Do you think we will ever get some form of zombie survival related roleplay server?

Would you want there to be a zombie survival roleplay server?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 24 50.0%

  • Total voters


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Anyone up for hosting a PZ server where we can test what works?

It won't be entirely accurate, but at least we'd know how rare loot would need to be, how fast/dangerous zombie are, and how the players would react in those scenarios.
Apr 26, 2016
Anyone up for hosting a PZ server where we can test what works?

It won't be entirely accurate, but at least we'd know how rare loot would need to be, how fast/dangerous zombie are, and how the players would react in those scenarios.
werent you on the other one we tried like a few months ago?
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May 15, 2016
Anyone up for hosting a PZ server where we can test what works?

It won't be entirely accurate, but at least we'd know how rare loot would need to be, how fast/dangerous zombie are, and how the players would react in those scenarios.
I don't got Project Zomboid tho, and I sparked the argument about Zombie strength in the first place :(


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
werent you on the other one we tried like a few months ago?

Yep, with @Powley.

I don't got Project Zomboid tho, and I sparked the argument about Zombie strength in the first place :(

I don't think zombies are powerful in numbers, especially with Gmod lag. So I think having individual zombies be stronger would be clever.


May 28, 2016

Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.


Demon possessed zombies when? This has been the only thing I've been thinking about all month If you couldn't tell from my posts for the past week.​
Apr 26, 2016

Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.


Demon possessed zombies when? This has been the only thing I've been thinking about all month If you couldn't tell from my posts for the past week.​


Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016

Personally I've wanted to get some sort of TWD style RP going but it's so damn difficult to make good. Zombie NPC's don't work too well at all since they're way too easy to outrun/kill and it turns into FTRP with people having groups and bases that are over the top.

If we kept it so that the map kept changing every so often as if people were almost forced to travel due to some sort of TWD style horde then it might alleviate the whole base group shit but people wouldn't enjoy being uprooted so often. If we could get some sort of balance with Zombies where headshots are needed to kill but they're slow and in greater numbers that would be pretty fun, getting people to use tactics because they'd run out of bullets before the zombies are gone. But there'd be no sneak tactics available simply because of how NPC's work.

Unfortunately, the only way to manage this is to either remove the entire hitbox besides the head, or just having their HP high enough to require multiple headshots to kill, which in my eyes is better. By having stronger zombies, and even some fast ones that are just as durable, you can allow stronger weapons and ammo to enter the item economy without it being too damaging on the server. My idea is that people would have plenty of weapons to use while needing the specific ammo types and trade their other ammo types when in need of their own.

why not 28 days later rp, where it's literally just pockets of people and pockets of the undead left over, no established government and no military intervention, essentially no administrated factions besides maybe something like the Red Cross which drops supplies into the zone and manages borders, stopping all people and infected from leaving, essentially waiting for everything to die out before shit gets firebombed.
This is sort of the idea I was thinking of, however, it would have a small faction of PKable military troops that try to lead the survivors out of the city and end up finding out they themselves are abandoned and have lost contact with command. Then it's their choice is they want to split, help the survivors, or help themselves once they've all escaped the city and end up in more rural/suburban areas. The talks of borders being cut off and military as well as government going down should not be known by the average survivor as to give them hope in finding one of the two groups in the future.
  • Zombies die from just one blow to the head, and are slow
That won't work. Too easy, I hate to say it but if the only threat besides other humans is slow, 1-hit KO zombies, the bigger threat will definitely be humans.
  • Players, when hit by a zombie, are basically screwed with them becoming "infected". This gives players a reason to stay away from them, and stick together in groups.
This gives players a reason to never use melee weapons for fear of being PK'd if they die. I can understand if weapons are more common as it becomes your own fault for getting too close.
  • A lot of zombies, since otherwise you could just avoid them.
Fair enough, however, I think there should be special zombies, I.E. fast zombies (remodeled as civilians, as per this NPC pack I found) to fill up space. The fast zombies actually can fuck a :heyzeus:' up and while it's not in the traditional zombie RP style, they're essential to creating a legitimate threat for bigger groups who decide to group together and get things done (one or two of them could probably fuck up a 4-man group armed with pistols if they're not actively trying to dodge the leaps, pretty devestating, mix that in with a few regular zombies and it's pretty intense).
  • Have a goal of every map, when that goal is fulfilled (for example fueling up a group of vehicles, repairing a bridge etc) the map changes. This will play into a bigger story as it goes on.
Something like that to constantly be trying to progress and get out of the city. I recommend having plenty of weapons/ammo being spawned and set up before the first map is unlocked, and following that day, they should progressively be spawned less to stimulate the cities supplies slowly draining as people have looted it. Objectives must made to keep people entertained, such as water purifiers and bases to be made. The zombie pack I've downloaded actually allows them to open some doors as well as bash aside barricades to get through.
  • Have the players find their own place to try to stay safe, all staff has to do is help out when they ICly build things like fortifications.
Yes, they should be able to try to stay safe, however, giving permanent safe spots is not a good idea in a zombie apocalypse. Every place should be able to be over-run, as zombies do, so that people have that feeling of losing the place, losing people with it and having to move on to find a new place.
  • PK heavy, if you die from a zombie. You're dead. This is supposed to be a zombie apocalypse. People die.
My only concern is for staff to blatantly spawn shit behind others for a 'shock scare' or other misuse of those powers to create extremely unfair circumstances for people. I agree if you're killed by a zombie, you should die, as people in zombie movies do, but at the same time, it falls upon staff to look at the equipment of the group that's going out, or the person that's there and spawn in items as well as an appropriate amount of zombies so that it feels a bit 'progressive'. (The better equipped you find yourself, the harder and more difficult he circumstances you run into should be, however, there should still be a sense of reward).
  • Have staff watching players. If a group of players organize a scavenging run, a staff member flies over and spawns stuff and NPCs wherever they think the players might go to scavenge.
That's a necessity, agreed.
  • Regular events, even the simplest ones like "a radio signal from a nearby infested building" or "a horde approaches"
I disagree with using /event for those things. I'd only use event to maybe set up atmosphere and PK'd character's final death /mes as sort of a tribute with a triage at dawn-like song played after their death.

