Serious My experience with WW3 server

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Apr 26, 2016
Who says we dont roleplay? You just see us s2k but who do you think interogate the pows and interact with them because afaik people complain that they get no powrp yet they just dont flag you on.
Personally I dont see fun in chatting with enlisted but I so training sessions occasionally.

Bro I've been a POW twice this week, zero POW RP done, except for a brief session with some Specialist because I complained OOC.

But that's aside the point, this thread isn't supposed to be a back and forth sort of thing between me or you or anyone. It's trying to address the fact that it's not the root playerbase or newplayers it's the fucking NCO's and even some CO's. Yesterday we had an NCO meeting about making our patrols more organized and taking time to assign roles and making plans with the enlisted, with the Captain specifically saying "Don't blob", some CO says "Okay I'll now take out a patrol with that in mind," literally does nothing stated during the meeting. It was so ironic and laughable I'm not sure if it was pre-planned between the two of them or not. @GenericPlayer
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Apr 26, 2016
Who says we dont roleplay? You just see us s2k but who do you think interogate the pows and interact with them because afaik people complain that they get no powrp yet they just dont flag you on.
Personally I dont see fun in chatting with enlisted but I so training sessions occasionally.
Alright. Don't take this as an insult to your faction or a detachment, but it's quite hard to take it seriously. Of course I see people in the spec ops roleplaying and whatnot, but let's be frank; most of your friends are there to dick about and have some fun dinking people. I'm not saying I don't enjoy a good s2k fest, lord knows I've been a s2k-only-cunt in the past. What I do think that should happen is, that you, as ROLE MODELS, ICly regarded as THE ELITE and the BEST OF THE BEST should go out of your way to roleplay with some enlisted instead of high ranking NCO's, SNCO's and people in your faction. If you just tried to widen your group of people you roleplay with, you might see some results. Sure, it might not be entirely enjoyable, but teaching others how to roleplay is part of your duty as an NCO.
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
The issue at the moment with female characters is the people behind them being unable to actually roleplay as a female, I understand it's hard if not impossible to understand the perspective of a woman and to try and replicate it but I'd expect with minimum of common sense something nice can come out.
I don't think any male can successfully play a female character without trying to act out to some degree his own desires through that character, on purpose or not lol
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Washed up S2Ker
Aug 29, 2016
The idea is that as an NCO you should be capable of both roleplay and gunplay.
Yet the majority roleplay but cant gunplay
Alright. Don't take this as an insult to your faction or a detachment, but it's quite hard to take it seriously. Of course I see people in the spec ops roleplaying and whatnot, but let's be frank; most of your friends are there to dick about and have some fun dinking people. I'm not saying I don't enjoy a good s2k fest, lord knows I've been a s2k-only-cunt in the past. What I do think that should happen is, that you, as ROLE MODELS, ICly regarded as THE ELITE and the BEST OF THE BEST should go out of your way to roleplay with some enlisted instead of high ranking NCO's, SNCO's and people in your faction. If you just tried to widen your group of people you roleplay with, you might see some results. Sure, it might not be entirely enjoyable, but teaching others how to roleplay is part of your duty as an NCO.
Afaik most of us expect like me and another guy because instead of talking to 1 enlisted every one in a while we take all of them and teach them a thing or two.
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Deleted member 93

GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
This is ww3rp take it or leave it.
Like it or not a faction cannot win without s2king because its still in the server you cant implement a serious rp server without killing.

Sorry for pulling the elitist card.
I have played WW3 RP far more than you have, and started far before you did.
There is no such thing as a 'winning, losing' faction.
Sure, one faction might be better at S2K, but that at the end of the day that does not mean anything.

@Wulfeh, whom many despised, created a very strictly regulated faction, and it was very successful in terms of roleplay quality.
The second that strictness was removed, the seriousness within the faction disappeared.
Mentality is easily shaped by leaders within the server.

Yet the majority roleplay but cant gunplay
Afaik most of us expect like me and another guy because instead of talking to 1 enlisted every one in a while we take all of them and teach them a thing or two.

