GTA5RP Development - Answered Questions Archive


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Decided to make a thread to keep track of any questions that have been answered by the headstaff, in places such as Progress Updates or other threads. This won't feature stuff found in the original posts of the Progress Update threads, but rather questions found on later pages or other threads, so it should help condense things and help people to find answers before they ask the same questions as others (like I did).

I've sorted them into categories based on what the question was in relation to, and attached any relevant responses. Likewise, you might see the same questions and answers in multiple categories, however this is to save you time as a question might be able to be classified under multiple categories, and rather than having to dig and find which specific one it's under, it will instead appear in all the categories I believe it should be categorised. If you think a question should be under more, let me know.

I will update this as best I can, but remember I'm only Human and have other commitments. Likewise, if someone decides to do more multi-question posts, it may take longer to split them apart and sort them into their respective categories, so please be patient.

Are there any in-script ways planned for criminals to make money outside of roleplay situations (such as robbing).
GTA:W as an example has it so a big part of criminal economy comes from carjacking and turning those cars into lock-picks, and I believe guns. Will we see something like this?
We'll have crim jobs in addition to standard ones - finding vehicles to chop up and the like

What's the plan for the drug manufacturing system, or how is it planned for guns to come into circulation?
No idea LOL

will there be criminal organisations that control the drugs? for example some families having the rights to cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin manufacture? or how will that work?
We’ll talk more about that side of things nearer the time, although we may choose to keep a lot of it secret.

We don’t want everyone to immediately know how to do everything. We’ll be looking at criminal groups and who is fitting for permissions or knowledge of these things, it’ll likely be done IC.

will it have some form of char auths for things
Unsure. It's not going to run anything like any of our previous servers, staffing will be extremely minimal and most issues will be handled on the forums unless they're urgent and require someone to be kicked or banned.

As far as how players interact with NPCs, do you currently have any plans for any systems that correlate with their existence? For example, in GTA: Online, the NPCs don't serve much purpose than background decorations that you can run over. Would something like being able to rob them or some low caliber of interaction be a possibility?
We're not aiming to give them some purpose, they're mostly good as filler and providing vehicles you can steal.

can we steal the best cars in the game?
Vehicles will have changes to their handling, speeds, etc. There will also be cars that don’t come with GTA added.

Not all cars will be driven by NPCs so you won’t be able to steal them easily.

Inb4 you get hunted down and PK'd for dissing someone
You won't be able to PK others. You choose when you PK your character (with the exception of PK contracts, e.g: you join a gang and sign an agreement that if you want to leave, they can kill you and you will be PK'd.). Should also mean we don't really need to have PK appeals which has been a massive issue for HL2 RP.

How will gang wars and such be resolved? I assume there'll be some sort of system for characters to be removed from play if they cause conflict and the likes even if it isn't just blanket auths?
There likely won't be much authing of anything. Gang wars can be dealt with IC where a gang can concede.

How about non-vanilla guns?
Not something we’ve looked at yet but it’s possible

Is there gonna be anti-theft purchasable upgrades, such as a limited range tracker or immobiliser that increases in range per upgrade? I think that'd be pretty epic
Anything past cosmetic customization is still up in the air. I'd imagine we'd have ways of helping prevent theft of your vehicle

Do you have to initiate and that like on ARMA when you want to shoot someone or does it like where you just do it
You need to initiate it by at least saying something before you start firing. Can’t really just randomly kill but it’s nothing like a /me.

i'll be a cop and charge people for protection
Corruption like this will be somewhat allowed but you'll need to be trusted to a degree beforehand, otherwise it'll get very messy quick.

Similarly with civilian informants, they will also need to be trusted OOCly to ensure it's not meta.

is there going to be people running the banking system so people can commit fraud and flee to the desert?
Yeah the banking will definitely be automated

i intend to actually become an illegal arms dealer if that's possible
That's an area we're going to be fairly silent about for now, it's not something you're going to just "become" but with the right connections who knows what you might find.

If I’m not allowed to evade paying my taxes and fight off hordes of IRS debt collection squads, I’ll dump my box of Lipton into a river.
Technically player businesses can evade tax, not sure at what point a department of police will have someone who wants to investigate that stuff though

phone tracking for police? triangulation, records, being able to leave it behind, etc.
Tracking would be too powerful, phone records yes, burner phones yes.

