holidays can be hard for people who are lgbt. i think its important we remind people that they're valid. thank u for ur insight tho.
just would've found it more touching of a post if you said something about the holidays being hard for the homeless, the kids with no parents, the 6,507 suicides so far, the sick and elderly. rather than a post about non gender binary people just being themselves.


you should see me in a crown
Jun 21, 2016
just would've found it more touching of a post if you said something about the holidays being hard for the homeless, the kids with no parents, the 6,507 suicides so far, the sick and elderly. rather than a post about non gender binary people just being themselves.

well this is an lgbt friend rams not a homeless thread or a suicide thread or a sick and elderly thread. please don't get upset at a tweet i promise you its not that serious. be wholesome in this thread please!
my entire personality is me being gay

and thats valid :)
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May 15, 2016
So you have like Jewish and Christian family?
Jewish and otherwise non-believing family
just that for the non-believing part Christmas has always been like the largest tradition and we always go all oit which is quite lovely, no church-going or any of that
My my extended family is pretty lgbt-phobic sadly.
Yeah tends to be that way sadly
I’m quite lucky because my jewish family are reformist jews which is like the most lgbt friendly religion-variant in the world, the rest of the extended fam is kinda iffy. But I still love them. Family is extremely important to me.

Speaking of family, for all the lgbt people here how supportive are your fam from 1-10 where 1 is they’d rather you weren’t and 10 being out there yelling to the world that their kid is gay and they love them. And 5 being happy for you and all that and otherwise leaving you be.
Curious how it is for everyone else
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you should see me in a crown
Jun 21, 2016
Jewish and otherwise non-believing family
just that for the non-believing part Christmas has always been like the largest tradition and we always go all oit which is quite lovely, no church-going or any of that

My family is Catholic. We used to go to midnight mass but literally whomst has time for that.

Yeah tends to be that way sadly
I’m quite lucky because my jewish family are reformist jews which is like the most lgbt friendly religion-variant in the world, the rest of the extended fam is kinda iffy. But I still love them. Family is extremely important to me.

That's sooo awesome. I'm glad your family is so cool about it. Family for some is really important. Breaks your heart that some people are forced out of what should be a nonjudgmental place. Life is way too short to hate on others for things they cant help.

Speaking of family, for all the lgbt people here how supportive are your fam from 1-10 where 1 is they’d rather you weren’t and 10 being out there yelling to the world that their kid is gay and they love them. And 5 being happy for you and all that and otherwise leaving you be.
Curious how it is for everyone else

If by 1 you're just speaking about attitude alone, then for me it was a 1. Eventually they came around to a 3 or a 4. That's what sparked me posting those images. Cus like, I guess I love them but how they acted will always be a stain on our relationship. I think I forgave them, but I'll never forget. You know?

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
Speaking of family, for all the lgbt people here how supportive are your fam from 1-10 where 1 is they’d rather you weren’t and 10 being out there yelling to the world that their kid is gay and they love them. And 5 being happy for you and all that and otherwise leaving you be.
Curious how it is for everyone else

Close family is easily a 10 except they never talk about me to others simply because I told them I don't like them talking about me to others about anything related to myself (unless you know it's some trivial thing like I went with my son to buy groceries or you know stuff we did in the past or all that). It's mainly because I don't like people having a pre image of me and yadda yadda.

Extended family, they don't know. I decided they wouldn't find out, for my own sake. When it comes to my mother's extended family, they're mostly from Germany and they're accepting so I wouldn't care telling them, but when it comes to my father's family, they're rather ehhh... You know, difficult to deal with, not only with LGBT related topics but in general. Most likely if I told them they'd say they're accepting of it but then talk shit behind my back and make loud jokes about it, and that's not the worst, they'd probably blame my mother for my "deviation" and at that point I'd have to change my last name and detach from them before I did mean things to them only mean boys do.

Sadly, I will be spending Christmas eve with that part of the family, but luckily I'll spend New Years eve with my mother's family, so that's way better.

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
Can you lot stop dropping le quick zing for a few nebs? Apparently nobody cared about picture spamming when the screenshot thread was filled with the same terrorwave meme every 5 seconds, yet it seems to be a problem here?

I get some people are kinda waiting for the tiniest thing to jump at Bubble's neck for whatever reason of the past or anything at all, but let's do something. Pointless image dumping stops as it was agreed up there, but silly attempts at starting a flamewar will be met with instant deletion and possibly a mute if it's serious, considering the following forum rules:
1. Instigate or participate in the flaming or harassment of other members on forum threads or profiles. Use the report function instead of replying.

Discriminate towards another user in terms of their race, nationality, sexuality, gender, age, political views or disability.

Because apparently it's impossible to keep this civil.


barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
Can you lot stop dropping le quick zing for a few nebs? Apparently nobody cared about picture spamming when the screenshot thread was filled with the same terrorwave meme every 5 seconds, yet it seems to be a problem here?

I get some people are kinda waiting for the tiniest thing to jump at Bubble's neck for whatever reason of the past or anything at all, but let's do something. Pointless image dumping stops as it was agreed up there, but silly attempts at starting a flamewar will be met with instant deletion and possibly a mute if it's serious, considering the following forum rules:

Because apparently it's impossible to keep this civil.
if someone was shitting up the screenshot thread with facebook memes I'd complain there too, it's not a personal attack

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
if someone was shitting up the screenshot thread with facebook memes I'd complain there too, it's not a personal attack
No, don't get me wrong,
no offense man but can you please stop with the facebook meme dumps
This isn't bad.

Making it personal, like Rams or Postal did, through personal attacks, is what is wrong.
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you should see me in a crown
Jun 21, 2016
Apparently nobody cared about picture spamming when the screenshot thread was filled with the same terrorwave meme every 5 seconds, yet it seems to be a problem here?

I get some people are kinda waiting for the tiniest thing to jump at Bubble's neck for whatever reason of the past or anything at al

Thank you. I don't get why people who are adamantly anti-LGBTQ would follow someone they don't like and continue with anti-lgbtq posts. This should br a wholesome thread where you don't have to worry about epic gamers owning le libs. This shouldn't be a thread to vent your frustrations with society.

Pointless image dumping stops as it was agreed up there

To be fair, I don't really see the problem? No one posts in this thread that often, and it's not like the occasional meme disrupts anything. If it's fine with you, I'll just post 1 meme and not like 10?