The Current State of Civil Protection: A Critique

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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
You’re making stuff up at this point

This never happened, headstaff never intervened in anything related to Rank-Leaders, and I don’t recall any threats of mass resignations
I consider an SD to be headstaff, and there were threats.

I have been told as such by members of staff, to say nothing of the rumors.


infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020
Tbf even I heard directly at the time that people planned to mass-resign in response to their punishment until they were told it was temp.

It may have just been rumour but given who told me I had good reason to believe it.
It was poorly received at first, yes, but high command quickly cleared it up that it was a mere temporary punishment for fucking up so hard

Poor reception mostly stemmed from confusion, if any threats of mass resignation were thrown around it was probably jokes, but I can’t find anything in rl-chat message history, sky doesn’t remember being threatened with resignations either
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infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020
I consider an SD to be headstaff, and there were threats.

I have been told as such by members of staff, to say nothing of the rumors.
Rumors, huh. Maybe don’t trust Chinese whispers next time.

If you were told about it directly by numbers then hey, fair game, but random members of staff aren’t reliable sources especially since they don’t have involvement in the faction’s inner workings.


the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
in response to their punishment
It was not in response to the punishment itself but rather the fact that the RLs' requests spanning over several weeks to reintroduce posthumous deranks were denied which left a lot of mistakes (and sometimes straight up trolling) unpunished.
Until suddenly we lost a single fight and then every RL, involved or not, received such punishment - it was the spit in the face and mountains of complaints (at the time) ignored which caused such an adverse reaction


Premium Member
May 7, 2017

I do believe shit be going down, gentlemen.​

But instead of making yet another senseless reply on that drama, why don't we stop and focus a bit on a few of the points of the original post of this thread, discussing about the current state of our beloved"Poster Child" faction, seeing the positive aspects of the Overwatch Security Council and explaining concepts and ideas which derive from my numerous pipe dreams? I know you all love that!

There's a lot to detail here, so without further ado, let us jump right ahead!

What has happened to our friendship with CPs?​

The Original Vision: An Uphill Battle

Being one of the first to write 'lore' for this iteration, as well as one of the first to collaborate with Numbers, I had an idea for how Civil Protection would operate. That being, a faction defined by the desperation that we see in City Seventeen's siege, utilizing the tactics of a cornered dog. I envisioned Civil Protection a far cry from that of previous iterations, one made of the most brutally loyal and most brutally doomed. My precise vision, which has now been relegated to a document exclusively describing the various 'cults' that have cropped up in Civil Protection, was that of Excerpts from 'Modern Studies on Postoccupation Ultraloyalism'. Originally pinned to the roleplay documents section proper, the writing was to serve the function of being a guide for envisioning how one might roleplay Civil Protection, deprived of their defining duty, in the Post-Occupation.

Although the Garrison has seen a resurgence in cult-prominence, the issue that I find is that it is often such that cultism is the exception, not the rule, or, rather, ultraloyalism is the exception and not the rule. To elaborate, the base 'state' of Civil Protection during previous periods without heavy cultist presence was not so different than that of previous iterations' Civil Protection in an out-of-city event. The emphasis on still hovering adjacent to abiding by the rules, even without dispatch presence, is still ingrained. With this emphasis, too, comes the idea that Civil Protection must remain categorically hostile to the other faction. While I had spared much room in the way of Civil Protection being brutally antagonistic, a threat to be reckoned with for its unpredictability, I and those who stick to this vision, particularly players in the Order of the Bleeding Clamp and Merlin's Extinctionist, have been most willing to interact with rebels in ways beyond S2K. One might find some irony in those championing unlimited death for the 'sublunary Lambdan' being those who have strayed from purely hostile encounters with the enemy.

As for the garrison proper, the perpetuation of a mindset most common to previous iterations' Civil Protections, still imbued with a highly strict sense of how to operate, has in its stead left little opportunity for interfactional roleplay. Despite Dispatch being inactive, many still act as if it were. Is this the brutal loyalty I envisioned? Hardly. Brutal loyalty is not correlated here to the ability to unabashedly follow doctrinal procedures to a T, but to remain so ideologically dedicated to the concept of the Combine even in the wake of their defeat and humanity's liberation when one could easily shed their uniform and fall in line with the revolutionaries.