Nah, you haven't.
Been enlisted for a week and all I have seen you do is bhop around the FOB.
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One true Morty
Jun 30, 2016
Didn't really want to come onto these forums from after a week off but okay, was asked to by some people as I'm being told the server is turning even more shitty than when I left it.

Here are my two pounds on the issue.

I spent quite a bit of time on the WW3RP server, went through all the ranks and made it to SA eventually, lead the Militia which wasn't the best thing I ever did in my opinion as I'm not cut out for leading much of anything. Got NCO's and CO's which was nice.

And with all my time I spent IC and OOC, I learned quite a few things about how the team operated as a whole. Their weak and timid, with the exception of maybe a few people, stressing the maybe. As opposed to banning someone outright for breaking the rules it instead turns into them having to have a philosophical debate about why they should and shouldn't with them caring more about what will happen to them as opposed to the ban being implemented onto the player.

If you can't properly enforce rules it leaves rise to no one actually respecting them, for example.

Because person A has managed to get away with poor, undetailed and unserious /me's for so long he's come to take it as all that's required, it then spreads onto the newer players as they don't know what's required of them, it becomes a domino effect.

One of the reasons I left the team was because I got a job, fair enough as I want to make as much room for overtime as humanly possible. The other reason was that no one cared about serious RP anymore, it was all talk and no action. We'd ban a notable player for acting like a complete retard then he'd get unbanned soon after, all because of a lengthy ban appeal including all his friends.

A third reason was that admins covered for each other, they'd rather make sure their admin friends are alright as opposed to the players being alright. Everyone was meant to prioritize their admin duties over roleplay, however, 10% of the admin team did this at any time, even as an SA I had to go do the brunt of the work, coming onto the server when playing something else as no one could seemingly be asked or capable of doing something as simple as setting HP, changing names and banning troublemakers.

All of all people are saying that the player base is the brunt of the issue, that point has validity as with my time on the server it was people's attitude to RP that ruined a lot of stuff, however, do you want to know the real issue?

It's the Admin team, a fair amount of people who don't know what the hell they're doing.
Jan 17, 2017
To be honest, I think just reading this thread is showing a lot of our problems right here. The main reason no one wants to interact with eachother and RP passively is because we all want to rip eachothers throat out.

Secondly, within the staff team there is a high division between "NATO" staff and "Soviet" staff. To put it bluntly, NATO staff are less likely to respond to a Soviet !help and vice versa. This doesn't help to maintain a friendly atmosphere.

Also, @Kerim I'm not sure if you are talking about Spetsnaz or NJSOC, but whoever is doing the things you mentioned please let me know. Also, I've tried my best to take Spetsnaz in a direction of RP more than s2k, as shown by regular parades and mini events etc. To be honest, this could all be solved by a change in mindset, but it's already been said, it ain't gonna happen overnight.

A few solutions I suggest:

Having a strict warn/kick/ban policy on ROOC
Extend OOC timers
Just punish people that are dicking about full stop. It'll put more onus on the staff team but if we have a mentality of whoever fucks about is getting sanctions, everyone will quickly fall in line

Deleted member 305

when being a good s2ker was a thing.

thing is, the gamemode was never meant to be revolving around the "WHO WAS THE /BEST/ GOMMIE KILLER IN BASE"

it was on who could make the most developed and complex character and roleplay it correctly, that's the ultimate factor that determined promotions back in the old days

i've been playing the gamemode for around the same time as @Legolas , and i admit that RP has clearly diminished since those days. there are several factors for that all of us know

PS. it was such a difference, that people actually willingly went on guard duty. who would've thought?


Apr 26, 2016
Are we really going to give a blind eye to people like @rapidjuice & @Alon having high ranks, playing around with /me gives heal, /me takes heal.
Are we really going to take people grappling skyscrapers and walls without RP for the norm?
NATO is a joke at the moment, sorry @seal, but your leadership is fucking shit and you might as well give it to Rondal, who has been a high rank for a fucking long time, yet somehow @PEGG LEGG and @harry have surpassed him.
If you have a problem with my behavior and roleplay make a conversation with me and tell me what have I done wrong. In terms of roleplay quality I started a plan to start issuing training to Enlisted on basic military principles and classes. I know it frustrating to see a Jewish person in a higher position than you, but you have to deal with it.

