where does your forum/steam name come from?

Red Dress

Apr 27, 2016
holy cow.

I got the feels now, amazing.

In a sense, it is why I get furious when people try to argue that love is "just biology" or "just brain chemicals", that love and compassion is selfish.

Most of those people have never experienced true love and compassion. They have not seen the amount that it does to improve lives of many. There is a reason why in my medical guide I put my personal mantra "Through medicine, comes treatment; through compassion, comes healing" at the top.

Because it is true.

But remember, love is not an emotion. It is an action.

Love is when you put in work and energy to maintain and improve your relationship with a person.

Love is not easy, it is hard. Love is scary.

But love is worth it.


Doggo person
Apr 26, 2016
My name comes from...


Agitha c:
She's from The Legend of Zelda series, Twilight Princess (AKA My favvvv game), and she's just adorable. She also reminds me of myself when I was younger.. (She looks for bugs and that's what I did too, don't judge ;-; )
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aussie turk
May 24, 2016
I just went with ranger because my previous name was "frost", sounded gay and I was in a MetroRP server and my favourite faction were the rangers

it stuck and I eventually changed it to halokrauser - something I made up while looking at a halo spartan picture

returned back to ranger, and I think @Spitfire or @James had their name shortened to 'jam' or 'spitty' so I decided to cut my name to rang about 7 months ago
everyone started calling me rang
so I stuck with it

some old bros still call me ranger tho


Thanks, I hate it
Apr 26, 2016
I used to share a world of warcraft account with my two brothers. We couldn't agree on a username to my mom combined the first letter of our names then added our surname, so it was Jafdahl. I later got to keep the 'original' account while my siblings got their own. I shortened it down to Jaf and have stuck with it throughout my entire life.
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Self-Identified S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Sep 13, 2016
My forum name came from the main character of a short story I wrote years and years ago. My steam name is my online persona I identify as whenever I do games, social media, sign ups etc.


the very best rp man on planet earth
Apr 26, 2016
Someone called me a stalker the first time I used TS and the name stuck


eternal No-Lifer/resident Vampire
Apr 26, 2016
My first name initials, pretty much, no big deal. I never had a true nickname past things related to my glasses, my short height or how much I can eat without getting fat. But then someone whose name, sadly, I can't remember, addressed me as "J.C". I still don't know his reasons, I guess he just wanted to help me merge into his group of friends, but hey, I liked it. Only problem I have with this is I'm not used to people using my whole first name, so whenever it happens I feel something bad has happened or is about to happen.

But J.C you idiot, your name now is Jaggles!​

Oh well, that's true. This second nickname was given by @Evie. For some reason she started calling me "Jaggles" and I liked it, so I kept it. After all, I never had a proper nickname other than offensive ones, or, yeah, my very own name shortened, which is a bit lame.

So yeah, pretty much that, no big thing.
I always did like calling you Jaggles, but after you took it on as your alias, it became less fun to do so, lol. It was kind of a friendly joke and it was cute, but now it's not as special to me anymore since you took it on, aaaaah.. anyway, as long as you like it, I'm happy. :')

Also, same here. I never really had any special nicknames other than the ones common for my name. IRL I am sometimes called 'Eve' by family or people I know (pronounced differently in Swedish). But that's about it, except for some insultive things back when I lived in a certain suburban neighbourhood where the neighbours and kids were literally so judgemental not even my parents fit in. e_e"

Anyway! I got my username 'Evie' from.. originally an English online friend who used to call me that, years ago. It's no one from the community, you wouldn't know him. Then at some rare points other people have started calling me that as a sorta cute 'pet name' version of my name. I don't know, I always liked it. It's less special now after I took it on as a username, it's less personal, but I always preferred it over the nickname 'Eve', so.. yeah.


Hot wet beef
Apr 26, 2016
Stole it off some unlucky punk on xbox live (was originally PraiseMeboii) he kept saying profanity through the mic, hence why I was insipred by this figure
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Oct 11, 2016
I've said it a few times, but it's a pun on the character frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

Basically, my older brother used "Frylock" as his xbox gamertag. One time, he was playing with some French Canadians, and they were calling him "Freelok" instead of "Frylock". He used this as a running joke and I eventually caught onto it. When he made a steam account, it's name was "Freelok", I used it to start playing on Steam.

So, Freelok was born by 14 year old boys who couldn't pronounce words correctly.:ok:
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ruben slikk

life aint shut but a fat vagin
Apr 26, 2016
You want to know why I love cramdam? Cramdam is a completely self-made name. So many other names are based in nostalgic childrens shows, funny faces, relatable situations, or references. Not cramdam. Cramdam is completely absurd. It's a random assortment of letters. The first person to ever say cramdam did not do so out of recognition. The first person to ever write cramdam did not do so because a pre-existing name format. The first person to ever say cramdam pronounced a name literally pulled from the ether by sheer human creativity and willpower. Cramdam is evidence that humans can stare into the meaningless void of eternity and force their own meaning onto to it. I will always upvote cramdam.

