Serious Bring Back WW3RP

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Feb 4, 2017
How much kush did you smoke before putting that, that is legit the most retarded jump... Clearly you aren't in our CP faction XD
Yeayea, it's part of their job.

Clearly, it's very likely for a CP that they must engage in s2k when the situation calls for it.
Making it so they get PK'd because they put themselves 'in danger' is plain mental as a forced 'ironmanmode' ruins people's experience when they constantly lose their character development.

Powley asked that dying on the field is a PK without explaining that this should be the case IF we were to face NPCs instead of other players.
So I explained why that's a bad idea after normal WW3RP standards in which it was normal that you engage in s2k.

What also wasn't considered with that idea when we are all part of one faction, like others and myself have mentioned before, is the playercount. Imagine the old two factions, full, but part of one single faction.

Then there is also the risk of lag or, how good can these NPCs actually be to be considered fun fighting against?

These are all things one has to consider as well.
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Deleted member 1381


s t o p


thread discussing issues of ww3/bringing it back/nostalgia please dont turn it into a thread debating pk validation
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Apr 26, 2016
Clearly, it's very likely for a CP that they must engage in s2k when the situation calls for it.
Making it so they get PK'd because they put themselves 'in danger' is plain mental as a forced 'ironmanmode' ruins people's experience when they constantly lose their character development.

Powley asked that dying on the field is a PK without explaining that this should be the case IF we were to face NPCs instead of other players.
So I explained why that's a bad idea after normal WW3RP standards in which it was normal that you engage in s2k.

What also wasn't considered with that idea when we are all part of one faction, like others and myself have mentioned before, is the playercount. Imagine the old two factions, full, but part of one single faction.

Then there is also the risk of lag or, how good can these NPCs actually be to be considered fun fighting against?

These are all things one has to consider as well.

Or you can just man up and accept that characters don't live forever and if they die to an NPC or a valid death through another player it's valid and therefore they are deadp
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Feb 4, 2017
Or you can just man up and accept that characters don't live forever and if they die to an NPC or a valid death through another player it's valid and therefore they are deadp

Right, and if you read my post then you would know that, if it's done with NPCs, I have said nothing against that.

Take your time in the future to read more throughly through posts of others.
I feel like you don't take much of your will to try and understand my posts.
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I don't know if anyone said this earlier or anything, but in the very rare case that WW3 comes back

can we please remove special forces as a playable faction and make it event/IC only
Special Forces would actually work if it was used for anything other than s2k snowflake death squads

I'm sure @Roosebud could comment


Apr 28, 2016
Or you can just man up and accept that characters don't live forever and if they die to an NPC or a valid death through another player it's valid and therefore they are deadp

I’m not personally inclined for an npc v player conflict setting, to me it’s a server built on initiative and when it’s not there then it’s not going to survive. PvP is more of a viable option where both factions can be managed by others under supreme rule of Headstaff. On what environment this probable ww3 conflict server will have? Not sure, but I’m still for an insurgent v conventional army scenario.

A pk on death is a good idea for a pvp conflict server. The options are either win, die, retreat, surrender or commit suicide, and in extreme cases characters may have to be forced to risk their lives to fill up any man shortage, as they are soldiers.

E: I also feel it’s important to keep a healthy competitive factor on the probable server as it encourages people from both sides to do better than the other, rather than having their hands being held. An example would be: if the enemy mines a common spot patrols are set, honor them with your own mines.
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Apr 26, 2016
Special Forces would actually work if it was used for anything other than s2k snowflake death squads

I'm sure @Roosebud could comment

Kinda disappointing really, towards the end we added a lot of equipment specifically designed for non-s2k SF missions and operations, which went barely unused save for some wiretap recorders. We had a number of ongoing discussions regarding reworking the concept of the Special Forces to keep it while removing it as a whitelist.

We re-added the marksman specialisation at some point while heavily nerfing the sniper rifles themselves and putting restrictions in place to ensure we wouldn't have a repeat of the 'm24-sit-in-bush-and-massacre' debacle on LP, having it be entirely focused on reconnaissance and long-range support to teams in need. Unfortunately, like with anything, people found ways to loophole and exploit certain characteristics of the weapon(s), ultimately leading to the two-man recon teams just baiting the enemy and strafing them with gunfire.

