Why did FTRP fail?

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Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
i agree it's all @Chester for starting the server in the first place

or perhaps the person who authorized widlly overpowered mutants, whose actions caused about five people to leave after their characters died to said mutants who quite literally were unkillable

the person who was authorized a military remnant character, never used it, coincidently decided to hop on a crucial moment and use it to start a war with the Milrems/ALF (despite not having authorization to do so and was granted auths after the fact, which kind of invalidates the point of auths in the first place), and then proceeded to delete said character and never use it again, only to use the existance of the now defunct character to sabotage the peace talks

the person who fueled this faction war due to the UNCUT ROLEPLAY he perceived it to provide and gave players the means and motivation to continue fighting it despite the leadership on both sides really not wanting it to happen

just a thought
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Apr 26, 2016
or perhaps the person who authorized widlly overpowered mutants, whose actions caused about five people to leave after their characters died to said mutants who quite literally were unkillable

the person who was authorized a military remnant character, never used it, coincidently decided to hop on a crucial moment and use it to start a war with the Milrems/ALF (despite not having authorization to do so and was granted auths after the fact, which kind of invalidates the point of auths in the first place), and then proceeded to delete said character and never use it again, only to use the existance of the now defunct character to sabotage the peace talks

the person who fueled this faction war due to the UNCUT ROLEPLAY he perceived it to provide and gave players the means and motivation to continue fighting it despite the leadership on both sides really not wanting it to happen

just a thought
i was making a joke, but ok you can be serious


Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016



Apr 26, 2016
so since most of the time mutants cause the downfall

what if you just couldnt be a mutant?
It'd be even closer to a generic post-apocalyptic setting. Fun fact, I never actually heard about or saw Frundtech in the offshoot community with just one exception. One instance where FrundSec went out their way to examine people in the hub where everybody was - not the bad part, but the fact it was the only time I even encountered the faction whose name is embellished in the name of the gamemode itself. Besides that, I never saw them around, glimpses in the fog or up close.

Never heard about people talking about them, direct experiences or seeing them in the distance. No rumors, absolutely zero discussion. Maybe I was just that unlucky to never be there when it happened, but to me, it felt like they didn't exist (with that one sole exception I saw them in the hotspot of survivor RP itself). Kinda went off-tangent there, I admit. It's not just the players who make ridiculous mutants, but it's also the position that's meant to manage these things. Rapidjuice allowed Astro to have a ridiculously overpowered mutant, whom proceeded to use that power to the degree it made people quit. It's very much like any faction with significant power; it needs to have a proper management to dispel abuse.

I've always liked the mutant side in FTRP, because it's one of the few things setting it apart from the usual post-apocalyptic stuff ("grrr zombies destroy everything!!!1"), and I've always liked to give it a try myself. Unfortunately, I've never been able to properly indulge into it for one reason or another; didn't tier up a lot in LP era (plus I ended up more of a wuss over time), had quite a few hiccups for the app in neb era (mutation reduced to the two parts from original I saw least useful for passive), and offshoot FTRP? Never got my mutant.

tl;dr: Probably just my personal preference, but mutants are one of the few things that make FTRP unique, and can avoid abuse with proper management... probably, perhaps several iterations of failure indicate it's not possible.


i like firetruck and moster truck
Jul 1, 2016
People got angry after they got shot at for trying to enter a military outpost in a church just because they couldn't pray, even though half of the people trying to get in admitted that they just wanted to see what gear the Military Remnants had. The reason that the MilRems and LCB both fucked over the ALF is because a member of the ALF went apeshit and tried to shoot the military, why you are surprised that you got screwed over in the end I have no idea.

Moving on from that, people were surprised when after they revealed their characters were either mutants or mutant sympathisers, people wanted to go full General Sherman on their ass and burn them, which is completely reasonable considering a mutant's tendency to lose control or even eventually turn feral after an extended period of time alongside the current state of the place after the outbreak.

