Why did FTRP fail?

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eating seeds as a pastime activity
May 23, 2017
The fruits of this alliance came to the Milrems letting the LCB massacre a bunch of civilians in the town (inc. one unarmed ALF guy @Remen, who recorded the bullshit) without any repercussions. I'm sure this is what you expect from the lawmakers of the town to sort out beef between two player-made groups (allying with one to try and destroy the other).
yea this was because we tried to hold a mass at the church and we got gunned down
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Apr 26, 2016
the lead got ousted over it
he was "ousted" because in comparison to someone who could literally bloodbend, and then someone else who could control the weather and cause lightning strikes at will, the power i drafted seemed too outrageous. sure it was definitely outlandish but the shitty lore and rules of ftrp never quite made it clear what was/wasn't acceptable.

but in reality from the brief time i worked on ftrp, I noticed the biggest decline in population due to LOTS of staff abuse. like holy shit it was the second day I was playing and there was an unimaginable amount of abuse, and a decline in activity from anyone useful.
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Apr 26, 2016
Or maybe not, that could lead to some interesting rp, instead of them just being normal survivors that pulls out a superpower when they need it or when they just wanna kill some hapless dude for "character development".
What I'm saying is that the mere title of being called a 'mutant' gives people permission to PK you. Mutants are heavily associated with the feral variety, aka the ones that have caused most grief to people during the outbreak. There's even less reason to sympathize with a mutant if they look less like a human and more like the creatures that make up feral hordes. Either the mutant gets PK'd by puritans after being found out or... actually, there's no alternative, because it is within people's rights to make characters who vehemently hate mutants due to their individual backgrounds.

There can be only one of you, the mutant that's revealed (arguably because app process is usually slow), but there can be an unlimited amount of characters out to kill you that aren't considered throwaways with enough development and planning behind them. Not to say it's wrong to have a purist character, but it's something that can be abused to high hell. Just as much you can abuse anything that can kill something indiscriminately and without much consequences *cough*rebels and bullsquids*cough*
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Apr 26, 2016
he was "ousted" because in comparison to someone who could literally bloodbend, and then someone else who could control the weather and cause lightning strikes at will, the power i drafted seemed too outrageous. sure it was definitely outlandish but the shitty lore and rules of ftrp never quite made it clear what was/wasn't acceptable.

but in reality from the brief time i worked on ftrp, I noticed the biggest decline in population due to LOTS of staff abuse. like holy shit it was the second day I was playing and there was an unimaginable amount of abuse, and a decline in activity from anyone useful.
I didn't mean to call you out specifically because ultimately you didn't cause it and I have no issues or whatever over it at all. It was just the thing that came to mind specifically because it was the first time I'd ever gotten involved in the drama indirectly from the server and from the logs I got sent at the time it was the case of:

"He made the script now you'll either accept it or we're kicking you off the team" which resulted in them quitting. It was silly and needless whichever way it was sliced especially given after they left the powers went off the scale.

And yeah, honestly very few people seemed genuinely dedicated. After a while it was "Lets just do dumb shit".
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Apr 26, 2016
What I'm saying is that the mere title of being called a 'mutant' gives people permission to PK you. Mutants are heavily associated with the feral variety, aka the ones that have caused most grief to people during the outbreak. There's even less reason to sympathize with a mutant if they look less like a human and more like the creatures that make up feral hordes. Either the mutant gets PK'd by puritans after being found out or... actually, there's no alternative, because it is within people's rights to make characters who vehemently hate mutants due to their individual backgrounds.

There can be only one of you, the mutant that's revealed (arguably because app process is usually slow), but there can be an unlimited amount of characters out to kill you that aren't considered throwaways with enough development and planning behind them. Not to say it's wrong to have a purist character, but it's something that can be abused to high hell. Just as much you can abuse anything that can kill something indiscriminately and without much consequences *cough*rebels and bullsquids*cough*

I don't think that would have worked


Apr 26, 2016
I don't think that would have worked
I'm not proposing any idea here? I'm just explaining the what and why of mutant PK mentality present in the past iterations of FTRP/QZRP.


