News Preview/Discussion - WW3RP: STASILAND

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Black Rain (1989)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Chardust
Apr 26, 2016
for civilians who decide to knuckle down and do as they're told under occupation, will they have their own apartments to live in? will there be a hunger/thirst system that it respectably important?

Yes, yes, maybe. We've a whole bunch of custom food / drink scripts which fit the lore from Krasnov Tea to Comrade's Choice Beer.

As well as Ketamine, known for its use in the 1983 Campaign of German Reunification.


Sep 30, 2017
Did the soviet union invade anything outside europe and maybe asia?


Sep 30, 2017
Yes, yes, maybe. We've a whole bunch of custom food / drink scripts which fit the lore from Krasnov Tea to Comrade's Choice Beer.

As well as Ketamine, known for its use in the 1983 Campaign of German Reunification.
Also any Rakija?
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Apr 26, 2016
Did the soviet union invade anything outside europe and maybe asia?

It's a direct continuation of the 1983/1990 lore, save for a couple of months unaccounted for at this moment. We've yet to fill in specific gaps but it's safe to say there are still highly active fronts in and around Korea as well as southern Europe, where our campaigns came to a halt by the closing of ww3rp
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Sep 30, 2017
It's a direct continuation of the 1983/1990 lore, save for a couple of months unaccounted for at this moment. We've yet to fill in specific gaps but it's safe to say there are still highly active fronts in and around Korea as well as southern Europe, where our campaigns came to a halt by the closing of ww3rp
Yeah sorry i dont know anything about ww3rp lore but thank you for explaining
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Vaporwaves Skeletons
May 10, 2016
Was Kaliningrad (the only Russian country to posses an ''ice-free'' port all year round) annexed by NATO as it was in between Lithuania and Poland which are two members of the faction? As that would damage the Baltic fleet.


HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017
Okay, so. Its 2am. And i want to do this quickly as possibly. Because this thread is quickly just heading towards the eternal hell of memes and hype. I'll try to expand on stuff later but i want to go trough of the document.

So let me start with this

Europe has fallen.

The remnants of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has been swept from the continent by the intense Soviet onslaught. Soviet puppet regimes have been established in Europe's former democracies, and have been tasked with bringing the newly integrated nations firmly under the control of their masters in Moscow.

After years of conflict, stretched across the globe - the Soviet regime has grown weaker, its possessions in Europe growing restless following repression and poverty in the wake of the second major conflict on the continent in less than ten years. This civil unrest no doubt stoked by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Although engaged in open conflict with the Soviets across other fronts, NATO in Europe has been reserved to the role of espionage - operating predominantly out of the United Kingdom, preparing for the liberation of Europe while letting local unrest lay the foundation.

Following urban unrest and open revolt across Germany, the rule of law has been negated - Soviet authority is now enforced predominantly by the apparatus of oppression, its police, its military and its intelligence services.

The badlands where this lawlessness is strife has been colloquially dubbed:

For what i understand the first campaign, probaly is going to be based in Germany, During the switch from the puppet goverment to direct control of Moscow within times of Civil Unrest and open revolts. And the period of the Puppet goverment being replaced and then the control given to Moscow directly might be really intresting.
The war exhausted Veterans from the European theater and new, young and new recruits filling the gaps within the lines of men who occupy the Western Europe. I think this might go really well, but i want to say. As many others that we hope, and belive that this isn't going to turn into a HL2RP 2.0.
I belive that the Soviets should be feared, but weak. Not in the same way where there is no hope. ''the game'' wasen't rigged from the start like in HL2RP. The Soviet Union is facing away from the Westeren Europe as it has been defeated. And wil probaly assert resources and men into other front. Soviet troops in Germany etc will probaly have less ammonation, men, food etc low.
I think with the new things, like crime, corruption, German resistance and outer resitance from the NATO, Bandits etc. Might go over really well.

Something i'd like to see how the old puppet goverment will react to Moscow taking Germany under its direct control. That migth be something intresting. As well i wanted to say that i think that a open map might be the best thing. Soviet forces are thin and spread out. I think it would make for really amazing moments where you could sneak into a enemy checkpoint or ammo dump. Or attack alone watchpoint or ambush a patrol away from the main areas of Soviet Resitance.
I think there could give a sense of fear for the Soviet troops where they are going to think twice of going to rescue of a lightly manned watch point or a patrol.
And i think the interactions with the civilans and Soviet Troops can be amazing. But this is all hopes and dreams. We'll See if this will ever become reality. Anyway, moving on.

namely being a shifted focus towards civilians inside a warzone, as well as a gameplay dynamic that would resemble assymetrical warfare instead of the 'traditional' system of patrol-based combat with little to no risk or consequence.

