Willard Networks Discussion and its Future

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May 21, 2017
Its more so that we don't really 'compete' with anyone. The idea of servers fighting and trying to one-up one another is a practice that, imo, should have died back in 2013.

Most of the other big communities in our sphere we were/are on good terms with - even the TN guys got a thumbs up for doing cool stuff.

The difference between them and WN is that while they may deny it now, WN wasn't built just to make a community; they always wanted to try and cripple Neb by doing it. When @Subeh got perma'd and Atle tried to get him to be staff he got talking to Mendelivius and it was made quite clear that it was a matter of bad blood and none of the upper management at the time liked Nebulous or wanted to be on good terms with us. They were making a community specifically to try and gut us and steal our playerbase. That was Atle's mandate at the time.

I wish the chat logs had been saved but this was several years ago so sadly they're not and those that were posted were mysteriously removed by Pastebin around the time WN launched in December.

If you bring up the idea now it'll be met with denial or you'll just be accused of trying to start drama and dismissed but that's why the whole thing bothers me so much.
You can say you don't compete with anyone, but you do in practical terms. I don't really check player counts, but neb is down because willard is up right now. Even if you didn't want the competition, it's being forced on you. It sucks that Atle has a grudge against neb for one reason or another, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that hl2rp servers need at least 20-30 players at a time to be fully functional, anything less can only work if you're dealing with well experienced and good roleplayers. Willard makes this harder to accomplish.


community antagonizer
Jun 26, 2017
only hear snippets of some drama and strengths through the grapevine or have had problems with one or two individuals throwing shade my way on their forums that I haven't spoken to or provoked in multiple years.

Wherever people find their RP is fine I'm not one to complain but to essentially base a lot of your brand and image off of 'we're better than that other server c:' feels stupid given how much of their staff team seem to have a lot of hate towards this community.

this happens here, and literally anywhere.

on staff side it’s a lot more clean but fucking Christ rp player base are the worst offenders on showing up to servers to shit on it


Sep 30, 2017
I don't have any issues w/ Willard I've never once played it myself, only hear snippets of some drama and strengths through the grapevine or have had problems with one or two individuals throwing shade my way on their forums that I haven't spoken to or provoked in multiple years.
i wish i was famous enough to get shittalked by random people on different sides on the internet sadly the only shittalking i get is from here
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event guy
Apr 26, 2016
i agree with @Mute 's take

and let's be honest, stones and glass houses, nebulous isn't doing so hot at the minute either, that's something that needs to be worked on

the best thing for us to do is keep to our own business and work to improve ourselves

Deleted member 4609

Doomboy / Femguy
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 25, 2017
i wish i was famous enough to get shittalked by random people on different sides on the internet sadly the only shittalking i get is from here
trust me its nothing to be flattered by finding my name getting mentioned in random websites I don't visit by people I try to forget about

The Milkman

Aug 19, 2020
I dont have much to say since i havent played willard enough to form a real opinion on it other than the CPs on there seem a bit... clockworky. y'know what I mean, but after some boring walking around here's some shennanigans I got up to:

On one character:
Rations were offline for one reason or another
Me and a handful of citiizens decide that we don't like this
Hold a small protest in the street
Cops run in, pop a smoke grenade or 2 at us and we scatter
We reconvene and riot for rations once more, ending up stopping cops from arresting someone in the streets and end up beating 2 out of 3 cops nearly to death
Most of us aren't trying to grab their guns for the sake of everything not going TOO crazy, but ofc there are some who're going for da scripts
Eventually, a literal firing squad of like 10 cops show up and then most of us run away. But those who didn't run ended up getting s2k'd and PK'd (even those who tried to help the cops)
Rations still offline... this time we go ahead to try and raid the CMU because why not I guess. One cop is inside, and we bait him out and then dogpile him
Try to drag him in so we can steal meds from the CMU stealthily but lo and behold another firing squad forms and shoots most of us.
The other guys eventually steal the cop's gun and hold him hostage. Of course though, they both die in due time.
Rations put back online.
Mission success

On another:
Wandering the infestation zone. Found a friend to meet up and also some random vort. I find a hatchet laying by an apartment building.
decide to search it for more goodies with french friend
we find a journal entry about a datafile of corruption in the CWU and a hint
We follow the hints to even more hints, and eventually find part of a safe code
Go to the safe, which I had seen earlier and try out the incomplete code
Figure out "oh there's more to the code and a hint to the rest of it"
I tell the friend to backtrack for the rest of the code and wait behind
Suddenly, two OTA surround me and I have no choice but to surrender.
apparently they just happened to see us and came to get my ass
Brought to amputation room for 63, and cop tasked with doing it decides to taunt me.
Decide "no fuck you" and pull a hatchet they'd yet to confiscate while my tied hands are tied infront of me.
Cop shoots me in the neck, but I continue fighting, and just hitting him in vain.
Eventually fall down bleeding out and got a mercy bullet to the head
/pm ryan did u ever find the rest of the code?
[PM] Ryan > me: "No lol"
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Deleted member 4795

I had a more difficult time passing the servers intro quiz than getting into OTA if that tells you anything.