My prescription, then, is a total overhaul of culture. As the situation grows more desperate, so too do the justifications of remaining beside the Combine, people fall into cults, into ultraloyalism. This is what was originally expounded. The 'militarization' of Civil Protection is the exact opposite of what is warranted. Civil Protection should not grow to be more organized, should not rely more heavily on stringent protocol, but instead should slacken its requirements. The goal is to completely distance ourselves from a mindset that relies too heavily on the functionings of previous iterations that in turn limit what we can accomplish roleplay-wise, which serve only to improve our cohesion for the sake of S2K.

Many functionaries, Rank Leaders especially, in the words of Redman, 'are too focused on being a soldier than making a constructive impact on the garrison.' RedMan's Custodians serve as the prefect counterbalance to the Bleeding Clamp. His approach, which is still Ultraloyalist in character, fetishizes the operational dossier purposefully, whereas many others fall in line without reading in-between it. RedMan has made it his purpose to positively improve garrison morale, to conduct trainings, to straighten it out, and to come into conflict with those who would see it undone, all from a justifiable IC perspective. RedMan seeks to enliven internal roleplay, whereas many others make it their focus to engage externally in S2K. Both the Order, the Custodians, and the Extinctionist serve the purpose of enlivening 314's milieu. The Post-Occupation vision for Civil Protection is that of a multiplicity of radical loyalisms, different in their approach, united in their sanctification of the Combine or an aspect of it. The Post-Occupation vision is a vision that stresses the primacy of roleplay over S2K, both for our faction, and for our enemy.
Starting with this, an idea I've had based on that famous Disco Elysium-like @Dan (the man) video dating back to the end of the City 24 chapter, which you are all probably aware of. I won't describe the contents of the video (that I believe you should definitely watch) beyond one peculiar characteristic that has fascinated me greatly: the two main stars are a Civil Protection Officer, Six-Four (Shining Failure), and a civilian doctor which is accompanying him, Edquardo Delfuero-Villarosadas.

Our two lovable fellows.​

Now, you may be asking- "Fabevil, why the hell are you talking about these two characters from a video that I don't even remember?"- That is a great question, one that I won't answer. I want to provide you with an observation of mine in regards to the current state of Civil Protection's interaction with the citizens (or in this case the refugees), and how this video symbolizes the very best of what it can amount to. Unfortunately, most of what I've seen happen between cops and denizens can be summarized with the latter being told to move along, simply be used for information or even be shot by the former, with no further attempt for any sort of stable relationship. This video, instead, shows us what would happen if an officer and a civilian, put on the same boat by circumstance, were to actually form a companionship- whether it be out of necessity, out of actual amicability between the two or out of the citizen's loyalty to the Empire's cause.

What if CPs, instead of shooing away or forcefully conscripting refugees to their cause, tried to paint a positive picture of their current situation and struggle? What if the Combine camps were safe havens for those who aren't on the rebellion's side, encouraging character development and story arcs to happen even between two differing groups? What if we were to allow for interesting dynamics? (This chance for interaction, obviously, is also to be determined by the current map and events happening on the server: for example, our current map would not be fit for this, since there's no neutral party or middle ground- the bunker and the Combine Outpost are our only points of interest- while a map like City 24 would be fertile ground for the blossoming of such possibilities).


The Overwatch Security Council: The overarching antagonist​

The Security Council: Failed, Not Failure
"It didn't fail in my opinion, others failed it." So I have been told when the question of Geneva's Security Council had arisen. Although the tense quasi-rivalry between the O.S.C and Civil Protection was a much welcomed area of conflict, which served to add another layer to the Geneva plotline, one cannot but stop and question the OOC side of the conflict.