Grappling up skyscrapers without RP. Well it is not required so why would we risk getting spotted because of a /me?

Also bashing the leadership isn't going to help, it's just going to make it worst for you.

If you say the NATO is shit you are free to leave.
If you want to stay and help you should have thought in a more civilized way to approach and say: "Hey guys there is a couple of things that you really have to fix, yada yada yada, it ruins immersion, yada yada". Instead you insulted the leadership straight away.

What happened to the special forces 'spearheading the roleplay initiative' and being the 'ultimate role-models in terms of both roleplay and s2k' again?
We roleplay, quite a lot actually. But you are not on the server that often so you wouldn't see it.

Deleted member 305

We roleplay, quite a lot actually. But you are not on the server that often so you wouldn't see it.

the branch has given the general image of an S2King circlejerk, and i'm sure it will take quite some time after the removal of the gametracker which shifted you towards roleplay to change it
Jan 17, 2017
the branch has given the general image of an S2King circlejerk, and i'm sure it will take quite some time after the removal of the gametracker which shifted you towards roleplay to change it
but it hasn't, gametracker has just been replaced with POWtracker.
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Apr 26, 2016
Grappling up skyscrapers without RP. Well it is not required so why would we risk getting spotted because of a /me?
This sort of just proves the S2K mentality point.
Saying why would we risk getting spotted implies that you would rather remain unnoticed on the field and have an S2K mindset instead of doing a /me to climb up a building, which would therefore promote RP

. I know it frustrating to see a Jewish person in a higher position than you, but you have to deal with it.
idk if ur kidding or not, but religion has nothing to do with anything
But you are not on the server that often so you wouldn't see it.
I'm on alot of the time and I still don't see it.
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Deleted member 93

GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
If you have a problem with my behavior and roleplay make a conversation with me and tell me what have I done wrong. In terms of roleplay quality I started a plan to start issuing training to Enlisted on basic military principles and classes. I know it frustrating to see a Jewish person in a higher position than you, but you have to deal with it.

Grappling up skyscrapers without RP. Well it is not required so why would we risk getting spotted because of a /me?

Also bashing the leadership isn't going to help, it's just going to make it worst for you.

If you say the NATO is shit you are free to leave.
If you want to stay and help you should have thought in a more civilized way to approach and say: "Hey guys there is a couple of things that you really have to fix, yada yada yada, it ruins immersion, yada yada". Instead you insulted the leadership straight away.

Sorry man, as a Master Sergeant who has ascended more than five ranks, you should know better to set a good standard.
I'm bashing the NATO leadership because the problems are just far too basic (not promoting the right people) and there is an obvious lack of 'care' for the faction.
It gives them light, and opens eyes for people who haven't noticed.
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Jan 17, 2017
Sorry man, as a Master Sergeant who has ascended more than five ranks, you should know better to set a good standard.
I'm bashing the NATO leadership because the problems are just far too basic (not promoting the right people) and there is an obvious lack of 'care' for the faction.
It gives them light, and opens eyes for people who haven't noticed.
To be honest you aren't bashing anything, according to @BANE47 he was given an NCO rank just to take out patrols and s2k
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Deleted member 305

I'm bashing the NATO leadership because the problems are just far too basic (not promoting the right people) and there is an obvious lack of 'care' for the faction.

this, in my opinion, is what has made me despise even logging onto NATO anymore to the point where i applied for civilian to get away from it and try and do something new

the right people are not promoted because they are never noticed, in my opinion. some NCO/SNCO positions are held by people that shouldn't even have them in the first place, which only just adds more problems to the faction and it's playerbase.

new players that are good at s2k get promoted quickly in favour of old veterans just because of their activity in a desperate attempt to keep the faction alive through patrols


Aug 14, 2016
You may laugh but it's true. People will literally ignore injured friendlies just to get POW's

It's an IC issue and should be treated IC. Basically what you see there counts as treason and can be punished if withnessed, it depends all on the mindset of the person.

My char's been taken POW about 3 times since I got back and honestly I got some really nice RP out of it, great character development too. It's all mostly thanks to @seal @harry @Legolas . They weren't forced by anyone or anything to interact with my character and they did it on their own accord.
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