  • Have guns and ammo be rare, but melee weapons plentiful. This is because picking off zombies at a long range basically ruins the whole danger of the slow, strong zombies.
I have to disagree with you there. Without guns and ammo common with a threatening zombie class, people will lose interest as they will find if they try to melee people, as per your game world, they'd be infected when hit and eventually turn, while killing off all character development. The key is to make zombies strong and some fast in order to create an element of fear, even when people are equipped with stronger weapons and ammo, they're still bullet sponges as well as a few fast ones to make up for it. These zombies take 3+ headshots to kill, same with the faster ones so for that matter, not having guns/ammo would be worse for the players.
  • If there is IC beef between players, they are free to split into two groups. Everything stays the same, it's just that the survivors are now more divided making it harder for everyone.
My idea is that if people want to stick together, they can, if they don't, they can suffer the consequences of having to fight through shit alone, struggle to scavenge and probably die doing it alone.
  • New players. Staff will have to show them the ropes I guess, get them introduced and such. This is kinda the main weakspot of my idea.
I believe new players without any weapons should be NLR'd on death until they actually can find something to defend themselves with, or find a group of people who can protect/help them.
  • Staff would also need to create a bigger threat from time to time, such as playing as small bandit groups whose main goal is just to mess up the group, or spawning zombie hordes
"Staff" should not create a bandit group, that should be left to the players and the rules should be that they can only quarrel/force tribute from another group. Having bandit groups being able to just pick off individuals is anti-fun and it kind of fucks people over. I know it's the zombie apocalypse but there has to be Draconian rules on mugging because of the community we're in.
  • I have an idea brewing in my head for a potential lore and progressive story as the server would go on. Let me refine it and I might post it here.
same xD
  • As the days go on on a certain map, the zombie threat grows bigger. This created a sort of urgency to finish the maps goal
There should always be a sense of urgency, whether it be escaping from locations to progress to another, or event just thinking up a way to get your group that's stuck in a house to escape, scatter and regroup to live to the next day when they wake up and realize their home is surrounded by a horde.
  • Have no special factions (except maybe for the staff to get things like bandit characters to fuck shit up with), make character auths instead. These would provide a short backstory, and then the player requests what they want. An example is character knowledge of how to do something, or just a few scripts. If a player asks for a gun or ammo in their auth they need a very good reason to have it.
No, I disagree. A) I believe there should be a small group of military who are tasked with a section of the city, however, they listen to command and eventually lose contact with command, leaving them in the dark where they need to do an important objective with explosives to escape a section of the city and bring the survivors with them. Afterwards, they should be able to abandon their other troops and go off on their own, or with another group, or whatever, they become just regular survivors, unless the leader of the military wants to force them to stay. It's really up to the remainders of the group to decide what they want to do, or do to others who want to leave. The idea is that all those military soldiers could potentially end up infighting, causing most of them to die, or allow people who want to leave, leave and them it dies off like that, or even stick together and try to work to keep power over citizens, or just to help them.

B) Character authorizations should be responsibly managed and while people should be able to request pistols, rifles, shotguns depending on the reasoning for them to have it and their backstory, — weapons and ammo would consistently be entering the item economy anyways, so that it doesn't matter. It's just another way for items (when they die) to enter circulation.

C) I think it's a bad idea to encourage staff to make throwaway bandit characters tbh, lol.

imo the only way zombies in a game mode like this would work would be if they:

Are fast.

Hit hard.

Have low-ish HP.

This allows them to still be killed by players, but if they'e in great numbers or they sneak up on you you're fucked.

The map is also a great factor, since maps with a lot of open space (See: Chapperel or whatever) makes zombies less of a threat as you can see them coming from a mile away. Dense and populated maps are a must, imo.

Why not a combination of both fast and slow zombies, but have high HP as well as well as 'hit hard'?
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

Unfortunately, the only way to manage this is to either remove the entire hitbox besides the head, or just having their HP high enough to require multiple headshots to kill, which in my eyes is better. By having stronger zombies, and even some fast ones that are just as durable, you can allow stronger weapons and ammo to enter the item economy without it being too damaging on the server. My idea is that people would have plenty of weapons to use while needing the specific ammo types and trade their other ammo types when in need of their own.