My experience at the helm of O.S.C leadership both in-character and out-of-character has given me the unique opportunity to dissect my first proper encounter with this mindset we discuss. When attempting to address concerns that emerged from Civil Protection, particularly Rank Leadership, I was met firstly with one constant: addressing O.S.C as CAB, despite the clear differentiation drawn up in Geneva's prologue thread, as well as my OOC reminders. Much of the OOC enmity, that in turn shook IC relations to a degree, stemmed from an entrenched idea of some Nebulous Old Guard roleplayers that this faction would serve, in their opinion, the role CAB took in previous iterations: that it would only hamper an otherwise effective faction. Without much provocation, certain players within Civil Protection took an unabashedly hostile stance OOCly and ICly towards the O.S.C. The faction was not given a chance to supplement the garrison, as was originally intended, and for the remainder of the map, fulfilled the prophecy of hampering Civil Protection, not by its own design, but by those within the garrison that had sought to antagonize it. Their biases were confirmed, if only because they drove the faction into a corner to where the only way it could reasonably operate was by acting in a way that resulted in those confirmed biases.

Some would go as far to claim, as if having been present in the Valve writers' room, that the Combine would never initiate a ceasefire, would never cross the aisle to seek a (self-serving) armistice as it licked its wounds. This idea of an iron-willed, overpowering, monolithic Combine so common to portrayals of the Clockwork era, which has continued to stick with some individuals, actively limits storytelling potentiality. This conception contributes directly as justification for polarizing the two enemy factions to such a degree that the only exchange between them can end in a shootout. There isn't a day where some conflict passes between both factions that someone will question in a sort-of snarky manner as to why the rebels were allowed to do this or that, in such a way that implies the Combine would simply curbstomp them if it happened realistically. The end of Geneva received complaints for having been railroaded. It was. However, those most vocal and critical of Geneva's ending from the Combine side, happened to be those who most demanded the Combine's strength railroad Rebel defeat when contesting regulations meant to keep the Combine from blindly overpowering their enemy.

If someone were to ask me what my favorite part of this entire iteration was, I would proudly say it was "The Fall of Twenty-Four": the return to a familiar yet decayed City setting was, simply put, phenomenal and a highlight of Season 1.
However, this chapter of HL2RP² would not be as effective and present to us a finale as grandiose, were it not for the presence of one, main faction which opposes the Resistance and gives it the objective to defeat it, once and for all, as to liberate City Twenty-Four: The Overwatch Security Council.


Ever since the start of this chapter, the Security Council was clearly underlined as the primary force preventing the conquest of the City, and was instantly portrayed as commanding and aiding the troops stationed there: from this, it becomes clear that it must be dealt with.
From a thematic standpoint, it perfectly encapsulates the atmosphere of uncertainty and despair coming from the Combine- with the Security Council taking over all of the other Combine governmental bodies, including the historical CAB- and the Councilors themselves are hinted at to simply be men sent to die on what is an impossible mission, as the rest of the OSC fled the Palace long before.

Yet, despite being the main antagonist of the Resistance, it didn't refrain from directly interacting with them, as we could see with the controversial ceasefire accord, where the two conflicting parties agreed to stop the battle for a short period of time- while the both of them secretly plotted behind each other's back, in order to grasp at victory-, giving the opportunity for IC opposition to form over such a decision, with both Combine and Rebels inching ever closer towards a boiling point... and the definitive conclusion for the Season.

And such an end could not possibly be better- as the palace began to crumble over the constant attacks of the Rebellion, many of the Councilors fled- their fate unknown-, some died... and only one remained to guard it, until the bitter end: The Night Watchman. As the Insurgents entered his Headquarters, easily dispatching the remnant troops- He stood, broadcasting messages of bitter anger and sadness over his failure and his imminent demise, fully aware that he was soon to be captured, giving the entire storming of the Palace another edge of climactic anticipation.
And then... We see him- a character who has been through so much, during the course of this chapter, finally able to be seen, face to face, by the people who he attempted to stop at all costs. And that, my friends, is where "The Fall of Twenty-Four" culminates.

And where does this all take us? An Epilogue​

Before heading towards the conclusion of this post, I would like to take a moment to thank you, my dear readers, for having taken the time to stop and reflect, alongside me, about the positive aspects of this Iteration, and what could possibly be improved in the future. I am of the opinion that HL2RP², at its highest, could even be comparable to an epic tale, filled with moments of glory, triumph, sorrow and loss.

