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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
well i mean it was pretty cancer when people were rping as le mary jane MP who is hype active but is actually a 7 foot tall gentle giant woh is an strong independant woman but if you MESS WITH HER FRIENDS THEN U R IN A WORLD OF HURTT!!!!!! FUCC MILITARY LAWS ONCE YOU HAVE CLIT RUBBING SESSIONS YOU ARE BFFS

You don't really need to ban any character trait OOCly.

People will get fucked over ICly for it.

RP as a 7 foot russian lesbian glob. Immediately discharged, maybe executed if you fuck up hard enough.

No need to ban them when people can and will deal with the issue IC.
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Jun 11, 2016
well i mean it was pretty cancer when people were rping as le mary jane MP who is hype active but is actually a 7 foot tall gentle giant woh is an strong independant woman but if you MESS WITH HER FRIENDS THEN U R IN A WORLD OF HURTT!!!!!! FUCC MILITARY LAWS ONCE YOU HAVE CLIT RUBBING SESSIONS YOU ARE BFFS

I honestly don't get these type of people that actively ERP, like, if you wanted to get hard and grow your miniscule E-peen on the internet, why not watch porn and jerk off? You aren't gaining anything, but, just ruining the experience for other people, driving potential new players, and 2ndly, Isn't restricting female chars just make more gay Bffs rubbing their dicks togheter? I know this might sound homophobic, but i'd rather see lesbians rather than gay people (My opinion as a white priviliged heterosexual male with a penis)

Deleted member 22

You don't really need to ban any character trait OOCly.

People will get fucked over ICly for it.

RP as a 7 foot russian lesbian glob. Immediately discharged, maybe executed if you fuck up hard enough.

No need to ban them when people can and will deal with the issue IC.
because we dealt with it so well last time around half the faction was literally being run by malvina yarrick rip offs and lackey clones

sorry they disgraced you @Weresheep and @Stalker
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Deleted member 225

I honestly don't get these type of people that actively ERP, like, if you wanted to get hard and grow your miniscule E-peen on the internet, why not watch porn and jerk off? You aren't gaining anything, but, just ruining the experience for other people, driving potential new players, and 2ndly, Isn't restricting female chars just make more gay Bffs rubbing their dicks togheter? I know this might sound homophobic, but i'd rather see lesbians rather than gay people (My opinion as a white priviliged heterosexual male with a penis)
because no porn can get u going more than lusias thicc voluptuous thighs
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Deleted member 22

I honestly don't get these type of people that actively ERP, like, if you wanted to get hard and grow your miniscule E-peen on the internet, why not watch porn and jerk off? You aren't gaining anything, but, just ruining the experience for other people, driving potential new players, and 2ndly, Isn't restricting female chars just make more gay Bffs rubbing their dicks togheter? I know this might sound homophobic, but i'd rather see lesbians rather than gay people (My opinion as a white priviliged heterosexual male with a penis)
i'd rather not see any ERP, yes, ik i have done it like 50 times when i was 13 but im 16 now fam u know what im saying i already got dat dick wetted ;) no need for that virtual puss


Apr 26, 2016
Smh oxy said if people make retarded female characters then they'd be dealt with. Trust Oxy since he's competant and knows what he's talking about.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
because we dealt with it so well last time around half the faction was literally being run by malvina yarrick rip offs and lackey clones

sorry they disgraced you @Weresheep and @Stalker

CO's are... Sometimes rational people. Just line up every autistic character in a firing line and shoot them if it gets in a situation where you're being overrun by pink haired teenagers.

but i'd rather see lesbians rather than gay people

You what?


Comin' Straight from the Cookie Jar!
Apr 30, 2016
No sane military on this planet would allow someone like Gemma in their ranks.

There's a screening process in professional armies, people. They don't let just any dumbo in.

Yes, even in drafting.


Medical Roleplay Extraordinare
Jun 24, 2016
I honestly don't get these type of people that actively ERP, like, if you wanted to get hard and grow your miniscule E-peen on the internet, why not watch porn and jerk off? You aren't gaining anything, but, just ruining the experience for other people, driving potential new players, and 2ndly, Isn't restricting female chars just make more gay Bffs rubbing their dicks togheter? I know this might sound homophobic, but i'd rather see lesbians rather than gay people (My opinion as a white priviliged heterosexual male with a penis)
I'm going to have to ask you to make a second post so I can give one a nebulous and the other a dumb rating, my good sir. ERP is never something to pride yourself on as a server for RP.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
No sane military on this planet would allow someone like Gemma in their ranks.

There's a screening process in professional armies, people. They don't let just any dumbo in.

Yes, even in drafting.

She's actually a Nam vet, she just has performance anxiety and can't work when being watched.
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Deleted member 22

No sane military on this planet would allow someone like Gemma in their ranks.

There's a screening process in professional armies, people. They don't let just any dumbo in.

Yes, even in drafting.
but bro ic is ic if @Icepick64 wants to say in one of his characters backstories that he snuck into the military with autisim, getting through their advanced screening process, then so be it.
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Deleted member 22

speaking of ERP not all ERP has to involve another person, I remember this great time we had some passive ERP where a group of privates were having a circle jerk inside the barracks in Korea, and it was base inspection day, so @Wulfeh was on Harrison leading the fantasticly robust Major Kamgruppe @scrubmcnoob around base to show off our fantastic facility. Right as Kamgruppe walked into the bunk, he realized that the circle jerk was going on, and all their beds were in a circle, pointing at the door. Just as he walked in everyone fucking nutted on him at once, so that is how he got the name Cumgruppe

oh and don't forget how us globalists used to lock chapplains up in bamboo cages under freezing ice for being annoying little cunts


Jun 11, 2016
Why not limit ERP to something light? Like kissing and such, but not

/me slams his humongos 12 inch cock (compensation for IRL) inside (insert stuttery slut here) ravaging her insides

It would be boring if WW3RP was just an emotionless sausage fest of big bulky dude (Unrealistic standards for men, btw) shooting each other.
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