Red Dress

Apr 27, 2016
You want to know why I love cramdam? Cramdam is a completely self-made name. So many other names are based in nostalgic childrens shows, funny faces, relatable situations, or references. Not cramdam. Cramdam is completely absurd. It's a random assortment of letters. The first person to ever say cramdam did not do so out of recognition. The first person to ever write cramdam did not do so because a pre-existing name format. The first person to ever say cramdam pronounced a name literally pulled from the ether by sheer human creativity and willpower. Cramdam is evidence that humans can stare into the meaningless void of eternity and force their own meaning onto to it. I will always upvote cramdam.

I take your cramdam and wager a Covfefe


Dig Down, and find faith.
Apr 26, 2016
In 2009 I started as a freshmen in community college. I was a double major in psych and soci. In my sociology class thhere was a girl who was paired with me for a collaborative project.

At the time I was a very mean, angry, and a jerk of a person. So, naturally, I told her to just shut the fuck up, let me do all the work so we can both get an easy A. I certainly did not want to collaborate, let alone trust her being competent with ideas.

At first she kept her distance, but always looking over to see what I was doing. Not really saying anything.

My harshness continued until she timidly announced a suggestion. It was not actually half bad of an idea... Actually, it really threw me off because it basically invalidated my entire project off. Hubris, huh?

That said, we decided to actually collaborate on the project as a functional team. Very odd, that never happens. We ended up getting a B.

Past the due date of the project she and I kept talking. We'd hangout after class in the library and just shoot the bull. I never honestly seeked her out, it was always her that would start a conversation or ask to hang out. Something I now regret not doing.

One day she asked if we could go out to get dinner. Sure, I thought it might be enjoyable.

I arrived at her house in casual clothing - nothing fancy, a tshirt and cargo pants. I never thought anything of it.

And then...

She opened the door. She wore this radiant smile on her face which was a part joy, part shyness, part anxiety. Along with this smile she wore this red dress.

I immediately knew I screwed up. This was not going out to eat, this was a date. And yet, something more was wrong than my oblivious attire:

She was still smiling after seeing me in my less than fancy clothing. It seems she did not care, though. She introduced me to her parents which was super nerve wrecking, but they were equally kind. I instantly knew where Ave inherited her smile from.

We went out for dinner and after we walled around a park without our shoes on. We found a bench where we just sat and talked.

It was this night where she told me a lot of things about herself. The dress she wore was once her grandmothers who wore it to her first date, who gave it to Ave's mother, who wore it on her first date, and now Ave recieved it - for her first date.

Ave hoped to eventually give it to her daughter one day.

Ave like to collect books of arthurian lore and folk stories.

Ave never really knew what she wamter her job to be as an adult.

Ave believed that inspiration is best found through nature.

Ave did not believe in the death penalty was a just sentence.

Ave believed in a cyclical afterlife of positive and negative energy.

Ave was dying of brain cancer.

It was a couple of months past the date when her father took a job in England, a place where her daughter always wamted to go. So they moved.

I saw Aveline off, and we shared her first and last kiss. Does itvmatter that it was on the lips?

Months went by, a year went by, a year and a half.

I recieved word that they were returning to the States, back to her hometown.

We become much closer. Though, as harsh as it sounds.. I never fell in love with her. I loved her. I did. I do. But I never fell in love with her.

Time went on. Ave's health eventually arrested her to bedside.

Just know that "bad day" is when holding a person's hand next to them in bed is more intimate than a first kiss.

She would periodically ask me to sing to her as we shared a favorite band. I am a god awful singer, but for her I sung and sung my heart out.

Aveline passed away several days before her 20th birthday.

So, why Red Dress?

It is in honor of her and to pass along the reminder that she had dreams past more than herself, onto her never-to-be daughter. It is a reminder that I should live tthe life she never got to. To live life and do things I want to because I am passionate about doing.

Still, there was a time (it never really leaves) where I wonder wether or not if I could have saved her if I showed her the love and kindness she showed me. That unconditional love she deserved and was not allowed. Compassion does wonders. it really is amazong what kindess heals. People do not realize that it makes a huge amount of difference.

And whether or not it is silly. I learned to believe in the afterlife. Something similar to what she believed. Maybe it is reminance of grief, maybe it is just necesaary for me to cope with her death. Either way, it is something I believe in spirit.

Through her friendship, I learned to be more compassionate.

My heart has healed from the loss of her and her friendship, but I still have the memory of the great (albeit brief) times we shared
Fucking should have been tagged as not safe for feels...


Dec 19, 2016
cool_man523 was my minecraft username from when I was 9. I had to make it in like 5 seconds. I'm too lazy to think of another one.