Serious LGBT Thread

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
bought my mother in law a subaru outback

now she can cart my dogs around when bae and i are on vacay


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

ehrc being very normal and equality minded

on one hand, having something to actually confirm you're a woman and not just a guy saying "yeah I'm a girl" so you can go into the female bathroom to rape someone is a good thing

on the other hand, a gender passport???
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Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
on one hand, having something to actually confirm you're a woman and not just a guy saying "yeah I'm a girl" so you can go into the female bathroom to rape someone is a good thing

on the other hand, a gender passport???

Yeah definitely a tough thing to balance. but i have a feeling the motivations aren't exactly what they say they are. it's easy to say it's to protect the vulnerable, but how much of the rhetoric is backed up by data.

I'm not too sure what qualifiers are necessary for this certificate. Is it just a doctor saying "yes this person is transgender" or are there extra steps like some level of reassignment like top/bottom surgeries? time spent living as the identified gender? How is the assessment made before this....certificate? is issued.

is it like a diploma? do they get a fancy booklet to put it into or is it just a shitty phone app. i'd find it weird to have to present a certificate before having a wee, especially if they're passing. at what point is a cis gendered woman going to just get hassled for being too masc or butch. or a really twinky guy coming across as too fem. is britain trying to curtail what little femboys they got?

I unno if this is really a transphobic position to have, but maybe 'you' should probably at least be passing-at-a-glance before using the corresponding facilities. Someone in a dress walking into a woman's facilities with like a full on gigachad beard and speaking with the voice of a man is going to raise a lot of red flags for most people. It's probably the solution that causes the least problems and doesn't necessitate a silly gender passport.


nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
on one hand, having something to actually confirm you're a woman and not just a guy saying "yeah I'm a girl" so you can go into the female bathroom to rape someone is a good thing

on the other hand, a gender passport???
people who are dead set on going into female bathrooms to do stuff like that find their ways in regardless

Yeah definitely a tough thing to balance. but i have a feeling the motivations aren't exactly what they say they are. it's easy to say it's to protect the vulnerable, but how much of the rhetoric is backed up by data.

I'm not too sure what qualifiers are necessary for this certificate. Is it just a doctor saying "yes this person is transgender" or are there extra steps like some level of reassignment like top/bottom surgeries? time spent living as the identified gender? How is the assessment made before this....certificate? is issued.
getting proper trans healthcare is incredibly gatekeepy, let alone getting a GRC. many post-op trans people dont even have them. it basically depends on if ur gp is an asshole or not (most of them). also, the wait times for even getting into a gender identity clinic are like 2-3 years minimum atm


the nhs system still dont really recognise non binary people at all. or people without gender dysphoria/experiences which dont fall in line with NHS guidelines

is it like a diploma? do they get a fancy booklet to put it into or is it just a shitty phone app. i'd find it weird to have to present a certificate before having a wee, especially if they're passing. at what point is a cis gendered woman going to just get hassled for being too masc or butch. or a really twinky guy coming across as too fem. is britain trying to curtail what little femboys they got?
its been basically proven that these kind of bathrooms laws basically just fuck over everyone who doesnt fall into neat 1950s gender stereotypes - regardless of gender (masc women esp)

I unno if this is really a transphobic position to have, but maybe 'you' should probably at least be passing-at-a-glance before using the corresponding facilities. Someone in a dress walking into a woman's facilities with like a full on gigachad beard and speaking with the voice of a man is going to raise a lot of red flags for most people. It's probably the solution that causes the least problems and doesn't necessitate a silly gender passport.
no one genuinely trying to transition is going to use the opposite bathroom without trying to pass at least a little bit, and alot of the time trans ppl end up putting themselves in more danger by continuing to use their sex-assigned bathroom (trans women especially) out of fear of getting outed
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
people who are dead set on going into female bathrooms to do stuff like that find their ways in regardless

i feel like that doesn't invalidate attempts to stop it

"people are going to commit rape regardless" shouldn't be the prevailing argument for trying to prevent it


nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
i feel like that doesn't invalidate attempts to stop it

"people are going to commit rape regardless" shouldn't be the prevailing argument for trying to prevent it
hurting both gnc cis and trans ppl just to ""protect"" against the boogeyman of men pretending to be transwoman is stupid + gay and also terf fearmongering bs, with the target not being men but actually just all trans ppl

u can look up the amount of assaults actually being done in bathrooms and it is largely still just gross disgusting men doing what they have always done instead of prefacing it by pretending to be women

anti-trans bathroom laws are literally just descended from old gay panic era myths where all gays were branded as pedos and sexual predators with no basis - with people trying to stop gay people using bathrooms/locker rooms because of this

i am like slightly drunk i am sorry for ranting but these proposed laws are not backed up by actual facts whatsoever
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May 9, 2016
hurting both gnc cis and trans ppl just to ""protect"" against the boogeyman of men pretending to be transwoman is stupid + gay and also terf fearmongering bs, with the target not being men but actually just all trans ppl

u can literally look up the amount of assaults actually being done in bathrooms and it is largely still just gross disgusting men doing what they have always done instead of prefacing it by pretending to be women

anti-trans bathroom laws are literally just descended from old gay panic era myths where all gays were branded as pedos and sexual predators with no basis - with people trying to stop gay people using bathrooms/locker rooms because of this

i am like slightly drunk i am sorry for ranting but these proposed laws are not backed up by actual facts whatsoever

or as jk rowling names them
penised individuals


Sep 30, 2017

They fucked me up so bad holy shit 11th February haircut incident (do not research)

there goes 2 years of growing my hair out the fucking window

guess im going bald mode
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Sep 30, 2017
ok its not that bad i managed to save it a bit

Johnny B. Goode

Objectively Best MGS poster
Apr 26, 2016
hurting both gnc cis and trans ppl just to ""protect"" against the boogeyman of men pretending to be transwoman is stupid + gay and also terf fearmongering bs, with the target not being men but actually just all trans ppl

u can look up the amount of assaults actually being done in bathrooms and it is largely still just gross disgusting men doing what they have always done instead of prefacing it by pretending to be women

anti-trans bathroom laws are literally just descended from old gay panic era myths where all gays were branded as pedos and sexual predators with no basis - with people trying to stop gay people using bathrooms/locker rooms because of this

i am like slightly drunk i am sorry for ranting but these proposed laws are not backed up by actual facts whatsoever
i used a shared gender bathroom in manchester when i visited my friend on a nightstop once and i had to make sure to properly wipe the seat after bro i got some mad splashage going on lol owned