Apr 26, 2016
He made the script now you'll either accept it or we're kicking you off the team
just to be sure it's not implied anywhere, I never had any part in that decision making. I was denied the first time, asked for an explanation, and soon after I was notified there was a new lead and my app was accepted.
As well, I was working on power-weapons for every mutant. I had 4 of them done (mine, electro-man, guy who could control light, guy who could turn himself into white phosphorous or something and make fire). I never got any more done because activity dropped and I sensed it wouldn't have been worth it.
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Apr 26, 2016
I'm not proposing any idea here? I'm just explaining the what and why of mutant PK mentality present in the past iterations of FTRP/QZRP.

I mean, I think that was one of the things that didn't worked out in the iterations of FTRP I played in


Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
I'm sure this is what you expect from the lawmakers of the town to sort out beef between two player-made groups (allying with one to try and destroy the other).

I would like to know where it was said literally anywhere that the military remnants were the lawmakers of the town when it was said multiple times by ourselves and the staff team that we weren't. The lawmakers of the town were the US Marshalls. Who did try to broker peace between you lot. Funny how that worked out eh.

What they're not telling you is how Los Chicos Blancos was a Mexican drug cartel, and that national guard remnants allying with them is possibly one of the dumbest things in the world since the Molotov-Rippentrop pact

It's almost like there was some kind of catacyclsmic apocalpyse that forced everyone to do morally questionable things to survive. It's almost as if most of the milrems were playing characters who would do whatever it took to ensure they survived comfortably. It's almost as if we were allowed to roleplay anything other than JOHN SOLDIER JOINED ARMY 2 SAVE FREEDOM LOVES AMERICAN PEOPLE. It's almost as if even in the world we live in today military units ally themselves with criminal elements due to corruption or threats.

yea this was because we tried to hold a mass at the church and we got gunned down

it's almost as if a large group of armed people yelling threats and rushing a military installation in an apocalypse isn't going to be greeted too well
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Apr 26, 2016
Oh, my God.

The fallacies and the constant causes of desolation for the server mainly comprised, at least through my experience as a player for Lemonpunch QZRP and staff for Nebulous FTRP and the Independent FTRP, of imbalanced dynamics in regards to player-on-world and player-on-player interactions, poor management of staff-related issues and structure in general and the inappropriate and constant misuse of the all-powerful pure/lucid mutant whitelists. In regards to the certain servers, from my point of view at least, I will mainly stick to Nebulous FTRP and the Independent FTRP, as I personally don't remember much of the last two months of QZRP, aside from a famine thing that got a lot of people mad, which introduced me to the genre.

The dynamics of the server, as I've partially noticed during Nebulous's run with the genre, was imbalanced as things grew largely dependent on active roleplay rather than a fair mix between active and passive. Events soon became a neccessity to maintain interest in the server, as well as the items and experience that came from them, with wide-open maps that, ironically, didn't tie in well enough for a sense of community to establish permanently. The distinguishing theme of OOC into IC and vice-versa was brought up, as is common for most, if not all, roleplaying communities and servers, which didn't really help in mending the great-schisms of the server and the fact that people claimed they either were gaining nothing from the experience or were just bored oustide of events, which made it incredibly hard for some to take the setting seriously. Meanwhile, in the Independent FTRP, the entire MilRems-LosChicos-ALF/WRM conflict happened in which, although it could have been amazing for In-Character development, I remember 'characters' going on literal witch-hunts thanks to the OOC mob-mentality that sprung, which heavily discouraged players from even trying to partake in the server as they're characters were IC'ly and OOC'ly vilified. At least, that's what I understand from it. The server continued onwards with further bad-choices, hereby making the setting of the server too erratic to actually take seriously, for some, at least. Mutants had a fair amount of influence over this topic as well, though that will be saved for later on.