This is sort of the idea I was thinking of, however, it would have a small faction of PKable military troops that try to lead the survivors out of the city and end up finding out they themselves are abandoned and have lost contact with command. Then it's their choice is they want to split, help the survivors, or help themselves once they've all escaped the city and end up in more rural/suburban areas. The talks of borders being cut off and military as well as government going down should not be known by the average survivor as to give them hope in finding one of the two groups in the future.

That won't work. Too easy, I hate to say it but if the only threat besides other humans is slow, 1-hit KO zombies, the bigger threat will definitely be humans.

This gives players a reason to never use melee weapons for fear of being PK'd if they die. I can understand if weapons are more common as it becomes your own fault for getting too close.

Fair enough, however, I think there should be special zombies, I.E. fast zombies (remodeled as civilians, as per this NPC pack I found) to fill up space. The fast zombies actually can fuck a :heyzeus:' up and while it's not in the traditional zombie RP style, they're essential to creating a legitimate threat for bigger groups who decide to group together and get things done (one or two of them could probably fuck up a 4-man group armed with pistols if they're not actively trying to dodge the leaps, pretty devestating, mix that in with a few regular zombies and it's pretty intense).

Something like that to constantly be trying to progress and get out of the city. I recommend having plenty of weapons/ammo being spawned and set up before the first map is unlocked, and following that day, they should progressively be spawned less to stimulate the cities supplies slowly draining as people have looted it. Objectives must made to keep people entertained, such as water purifiers and bases to be made. The zombie pack I've downloaded actually allows them to open some doors as well as bash aside barricades to get through.

Yes, they should be able to try to stay safe, however, giving permanent safe spots is not a good idea in a zombie apocalypse. Every place should be able to be over-run, as zombies do, so that people have that feeling of losing the place, losing people with it and having to move on to find a new place.

My only concern is for staff to blatantly spawn shit behind others for a 'shock scare' or other misuse of those powers to create extremely unfair circumstances for people. I agree if you're killed by a zombie, you should die, as people in zombie movies do, but at the same time, it falls upon staff to look at the equipment of the group that's going out, or the person that's there and spawn in items as well as an appropriate amount of zombies so that it feels a bit 'progressive'. (The better equipped you find yourself, the harder and more difficult he circumstances you run into should be, however, there should still be a sense of reward).

That's a necessity, agreed.

I disagree with using /event for those things. I'd only use event to maybe set up atmosphere and PK'd character's final death /mes as sort of a tribute with a triage at dawn-like song played after their death.


I have to disagree with you there. Without guns and ammo common with a threatening zombie class, people will lose interest as they will find if they try to melee people, as per your game world, they'd be infected when hit and eventually turn, while killing off all character development. The key is to make zombies strong and some fast in order to create an element of fear, even when people are equipped with stronger weapons and ammo, they're still bullet sponges as well as a few fast ones to make up for it. These zombies take 3+ headshots to kill, same with the faster ones so for that matter, not having guns/ammo would be worse for the players.

My idea is that if people want to stick together, they can, if they don't, they can suffer the consequences of having to fight through shit alone, struggle to scavenge and probably die doing it alone.

I believe new players without any weapons should be NLR'd on death until they actually can find something to defend themselves with, or find a group of people who can protect/help them.

"Staff" should not create a bandit group, that should be left to the players and the rules should be that they can only quarrel/force tribute from another group. Having bandit groups being able to just pick off individuals is anti-fun and it kind of fucks people over. I know it's the zombie apocalypse but there has to be Draconian rules on mugging because of the community we're in.

same xD

There should always be a sense of urgency, whether it be escaping from locations to progress to another, or event just thinking up a way to get your group that's stuck in a house to escape, scatter and regroup to live to the next day when they wake up and realize their home is surrounded by a horde.

No, I disagree. A) I believe there should be a small group of military who are tasked with a section of the city, however, they listen to command and eventually lose contact with command, leaving them in the dark where they need to do an important objective with explosives to escape a section of the city and bring the survivors with them. Afterwards, they should be able to abandon their other troops and go off on their own, or with another group, or whatever, they become just regular survivors, unless the leader of the military wants to force them to stay. It's really up to the remainders of the group to decide what they want to do, or do to others who want to leave. The idea is that all those military soldiers could potentially end up infighting, causing most of them to die, or allow people who want to leave, leave and them it dies off like that, or even stick together and try to work to keep power over citizens, or just to help them.

B) Character authorizations should be responsibly managed and while people should be able to request pistols, rifles, shotguns depending on the reasoning for them to have it and their backstory, — weapons and ammo would consistently be entering the item economy anyways, so that it doesn't matter. It's just another way for items (when they die) to enter circulation.

C) I think it's a bad idea to encourage staff to make throwaway bandit characters tbh, lol.

Why not a combination of both fast and slow zombies, but have high HP as well as well as 'hit hard'?


You're gonna be the SD.
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