So is Nebulous reduced to only HL2RP now?


Apr 26, 2016
ive been saying this forever

when the fuck are we getting an ss13 server

never cause byond is shit and alex has a personal vendetta against byond

cyberpunkRP I really want but it'd have to be really diverse from HL2RP otherwise it'll split the player base of HL2RP instead of attracting as much new people as a unique concept.

post-apocalypse is probably the way to go, FTRP had a lot of concept but was let down because of management
i think if we do go for a new server and it's not heavily s2k based (see ww3rp) we should try out a new system such as advanced roll's akin to respite and that one cyberpunkRP server
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
never cause byond is shit and alex has a personal vendetta against byond

cyberpunkRP I really want but it'd have to be really diverse from HL2RP otherwise it'll split the player base of HL2RP instead of attracting as much new people as a unique concept.

post-apocalypse is probably the way to go, FTRP had a lot of concept but was let down because of management
i think if we do go for a new server and it's not heavily s2k based (see ww3rp) we should try out a new system such as advanced roll's akin to respite and that one cyberpunkRP server
I want it so badly.
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Extraction Point
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 31, 2016
What is made so far just an idea I've worked on with a few friends:

Geneva, 2341


Taking place on Earth, several hundred years in the future as mankind faced a rapid expansion in technology, in the mid 2200's, ground breaking discoveries were made by scientists allowing fast, rapid, and cheap space travel. Research and development teams also began to develop cybernetic implants across the world, incredibly expensive, most only available to law enforcement or citizens with heavy enough wallets. As years progressed, corporations across the world continued to become richer, with in many occasions, having more wealth than entire countries. Governments around the world slowly became more corrupt, being bribed into submission to loosen their restrictions on business regulations. In due time, the corporations owned the world. The continued expansion of machinery across the solar system's planets slowly began to fade out a large part of the human work force, pushing many people out of jobs to feed their families, many streets across civilization being riddled with poverty, drugs, prostitution, and other petty crime.

I understand that this is a very basic set up for a cyber punk universe, however you can go into fucking piles of books' worth of lore for a cyber punk universe, this is largely just a rough outline.


The server will utilize an S2RP based system, all deaths will be PKs, muggings will be common, and the city should be a believable crime ridden slum place that feels actually dangerous to live in if you do not watch your step.




Citizens of Geneva living under the strong arming and poverty of the governments. This faction is meant to be extremely open in terms of allowing the players do what they want and be creative with their characters. Guns are meant to be semi-cheap, with melee weapons being a common sight. Pretty much all guns will be legal to own at any given instance except for ridiculous ones, as long as you keep your weaponry holstered, you will be safe. Players will be free to form gangs and cause conflicts as they wish.


Geneva Police Department

A group of incredibly understaffed and corrupt officials from the city that operate with little communication and otherwise little opposition. Large portions of the police department remain to be hired thugs that can be bribed off with anything. Typically they will only find themselves obligated to crack down on large groups of crime in the city if it becomes a large, noticeable issue such as riots, daily shootouts, etc. They will primarily just do it as a show of force to remind the people who are the real bosses of the city.This faction is meant to have few players in it and the characters in it to be roided up thugs that take sides in gang warfare. This faction will have a somewhat compressed version of the American police ranking system, something along the lines of "Captain, lieutenant, sergeant, corporal, officer"


Black Market Dealers/Store Owners

Largely just an admin driven faction with no real set number of slots. People can apply to be a dealer/store owner as they wish. People who wish to own things such as gun flags are usually trusted players that are group leaders in player-formed factions so that they can distribute weaponry to their members, obviously the illegal distribution of high end weaponry won't be permitted. There will also be flags for things such as food or other essential supplies to be sold in legal stores.


Corporation Delegates

High ranking members of corporations across the world, the rich, fat, and wealthy 1% of civilization. Hated by nearly the entire population, these men and women practically own the police, often times strong arming them into morally grey scenarios to fit their own agenda at the cost of keeping an officer's well being safe. These delegates are subject to frequent attacks on the streets, often times requiring a constant escort if they don't wish to put themselves at such a high risk.

This faction will be an application-based thing. They have "authority" over the police faction. It is advised that officers listen to them and do as they say if they do not wish for something bad to happen to them.


Events in this will be very open to what the event team want to do, cyberpunk universes are extremely open ended, especially with space travel being a possibility. Player driven factions are also meant to be a source of conflict. As stated earlier, your character is not expected to live long if you are not smart, it is meant to be brutal if you can't associate yourself with a group fast and wish to be independent. If someone wants to start a war on the streets with someone else, then it is perfectly fine and encouraged. Player driven drama and conflict over petty things such as turf or drugs is exciting, engaging, and always feels refreshing for those in it.