I speak highly of it because of my love for the medium and I hope that, with this, I have given my contribution to the community and shared thought-out ideas that can improve our experience. And having said all this, folks, I think it's now time to give this closure. May we continue telling stories and having fun while doing so.

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
suddenly we lost a single fight and then every RL, involved or not, received such punishment
I can't speak for the other demotions but the RL in charge of the factory raid had it coming

piss poor choice of tactics (demanding everyone huddle in the front in a room that can barely fit 4 people in with the barricades), conflicting orders, chose to cuss out people who had the sense to take cover in the rear (3 - 4 people in front, 5 in rear room) when they threw grenades in over using his brain, and then whinged about it.

oh, and spitefully tried to demote people aftwards to disguise his own failings.

posthumous deranks were denied which left a lot of mistakes (and sometimes straight up trolling) unpunished
someone unable to draw their pistol due to a key & someone else running for cover during a grenade barrage deserve deranks in your mind?
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kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
What if CPs, instead of shooing away or forcefully conscripting refugees to their cause, tried to paint a positive picture of their current situation and struggle? What if the Combine camps were safe havens for those who aren't on the rebellion's side, encouraging character development and story arcs to happen even between two differing groups?
Your entire post is a treasure that everyone here oughta take a couple minutes to read through, make no mistake, but I would be remiss if I didn't just take a second to say that I really like this idea in particular.


Nov 5, 2019

I do believe shit be going down, gentlemen.​

But instead of making yet another senseless reply on that drama, why don't we stop and focus a bit on a few of the points of the original post of this thread, discussing about the current state of our beloved"Poster Child" faction, seeing the positive aspects of the Overwatch Security Council and explaining concepts and ideas which derive from my numerous pipe dreams? I know you all love that!

There's a lot to detail here, so without further ado, let us jump right ahead!

What has happened to our friendship with CPs?​

Starting with this, an idea I've had based on that famous Disco Elysium-like @Dan (the man) video dating back to the end of the City 24 chapter, which you are all probably aware of. I won't describe the contents of the video (that I believe you should definitely watch) beyond one peculiar characteristic that has fascinated me greatly: the two main stars are a Civil Protection Officer, Six-Four (Shining Failure), and a civilian doctor which is accompanying him, Edquardo Delfuero-Villarosadas.

Our two lovable fellows.​

Now, you may be asking- "Fabevil, why the hell are you talking about these two characters from a video that I don't even remember?"- That is a great question, one that I won't answer. I want to provide you with an observation of mine in regards to the current state of Civil Protection's interaction with the citizens (or in this case the refugees), and how this video symbolizes the very best of what it can amount to. Unfortunately, most of what I've seen happen between cops and denizens can be summarized with the latter being told to move along, simply be used for information or even be shot by the former, with no further attempt for any sort of stable relationship. This video, instead, shows us what would happen if an officer and a civilian, put on the same boat by circumstance, were to actually form a companionship- whether it be out of necessity, out of actual amicability between the two or out of the citizen's loyalty to the Empire's cause.

What if CPs, instead of shooing away or forcefully conscripting refugees to their cause, tried to paint a positive picture of their current situation and struggle? What if the Combine camps were safe havens for those who aren't on the rebellion's side, encouraging character development and story arcs to happen even between two differing groups? What if we were to allow for interesting dynamics? (This chance for interaction, obviously, is also to be determined by the current map and events happening on the server: for example, our current map would not be fit for this, since there's no neutral party or middle ground- the bunker and the Combine Outpost are our only points of interest- while a map like City 24 would be fertile ground for the blossoming of such possibilities).


The Overwatch Security Council: The overarching antagonist​

If someone were to ask me what my favorite part of this entire iteration was, I would proudly say it was "The Fall of Twenty-Four": the return to a familiar yet decayed City setting was, simply put, phenomenal and a highlight of Season 1.
However, this chapter of HL2RP² would not be as effective and present to us a finale as grandiose, were it not for the presence of one, main faction which opposes the Resistance and gives it the objective to defeat it, once and for all, as to liberate City Twenty-Four: The Overwatch Security Council.