Continuing on from the mutant point, their powers weren't regulated at all. Some would be Tier-1s and only have minor strength boosts with highly visible quirks, and some would be like the aforementioned Tier-3 hulk strengthened rando who looked almost completely indistinguishable from a regular human. The management for that faction was awful, and that's not even bringing up the mutant event char who literally had glowing red eyes and a scythe.

Also, the regulation of firearms in relation to feral spawns was off. People eventually had to resort to using spears and shields, despite being in a post apocalyptic USA where firearms and ammunition would be as common as a Twinkie in the first 3 months. But on the flip-side, whenever someone actually decided to do an event (Namely @afric and @dee pixel 's events) people immediately rushed towards whatever containers they could find rather than actually trying to pay attention to the objective at hand.

It could've worked but too much stuff went wrong from the first day for it to be considered a success. Big oof.


Apr 16, 2017
me and @sots made a couple and while it was retarded as fuck it was funny as fuck to play

chester is my favourite person ever i love how we literally just shitposted against eachother in ooc every time the cooldown went away it was really chill

until chester faked erp logs from me and then everybody thought i was a sinner and i still had 120 seconds on the timer so i couldn't clear my name

i preferred the snow map compared to the second one we eventually moved to even though it ran like shit and the fact that getting shit like pistols and stuff was so easy it put more of a emphasis on characters and shit rather than scripts


Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016
:heyzeus: be fuckin spawning 50 military grade rifles while drunk
i remember uh
after i quit because 'haha mr bitey head' naenae'd me @LykosNychi was talkin about how he found what he thought was a container that'd exploded.

several military-grade weapons just fucking lying on the floor, fuckloads of ammo, fuckloads of food, some armour, shit like that

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
People got angry after they got shot at for trying to enter a military outpost in a church just because they couldn't pray, even though half of the people trying to get in admitted that they just wanted to see what gear the Military Remnants had. The reason that the MilRems and LCB both fucked over the ALF is because a member of the ALF went apeshit and tried to shoot the military, why you are surprised that you got screwed over in the end I have no idea.

That's not what happened at all. They made it to the grounds within the fenceline, Milrems arrived and pulled their pistols but didn't initially fire - both sides shouted at each other for about five or so minutes while tensions escalated.

The lead irishman tried to negotiate passage, and of course, more insults were hurled when it didn't work. None of the ten people made any attempt to widen the breach and merely stood where they were.

Then the LCB, who were 'supporting' the marchers, literally pulled a 180 and had one of their members pull out an SMG and mow down the protestors because the milrems were playing nice to them. The survivors got mopped up by the Milrems afaik.


Apr 26, 2016
also wasn't the looting system done by hand admins spawning them


Apr 26, 2016
also wasn't the looting system done by hand admins spawning them
As far as I know, there never were any spawners, so yes, it was up to admins to do that. Which just adds more to the workload of admins, and adds the risk of favoritism in genera.

Deleted member 22

Did my mini events, tried doing how people see mutants differently and having each one be their own unique recurring outlast/begotten feral mutant that speaks and is deranged to gove players fun, eventually got demoted but what I noticed was the staff team was really fucking demoralizing to be part of the limited time I was there

I remember being gone for four days coming back on and Chester was detailing hiw he wanted to end the server because he didnt like how spoiled the playerbase was, had a really pessimistic view on the community at large. Just frustrating shit after we were all sold the line Frundtech was back and we would stay open despite playercount and shit like that
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cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
me and @sots made a couple and while it was retarded as fuck it was funny as fuck to play

chester is my favourite person ever i love how we literally just shitposted against eachother in ooc every time the cooldown went away it was really chill

until chester faked erp logs from me and then everybody thought i was a sinner and i still had 120 seconds on the timer so i couldn't clear my name

i preferred the snow map compared to the second one we eventually moved to even though it ran like shit and the fact that getting shit like pistols and stuff was so easy it put more of a emphasis on characters and shit rather than scripts
I remember I did like a event for you guys cause I knew you from here
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