What if you could get police scanners or some shit I think that would be really funny I wanna listen to what the cops are saying while someones getting chased

Big penalty if you get caught or some shit
That's a tricky one because of how also powerful that would be. It's definitely something we've thought of, unsure if we would want cops actively checking known criminal radios either too.

yeah but then all it takes is one guy leaking out your radio and then suddenly the cops are silently monitoring you for the next 6 months, leaving you confused and wondering why your heists are always garbage. any time I've had to hunt down a rat like that in any RP I've played it's never been any fun, you'd rather just be doing what you actually wanted to do in the first place
Cops will definitely be able to read the radio you're on if you go down and listen in on it, it's up to you or your boys to change frequencies but cops definitely won't be camping frequencies also, they won't be able to be on PD radio at the same time.

You'll have 100.00 - 999.99 frequencies at your disposal, I'm sure that's enough.

if a gang grows large enough, will they be able to officially 'claim' an area (ex. Plaza histórica de Alta, Madrazzos Mansion, Devin's mansion) and put down their own objects there
Well there's loads of room on the map so

will I be able to, lets say, put a speed bomb on a bus so if it goes under 60 mph it explodes
Not unless we make an item or something that does specifically this lol

will we be able to stuff some poor sucker in the trunk of our car, and will there something thats not quite handcuffs, maybe zipties that civilians could get for kidnappings
We've already made handcuffs and had zip ties on our todo list.

We do not want to develop everything possible for launch because I think we'd end up with a lot of features that go unused for a long time. If something starts organically by players we can develop something to assist with it.

If we try and make everything players might want to do it could be a big waste of time and also may sorta stagger player ideas, I like the notion of players coming up with an idea for something and it making it into the server, in a way as though they've made their mark on the server.
will police be NPCs or players?

@alex will there be police motorcycles? You can't have a proper police force without em

i'll be a cop and charge people for protection
Corruption like this will be somewhat allowed but you'll need to be trusted to a degree beforehand, otherwise it'll get very messy quick.

Similarly with civilian informants, they will also need to be trusted OOCly to ensure it's not meta.

TL-DR: Will the economy in terms of payment be balanced and realistic or are we going off of GTA levels of realistic in terms of economy and will the Government be taking percentages from business in the forms of tax on all sales made?
Yes there will be tax on goods that go into a government account. Player business will exist with goods and services to sell, in the beginning those goods might be by an NPC but will ideally be moved to player business down the line.

Unsure about officers getting a percentage of fines. The officer won’t determine the fine anyway, it’ll be automatically calculated depending on what you’re charged with.

phone tracking for police? triangulation, records, being able to leave it behind, etc.
Tracking would be too powerful, phone records yes, burner phones yes.

What if you could get police scanners or some shit I think that would be really funny I wanna listen to what the cops are saying while someones getting chased

Big penalty if you get caught or some shit
That's a tricky one because of how also powerful that would be. It's definitely something we've thought of, unsure if we would want cops actively checking known criminal radios either too.

yeah but then all it takes is one guy leaking out your radio and then suddenly the cops are silently monitoring you for the next 6 months, leaving you confused and wondering why your heists are always garbage. any time I've had to hunt down a rat like that in any RP I've played it's never been any fun, you'd rather just be doing what you actually wanted to do in the first place
Cops will definitely be able to read the radio you're on if you go down and listen in on it, it's up to you or your boys to change frequencies but cops definitely won't be camping frequencies also, they won't be able to be on PD radio at the same time.

You'll have 100.00 - 999.99 frequencies at your disposal, I'm sure that's enough.

Police K-9's?
K-9 units and other animals will be NPCs. The cops may possibly have a way to command the K-9 by pointing or something.

cops should chill out with the heavy weapons

only aircraft available (to everyone, authorities and randoms alike) should be recreational/unarmed.
Helicopters will be used by PD and possibly civilians but anything further will have to be looked at more; definitely not thinking anyone will have access to jets, they're currently prevented from spawning entirely in our gamemode.

will cops be able to use the helicopter camera to track police chases

will there be an option to 'party up' on jobs, so for things such as a garbage truck driver you could have a driver and collector, and to have the same for any scripted illegal jobs
Is starting businesses and the like going to be an easy task? One thing I always wanted to do in GTA:W was set up a proper taxi company, but the process is so long with so much red tape, it put me off it.
We aren't quite at the part where we put a lot of thought into this sort of thing, but I'd imagine you'll be able to buy some property and grant access to whoever you want. We might do some simple group management and etc

will people get free money from welfare
You’ll likely get money periodically from the state