Ever since the start of this chapter, the Security Council was clearly underlined as the primary force preventing the conquest of the City, and was instantly portrayed as commanding and aiding the troops stationed there: from this, it becomes clear that it must be dealt with.
From a thematic standpoint, it perfectly encapsulates the atmosphere of uncertainty and despair coming from the Combine- with the Security Council taking over all of the other Combine governmental bodies, including the historical CAB- and the Councilors themselves are hinted at to simply be men sent to die on what is an impossible mission, as the rest of the OSC fled the Palace long before.

Yet, despite being the main antagonist of the Resistance, it didn't refrain from directly interacting with them, as we could see with the controversial ceasefire accord, where the two conflicting parties agreed to stop the battle for a short period of time- while the both of them secretly plotted behind each other's back, in order to grasp at victory-, giving the opportunity for IC opposition to form over such a decision, with both Combine and Rebels inching ever closer towards a boiling point... and the definitive conclusion for the Season.

And such an end could not possibly be better- as the palace began to crumble over the constant attacks of the Rebellion, many of the Councilors fled- their fate unknown-, some died... and only one remained to guard it, until the bitter end: The Night Watchman. As the Insurgents entered his Headquarters, easily dispatching the remnant troops- He stood, broadcasting messages of bitter anger and sadness over his failure and his imminent demise, fully aware that he was soon to be captured, giving the entire storming of the Palace another edge of climactic anticipation.
And then... We see him- a character who has been through so much, during the course of this chapter, finally able to be seen, face to face, by the people who he attempted to stop at all costs. And that, my friends, is where "The Fall of Twenty-Four" culminates.

And where does this all take us? An Epilogue​

Before heading towards the conclusion of this post, I would like to take a moment to thank you, my dear readers, for having taken the time to stop and reflect, alongside me, about the positive aspects of this Iteration, and what could possibly be improved in the future. I am of the opinion that HL2RP², at its highest, could even be comparable to an epic tale, filled with moments of glory, triumph, sorrow and loss.

I speak highly of it because of my love for the medium and I hope that, with this, I have given my contribution to the community and shared thought-out ideas that can improve our experience. And having said all this, folks, I think it's now time to give this closure. May we continue telling stories and having fun while doing so.

I'd say another factor of stuff (that should be brought back) is something that acted, while generally combine-aligned, as a good 'middleman'.

I'm referring to the Combine Engineering Core - It got a bunch of new players inducted, taught them how to play hl2rp, gave folks that didn't enjoy FULL rebelrp something to do and let fun tasks go ahead.

Sure, it doesn't fit every map and that's fine, but there should be something resembling a similar faction. CEC was heavily corrupted which allowed obvious rebels / loyalists to both be in the faction, allowing rp opportunities and letting it act as a middleman generally.

(The corruption ensured it was more sorta 'neutral', since while combine aligned, it was 'balanced' or something).
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016

I do believe shit be going down, gentlemen.​

But instead of making yet another senseless reply on that drama, why don't we stop and focus a bit on a few of the points of the original post of this thread, discussing about the current state of our beloved"Poster Child" faction, seeing the positive aspects of the Overwatch Security Council and explaining concepts and ideas which derive from my numerous pipe dreams? I know you all love that!

There's a lot to detail here, so without further ado, let us jump right ahead!

What has happened to our friendship with CPs?​

Starting with this, an idea I've had based on that famous Disco Elysium-like @Dan (the man) video dating back to the end of the City 24 chapter, which you are all probably aware of. I won't describe the contents of the video (that I believe you should definitely watch) beyond one peculiar characteristic that has fascinated me greatly: the two main stars are a Civil Protection Officer, Six-Four (Shining Failure), and a civilian doctor which is accompanying him, Edquardo Delfuero-Villarosadas.