I think i mentioned this, but the reason why i think a big open map is great, is because the Soviets will be spread thin, where Soviets aren't. Lies different factions, and i hope this all doesn't turn into a big circle of ''lets all band together and kill the ruskis''
But i think it wont.
Something i'm bit worried is that part of the meme mentality of the old WW3 times, the old and the new who probaly look forward of being part of or doing stuff that will be remembered. And i think that good. I look forward to WW3 aswell. But i think there is a line that we must walk on, and not turn into a full WW3 2.0 Electric Pogaloo Memefest.

In essence, we intend to maintain the 'traditional' style of WW3RP, being more oriented towards intense periods of fast-paced action. However, we felt like the way it was done before hindered the aspects that added depth to the experience. By making the factions assymetrical in structure, making weapons relatively common yet still a valuable commodity, as well as a variety of other "new" gameplay elements, we intend to make combat more subject to a risk vs reward-type consideration. Systems such as crafting, unconventional warfare, insurgencies, criminal aspects and corruption play a considerably heavier role this time around as a means of offering new gameplay aspects beyond just shooting at eachother.

To this extent, we've re-done the schema entirely, added new systems, a new weaponbase, a larger selection of items, a revamped crafting system as well as some new features we've explored in the past but never really got integrated properly.

In moving away from the 'no-consequences' patrol-based s2k meta, people can expect to put more effort in if they wish to actively engage in combat on a regular basis. People will have to carefully maintain their stocks, be on the lookout for opportunities, plan ahead and strategize their approach as PKs will be more prevalent this time around as well. The emphasis will be on the asymetrical aspect of carrying out raids and fast hits, rather than prolonged open firefights against a superior force. Eventually server progression might allow more open and bigger conflict between the sides as groups grow stronger, but not initially.

I think this is a good idea. On the topic of weapons. Depends really how NATO pulled out of the Europe. There may have been equipment left behind. And there probaly was. I think that weapons being common, yet valuable is good, and something i'd see happening. And the careful planning of Small operations, raids etc what i talked about is something i look into.
Something i'd like to play around is Pre-Occupation German Army as an player in the not so soviet held areas.
But that might fall into the old WW3 area. Still, the P-O German Army will be almost like every other faction besides the Soviets really. But yea, we'll see. I'm just mumbeling on now.
Anyhow, to the hopefully last bit

What characters are we playing? in time an in depth country list of characters you are freely allowed to make, and those restricted for whatever reason, will be produced. You will, however, be able to play your old characters from WW3RP 1983/1990rp with appropriate authorisation. Be they returning as a NATO left-behind, a Soviet Soldier, a civilian or perhaps one of the more secretive factions. Character authorisations is something we want to be liberal with, in the sense that we want to see player creativity unhindered, but still realistic to the setting which we have produced. The way we're envisioning things now, we'll be able to grant specific authorisations to starting groups to better allow their backstory and function to have an impact on the server.

Honestly, the wide range of factions. And the more chances for diffrent roleplay and characters is something i look into, The groups and the factions that form and fall is something that i look forward, I know i've been rambeling. And i know that nobody will probaly read this.
But, if you did. Salutes to you. I really hope and will do anything i can to make this, if this comes a thing. Better, honestly.
The community with Roosebuds leading and visions, this might be start of something great. And i hope i can be part of this, and create and write for this universe. Even if its just char bios. Something i hope, personally i want to do is start to write stuff more.
And WW3, since like the lemonpunch days is something i've always been intrested about. The universe and the lore. Sorry if i sound like a big dumbass nerd. But what im trying to say. Sign me on. I'm aboard. and i hope, even if i don't have the skills or knowhow to be staff, but fuck it. I'll try. I hope i can be part of this, and write things i love. Anyway. I'll stop being a dumbass and end this. This has been just me rambeling on my opinions and thoughts. Good night.
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Black Rain (1989)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Chardust
Apr 26, 2016
Was Kaliningrad (the only Russian country to posses an ''ice-free'' port all year round) annexed by NATO as it was in between Lithuania and Poland which are two members of the faction? As that would damage the Baltic fleet.

The Warsaw Pact and Soviet Union still exist? Those countries wouldn't have been in NATO. Lithuania was directly under the government of the Supreme Soviet, and is in our lore.

They wouldn't be NATO countries, even if we strip away the idea that most of continental Europe has fallen to the Soviets.


Sep 30, 2017
So uhhhh can we get a map of soviet controlled territories please im too dumb to visualise things
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