The span of an ocean, the depth of a puddle.

Deleted member 374

jesus christ denton
Apr 26, 2016
I had a more difficult time passing the servers intro quiz than getting into OTA if that tells you anything.

The span of an ocean, the depth of a puddle.
all the fancy programming in the world can't make up for a lack of vision and a lack of planning

neb persists because we have all of the above, despite whatever minor hiccups people like to shit on us for.
Jun 7, 2020
server is fucking shit


played it for like 10 mins and saw this from cops and just left mid search
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Oct 7, 2017
server is fucking shit


played it for like 10 mins and saw this from cops and just left mid search
Nebulous has been around for so long that most of the minges or weirdos got banned, kind of filtering out all the bad players

Willard hasn't been around long enough for that to happen, it will, but it just needs time
I dont have much to say since i havent played willard enough to form a real opinion on it other than the CPs on there seem a bit... clockworky. y'know what I mean, but after some boring walking around here's some shennanigans I got up to:

On one character:
Rations were offline for one reason or another
Me and a handful of citiizens decide that we don't like this
Hold a small protest in the street
Cops run in, pop a smoke grenade or 2 at us and we scatter
We reconvene and riot for rations once more, ending up stopping cops from arresting someone in the streets and end up beating 2 out of 3 cops nearly to death
Most of us aren't trying to grab their guns for the sake of everything not going TOO crazy, but ofc there are some who're going for da scripts
Eventually, a literal firing squad of like 10 cops show up and then most of us run away. But those who didn't run ended up getting s2k'd and PK'd (even those who tried to help the cops)
Rations still offline... this time we go ahead to try and raid the CMU because why not I guess. One cop is inside, and we bait him out and then dogpile him
Try to drag him in so we can steal meds from the CMU stealthily but lo and behold another firing squad forms and shoots most of us.
The other guys eventually steal the cop's gun and hold him hostage. Of course though, they both die in due time.
Rations put back online.
Mission success

On another:
Wandering the infestation zone. Found a friend to meet up and also some random vort. I find a hatchet laying by an apartment building.
decide to search it for more goodies with french friend
we find a journal entry about a datafile of corruption in the CWU and a hint
We follow the hints to even more hints, and eventually find part of a safe code
Go to the safe, which I had seen earlier and try out the incomplete code
Figure out "oh there's more to the code and a hint to the rest of it"
I tell the friend to backtrack for the rest of the code and wait behind
Suddenly, two OTA surround me and I have no choice but to surrender.
apparently they just happened to see us and came to get my ass
Brought to amputation room for 63, and cop tasked with doing it decides to taunt me.
Decide "no fuck you" and pull a hatchet they'd yet to confiscate while my tied hands are tied infront of me.
Cop shoots me in the neck, but I continue fighting, and just hitting him in vain.
Eventually fall down bleeding out and got a mercy bullet to the head
/pm ryan did u ever find the rest of the code?
[PM] Ryan > me: "No lol"
Yeah, the cops on Willard are trigger happy compared to the neb cops, but I'm guessing most if not all of the lower ranking cop players haven't played a cop before, they still need to learn the ropes, and so far they have only had a week to do so


Jul 30, 2017
i wish i was famous enough to get shittalked by random people on different sides on the internet sadly the only shittalking i get is from here
shut the fuck up battle of concho never forget
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Jul 30, 2017
I’ve been playing sstrp and they can actually force you to mount and download addons without having to disconnect from the server

now that is technically powerful


May 9, 2016
there's a resistance group on the server now
only 4 days left lol

i've seen you on there @The Milkman
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community antagonizer
Jun 26, 2017
server is fucking shit


played it for like 10 mins and saw this from cops and just left mid search

I think misogynistic shitty cops are fine if done right not to say that isn’t the manifestation of their own ooc thoughts but I was never a fan on how nebs cops outside of extrajudicial killings were basically doing somehow better than irl cops

I want cops to be vermin and human, better than then cold steel machine. These guys should be repulsive people you try to cut your conversations with short


May 9, 2016
I think misogynistic shitty cops are fine if done right not to say that isn’t the manifestation of their own ooc thoughts but I was never a fan on how nebs cops outside of extrajudicial killings were basically doing somehow better than irl cops

I want cops to be vermin and human, better than then cold steel machine. These guys should be repulsive people you try to cut your conversations with short

/me coughs
postal rolls 89 out of 100
postal yells "terranova!"
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Apr 26, 2016
As someone who’s been named on Willards forum.

they named the forum after his OC scientist who made a cheese based drink . Atle is, if not already obvious, so obsessed with himself he probably jerks his cock to his own image in the mirror.

let’s gloss over the fact they faked progress back in December 2019 to March 2020 in regards to their 90 dollars a month Patreon because they’ve always been plagued with drama and look at a single question.

What did atle thing he was gonna achieve? lol


infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020
let’s gloss over the fact they faked progress back in December 2019 to March 2020 in regards to their 90 dollars a month Patreon because they’ve always been plagued with drama and look at a single question.

What did atle thing he was gonna achieve? lol
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