E: A big part in the SF not partaking in any sort of operation other than S2K was due to the fact that most proposals for operations revolved around fucking over the enemy faction, rather than having an enjoyable experience and setting up the basis for further rp. (E.g 'Kill enemy vendors for a week', 'blow up their mess hall', 'wiretap person x to get PK reasons on them', etc).
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Deleted member 1381

Kinda disappointing really, towards the end we added a lot of equipment specifically designed for non-s2k SF missions and operations, which went barely unused save for some wiretap recorders. We had a number of ongoing discussions regarding reworking the concept of the Special Forces to keep it while removing it as a whitelist.

We re-added the marksman specialisation at some point while heavily nerfing the sniper rifles themselves and putting restrictions in place to ensure we wouldn't have a repeat of the 'm24-sit-in-bush-and-massacre' debacle on LP, having it be entirely focused on reconnaissance and long-range support to teams in need. Unfortunately, like with anything, people found ways to loophole and exploit certain characteristics of the weapon(s), ultimately leading to the two-man recon teams just baiting the enemy and strafing them with gunfire.

E: A big part in the SF not partaking in any sort of operation other than S2K was due to the fact that most proposals for operations revolved around fucking over the enemy faction, rather than having an enjoyable experience and setting up the basis for further rp. (E.g 'Kill enemy vendors for a week', 'blow up their mess hall', 'wiretap person x to get PK reasons on them', etc).
I think branches as a whole would have to learn to coexist more. It was always a matter of competition and never any coordination. I'd love to see medics, engineers, special forces and NCO's/CO's organising some stuff in a civilised way, everyone respecting the other department and peoples' rank/experience.
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Feb 4, 2017
...can we please remove special forces as a playable faction...
It's called branch. Just saying. Faction is like NATO/Soviet.

Special Forces would actually work if it was used for anything other than s2k snowflake death squads
Right, I have to say that this is false.
I've roleplayed with some SF members of both factions and I have to admit that they were very good, if not better than me, at making sophisticated short, yet descriptive, /me's that show their characters personalities and are simply nice to read through.

I'll give you that there were some foul apples in the casket, sure, but don't say that they all were bad.

cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
It's called branch. Just saying. Faction is like NATO/Soviet.

Right, I have to say that this is false.
I've roleplayed with some SF members of both factions and I have to admit that they were very good, if not better than me, at making sophisticated short, yet descriptive, /me's that show their characters personalities and are simply nice to read through.

I'll give you that there were some foul apples in the casket, sure, but don't say that they all were bad.
Have weird erp with special forces isn’t good roleplay


Apr 26, 2016
It's called branch. Just saying. Faction is like NATO/Soviet.
Right, I have to say that this is false.
I've roleplayed with some SF members of both factions and I have to admit that they were very good, if not better than me, at making sophisticated short, yet descriptive, /me's that show their characters personalities and are simply nice to read through.
no, this is not false nor did you manage to capture the special forces' essence. they aren't there to 'be good at putting /me's in and showing character traits', their point was to be the BEST of the BEST IN TERMS OF ROLEPLAY, LEADERSHIP AND INITIATIVE.
you're seeing everything from behind pink glasses, yes there were good roleplayers in the SF but more or less everyone that was there partook in shitfests, s2k's, memes 20/7, unseriousness and circlejerk. and if you think that these 's2k death squads' didn't happen, then i'm afraid you must've forgot or simply excluded it from your memory
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Feb 4, 2017
Well he’s not wrong, is he?
Actually he is and I can't believe you have me need to deny that actually instead of trying to act civilized.

no, this is not false nor did you manage to capture the special forces' essence. they aren't there to 'be good at putting /me's in and showing character traits', their point was to be the BEST of the BEST IN TERMS OF ROLEPLAY, LEADERSHIP AND INITIATIVE.
Sure, I didn't elaborate in detail these points you mentioned like leadership and initiative, but they had that too.
Making a tl:dr isn't helping me getting my point across if it's an eyesore.

you're seeing everything from behind pink glasses, yes there were good roleplayers in the SF but more or less everyone that was there partook in shitfests, s2k's, memes 20/7, unseriousness and circlejerk. and if you think that these 's2k death squads' didn't happen, then i'm afraid you must've forgot or simply excluded it from your memory
Even you yourself say
yes there were good roleplayers in the SF
That was my point. There was stupid shit, sure, but it wasn't complete shit.
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