Question please ask.

map also


2050: The First Human-Level Artificial Intelligence is Created

What is considered to be perhaps the first leap in mankind's journey towards the stars, the first AI is created by Google, sparking mass tensions across the world as religions' ideals and virtues are shattered to discover that a man can be made of metal and software and not out of flesh and bone. Riots begin to form and take over the streets of the world, various Google headquarters face bombings, with multiple of the company being assassinated. The scientific community perceived this accomplishment as a massive step towards the future for what mankind can do.

2075: Artificial Intelligence Becomes a Commercial Product

Twenty-five years after it's original invention, artificial intelligence is capable of being able to get shipped off as various products for consumers across the world. Countries throughout the middle east outlaw all products containing AI with human-level emotion processing to it. Religions across the planet face a mass exodus, many people defecting their beliefs which their families have followed for generations.

2094: Space Travel Revolutionized

Swiss researchers discover a means to manufacture gaps in the fabric of reality to permit instant transmission from one region to another, dubbed "warp gates", expeditions to establish these devices are immediately dispatched to planets across the galaxy, as well as places across the world, allowing users to go from India to America, to Earth to Venus at a moment's notice.

2110: The Colonization of Mars

After over a hundred years in planning and funding, the first civilization on mars is made, officially being classed as it's own nation and recognized by the United Nations as a scientific outpost, however many question the validity of it being a scientific outpost, Earth watching it's now newly born sister grow rapidly among the stars.

2145: The Great Collapse

A colonization vessel containing over three million people suffers a terrorist attack over orbit of Earth. Bombings happening across it, the engines failing, causing it to crash into the Earth. The vessel collided into the plains of the country of Mexico, killing all three million people aboard as well as an additional two million people from the nuclear-equivalent blast in an instant. This leads to mass riots across the world, space travel's safety as a whole being questioned, and causing the scientific community to take a back seat, the minds of the people taking over. The culprit of the bombing or their reasoning was never discovered.

2130: Mars Declares Independence

Mars, after facing tariffs too high to tax the people become fully self-sufficient declares independence from Earth, forcing itself into a oligarchy form of government. A council of five is established to rule over the planet, a surge of military presence is prompted across the planet. Mars begins rapid construction on a navy bound for space combat.

2150: The Mars Skirmishes

The United Nations, after over twenty years of preparation for humanity's first ever space-bound warfare sends out the forces of the United States, Germany, Brazil, the United Kingdom, China, and United Nation of Korea to Mars in an effort to stabilize the planet, it's people, as well as dismantling the government for it to officially be rejoined into Earth. The next ten years would be a grueling conflict fought by hundreds of thousands of men and women for the planet of Mars. The Earth navy finds itself outgunned by the masses in space warfare, the Martian population having prepared for the conflict to be stopped in space. The first of humanity's warfare in space was a disaster, many of the Earth forces being obliterated by rail cannons among other explosives within moments of pressing their assault on the planet.

2163: The Earth Concedes

After losing nearly two million soldiers in combat and not even coming close to breaching Mars' atmosphere, the Earth concedes all militaristic efforts to siege the planet, granting it full independence as it's own country and resuming trade efforts among the two.

This is just a rough sketch and maybe half of what I have planned so far for the world-building of the server. If any head staff are reading this, I am very passionate about and I am willing to sit down with you for hours and discuss my ideas I have for it.

Feedback from the rest of staff is appreciated.

The Planets so Far


The birth of civilization as we know it. Earth remains to be a globalist government, ironically it stands as the bottom of the barrel for what human kind has to offer, crime rates and poverty are a planet-wide crisis, off-world residency being a distant dream for many residents of Earth. It is no secret to those that live on Earth that corporations own the government. Large pockets of terrorism among other cells of militants are prevalent across Earth, wanting the independence of countries to once again become a pillar of humanity.

The Martian Confederacy

Mars, after earning it's independence through blood and triumph in the year of 2163, Mars remains to be independent. Poverty and petty crime have become a thing of the past, Mars has founded an oligarchy means of government which consists of little corruption. It has become famous across humanity for nearly all of those who live on it managing to retain a position in the high life that is comfort and pleasure. Mars proudly leads humanity with all things research & development related, including, but not limited to: weaponry, space craft, augmentations, and artificial intelligence. Residents of Mars frequently call it a utopia anyone should be proud to live in, all of those that dwell on it having a guaranteed right to free health care, schooling, and housing for a life time.

