Serious Are strays pests?

Are Stray Animals Pests?

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Apr 26, 2016
im not sure if strays are considered pests but my second cat was a stray that kept coming to my house each day we checked with the rspca if it was tagged etc they said no and we asked to keep it

cat ended up being in the family for like 15 years or something until it died last year

strays are cool but i do believe pest control is necessary etc so long as it's humane and not a prolonged death

also people who kick animals etc are mongos who deserve euthanasia
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eternal No-Lifer/resident Vampire
Apr 26, 2016
I read like three pages of this thread before I realized this thread was a bad idea and I can't bother reading all seven pages. Just wanna say a few things.

Also, you guys are being just as bad as @Benjideaula by flaming him for making bad jokes. I've made bad jokes in the past and never heard the end of it, it's not fun. And as he said, all he did was yell at it to get out, and I can understand why he did it. Because strays can carry disease or be hostile, and you should take precaution for yourself firstly, the stray secondly.

I'd like a third option in the poll, 'depends'. I don't see regular strays as pests, but some of them can be very dangerous, even if it's just because they could be sick. Why do we see rats as pest? Mostly because they carry disease.

I absolutely adore animals, before you say anything about whatever I've said here, and I can't stand animals suffering. And in general, most countries probably don't have the issues that the US has with strays (depending on what state). At least from how it sounds by the one who made this thread. In Sweden, I have rarely seen a stray pet/animal, if at all.
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Apr 26, 2016
I read like three pages of this thread before I realized this thread was a bad idea and I can't bother reading all seven pages. Just wanna say a few things.

Also, you guys are being just as bad as @Benjideaula by flaming him for making bad jokes. I've made bad jokes in the past and never heard the end of it, it's not fun. And as he said, all he did was yell at it to get out, and I can understand why he did it. Because strays can carry disease or be hostile, and you should take precaution for yourself firstly, the stray secondly.

I'd like a third option in the poll, 'depends'. I don't see regular strays as pests, but some of them can be very dangerous, even if it's just because they could be sick. Why do we see rats as pest? Mostly because they carry disease.

I absolutely adore animals, before you say anything about whatever I've said here, and I can't stand animals suffering. And in general, most countries probably don't have the issues that the US has with strays (depending on what state). At least from how it sounds by the one who made this thread. In Sweden, I have rarely seen a stray pet/animal, if at all.
Thanks for understanding, and I don't mean to bring up old drama but I feel that the entire incident was just a result of poor communication and misunderstandings on both sides.
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eternal No-Lifer/resident Vampire
Apr 26, 2016
Thanks for understanding, and I don't mean to bring up old drama but I feel that the entire incident was just a result of poor communication and misunderstandings on both sides.
Take it from someone who's said a lot of awkward things, think twice in the future. Drama easily starts, and slowly stops.
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Jan 25, 2017
said a lot of awkward things
I've understood how awkward I am with people when this one time I went to this fast food restaurant and when the cashier greeted me I said "Hello, how much does this cost?" With no context whatsoever as in my mind I had this idea that he must know what I'm ordering via telekinesis.
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eternal No-Lifer/resident Vampire
Apr 26, 2016
I've understood how awkward I am with people when this one time I went to this fast food restaurant and when the cashier greeted me I said "Hello, how much does this cost?" With no context whatsoever as in my mind I had this idea that he must know what I'm ordering via telekinesis.
You mean telepathy. Telekinesis is moving things with your thoughts.

Why do I know these things?

Deleted member 332

My mate went to the Cinema and asked for Popcorn, the guy at the till asked him if he wanted sweet or salty. He felt so awkward he just blurted out "Sour" lmao, I couldn't stop laughing
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Deleted member 19

As someone who lives in the country and has livestock, I will tell you that strays are indeed P E S T S.

Raccoons, deer, foxes, coyotes, all of them are a dangers to chickens. I always have to keep either my .22 or my M1 carbine handy to deal with them.

Now I can see people arguing about animal cruelty, but let me tell you this: pests aren't domesticated and they aren't trained not to do certain things. They're wild animals, and while I agree it would be more beneficial to call the ASPCA in some cases, it has to be at the discretion of the property owner.

I can't tell you how many times I nearly lost a chicken to a fox trying to burrow its way into their fenced in area.
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community antagonizer
Jun 26, 2017
strays are basically pests. this is coming from a dude with a LONG livelihood of animals who live in my house, of many types and a few strays iirc.

they're usually hostile, and if not just overly aggressive just annoying when you're out trying to take your trash to the bin and they're there hissing at you (cats) or scaring the fuck out of your dogs / aggravating them.

this follows in the same category as rats and deer. i'm not a fan of rats cause they've recently invaded my attic and are pretty shit, and or deer who people regard as some beautiful creature when they're basically oversized rats

i'm fine with animal euthanasia with nothing cruel or inhumane happening to them (@Benjideaula) but living in a trailer park, and moving out of one you sort of clearly see why people hold these opinions about 'pests'

cause they've only seen one type of pest, in the suburbs and that's mostly some dudes cat which at best crys outside your window or some shit.

animal abusers are on the same level of society as pedophiles

that's an exaggeration but yes animal abusers are shit.

i'd rather shoot the dude who's a pedophile and did fucked up shit compared to the guy who kicked 100 puppies.
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Jan 24, 2018
I have no problem at all with ferals or strays except for cats

Aight look I know people aren't going to like this but since I live on a farm, my family and I own said farm and we have a lot of poultry, we have to shoot cats and i mean we shoot quite a few.

We don't live close to towns or cities but they must be coming from there because many of them aren't very dirty or overgrown, some are even clean shaven, but everytime they get near they instantly go and kill about 2 or 3 chickens, more if we don't get there in time.

When we shoot at them and they run away we don't chase em down but most of the time we get the shot. We've only had one owner come up and ask If their cat had been shot, we asked them what it looked like and thankfully we hadn't, but one day we will and i hope the owner doesn't find out.

I don't enjoy doing it but i'd rather kill cats than have my chickens, geese and turkeys die


Apr 27, 2016
couple days old but i like the discussion so bump

this was pretty justified

dogs were hostile as seen by the countless people hiding on benches and other stuff, along with the guy who got his leg chomped

officer did what they had to do to not get roughed up by the two of them, as they kept coming despite the officer holding their ground and not running

at least the officer didn't kill the dog