Wild, wacky, crazy RP server ideas - post your own!


nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
The Division Roleplay.
With the removal of the rioter faction so its just citizens or survivors or something.


nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
Don't think that'd be terribly interesting, QZRP without zombos?????
I think it'd be cool to play, considering with atle and zak they could probably make a decent map and division models are slowly being ported onto the workshop anyway.
You could have areas permanently owned by factions for passive roleplay, then somewhere similar to the dark zone where its s2k-only and certain areas can be claimed/overtaken by factions.
And factions could be joined IC ;;0)))) cause it makes sense for that kinda thing.


Apr 26, 2016
ive been sitting on a maze runner rp for years but lack of funding, coding knowledge and the sort make it a dream incapable of becoming a reality at this time


nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
ive been sitting on a maze runner rp for years but lack of funding, coding knowledge and the sort make it a dream incapable of becoming a reality at this time
do you mean a roleplay server set after the solar flares but before the events of the 1st maze runner book (I.e: a server version of Kill order - the prequel book)? I think it'd be cool to cover that area of it, as it goes from 0 to 100 fast after the government release the Flare bioweapon over the US and could probably create some interesting events.
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Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
StalkerRP would be a good alternative considering it can provide the same action that drives the WW3RP base due to Duty/Freedom wars, Monolith raids, player-made mercenary groups, the military faction as well as independent bandit groups, as well as dealers to provide equipment beyond what's earned in events and 'expeditions'.

Ultimately, it adds a lot more player agency to the mix, adds NPC threats as well as takes on an interesting atmosphere that's perfect for half the maps used for WW3RP in the first place.

The only issue that would get people up in arms (or potentially please) is the absence of females outside of well-developed character applications. I remember a fem-char that went into the zone after hearing rumors of a wish granter anomoly that she was going to use to cure her child's terminal illness (I believe it was cancer but I'm not sure).

Basically, it takes what people enjoyed about FT/QZ RP, adds two warring factions, as found in WW3RP, makes STALKERs (civilian characters with an actual reason to flag on/play civilians, unlike in WW3RP where there's little incentive to play civ chars), creates a player-run economy by adding arms dealers and other types of flags which could be unique, giving each entrepreneur their own unique advantage (I.E. tier progression system, allowing more experienced traders a reason to work hard and be active) and freedom for event staff to create raids/infestations/missions/expeditions with risk and reward to keep people interested and work to collect/pawn anomalies.

It also gives every character a feeling of arc and adventure as they try and find their way in the zone, either staying indepedent, working for a mercenary group, joining FREEDOM or DUTY to fight for their respective beliefs, become a trader and try and make as much money as possible for their own reasons within the zone, or simply live for fame and try to become a legendary STALKER.

I don't know if this resonates anyone, perhaps I should just get out of here.
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Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
life of a peasant (LOAP) and all of the great/retarded variations were pretty popular a few years ago. went back on kinda recently and found a game of fantasy life but the rest seems to have died out amidst a sea of bot-hosted dota games

there was also a gamemode set in a city with like a farm and stuff you could buy. had like 3 events that would occur - can't remember the name. similar to loap except it didn't have any proper playable factions
oh god, I remember the following gamemodes that would be my shit;
Villager Life where you started as a child, leveled up until you evolved by going to school and stealing as many knowledge books before other players nabbed them, then eventually progressed getting jobs, homes and all that Gucci stuff, and there was an actual functioning save system.

Then another beloved, "Real Life for Morons", where you could start a farm, become a paid-for cop killer, create an army of mini-chipped super-toy soldiers, get jobs and earn perks for doing it a lot.

Castle Builder where red could be a dragon, teal could be a hydra and brown could be a demon and everyone else had to be an empire and generate gold through taxes and create an empire with name changes to allow RP'd diplomacy and shit.

Fantasy Life was like a dope RP take on Final Fantasy and it was pretty sick. I remember getting excaliber and these dank boots. Can't really remember much about them. Never managed to clear a full game though, came close a few times until XD disconnekt1!!

Zombie Hunter 1 2 and 3...

Fuck man, don't even get my started on the Mauls.

I feel bad for anyone missed out on the glory of Warcraft and Starcraft custom games, and I'd say if you've got the $$$ to do so, buy them and play it.
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Apr 26, 2016
undead assault II was literally my fucking shit on wc3tf, and now that wc3tf was brought up again i remembered i was going to reinstall starcraft 2 to try undead assault 3

the custom games i really enjoyed were Island Defense, UA2, mafia (sometimes), The Alternative Future

holy fucking shit people still play TAF

oh and also Island Troll Tribes was also the shit
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