Will there be car dealerships handled by players or NPCs
It may start as something more scripted but will likely transition to a player run business.

concentrate script "jobs" etc into one part of the map (the city) rather than forcing players to drive upwards of 8 miles to do certain script jobs
The first iteration of the delivery-style jobs had this problem, we've changed it so that the delivery points are kept within a radius of each other to minimize driving back and forth. The payout also increases with distance travelled

TL-DR: Will the economy in terms of payment be balanced and realistic or are we going off of GTA levels of realistic in terms of economy and will the Government be taking percentages from business in the forms of tax on all sales made?
Yes there will be tax on goods that go into a government account. Player business will exist with goods and services to sell, in the beginning those goods might be by an NPC but will ideally be moved to player business down the line.

Unsure about officers getting a percentage of fines. The officer won’t determine the fine anyway, it’ll be automatically calculated depending on what you’re charged with.

this going to be on the server?
The casino will be opened in an update

Will yachts be like really rare end game or will multi millionaires be pretty much the norm
You won’t be able to buy a yacht, I think that’s a little too far.

but with the shopping thing for stores will there be an option/way for players to own/run stores, stock them with their own choice of stuff, set their own prices, etc?
Yes, definitely.

The general store is just for typical daily items, businesses will have more tailored items.

Current focus for the next update post is going to be player activities that aren't just jobs
Interesting, any examples? A part of me is thinking you mean stuff like hobbies
It could be something as simple as a fishing tournament or hanging out at Burger Shot, we want to ensure players can roleplay and have interactions without it being limited to times when doing a specific job.

will there be an option to 'party up' on jobs, so for things such as a garbage truck driver you could have a driver and collector, and to have the same for any scripted illegal jobs

do you plan to release with civs able to also get radios for communication, or will it be mostly phone use for long distance comms
Won't the existence of NPCs create lag? I always thought that was the reason servers like GTA:W removed them, but GTA Online works fine with them, so I guess...
No, GTA:W can’t have them because RageMP has no way of having passively created NPCs unless you make it yourself (and even then it’s likely nowhere close to GTA:O).

@alex what can we expect in terms of performance? eg if you can run vanilla gta at 60fps, would there be a big hit to fps on the server?
Absolutely no idea, FiveM can have performance issues with very large amount of players in one area but I don't think it's going to be a problem.

how do you plan to handle NPC pop in/out that happens on other servers?
It’s not something you can control. Cars are spawned by players, many players with different pings will have different delays and so you can end up with pop-in or weird AI spawns.
When it comes to models, if this hasn't been talked about yet, which type of models'll be available to us? I'd like to see NPC models as well as the GTA Online playermodels in use
Both are available.

i wasn't joking
divinity rp added wheelchairs
what's stopping you

add shopping trolleys too
Let us focus on making sure the core gameplay is solid and then we'll look at this kinda thing.

Nothing is stopping us doing anything, we're just not going to push in random content for the initial release if we haven't finished everything else up.

@`impulse will there be options to change walking styles

will we be able to play as both the mp and ped skins ( for our character

will jobs assign us with an actual uniform, like putting a high vis on a garbage trucker, postman outfit on a delivery guy and like the bugstars jumpsuit for pest removal jobs, and if so, can that option be disabled for players with a ped skin
No, but you can just change your outfit if you'd like

please don't make inventory-based bags forcefully appear on the player- it's kinda aids to see everybody on other servers run around with designer clothes, three piece suits & dresses only to have a hiking backpack cloak all that shit
I don’t think we have any bag items at all currently.
from experience with other servers like ecrp where your faggio can do 10mph max and you can't get another car
please make the starter cars at least viable, it takes players away if they can run faster than your vehicle
Also there will be NPC vehicles everywhere unlike RageMP where you only have player owned vehicles.

Will yachts be like really rare end game or will multi millionaires be pretty much the norm
You won’t be able to buy a yacht, I think that’s a little too far.

Will there be car dealerships handled by players or NPCs
It may start as something more scripted but will likely transition to a player run business.

you going to increase vehicle damage so you can't drive around and plow into peoples cars with the same vehicle without repairs?
Yes, we’ll make changes to vehicle damage.