The Saturn Outposts

Saturn, a gas giant among our solar system marks itself as a crucial hub for all things trading, it serves as the primary docking area for supplies being manufactured on Neptune. Saturn's atmosphere is dotted with thousands of massive docking cities, anyone that marks Saturn as their permanent home is likely in the business of loading, unloading, and managing the goods coming through the cities.

The Neptune Protectorate

Neptune, a colony that exists almost for the sole purpose of manufacturing goods. Almost all of the great inventions researched and developed on Mars are mass produced here. Neptune is also holder of the solar systems' largest work camps that hold criminals judged guilty for high priority crimes to live out the rest of their days as slave labor. Neptune is often considered to be the home of many large corporations and where they base their head quarters out of, and holds the strongest economy out of all the planets.

The Pluto Stations

Pluto, serving as a dwarf planet on the farthest reaches of our solar system is home to multiple small scientific research outposts containing several thousand scientists, typically assigned with monitoring the stars for lifeforms monitoring and being responsible for humanity's expansion among the stars. The planet is also known to occasionally serve as a testing ground for volatile military assets that can not be used anywhere else in the solar system.




This guide will aim to cover all of the activities, you as a member of the Geneva Police Department may encounter. This guide will be considered OOC as it does outline your limitations within the faction.

Those who have been lucky enough to get a career in law enforcement on Earth are far and few between, law enforcement being one of the last remaining occupations that must be carried out by human forces. Officers serving with Geneva are typically men and women who have been lucky enough to get an education and maintain a good lifestyle throughout their stay in the city to be eligible for the job. The Genva Police Department is largely considered to be understaffed and under-equipped for it's location being at the center of a crime ridden slum. Many officers typically resort to corruption over their pledged duty to the people.

The Geneva Police department lacks staff in the CSI field, often forcing ground officers to carry out most investigations, with the detective position being a rare job that many aspire to be. Officers are usually the first and last line of defense to protect the government with domestic terrorism, fighting, and crime. Military assets across the board are all diverted off-world or to protecting government buildings, leaving police departments to act on their own autonomy.


  • The city of Geneva is often labeled as a crime ridden slum by the world, many officers being overwhelmed. As such, officers are not able to conduct large operations on the area and can only enforce crimes that are considered to be large, the most typical form of punishment is a fine.
  • Fines: Fines can be issued out by officers after documenting and processing subjects. A subject will be given a set amount of Earth credits they must pay due within three days, if the subject fails to do so, they will be marked as an enemy to the state and are to be detained immediately to be shipped to an off-world work camp until further notice. Officers are encouraged to be actively checking the files of citizens to ensure that they do not have late fines on them.
  • Firearms: All officers are expected to have weaponry holstered constantly. If entering a crowded building or clearing a building, they may unholster their service weapon, they may only raise it, however once clearing a building. Officers should not enter a crowded building with a raised firearm unless their intent is a detainment of all individuals inside. Officers may raise their firearm when detaining someone. Reckless usage of firearm safety will foresee punishment for officers involved.

Misdemeanors - Fined 600-800 Earth Credits
Public Intoxication |
Showing to be intoxicated and otherwise inebriated while in a public location that is not inside of a building.
Class B Assault | Fighting with other citizens in public.
Petty Theft | Stealing something deemed to be worth 500 Earth Credits or less.
Trespassing | Trespassing into property owned by other citizens.

Class B Felony - Fined 1000-1500 Earth Credits
Arson | Starting a fire with a malicious intent
Illegal Firearm Possession | Owning a firearm that is two handed and fully automatic. - After prosecuting, strip owner of said firearm.
Fleeing Law Enforcement | Actively making an effort to flee officers from prosecution.
Identity Theft | Posing as citizens/officers/corporation delegates with fake names, ID, or other proof.
Rioting | Being apart of a large group attempting to spark unrest throughout the city.

Class A Felony - Permanent Relocation to an Off-World Work Camp
Class A Assault |
Any assault on corporation delegate personnel.
Class AB Assault | Assault with a deadly weapon/intent to kill that is not an act of self-defense.