Our two lovable fellows.​

Now, you may be asking- "Fabevil, why the hell are you talking about these two characters from a video that I don't even remember?"- That is a great question, one that I won't answer. I want to provide you with an observation of mine in regards to the current state of Civil Protection's interaction with the citizens (or in this case the refugees), and how this video symbolizes the very best of what it can amount to. Unfortunately, most of what I've seen happen between cops and denizens can be summarized with the latter being told to move along, simply be used for information or even be shot by the former, with no further attempt for any sort of stable relationship. This video, instead, shows us what would happen if an officer and a civilian, put on the same boat by circumstance, were to actually form a companionship- whether it be out of necessity, out of actual amicability between the two or out of the citizen's loyalty to the Empire's cause.

What if CPs, instead of shooing away or forcefully conscripting refugees to their cause, tried to paint a positive picture of their current situation and struggle? What if the Combine camps were safe havens for those who aren't on the rebellion's side, encouraging character development and story arcs to happen even between two differing groups? What if we were to allow for interesting dynamics? (This chance for interaction, obviously, is also to be determined by the current map and events happening on the server: for example, our current map would not be fit for this, since there's no neutral party or middle ground- the bunker and the Combine Outpost are our only points of interest- while a map like City 24 would be fertile ground for the blossoming of such possibilities).


The Overwatch Security Council: The overarching antagonist​

If someone were to ask me what my favorite part of this entire iteration was, I would proudly say it was "The Fall of Twenty-Four": the return to a familiar yet decayed City setting was, simply put, phenomenal and a highlight of Season 1.
However, this chapter of HL2RP² would not be as effective and present to us a finale as grandiose, were it not for the presence of one, main faction which opposes the Resistance and gives it the objective to defeat it, once and for all, as to liberate City Twenty-Four: The Overwatch Security Council.


Ever since the start of this chapter, the Security Council was clearly underlined as the primary force preventing the conquest of the City, and was instantly portrayed as commanding and aiding the troops stationed there: from this, it becomes clear that it must be dealt with.
From a thematic standpoint, it perfectly encapsulates the atmosphere of uncertainty and despair coming from the Combine- with the Security Council taking over all of the other Combine governmental bodies, including the historical CAB- and the Councilors themselves are hinted at to simply be men sent to die on what is an impossible mission, as the rest of the OSC fled the Palace long before.

Yet, despite being the main antagonist of the Resistance, it didn't refrain from directly interacting with them, as we could see with the controversial ceasefire accord, where the two conflicting parties agreed to stop the battle for a short period of time- while the both of them secretly plotted behind each other's back, in order to grasp at victory-, giving the opportunity for IC opposition to form over such a decision, with both Combine and Rebels inching ever closer towards a boiling point... and the definitive conclusion for the Season.

And such an end could not possibly be better- as the palace began to crumble over the constant attacks of the Rebellion, many of the Councilors fled- their fate unknown-, some died... and only one remained to guard it, until the bitter end: The Night Watchman. As the Insurgents entered his Headquarters, easily dispatching the remnant troops- He stood, broadcasting messages of bitter anger and sadness over his failure and his imminent demise, fully aware that he was soon to be captured, giving the entire storming of the Palace another edge of climactic anticipation.
And then... We see him- a character who has been through so much, during the course of this chapter, finally able to be seen, face to face, by the people who he attempted to stop at all costs. And that, my friends, is where "The Fall of Twenty-Four" culminates.

And where does this all take us? An Epilogue​

Before heading towards the conclusion of this post, I would like to take a moment to thank you, my dear readers, for having taken the time to stop and reflect, alongside me, about the positive aspects of this Iteration, and what could possibly be improved in the future. I am of the opinion that HL2RP², at its highest, could even be comparable to an epic tale, filled with moments of glory, triumph, sorrow and loss.

I speak highly of it because of my love for the medium and I hope that, with this, I have given my contribution to the community and shared thought-out ideas that can improve our experience. And having said all this, folks, I think it's now time to give this closure. May we continue telling stories and having fun while doing so.