Within some of the iterations of the genre, staff-relations and management were poor in regards to the day-to-day. Disinterest and a general loss-of-patience (which can be attributed to some of the attitudes of players, according to some) seemed to plague the Nebulous FTRP along with hints of staff-abuse. Activity declined, which was fairly negative in regards to the fact that FrundTech is a solely admin-driven server with no dedication being put-forth after, say, two or three weeks aside from a small handful of staff. The Independent FTRP's staff was, actually, fair in regards to staff doing the day-to-day. However, many players have vented to me that interactions with certain members of staff were rudely dismissive or openly hostile, which kinda shocked me a fair bit when I heard about this, though player attitudes, from my knowledge, were no better, which I don't personally find as an excuse, but-to-each-their-own. I also barely saw any faction leads do any work with their factions in general, which hampered the development of the Military Remnants, the management of mutants, and the actual activity of the Frund-Sec faction. Leadership was also semi-absent or mediocre. Despite all of this, I must give absolute props to @egg @dee pixel @afric @ZailSvale and any others I may have forgotten for their constant dedication to pumping-out events and help manage the server as much as they possibly could.

Finally, the mutant faction and their prospective abilities were rather poorly managed or simply outlandish, in general. As to Nebulous' FTRP, powers were regarded as 'a bit much' according to some, though I never officially had a stance on it and never really got involved in that topic. However, the mutant question was a rather large topic of debate in regards to the Independent Frundtech. Abilities were... to put it simply... over-powered and poorly-managed, leading to a fair amount of situations where in-server events turned into conundrums and left me in a constant state of bewilderment, with me being irked on what was occurring and causing a small outrage amongst the staff, who didn't have any information on mutants or their abilities what-so-ever aside from our own detective work. It was a mess.

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Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
but i mean tbh if we wanna go past all the drama, faction bullshit and baby gamer players the whole concept of FTRP as a server and how it works is pretty flawed and almost never going to work with the size and kind of playerbase it attracts
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Apr 30, 2016
tbh when I played ftrp, me and Softcat with a few other people decided to make a large bandit group with no real name, but only known to be led by a guy called "Kovac the Russian". It was cool, we mugged some guy from his shotgun with a pistol with no ammo because he didn't want to risk getting killed. Stole some other guys suit - some local self-proclaimed 'law enforcers' put a bounty and they found our hide out and actually had a massive shoot out.


It was well planned as we took a guy hostage by baiting him into our base, then my other guys ambushed the lawmen outside the base and ultimately - we did well. (But then it was voided because "It's unfair to just kill off all these people :(((") then we got nae nae'd by some random mutant who had the power to posess us or some shit - so I was forced by an admin to shoot softcat then myself.

Least to say - Mutants ruined the fun, certain groups had too much ooc power.
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Apr 26, 2016
it failed because staff teams always wind up being comprised of minus iq brianlets who can't direct their out of a paper bag and players being a bunch of dumbasses who use the server as their platform to project on their power fantasies


community antagonizer
Jun 26, 2017
it failed because staff teams always wind up being comprised of minus iq brianlets who can't direct their out of a paper bag and players being a bunch of dumbasses who use the server as their platform to project on their power fantasies

i remember snowl calling someone a redditor or some brainlet over the help response thing that was funny

idk you'll probably get x1 dumbed for it but it never enticed me to go on considering who i saw run it was pretty meh and there genuinely wasn't interest if it was gonna be something like ww3rp where there isn't a lot of roleplay and more interested in the clockwork s2k

cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
i remember snowl calling someone a redditor or some brainlet over the help response thing that was funny

idk you'll probably get x1 dumbed for it but it never enticed me to go on considering who i saw run it was pretty meh and there genuinely wasn't interest if it was gonna be something like ww3rp where there isn't a lot of roleplay and more interested in the clockwork s2k
Snowl got demoted though like all the people who were retarded for the most pat got btfo’d


community antagonizer
Jun 26, 2017
Snowl got demoted though like all the people who were retarded for the most pat got btfo’d

that's okhand. i can't criticize it as i never was on, but seemed the ww3rp crowd liked it mostly so i didn't expect anything more then just a ww3rp setting with mutants.

it was just the only thing that bothered me was seeing certain staff who i knew weren't going to be doing their upmost best, and if you don't root out idiots then people'll leave quickly

take i.e, UWG, Atlas-5, SCG(?), TEN.

i mean, not like i can figure out if that's the truth now.