Captain: The designated leader of the police department in the city, they play a large management role to the organization and are typically seen little in public areas.
Lieutenant: Serving directly under the captain, officers holding this rank are typically seen as some of the other large management figures in the organization and act as enforcers.
Sergeant: NCOs that usually act as minor leadership position holders to help guide those new to the police force.
Corporal: Typically seen as a position that serve as a trial for sergeant, those holding this rank are officers that have shown promise and have established themselves as someone to keep an eye on.
Officer: The basic and most common rank of the police force, men and women holding this rank are the standard ground enforcers for the city of Geneva.

Class A Kevlar Vest: A heavy vest capable of stopping most ballistic rounds aimed at the officer's center mass, padding comprised of the same materials is also able to be worn on an officer's knees, thighs, wrists, and shoulders.
Military Grade Tactician Helmet: A metal helmet with a plexi glass visor going down the front of it, the helmet has a built in radio which is accessible by pressing a button on the side. The visor has software allowing an officer to better, and effectively aim easier.


Feedback is appreciated as I construct it.

That's what I was talking about, but thing about another scifi is that it needs to be different enough from HL2RP otherwise it'd be similar or pretty much the same.

It looks sick though

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
I still think cat rp should be considered.

Think of the erp for all you weirdos that erp!!!!!

/me paws your thigh and you moan
/me lets out a gentle cute purr, nyah~

Or just diverge from roleplay gamemodes from the time being because time and time again, the other RP servers that we've tried simply don't make the cut. Wait until we can come up with something truly unique and doable that wouldn't split the player base from the flagship rp server.

There's TTT, Minecraft (fuck terraria, it's trash especially for larger groups of people), plenty of other bloody games like GTA V and the like. Hell us Halo nerds can go make a club/clan thing on Halo 5 if we REALLY felt like it and started up a little Nebulous crew on that front. We already have a fun little crew of folks here that have a solid Stellaris setup.

It's not like we necessarily need the staff to jerk us off with a new gamemode asap. We can always venture out and maybe if there's enough interest/big enough playerbase it can get the blessing of Head Staff with it's own forum section or something. In the mean time the Head Staff and developers can work on core Nebulous projects.
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
I still think cat rp should be considered.

Think of the erp for all you weirdos that erp!!!!!

/me paws your thigh and you moan
/me lets out a gentle cute purr, nyah~

Or just diverge from roleplay gamemodes from the time being because time and time again, the other RP servers that we've tried simply don't make the cut. Wait until we can come up with something truly unique and doable that wouldn't split the player base from the flagship rp server.

There's TTT, Minecraft (fuck terraria, it's trash especially for larger groups of people), plenty of other bloody games like GTA V and the like. Hell us Halo nerds can go make a club/clan thing on Halo 5 if we REALLY felt like it and started up a little Nebulous crew on that front. We already have a fun little crew of folks here that have a solid Stellaris setup.
tbh it was a joke but I find terraria superior to minecraft in single player or two player coop but it is shit when there are more than like 4 people.


Apr 28, 2016
Ww3 was fun

The changes made by it was not so just go to square one

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
Ww3 was fun

The changes made by it was not so just go to square one

With what staff? They jumped ship, including the server director who was later promoted to Head Staff. There was a long tangent about why WW3 was closing up shop and it was, in my opinion, a perfectly rational explanation and course of action to take. It became pretty clear that WW3 was unsustainable in the long run and had to be put down like a sick dog.

We can't keep rehashing the same bullshit over and over again. Try something new, experiment a little (don't literally do experiment unless we're doing it the old school way), branch out and find something new even if it's not officially Nebulous sanctioned at the start. Just nab some Nebulino pals and start a thing, like the Stellaris thing which seems to be slowly growing in numbers with every season. Those of us with Xbox Ones can start an Xbox Live club, those of us that play Halo 5 can form a Halo 5 clan and flesh it out, for example. We can go with Rust, Minecraft, GTA V, countless other games instead of circle jerking around the same themes or gamemodes like Frundtech and WW3 RP. Think new. Think fresh.

Think outside the box instead of confining ourselves to Gmod and RP servers, like @Zak said, we're not just a RP server. If something community started gains enough traction I'm sure the head staff would have no problem sanctioning it properly.
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Deleted member 5162

SS13? What is that?
Also, my idea is that we should have a some-sort of a game where it is set in war, like... Most of us are actually in PassiveRP, we don't really do much of a combat RP around here, WW3RP was doing it, but it died out, so how about we get Clone Wars as Knight suggested, it looks great in my opinion.

Deleted member 3713

My dick way too small to have y’all on it.
Jun 23, 2017
I know this sounds dumb but what about an alternate history kind of thing? Maybe like WW2 is still going on and the atom bomb was never made? something like that.