Jesus bro took essay posting to another level

Good post I like


Sep 30, 2017
kinda skimmed, half-read this thread and im typing this while sleepy

had these same complaints ages ago (first two maps) of cops being hyperfocused on combat and s2k, and its always been a simmering issue underneath civipro for years (im saying this as a terminal combine meatrider whos 4k out of his 11k posts are complaining about rebels)

the weird ingroups (RL exclusive PTs), the focus on voice chatting (whether in discord or ts), the need to win at all costs even if that cost is undermining your allied factions or yourself, the aprehensiveness to roleplay or engage with outside groups, the weird indoctrination of new players into this cult of s2k (one ive been a victim of) is so dumb

i think i cant count the amount of times my days of CP roleplay could be summed up as walk around with your pals in silence cause theyre in a voice chat not really roleplaying while you stand there cause theyre waiting to shoot someone and go back to standing around

or how many times ive tried to realistically react to some situation as a newbie cop only to get that empty, sterilized credit stare back before being promptly ignored

or how many times ive tried to interact with them on those two first maps only to get shot or hunted down (and even when captured, tossed in a cell and ignored)

its a roleplay server, idk, roleplay

this probably doesnt matter at all or isnt very relevant i havent played in ages take it with a grain of salt


ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
kinda skimmed, half-read this thread and im typing this while sleepy

had these same complaints ages ago (first two maps) of cops being hyperfocused on combat and s2k, and its always been a simmering issue underneath civipro for years (im saying this as a terminal combine meatrider whos 4k out of his 11k posts are complaining about rebels)

the weird ingroups (RL exclusive PTs), the focus on voice chatting (whether in discord or ts), the need to win at all costs even if that cost is undermining your allied factions or yourself, the aprehensiveness to roleplay or engage with outside groups, the weird indoctrination of new players into this cult of s2k (one ive been a victim of) is so dumb

i think i cant count the amount of times my days of CP roleplay could be summed up as walk around with your pals in silence cause theyre in a voice chat not really roleplaying while you stand there cause theyre waiting to shoot someone and go back to standing around

or how many times ive tried to realistically react to some situation as a newbie cop only to get that empty, sterilized credit stare back before being promptly ignored

or how many times ive tried to interact with them on those two first maps only to get shot or hunted down (and even when captured, tossed in a cell and ignored)

its a roleplay server, idk, roleplay

this probably doesnt matter at all or isnt very relevant i havent played in ages take it with a grain of salt
thank you

literally every single issue i have, summed up in one post

(and with normal words too look at that)
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
or how many times ive tried to realistically react to some situation as a newbie cop only to get that empty, sterilized credit stare back before being promptly ignored
one of the worst aspects of this mentality cult as a cop.
this is a roleplay server. roleplay.

if you come here to kill players go play ARMA, tarkov or some other gamemode.
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
one of the worst aspects of this mentality cult as a cop.
this is a roleplay server. roleplay.

if you come here to kill players go play ARMA, tarkov or some other gamemode.
same with some rebels but it’s a much bigger problem on the cop side
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
feels like well over half of us have forgotten we're playing a roleplay server


and in my early attempts to warn against this festering s2k issue (to both players and staff) i was waved off completely and told it wouldn't be an issue

now it is

told you so i guess


Apr 30, 2016
or how many times ive tried to realistically react to some situation as a newbie cop only to get that empty, sterilized credit stare back before being promptly ignored

When I give cops the thousand yard stare, I try to at least role-play being traumatized. It's not that hard, just a little flavor text and; if the cops actually respond to your roleplay, you can slowly open up to what you've been through. Yet remembering to be hesitant, as the character is probably self conscious about exposing a weaker side of themselves, however the experience leaves an impact on both characters.

Metro was peak Schizo SWORD-5; and would love to have more opportunities to explore the psyche of the perpetual gears of war, and the toll it takes on one person.

Like, honestly players just need to type more messages. Talk. Do /me's. I don't care what you're creating, just keep making.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
When I give cops the thousand yard stare, I try to atleast role-play being traumatized.
cake the problem is the people doing this are not roleplaying, it's not a plot device to unravel some rp

at best you get some look and they run off screaming on comms about how they're going to form an immediate PT to kill something
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