Is there going to be custom vehicles for Factions added / for players to buy etc... I'm assuming there's no real limitation to what cars can be added additionally, considering there's plenty already that Rockstar just keep adding, obviously logical Civilian cars, not fucking Oppressors and tanks n shit. Custom models for these vehicles and such?
Not thinking about custom content too much right now but yes, we'll likely have non-vanilla content after launch.

Is there gonna be anti-theft purchasable upgrades, such as a limited range tracker or immobiliser that increases in range per upgrade? I think that'd be pretty epic
Anything past cosmetic customization is still up in the air. I'd imagine we'd have ways of helping prevent theft of your vehicle

is it possible to get an oppressor mk2???
we crash your game if you spawn it

do you already have a selection of modded vehicles like police cars lined up, if not then are we going to see them before release
Assets are still up in the air for now while we actually make things work

do you plan to have a feature where you could for instance load an atv or motorcycle into a bed of a truck and lock it into place. I guess the same for the box trucks that have the lowering back door on them too
Tow trucks already attach vehicles to themselves so it's possible with specific vehicle type if we want.
damn they got the helix inventory
Items won't use more than a single grid slot so no inventory tetris.

can you make it so that we can choose to have the ammo counter on the left or the right side of the screen
Customization of UI stuff probably won't be considered until after launch since it's all still being made

will there be an option to disable the giant green nebulous logo flashbang that covers your screen when you open up shop inventories, it hurts my eyes when it flashes up real quick like
the same goes for closing it out, or maybe making it a bit transparent so its not a solid color washing over your screen for a moment
The interstitials are meant to hide big changes like teleports/level streaming/full screen UI appearances. It might be much for the item shop, but it was easier to stick in an interstitial than to animate all the shop elements nicely :~)

will the accessibility options for colorblindness also take effect on the minigames colors, I noticed that the lockpicking one uses bright yellow
It should affect all UI elements with the exception of images. The lockpick minigame was made before the colorblind mode was added (and also very work-in-progress back then anyway)

What's the situation for stuff like animations, e.g: pointing in a direction, dancing, laying/sitting down, etc? I just realised that to actually do a mime character you'd need a lot of animations and the like to be able to do it, so would it actually be possible and how does it work in GTA V, do we type actions, are there keybinds, if we just walk our ass up to a chair is there just an option to sit, or?
You’ll be able to do a shit load of animations, we’ll have a menu with emotes and ways to bind 3 or 4 of them for quick use.

phone customization?
as in
changing the background, interface color, even type of phone?
Possibly? It's technically possible. [As for changing the phone] It's something we talked about before even making the phone. We have some funny ideas.
will there be an age requirement for factions, such as not letting 12 years become a cop

will it have some form of char auths for things
Unsure. It's not going to run anything like any of our previous servers, staffing will be extremely minimal and most issues will be handled on the forums unless they're urgent and require someone to be kicked or banned.

how long do you imagine it'll take before a close/open beta will be available? Rough estimate, atleast
Whenever it’s ready, I’m not going to say when we’re aiming for because we’ll get hounded for missing it.

is this server going to be the type where you have to fill out a application to get on

will we be forced to use mics?
It's a voice server, so yes.
There won’t be any IC text chat.

Does GTARP servers regularly wipe their servers? Or is it something you guys will be doing?
Shouldn't need to regularly wipe the server.

do you plan to introduce a whitelist further down the road after the server is out, and will active players be grandfathered into it

how many player slots do you think you will run to start
Undecided, likely lower than 100 so we can assist people properly for any launch issues or tutorial.

will this take place in like GTA5s exaggerated world or will it take place in real life (i.e brands present in the game versus brands present in real life)
Oh, uh likely a mix of both really

idk if this already has been asked/answered but what are the potential premium benefits for gtarp, if any are planned at the current stage
It's still early for us to look at premium stuff, lots of things are going to change between now and release

I definitely recall seeing a group of people doing a ghostbuster/paranormal activity on-going bit, so would that be something we'd allow here or no?
Yeah I mean, if you wanna roleplay ghost busting I don’t see why you can’t. The GTA world is crazy as-is and that’s why we enjoy it for our next project, it’s so much more flexible than anything else we’ve done.

There will be a lot of creative freedom.

Also, if we're having a twitter/facebook/social media thing that I've seen, may I suggest such options as Full-Life or maybe something like W-Network?