Apr 26, 2016
I would like to know where it was said literally anywhere that the military remnants were the lawmakers of the town when it was said multiple times by ourselves and the staff team that we weren't. The lawmakers of the town were the US Marshalls. Who did try to broker peace between you lot. Funny how that worked out eh.
>implying the marshals did much lawmaking apart from executing one guy
Only thing marshalls did was use /observerstay near a group of people and do expeditions for them -- spent more time in observer than they did in 'policing' the town -- can barely even consider them lawmakers, even if they're meant to be (there was like 3 of them in total).

Funny how I worked it out that the large armed mob of soldiers that first processed people into the city seemed to be running it, with the occasional patrolling about they did no matter how much they said they'd stay out of "the town's affairs".

You seriously can't sit there and say that you aren't the lawmakers, when obviously you would kill someone if they gunned an innocent down in front of your eyes rather than walking away, saying "sorry bro not my problem, we're not in charge around here because this is le epic lawless post-apoc town XD so don't count on milrems".

It's almost like there was some kind of catacyclsmic apocalpyse that forced everyone to do morally questionable things to survive. It's almost as if most of the milrems were playing characters who would do whatever it took to ensure they survived comfortably. It's almost as if we were allowed to roleplay anything other than JOHN SOLDIER JOINED ARMY 2 SAVE FREEDOM LOVES AMERICAN PEOPLE. It's almost as if even in the world we live in today military units ally themselves with criminal elements due to corruption or threats.
Killing half the town and making nobody want to go there anymore made all the Milrems comfortable, yeah? Almost as if that sounds too far to be just "morally questionable" and more into "morally reprehensible", because I'm sure every Milrem character wanted a foreign drug cartel to holocaust the local population because you wouldn't let them into your base for them to hold a mass.

Nobody wanted "JOHN SOLDIER JOINED ARMY 2 SAVE FREEDOM LOVES AMERICAN PEOPLE" but it seems more like we ended up with "JOHN SOLDIER JOINED ARMY 4 HIMSELF HATES ALL PEOPLE THAT ARENT MILREM" outside of server-wide events. I don't think you can consider mass murder to be morally questionable.

it's almost as if a large group of armed people yelling threats and rushing a military installation in an apocalypse isn't going to be greeted too well
When they got gunned down, they (at least the only ALF person present) were closer to the ALF base than the Milrem base, so I can say that the consequential burning of the ALF base on top of that seemed a little unnecessary considering how all these people were "rushing a military installation".
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Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
When they got gunned down, they (at least the only ALF person present) were closer to the ALF base than the Milrem base, so I can say that the consequential burning of the ALF base on top of that seemed a little unnecessary considering how all these people were "rushing a military installation".

I was referring to one of the earlier incidents in the server when the very serious and totally not meme irish/islamic faction rushed the church to "pray" and got gunned down by the milrems

as for the actual shooting yeah gee those innocent civillians wearing ALF armbands who exclusively hang around ALF installations and are all friends with ALF gee whizz

Killing half the town and making nobody want to go there anymore made all the Milrems comfortable, yeah? Almost as if that sounds too far to be just "morally questionable" and more into "morally reprehensible", because I'm sure every Milrem character wanted a foreign drug cartel to holocaust the local population because you wouldn't let them into your base for them to hold a mass.

or perhaps we found the LCB a better choice because they were friendly to us, willing to sell us various IC items that our characters enjoyed, and were generally just far better at inter-faction relations than the epic right wing militia that epically stablized an entire state by itself and now epically wants to expand into colorado

I'm sorry not everyone liked ur retarded fanfic faction bub but its time to let it go

it was never our responsibility as a faction to make the server fair for you or for anyone else and i dont know why you kept acting like it was
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