And if we don't have a fucking soda called something like LimePunch I'mma be considerably sad/disappointed.

Edit: Would it be cursed and/or copyright infringement to have Doctor Pepper soda? I want more community references dammit
Thing is we can't make everything in reference to the communities past/present, Gotta be relatable to new people as well - so when someone goes "Where's twitter" and you tell them "Oh it's called Full-life" They'll be very

But they'll certainly be some nods that older members will catch onto, but I'll consider something like Limepunch, It is sour after all

Will it feature seamless character swapping?
You’ll likely have to go back to your house/apartment to switch characters.

As far as how players interact with NPCs, do you currently have any plans for any systems that correlate with their existence? For example, in GTA: Online, the NPCs don't serve much purpose than background decorations that you can run over. Would something like being able to rob them or some low caliber of interaction be a possibility?
We're not aiming to give them some purpose, they're mostly good as filler and providing vehicles you can steal.

we want a banger as the loading screen anthem

@alex no brightside pls
I doubt we’ll have loading music, nobody wants that.

will there be inventories for dumpsters, garbage cans, boxes and other random objects around the map and will they be persistent between server shutdowns
It's possible, but there are some performance concerns with having absolutely loads of inventories sprinkled across the map - this is also why nearby dropped items are grouped together

will there be a version of twitter or the likes that we will be able to access via phone
I think we'll have some sort of "social media" app ye

will there be street races with scripted waypoints
Not at launch. I'd rather a street racing scene form organically from players wanting to race and then we develop something for it afterwards.

will there be party-chats on the phone or is it restricted to one-on-one
You’ll be able to get a radio to talk to your boys.

is there going to be people running the banking system so people can commit fraud and flee to the desert?
Yeah the banking will definitely be automated
custom music?
Maybe. Would need to be DMCA free though

How about non-vanilla guns?
Not something we’ve looked at yet but it’s possible

Will there be music stations from other GTA games available?
Radio stations containing copyrighted content will be disabled.

will there be potential for players to have custom items, such as a business selling their own branded food, or a mechanic thats actually outfitting his own gps trackers onto cars to go steal them later
Yes, already stated there will be tailored items.

will there be custom map addons, such as the remade mission row or more trees around harmony/route 68
Undecided, not much effort to add them.

this going to be on the server?
The casino will be opened in an update

will licenses be actual items or just something attached to your character
A drivers license is an item.

@spalius it will not be released unless we decide to sell it, which is unlikely.

If GTARP is a success, will Neb possibly look into a RD-RDRP?
We'll see. RedM is developed by the same people as FiveM and the development for gamemodes is near identical; it definitely depends on how GTA RP goes.
will we be able to change keybindings to better suit controller use
There's a couple pages of keybinds you can change, but the UI itself doesn't work with controller. Maybe sometime after release

will there be any change to how shooting works from inside a vehicle (ex. driver cant shoot but passengers can, more spread, etc)
Haven't considered this, but we'll definitely make balance changes as we see fit

do you plan to have functional golfing, tennis and darts
Not currently.

What's the situation for stuff like animations, e.g: pointing in a direction, dancing, laying/sitting down, etc? I just realised that to actually do a mime character you'd need a lot of animations and the like to be able to do it, so would it actually be possible and how does it work in GTA V, do we type actions, are there keybinds, if we just walk our ass up to a chair is there just an option to sit, or?
You’ll be able to do a shit load of animations, we’ll have a menu with emotes and ways to bind 3 or 4 of them for quick use.
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GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
maybe categorize it by question genre to make it a little easier to read and see wtf was asked
in progress currently but I ran out of time for today so will be re-approaching tomorrow and please for the sake of my sanity going forward please no more multi-question posts, they're extremely difficult and time consuming to sort through.

Also, side note, shoutout to me from september ironically having the same idea as me two days ago but me forgetting about it until two days ago, found this in the first progress thread;
Will there be a HL2RP changelog type of thread (I.E: A locked thread that only updates get posted to) at some point in the near future for GTA RP, or will all future progress updates be their own threads? Or possibly both? It'd be nice to have a concise place to follow the progress each time without having to dig through pages or go between threads.


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Okay, I think it's as organised as it can be. If anything is in the wrong place or could be categorised into multiple things, let me know and I'll make a judgement. If there's any questions you believe to be important and that haven't been listed here, let me know and I'll have a look and see if it does belong, or if another question has already pretty much answered it.

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